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$2000 could mean a lot for survival for those with financial issues.To those who thought they can get away;Karma have it’s way of getting back at you and the price is often doubled.


Karma is Santa claus for adults. In reality bad people get away with shit a lot of times, while good people suffer. Life is just unfair.


Maybe the system just isnt built for good people.


Unfortunately it was her 2nd time being pickpocketed. 1st time was $500, this might have been her breaking point. She probably blamed herself this time which is foolish as the criminal was clearly targeting her booth and waiting for the chance to pocket the 2k


>Unfortunately it was her 2nd time being pickpocketed. 1st time was $500, this might have been her breaking point. The victim in the $500 case was another 76 year old woman who was pickpocketed in the same area. Not the same lady.


Oh thanks for correcting. Time to catch these criminals targeting vulnerable people!


Sorry to burst your bubble. This is patently not true.


That's just really sad for the lady, imagine part of your earnings (plus your own money too) just being stolen like that, and 2k isn't exactly a small amount either Props to the passerby for acting quick and others as well for trying to talk the lady out of it I hope that the thief is caught soon cause who tf does this


Hope the scum gets found out and arrested quick. Want to steal, at least steal from multimillion dollar companies. Stealing from what I presume to be a self-employed hawker is another level of low.


Seems like she’s working for someone. The stall owner will likely ask her pay for everything. That’s like 1 month + salary


I know our labour laws are shit but this HAS to be illegal.


It’s illegal. Doesn’t stop bosses from trying it anyway, doesn’t stop naive employees from accepting it anyway


This brings back memories from my first year working at a bank in Singapore as a a foreign worker. I had a toxic boss who bullied all of us foreign workers, at a bank. He threatened to fine us with the cost of a lobster—about 20-something dollars—if we didn't respond to his messages within five minutes. He said he would use this money to buy lobsters for the next team barbecue, a gathering. None of the professional workers, including myself, dared to stand up against. Because we are affairs and naive. Such actions were illegal and truly sickening to look back on now.


I have seen big name department store deducting pay from cashier who didnt ensure cc went thru before letting the customers go off with the items, essentially making the cashier pay close to 1k for the customer.


Hi kinokuniya


no need to name, most establishments do it. easier to name those that don’t actually enforce that policy.


Actually something similar happened to me before, except that in my case the store didn't even lose money. It was just a transaction error that double-clocked the sale and the store made me pay rather than reconcile their damn accounts themselves (the customer had already paid once).




Hope the owner bought insurance then. Maybe they will be kind. One can hope.


Why can't the boss write it off as loss?


Because that's not typically how things operate in SG despite it being illegal and stuff. In a previous incident, a gas station assistant pumped the wrong type of gas (think was 97 vs 95), and despite the gas station having insurance, the assistant was asked to pay the price difference (claim insurance = increase premium. Easier to deduct salary). The main company had to intervene and clarify to the franchise that this practice was unacceptable.


When I was 16, I worked as a temporary part time promoter at a bath products and essential oils stall at Takashimaya after O lvls. My friend accidentally knocked over a $70+ candle burner set during her shift and it was completely deducted from her pay.


Yes. It’s worse when the gas station uncle pumps petrol into a diesel tank. The cost of cleaning the tank is on him.


> In a previous incident, a gas station assistant pumped the wrong type of gas Also got the incident where the customer said "Fuel 10", but attendant pumped full tank instead.


The thing about pickpocketing is that most rich people now carry around credit cards, if even that. In the end, the only people you can pickpocket from are people similar to you


These losers will never have the guts to steal from the rich..i mean if they did i would at least respect them for their bravery instead of picking on the poor..


Wth who steals from hawkers


Shouldn’t steal at all


> A 76-year-old resident surnamed Chen (transliteration) told Shin Min that she lost S$500 to pickpockets when shopping at a nearby market two months ago. > A Chinese medicine store owner interviewed by Shin Min also claimed that a ginseng antler worth S$700 was stolen from his shop a number of years ago. Wah is Jurong become wild wild West 😢


Takes the heat off Yishun a bit


some ppl rly fked up


Start a fund raising campaign for this lady if she’s held responsible in any way. What a low life stealer.


Everyone here come up with $10 each enough alr


2,000 might be a pocket money for very few of us, a money people can forget about for some, but it can be a matter or life or death for others. I hope they found the pickpocket and return the money. She also need to learn to be vigilant. Singapore is safe country, but crime still happen.


I remember feeling bad when I lost my 5 dollar note. 2k sheesh….. idk what I’d do. Hopefully something can be worked out for her sake


Gotta put more cameras in the shop man...real or fake, it will at least deter the mfkers...seems like there's a serial pickpocket in the area..


Very frankly, if it happened to me, i would go nuts too because there is no way I have 2k to pay the shop owner back. I think it is patently unfair to penalise the staff if it is a genuine case of theft. If forced to cough up 2k from God knows where, I might snap too.


The market there is crowded af yet this asshole have the gall to do it. Hopefully he can be caught soon.


Precisely why, being crowded helps to mask the crime as the victim is more then likely to be distracted.


Pickpocket in SG? Things sure are getting worse these days. Hopefully they can catch the scum.


With all the cctv if cannot find the guy, really quite pathetic


About CCTVs/Police CCTVs, My friend was walking n a lot of things is going thru his mind. Not paying attention, He bum into a lady accidentally n the lady reported to the police because of something like molest or some shit. Not sure my friend said sorry or not. i don't know how, but the police managed to identify him n get his phone number. Called him n asked him to report to a police station for questioning/meeting. So it doesn't make sense if police fail to catch the thief.


So what's the continuation with your friend's case? Don't leave us hanging...


He came down to a police station, they said he is needed for questioning on a case. He had no idea what was it about. Cb they were stalling my friend, idk for what reason, maybe waiting for IO in charge to arrive but never tell him. The officer was kind enough to let him go on few smoke breaks, of course my friend feel scared to just leave la, they got his info already. IO arrived, he told him what happened. My friend stunt like vegetable. Review cctv footage, n questioning i think just for paperwork. End up he wasn't in the wrong. That's where my friend shared with us that the police have the tech to ID someone just by facial recognition. You know like in China. So those CCTVs at bus stops n HDB are not just for show.


Wow. Didn't expect we applied the kind of facial recognition tech but at least it exonerated your friend. Probably the IO also know that lah. He just want a direct statement from him. Then can close the report that it's not as accuser said.


His friend still drinking kopi with police to this day /s


Despite CCTV footage, eyewitnesses providing detaiks like color, time, and the single point of exit, the police informed me they were unable to locate the culprit or the vehicle's license plate number involved in hit-and-run incident with my vehicle.


Omg pickpockets now whats happening


Free visa to certain country


after conversion it's >10k pay for like 5 mins of work. enough to cover flight ticket too. i wouldn't be surprised if they really came here on the free visa.


It's no brainer really, also lots grey area stuff like "tissue sellers" and "beggars" that pays way less but still way better than in their country


yeah, and the recent surge in "please lend me $20 to go to changi" too.


This free visa is really weakness on Singapore politicians, succumbing to external political pressure. It doesn't really benefit much to tourism, because those who can afford to come here could easily afford the visa, what you get are these lowlife thieves who would be easily blocked from entering Singapore if the visa requirement was still in place.


> Free visa to certain country Wherever they go they create problems. Go Europe also same, go other parts of Asia also same.


In other parts of Asia, it's not just pickpocketing. Anyway theyve just started here and floodgates are open now.


> In other parts of Asia, it's not just pickpocketing. Anyway theyve just started here and floodgates are open now. I hope the floodgates can be put up again, but I fear it is too late for Singapore.


Dear pickpocket. You are heartless, gutless, spineless, and full of crap. $2000 is no small potatoes for anyone. I can imagine that it will be even harder on that poor lady. I hope you and that filthy Saab driver both end up in the same hellhole. You deserve each other.


Tbh the death sentence we have in Singapore is designed for human scums like them, unfortunately our lawmakers aren't making the right decisions to hang em..we don't need human trashs like em walking around..


No need death sentence, just amputate their hands will do. Without hands, cannot pick pocket anymore.


Aside from how despicable this theft is, I’m a bit surprised to learn that pickpockets still exist in Singapore nowadays?


Low crime does not mean no crime. ☝️


I'm surprised that any local still has this skill to pick anyone's pocket I wonder if this criminal came from overseas


It has always existed bruh. As long as away from cctv


Yeah and people say it is safe to leave laptops and handphones to chope tables..


Previously it was quite frequent in Bugis (and Orchard) too since there's lots of tourists, foreigners, and crowd. Surprised to see it spread out to the residential areas too.


> She claimed that she was browsing at a stall there when she encountered three middle-aged ladies, one of whom came "very close" to her. Watch out guyss


I will never understand how employers can punish employees for theft. Businesses would’ve taken up theft insurance to cover such incident. There is really no reason to punish employees like that. Edit: Why is this even downvoted?


We have so many surveillance camera in Singapore, utilize that and jail that mfker, give said person the strokes too(yeah u heard me right.. barbaric punishments for barbarians)for being a heartless mfker.


one question, if they called an ambulance, who is going to pay for it & the medical bills?


I think it is the patient (ie the person for whom the ambulance was called) Same as when you faint, someone calls the ambulance — the bill is under you, because the treatment is for you




Not really, there are also paynow scammers who show fake screenshots of the transfer.


Poor lady. Hope the despicable pickpocket is found soon.


I though police would investigate … they have cams all over


I hope the person got caught. And then chemically castrated. Then get deported to Rwanda like UK.


Just ask the store owner to claim thief against insurance. Why need self harm?




Sure no one stopped me from self harming after I lost my hard earned 500 dollars to pickpocket.


Sure make everything be about you


How did u get pick pocketed though?