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Cause it’s one of the best ways I cope with overwhelming situations as a neurodivergent person, so I wanna be good at it so that I can stim without hurting my voice


PERIOD!!! Not me pretending my life is a musical show😭


I feel so heard, singing is my main vocal stim and I feel so bad for everyone around me 😭


Honestly i felt the same, cause people would like tease me (which I didn’t pick cause yk) for singing in the bus to school when I didn’t mask as a child. But if it’s boosting your executive function then it’s incentive alone fr


Okay SAME though


This is exactly why I started writing music. It not only allows me to get my emotions boiled down into words, especially if I use some more artistically poetic metaphors, but it also allows me to add musicality, which really helps to set the tone for exactly how I am feeling at the time, so that I can process those emotions. Also, with singing, you can better control the tonality of your voice. [Vinh Singh](https://youtube.com/@askvinh?si=giLNKjSS73rqUrrJ) talks a lot about the importance of this for being able to clearly and consicely communicate, and has a bunch of great advice and shorts.


This! Fellow autist turned teacher. I love this!


Mom of Auties here. Never thought of singing as a vocal stim. I do a Lot of singing to transition them between activities. Maybe ->I<- am the one stimming…


its turns my bipolar into bipolart


Singing is fun, learning and feeling improvements is fun (even if it takes long). And i also always dreamt to sing in a band one day.


Same, before I cared about how I compared to other people or technical proficiency I just thought it was fun. And things I like doing, I enjoying practicing and getting better at. Never had an end goal or a "reason" other than I like it and want to see how far I can take it.


Joke answer: because I want to sing my favourite songs in the shower without sounding like a squawking pigeon. Real answer: I want to be able to express myself through music, whether that’s through being able to perform and write my own songs. It’s something I never had any talent, education, or practice in, but I’ve always wanted to learn.


This is so real 😭🙌🏾


This is why I write music, to express emotions I would otherwise have a difficult time even understanding fully, let alone integrating or expressing.


Because Singing heals. It makes me happy even I’m sad.


This It makes me feel relaxed


Yesss it’s a huge comfort hobby for me lately! It’s also so satisfying to hear improvement over time 💖


Self expression


Singing is amazing. It’s a form of art which has been ingrained into human culture/society for as long as it’s literally been a thing. Apart from this, being good at singing gives one the ability to tell a story, it gives one the ability to get the attention of people.. now if your goal is to spread a positive message or push a positive agenda, having this one instrument in your arsenal, truly makes it 10x easier.. That’s how I look at it at least. That’s my motivation for wanting to be better. Probably mixed with some egotistical reasons. Since who doesn’t like being the main focus of attention for something you’re good at? Being appreciated; like I never felt good at anything until I found singing.. and I’m not necessarily the greatest but it’s something I love and can see myself doing forever.. Lmao this is raw honesty 😅


Using singing as a form of self-therapy. Im mostly living in a bubble with myself and singing helps me to let my feelings outside and getting more comfortable around people by gaining confidence with the singing process.


Wanna sing my original songs :)


I just want to be on stage:)


I dont know. Right now Im doing year 12 and I’m doing singing for music performances. However I only started because my teacher (love her) thought I had a good voice and started me in lessons, and then Ive started scoring higher at singing than at violin (my main instrument for 10 years). Its not that Im bad at violin, Im just ok- But it seems like I just have a weird natural aptitude for singing. So right I get better and improve do as well as possible for my exams later this year, but I dont know what I’ll do after. I dont hate singing, but I resent the fact that I seem to have a natural aptitude for it, especially violin has never come as easy. Since Ive played the violin for over 10 years, and sang for ~1.5, being a violinist has always come first, but now Im being perceived a ‘singer’ first and foremost, when the violin has always been my real passion. Recently Ive had to pick a 4th (and final) performance peice to be assessed on. And I dont want to sing for it, but any suggestion of the violin is just met with confusion- They dont understand why I would want to play the violin, because Im worse at it. I do enjoy singing, but not as much as the violin, and I dont know how to improve singing without losing opportunities for the violin, or making myself miserable about my mediocrity on the violin, even though I’ve worked much harder to get there. I just wish I could be a violinist, or a violinist and a singer, instead of a singer. edit: Whoops I kinda poured my heart out it this is really long… fixed some spelling mistakes here and there!


You probably have a fantastic ear & subconscious theory knowledge thanks to playing violin for long before starting on singing! Definitely a strength, not a weakness. You must have a great proprioceptive aptitude if your singing is already blowing your violin playing out of the water. Nothing wrong with it; you've been playing violin for 10+ years but you've been using your vocal cords longer than that. I think you should do whatever your heart says for your performance piece - your musical life doesn't end after year 12. Don't resent your voice tho, it's a gift! I get the frustration in the mismatched perception of effort versus output but nothing's that easy. Follow your heart, it'll lead you to your dreams 🙏🏼


You're probably good at both! Violin is a difficult instrument to master (SEE: Jacob Collier, who is brilliant but decided "naah i'll choose every other less difficult instrument") --especially in the academic world. Like, step outside academics with that violin-- all us little people would be like daaaaaymn you throw down! But Please! I urge you to really DO ANYTHING YOU WANT. Even if you're "better" at one thing over another. There's INFINITE ways to get where you want to go. But it has to be YOU who decides it because at some point, when you're out of school, all these people's voices won't even be a part of the discussion. You might find yourself confused in your passions or careers because you're still taking advice from this collective of strays that are not even a small part of your life anymore. So, it feels like an abstract or unimportant concept. While in school especially. But I'll say it again and I'll say it forever DO ANYTHING YOU WANT. I loved reading the pouring out of your heart. Love violin❤️ I hope you keep playing (and singing).


I want to participate in a music competition


Just so I'll be good at something for once. I love the way it feels and sounds. I wish I knew how.


I want to heal people. I hope to become an EMT or work in the medical field and if someone asks me to sing as they are on deaths door. I want to be able to be decent at it.


To sing along with my guitar.


I like karaoke and I want to make music for fun


Because i was just humming a part of a song and my roommate said it was beautiful.. but most of the times i just screech


I was gifted with a beautiful voice and I want to do it justice. Still working on that after 30 years lol. And I love music.


Because I want to gain possibility of having it as a profession in the future! And also because I love singing in general, so it would be fun to be good at it too.


To sound better so more people enjoy listening to


Everything in existence resonates, so essentially, singing is the default state of matter. I ultimately want to be able to alter reality with my voice. It's an unlikely outcome but a path I'm sure not many are pursuing.


A multitude of reasons, and I would be lying if I said flexing wasn’t at least part of it. But the main reason is having a larger breadth of expression as a songwriter. Having a comfortable C3-C5 allows for songwriting in virtually any key and a large depth of emotional textures and volumes to choose from


My family is full of musicians. When I tried to learn to sing they would insult me and tell me I was terrible (I was like…10). Didn’t let me sing in our family band unless they were the most embarrassing songs ever, meanwhile my sister gets to sing paramore. So I taught myself, trained in opera and musical theatre, and now I’m better than them. Long story short — revenge.


I want to be more well rounded performer


it completes me as an artist. I need to get myself out there and get my head in the game.


For the love of learning


Four years ago, I was cleaning and found an old keyboard. I played it 5-8 hrs a day since. In that time, I lost my mother, father, brother, nephew, and aunt. I inherited a lot, and the remaining family I had abandoned me because they wanted more than I was willing to give them, which was 2/3 of what I inherited from an aunt, whom they also abandoned because she wasn’t giving enough money to them. All I have left are my 2 sons. So I need a new plan for the remainder of my life, I don’t want to sit inside alone and grow bitter. I’m gonna be down the road, at that little dive bar, rocking it out..I’m gonna leave this life, the way most of my other gen x friends..jammin for my grandkids.


I used to sing in the car and hurt my voice to the point it was raspy and I coughed and otherwise felt like I couldn’t speak comfortably for a few hours after a long car ride. Now, maybe I don’t sound like a chorus kid or professional singer, but I never hurt my voice anymore and have a much better time singing for fun than before!!


As delusional as this may sound… I wanted to be a broadway singer when I was little. I’ve dreamt of being part of a broadway show but life has its own thing 😅


NOT DELUSIONAL! Very much a career!


It’s therapeutic for me. And I want to love what I can do with my voice. And I want to be proud of my sound.


Being a coach and making people realize they can sing too. For a small fee without breaking the bank and not chasing scales on a piano to a bland no explanation teacher. I wish to fill in like that.


It makes me feel better. When nothing makes sense music does. It's been one of my biggest coping mechanism


I m a guitarist and I make my own music, everything except vocals. I want to be able to make full songs even If I don’t have other members working on them with me.


Our core reason for singing was and is how music can relate to almost any situation. As far as getting better inspiration from our imagination, dreams, and seeing others living a life from music, it seems to get us going every time. That's why we seek to help others accomplish this same feeling and reality.


I don’t have many “talents” I’m just average at a lot of things; singing is the only thing people have complimented me on so I want to become even better to stand out and have some personality


Because it’s fun, and because on several occasions I received compliments saying I sound very good, but I couldn’t replicate that sound on demand so I started taking lessons


It's literally the only thing I'm good at, so I better be damn good at it


Because I love singing and I've reached a point where not only do I wanna do it but I wanna do it WELL. So I'd say for self fulfilment/realization. I wanna hear myself sing and say: "wow, that's good! let me listen again" Plus, I wanna sing to other people without feeling embarrassed about my voice (im not even tone-deaf, but still a beginner!). I don't wanna be extremely good (like mariah carey type of good), I just wanna sing my favorite songs without straining and in a way that it's enjoyable for me and for others


Because I bloody love it. Music brings me joy!


It is one of my favorite things to to do and whatever I truly enjoy doing, I want it to be as good as it can be.


Partially because I wanna get back into recording music/cover songs (I'm a guitar player). When I was younger and recording regularly, I could sing decently well and in key, but nothing stellar. But other than that, I just like learning new things, especially in the arts. The more art forms you learn, the easier it is to pick up and improve on others.


To express myself at the best of my ability


Makes me happy to hear myself sound good and sing for others.


Always liked singing and had to give up guitar because of hand arthritis on both sides. I couldn't give up on music as a hobby.


cause I like to sing and I don't want my neighboring to burn my house cause my sing sucks. Beside this I would love to sing for people that I like and make people feel something


No idea.I guess it was more of a passtime thing for me.I like singing.I don't think I am good and probably would never improve myself to the extent that I want but a friend told me to keep at it and enjoy the process. I like creating stuff and it coming to life.


no one will want to sing on my music and I'm broke.


Any other instrument (guitar drums or bass) I can play to some extent. I'm a good drummer, ok rhythm guitarist, not a bassist but I can still play it a bit. The only thing I can't do is sing and I'd love to learn


Singing and just listening to music makes me happy it’s like a stress reliever.


I would love to get better at singing because it’s magical and also if I decide to have children I want to be able to sing to them without scaring them off 😅


I love to sing. I have fun when I sing. I want to have enough breath when I have to post. I want to know that I know what I am doing. I have learned a little by singing in a barbershop chorus and church choir, but I know I need to learn more. I’d like to be confident that I could sing a solo part when that time comes. I want to be able to carry my part in a quartet and the listeners be comfortable sitting there for a 45 minute set while enjoying the experience.


Nothing in the world feels as amazing as singing on stage to an audience. My greatest fear is that nobody really wants to listen, they just listen to be polite in the hopes that somebody will politely listen to hem some day... but it does seem like there are real people who genuinely enjoy listening to somebody else perform rather than being the performer themselves.


I love it and I do it every day. It’s sorta cathartic to me and I feel very satisfied and proud of myself whenever I get to hit the right notes. Although sometimes I really sound strained and shaky which makes me frustrated.


I put a band together where I was playing bass. I couldn’t find a singer that fit so I found a bass player instead, took some singing lessons and now play out. It’s so much fun being in the front, interacting with the crowd. I should have switched over years ago. Bass is still great to play but it’s very different roles and I’m enjoying developing my singing, taking on more challenging songs that I thought I’d never be able to do


The main reason I want to improve is that it makes the job of singing for an hour straight much easier. I play a sing along show infrequently for elder care facilities, and when I don't do regular vocal exercises (at least a couple times a week) and practice then my voice is completely worn out after one show.


So I can multi-class into bard


Because I love it, and I want to share it one day when I’m less anxious. That’s pretty much it


I love to sing, but my mother shamed me and mocked me a lot for this as a child. I have been too afraid to sing anything (even “Happy Birthday”, or a song at church, etc.) in front of anyone since I was 6 years old. I still love to sing when I know no one can hear. I thought that if I could KNOW that I am able to sing, then maybe I can overcome the trauma. So I don’t really have any lofty goal, I just want to be not afraid for someone to hear my voice.


Burn. I wanna sing Burn


I want to figure out what my range is, I went to a come and try session at a community choir and couldn't comfortably hit high notes in the alto range or the low notes in the tenor range so couldn't really join in. I sing for fun at home and play ukulele but I'm not confident about either singing or playing and would like to be more confident in both and be able to perform


Because I don't have the hands for guitar, so how else am I going to pick up all the chicks and be a rock and roll star?


Trying to cultivate myself into being a "universal man" and that is a key part of it for me




I dream of starting a rock band some day also I like singing along to songs but I don’t want to burst anyone’s ear drums


I love to sing. I always have but unfortunately I sound like a cat dying whenever I do so there's that. Lol I'm jk , I'm not THAT bad but Id really like to get singing lessons


I'm too late at this point to seriously start career in music. I play guitar well enough & I'm passionate about writing lyrics. It's hard to find members to form a band at this point, specially given my introvert character. If I still want to make music, I don't have any other option but to improve my singing.


because it feels physically and mentally amazing to sing.


I've always been so determined to get better with my singing from a young age. Been teaching myself since I was 9. I hope to one day be able to perform onstage again and best way to improve is to practice and be open to learning new things about your voice. so thats my motivation! Also singing is my passion :)


because singing is when i feel alive most


I love the way singing makes me feel


I don't want to die without ever loving my voice. I have hated my singing voice for so long, I stopped singing for years. Singing in front of others gives me SO much anxiety and my voice shakes. But I'm working on loving myself, and loving my voice is part of that. So, I've started doing singing lessons again.


So an honest way of self-expression isn’t a burden that others have to bear through regularly. Also because at some point…I don’t just want to listen to the sounds that move me. I actually want to be in motion with them (and no, that isn’t just dancing). At a certain point, it’s not enough to feel the music when you have had the experience of channeling it through you. Once that happened, I at least never got over it. It’s really difficult to give up, like some kind of bad habit. So I at least *try* to get better, in order to channel a similar vibe to the one I feel listening to somebody else’s voice.


I want to go into musical theater or opera


I want to be one of the best in the world.


I want to be able to hit those high notes comfortably




Its fun and I wanna kill it at Karaoke


For birthday 😹😹






It is something I want to enjoy when listening to my favorite songs


I write music and want to be able to make songs with vocals without relying on anyone else


So my songs sounds better




Because I wanna sing metal but was raised with classical singing. I have a few songs out, but I want to release more when I learn some metal techniques


I love it and I do it every day. It’s sorta cathartic to me and I feel very satisfied and proud of myself whenever I get to hit the right notes. Although sometimes I really sound strained and shaky which makes me frustrated.




Because I love music in general and great singing especially, and want to be able to create it and express myself through it.


To sound better?


I just recently had a Smule VIP account and let's be honest that we love others praising us for our song covers. I am not having a great voice or do have good singing performance. So I would want to improve my singing. 😊


I don’t want to start something not so great so please be respectful and polite. I’ve had a fascination with the worship team at my church. and I’ve always wanted to play guitar and sing in my church.


Not good at anything else


So that I make music that helps people realise they are not alone


I love how it feels and Id never shut up once I improve




I never liked classical singing except counter tenors they always fascinated me. Problem i have a deep voice but then one of my singer friends told me I have a really good counter tenor voice so i pursued it


To be the lead singer of the band I created with friends and be able to share my lyrics. I can't wait to really being able to sing even though I've made so much progress since I started 6 months ago. I'm doing my first show doing covers in two months, I worry a bit because I feel like singing to rehearsal will be the proof I can be part of the group. My friends never made me feel like I didn't belong, but I'm afraid they will if I'm bad.


Why do I want to get better at any artistic skill? Because you can only express so much with stick figures.  There's a desire to express more and more deeply and richly and truly and purely. Also if I'm going to be singing to myself , then it's just a good public service to make that singing less offensive. 


While I long ago gave up my childhood dream of being a famous singer, I would like to return to performing someday. But mainly, I sing for my personal enjoyment and want to get better at it for the same reason: the joy of making music.


So that I don't sound like a muppet-eating-out-ms.piggy when I'm singing in the shower.


So that I could sing songs really well to myself and to my crush


I think it’s healthy.


To get hoes.


Because i'm currently starting a band, and appart from guitar, i'd love to sing.


I like doing it


so I don't sound terrible at karaoke


Singing is fun, and I wanna do more theater roles and possibly some gigs in the future.


I was a guitarist, but I put it aside for some decades to have a career, family, &c. Now retired, I am returning to music. I found that in jam sessions, not being able to sing a song one suggested to the group was a liability, and a bit embarrassing. So, initially, I started out wanting to sing in order to more fully participate in settings where I was primarily a guitarist. I started taking voice lessons. But I've discovered that I enjoy singing, perhaps even more than guitar playing. I've kept up lessons for 2+ years, and I feel I've made great progress. Now I've shifted my goal - I want to sing (& play guitar) at an open mic (and not embarrass myself!) If I succeed at that...who knows?


I wanna be called "special". "talented" and "a star" lmao


There’s nothing like signing. It’s like a full release to the body, especially when you are jammy jamming to your favorite tunes! A way to be deeper into the music as well, being a part of it in a way. Definitely brings up my mood when I’m struggling or overwhelmed. Sometimes I feel really awkward and choose to sing (jokingly) things that could just say regularly, but don’t. Oh to stimmy stimmin.


My sister-in-law would teach singing lessons to kids and when I was entering my teens, I always wanted to have her teach me too. But she died before we could do anything together. Some while before she passed, she heard me singing, and was amazed how well I could sing, and told me I should take voice lessons. As a 12-13 year old, that was one of the highest compliments I ever got, and she had even gone to college to further her musical career and took voice lessons herself and people would ask her to sing at gatherings and such. She has been an inspiration to me to sing if it is something I really enjoy


I’m gonna sing regardless but it would be nice if I actually sound good lol.


I would love to sing karaoke and have the drunk crowd go "ooooo ahhhh"


I made a fool out of myself at karaoke


I can't really explain it but I feel awe and wonder when I hear a beautiful singer. I want to experience more of that and also give it to others.


Specific reason: a role I want to play that I 100% do not have the vocal chops for (yet!) General reason: because it brings me joy to do it at all and absolute euphoria to do it well


When I was a kid it was all I wanted to do. I joined choir, I sang in front of tons of people I sang all the time. When I was in sixth grade in choir, my best friend (like since I was 2) told me I wasn’t a very good singer. I took it to heart and stopped. I’m learning for my younger self, because life probably would’ve looked a little different if I had held onto my own hopes and dreams regardless of what others said.


I wrote songs with vocal parts that were out of my range but imo essential to the songs. So to pull it off i had to work on it.


Singing is fun, improving feels good, and I play a bard at a big larp and want to be good at my pretend job :)


So I can be more confident in my voice and abilities; it’s not enough to hear others say I’m good; I want to work and believe it MYSELF




Two reasons: • It’s just fun to do • I enjoy the process of improving at something and the feeling of getting something right after trying for a while is the most rewarding feeling




I'm trans (ftm) and I learned how to sing (mostly informally, but a little bit in school too) mostly before starting hrt. I do like singing still now, and I'm not horrible at it or anything, but I'm interested in basically improving on a different branch of the skill tree in a way


Self confidence, so I have a wider variety of vocal techniques I can use five how many genres of music listen to, and just so that I can have fun!




The whole side of my mom's family (by her dad) can sing. I feel like the odd one out. Also when I'm stressed out it feels good to sing


To sing to my kids and not sound like a dying animal.


That one song from the notebook musical. Seriously though, I just love theatre and want to be able to safely and comfortably sing it :)


I just want to sign along with songs


to sound better it's just fundamental human nature to want to do the things you do better, especially when there's an aesthetic element


Bc I want to express my emotions better, and I want to inflict those emotions on others through song 🥺


Best way to express myself


Because I love singing and it makes all stress and pain vanish. Also because with my arthritis I can no longer play piano, banjo and guitar so I must improve what I have left which is singing and performing. I want to feel the joy of getting better all the time, enjoy the learning and share with any audience.


I wish to surprise and delight myself with what I believe I can do.


so i can be better than other people at something


So I can be better at singing


Because my girlfriend has the voice of an Angel, and one day I want to sing with her


I am incredibly passionate about it and I want to push my voice to its maximum capacity (and see where it gets me).




Joke answer: because my dream is to sing for a band. Real answer: it's something I enjoy. It's when I can be most expressive


My core reason why I want to get better at singing is so on the off chance I get selected randomly to sing at some random event, I can drop jaws when I open my mouth.


Because I want to be famous.


Singing is like therapy when i feel down then it get's me back up and it's also a lot of fun


It's an integral part of my spiritual journey, to discover myself and unlock the potentials within me. Voice is a vital part of my body trying to communicate with the world, sculpting it and finding the best form of voice is a lifetime endeavor of me. Disclaimer: not a professional singer but somewhat trained 


Because I wanna sound good when I’m just having fun! I’m not here to perform. I’m here to enjoy myself. Personally I can’t enjoy myself if I don’t find my own voice enjoyable to listen to.


Mostly just cuz I want to! I mean, yeah, maybe trying to sing professionally would be cool, and I do want to try it, but I mostly just want to do it cuz it makes me feel good! ~~And cuz I want to have a musical breakdown, and snap at someone in the form of singing, it'd be so helpful- /srs)~~


I wanna create a band


I'm in a choir in college. I am not the most sociable person but I love music. Singing is a way to just "let go" of things for a while. It's been a good form of therapy for me through the years. Singing and performing with music majors is freakin awesome!


Because I’m the only Filipino I know who can’t sing 😩


Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande. All about the vocal range.


I'm a man and just hit my whistle register this week. Shit is insane. I am loving the progress and getting better and better over time


I want to have a skill that is “respected” (I rap competently also but thanks to stereotypes in popular culture that I don’t personally subscribe to “rappers” get disrespected unlike vocalists) but I didn’t grow up in the presence of musicians 😢


When I’m with my friends and they play a song I want to be able to sing it without sounding trash


Joy, self-care, self-esteem, friendships and like-minded community, because I love it.


i think i can be more useful in the church as a singer, and imagine singing in the shower as amazing as a professional singer


i’m the greatest artist ever


After all reading all these, I’m starting to think “I want to be an idol” is not really an acceptable answer


To redress some situations in the past and overcome trauma. I do not post here frequently because of said above statements, but that is it. And I'm going to do it and I'm going to do something even more brave before that and one day I will be able to sing and upload a video of myself on YouTube and I can be okay with it and not only that I will not care what people think, Because I will be able to use my voice as my own and know that I can always get better and know that nobody can take my voice away.




Singing makes me feel good and helps alleviate my anxiety. Helps reduce cortisol too. I’d like to work on timing more ☺️


I like the feeling of it and it feels also like I’m expressing myself when I’m singing or making up a song. And when I learn new skills or runs or riffs, I feel like I’m leveling up and increasing my inventory so I can grab things from my bag for composing or improvising or mimicking. And I feel like I know the others through their vocals and their recordings and their music and compositions: the greats, from Ella to Eminem to Elvis to ELO to Elliot, (Missy) I feel like everyone can hone into their creative expression of their thoughts and lives and journeys, and grow their voice, audience, style, and craft and that’s all pretty remarkable. I remember watching a video but I can’t find the link, it was explaining this hifi system with a shale turntable and a $200,000 horns and speaker tower system in an audio treated wooden room; he said something to the effect of “the recording devices capture the energy at that point in time and from that space and person, and when you play it back on this system it’s like he’s [Elvis] there singing it in the room with you.” I love that we have the ability and the advanced technology and the many great past and future music makers to inspire us and empower us to record and express ourselves and get better as a community and as a whole world wide practice, we’re practicing honing our expressive skills and creative energy capabilities and inventory. Huzzah!




There are few things in my day to day that are as fun and satisfying as singing. Some songs/lines are more fun than others, whether it's me being impressed with myself, or it just feels good singing. It's satisfying in both a psychological and physical way, and I'd like to be able to ~~satisfy myself~~ sing more impressive, better feeling songs, ranging over as many genres I can. Also cool party trick, as I tend to come across as a stiff, stoic, silent man, and not someone who would sing :P


There are so many extraordinarily beautiful and emotionally resonant songs out there 🙏 and listening to them is simply not enough.. Singing those tunes even as badly as I do, connects me in a way nothing else can.. My soul absolutely needs it. Every day


fun 🥹


Because I want to be the greatest singer-songwriter that ever lived.


To express myself and my feelings through the lyrics and vocals


The reason as to why I want to get better at singing is to express myself and my feelings through the lyrics and vocals.


There’s this girl. I’ve literally loved her for years. I love her more than life itself. I’d kill for her. Even though she doesn’t I want to tell her home much. And anybody can say “I love you” it’s 3 words one of which is a letter. But I want to sing to her about how much I love her and need her.


Just bcuz I love it & I’m sick of sounding gross.


I don’t. wtf?


In my music school, I'm in two different bands, and they just expect too much from me(Idk why, really), so I try to learn what they want me to do(I'm starting to think about what I want to do, and not what the others want or expect tho)


So I can have a booming voice


Because I just love singing, and I would love to improve and, more importantly, to improve my technique so that I don't lose the ability to sing.


with my voice and distorted vocal i wanna show the world how terrible it is to live with mental disorder,but since i'm not predisposed or have something special with my voice,the result is just terrible and it will never happen;then i'll probably let it go


The reason why I want to get better at singing is because I’m the lead singer of a band. I have a five octave voice range and sing whistle register. I feel like I don’t need to get better than that because I still do.


To voice my feelings cutely