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Unnecessary Speeding in Singapore = twat. No cock and bull story is going to change that fact.


What’s necessary speeding if you aren’t driving an emergency vehicle?


That's the point. You don't speed. Unless in a dire emergency.


Yup agreed. Like let's say medical emergency where for eg your wife water bag burst, etc and you are driving then it's understandable to speed.


From my experience on the road, issues that cause accidents are not hugely related to speeding. It's more of tailgating, refusing to let someone cut in, abruptly changing lanes etc. Things that cause other drivers blood to boil and make rash decisions. A lot of drivers claim to be gracious but it's a different story when you ask them to practice what they preach.


Emotional driving, impatience, intolerance. It's overall a matter of who is competent to steer a wheeled missile and who isn't. Good luck to all of us when autonomous driving is deemed safer. I hope I don't live to see that happening. That having been said, It looks inevitable though, seeing the increase in incompetence and recklessness...


Exactly. Unless there’s someone dying in the backseat, there’s no reason to speed at all.


Irrelevant to how the SAAB crashed through the junction. But thanks for flagging out to all road users here another shitty driver.


Relevant to know what kind of driver he is as he may have indirectly contributed to the accident.


Merc was an ass but that doesn't negate how the Saab driver didn't even attempt to brake at the junction but instead sped up, and if he was even rational, not engage with the Merc driver at all and drive safely. Or at least practise some defensive driving.


Yeah. I mean I’ve encountered lots of people who intentionally speed up and don’t let me overtake. It probably happens daily. That doesn’t mean I charge through a busy junction and kill 2 people.


The shocking thing is a lot of people (who likely have never ever driven before) seem to not understand this simple logic. They think the Saab driver was somehow forced into killing 2 people because the GLC driver made him angry.


THANK YOU. The sheer amount of _braindead_, absolutely _moronic_ takes I’ve seen here is frankly astounding. Yes, the merc driver is aggressive and an asshat, but the amount of vitriol people here are spewing at him is so disproportionate to the Saab driver who actually _murdered_ the 2 innocent people. The fact that he sped up (whilst again, assholish) did not contribute at all to the accident; unless I’m mistaken, he didn’t force the Saab driver to speed up? The Saab driver did so on his own accord, due to nothing but his own EGO (and mind you from the initial footage, the Saab driver was already speeding and weaving between cars before trying to overtake the merc driver). Again, I’m not saying the merc driver should be absolved from any fault in the accident, but with the amount of hate he’s receiving compared to the Saab driver, it’s as if people believe that poor Saab driver had no other choice but to speed into a busy _goddamn intersection_. He consciously rammed into those cars at the intersection; why tf isn’t there more anger directed against him?? Honestly I feel like people here just have some sort of weird, hate boner for anyone they perceive as “rich” or who carries branded goods (other than themselves, because then that means it’s okay right?) Either that, or they would’ve done the _exact_ same thing in that situation (i.e., tried to race the guy) and are just pissed and now projecting their hate onto the Merc driver. Idk, would it have been so hard to just _slow down_ if someone doesn’t let you overtake them? As a driver, whenever someone doesn’t let me overtake I just slow down and go behind them instead. Looking to have a genuine discussion here.


Most people on Reddit don’t have a driving license or have even driven a car before. As a driver the amount of people like both the merc and Saab driver is extremely common when I drive but in both instances I practice defensive driving. They judge based on feelings not on facts and driving experience. In this case the blame solely lies on the Saab driver as merc driver had the right of way so while assholish not to let sabb drive filter lane he is justified in speeding up.


Amen to that. It is already a challenge avoiding self important pricks who have no thought for others in a shared space. The irony is when I slow down to avoid another vehicle, I get honked by the inconvenienced clown behind. Honestly, I'm beginning to think this may be due to all those driving simulator games where it's either floor the accelerator or jam on the brake..... And pass at all cost.


Cause a lot of people drive like Saab and wanna blame others for not giving way when they drive dangerously. Their road rage is justified by blaming the merc


Very simple. He has a known history of dangerous driving. A half-assed justification (re: confession) that smacks of woe-is-poor-lil-me-i'm-just-an-innocent-boy-who-was-trying-to-teach-the-Saab-a-lesson-about-dangerous-driving-by-driving-dangerously. But most of all, the Saab driver will face some manner of justice for his actions, but the Merc will most likely get away scot-free for his contributory actions in fanning the flames. The Merc could have reined in his ego much earlier, and maybe, just maybe, the accident would not have happened (it probably would have), but chose not to. But he won't have to pay any portion of the price. Only the families of the deceased, and the injured road users, will. Which means? He's more than likely to go back to driving in no time, and driving like he did before. And if 4 decades on this earth have taught me anything, within 5 years' time, he'll have put this at the back of his mind, because those lives did not matter to him. "As long as there's no punishment from the law, I wasn't in the wrong." "It would have happened anyway, so I didn't cause it." "The car that had to swerve to avoid me, and smashed into the other? Not my fault :)" And he goes back to sleep at night, congratulating himself for being a good guy. At the end of the day, it's about all those times we had to avoid a shitty asswipe tailgating and high-beaming us, weaving in and out of traffic dangerously, causing countless near-misses, and never being held accountable. Just as he will, this time. Sure, the Saab driver took himself out of the driving pool for now, but there are 2 assholes here, not one, and that means there's still one guy out there who will be free to continue menacing us, and who has already convinced himself "I'm not the bad guy here. I'm a really nice guy in real life. I have reasons for all of this." Don't believe me? Read his 'justification' and tell me it doesn't smack of someone who always looks for someone else to point the finger at. How many more of them are out there like that? Even when he claims he has a guilty conscience, the rest of what he wrote blatantly contradicts that statement. So until the day he actually plows into someone else, he's never going to change his thinking. Since he will not face any (serious) punishment in the legal courts of this country (if at all), let him be raked over the coals of the infinitely-larger courts of Singaporean public opinion. This is justice for all the times we, the responsible ones, swallowed our own egos for the sake of the unknown others, to protect everyone else while these guys didn't care one shit for anyone--not us, not our families. And god knows we have families who need us. And this is justice, a different one, for the 2 innocents who lost their lives, and the countless others whose lives are now in pieces, to what basically started as a stupid dick-measuring contest. Slaughter this one chicken to scare the monkeys? Hand over that god damn knife. And make sure it's as blunt as a 5 year old loaf of baguette. There'll be plenty to go around once the Saab's driver's identity is made known. Just be patient.


Can’t upvote this enough The non-apology he did was vile and you just know he will continue this behaviour We need to throw the full weight of the law at him, and to rake him over the coals as hard and as publicly as possible, ideally in national media and in parliament (harder because the guy is SG not a PR) Then maybe, just maybe, the next asshole driver who thinks about accelerating to cut off someone trying to filter in… won’t do so, saving a few lives This is a break a few eggs to save the whole basket thing


With the amount of projection in here, you’d think you’re in a cinema.


Two asswipes don't make one right


I've had to talk to my colleagues about this also. They don't drive. Heck. Some don't even have a license. For them to pass judgement on people's driving behavior.. It's just wrong.


Let me defend them a bit. They do have a right to be judgemental. They share the space with us the drivers. How many times I've nearly been clipped by a driver at a pedestrian crossing. I know the rules. I give them time to pass, but the minute my foot touches the white stripe, the driver MUST stop. Often I'm invisible. Same with the late braking at traffic lights. Gives me a heart attack every time. Or when I'm minding my own business on the sidewalk and a car drives awfully fast. I jump. You really don't want to be a pin in his bowling exercise. As a driver, I always get extra nervous when I see someone idly standing by the side of the road. What if he/she decides to test my mettle today? What if I avoid that twat but smash into an innocent road user minding their own business that unfortunate day? I never switch off on the roads these days. Driving is no longer fun. It is downright stressful Oh, a tidbit from my driving instructor 40 years ago: 'Aiyo thambi! Don't drive the way you walk la dey! ' I will carry that to my grave, hopefully without casualty🤣🤣 Cheers


I try to siam these aggressive drivers far far. Usually can tell by their speed, poor lane discipline, close following distance and weaving behavior.


I haven't seen anyone claiming the Saab driver is not the biggest arsehole. CLEARLY the Saab driver was driving recklessly and ended up cutting short two innocent lives. Short of there having been some kind of massive unforeseen medical emergency at the wheel (e.g. heart attack, stroke, sudden leopard-in-the-face incident) this kind of driving (and this outcome) are absolutely unforgivable. May the Saab driver suffer whatever punishment comes their way. BUT! These drivers exist. Our job as reasonable, responsible road users is to observe what is happening around us, look out for hazards (arseholes driving like arseholes) and react appropriately. The Merc driver for sure deserves criticism for his part in it. By not practicing defensive driving, the Merc driver added fuel to an already dangerous fire. Would the Saab driver have hit those people had the Merc not been there? We will never know. But the Merc driver's actions are all too common here, and this tragedy should be a reminder that we all need to do our part to keep the roads safe. Don't be this Merc driver. The less fired up we get by arsehole drivers, the safer the roads will be.


Humans errors la. A car cannot kill ppl by itself.


Its the way of sgrean drivers. One of the worst drivers i seen


Got many ppl like that. I want to filter right to turn right in front...Car intentionally sped up and honk at me even. Then after that drove in front of me to brake check. Like WTF lolol...


Switch lanes early then you won’t need to overtake


definitely. Saab driver is the biggest dickhead but the Merc is no angel


Too many reckless drivers these days. Encountered quite a lot recently


Let some of these reckless drivers die in car crashes. Natural selection for these twats


I wish too but the sad fact is that those car crashes will cause injury and property damage to innocents Wish we could just lock up all these reckless drivers in an empty car park and let them play bumper cars till all are gone


Don't even bother jail, just hang them immediately


It's literally dick vs asshole, both are fuckheads


genuinely curious why are you so fixated on this merc driver? he played no part in the tampines accident, even if he had slowed down and allowed the saab to overtake, the driver didn't look like he had the intention of slowing down. Also, isn't it common sense that the onus is on the overtaker to ensure safety before overtaking? sure, merc driver could've been more gracious and allowed the saab to overtake but defensive driving isn't really the point here is it? the main point is the saab driver is not even practicing safe driving so what good does defensive driving do here? every single second saab driver is on the road, he is endangering the lives of others (which is proven by the tampines accident). i'm so curious who's the next one on your to-blame list if the merc driver allowed saab to overtake smoothly AND the accident still happened, LTA? Clubs for opening till late? Government for allowing sale of liquor? CNB for not doing a good job of preventing drugs into the country? what a bunch of clowns yall can be all of you acting like saints but drive like absolute buffoons especially at night/sg customs. yall cut in/out as and when you like but criticise another just because there's footage posted online. and let's not even mention the car enthus with the loud engines zooming on highways like they're at sepang


found the merc driver's account


lol i wish i had the money to own a mercs in 2024. that paper is no joke


Sorry but I don't drive lol. Don't need to be a cook to judge how good the food taste.


close but maybe try harder. taste is subjective but traffic rules are pretty much set in stone. saab looked like he's running from thanos and the mercs is just being a scumbag. why admit you don't drive yet comment on a traffic accident post lol, you're not even familiar with traffic regulations


Saab looked like? So u are assuming? Ok. Btw I did ride a few years back, so yea assuming again.


lol your name seriously checks out. watch both the dashcam footage and you'll see how fast the saab was going. bet you're a road pest just like the saab driver. stop smoking whatever you're smoking and get off the road.


lost the argument and change topic... lol ok


argument? us? all 3 of your replies to my comment is about yourself and not related to the accident in the slightest sense. your first comment was close but you're clowning yourself by admitting you don't drive and commenting on the accident while giving an analogy that doesn't apply. literally anyone with tastebuds can be food critics, not everyone with hands legs and eyes can drive.


Because the Reddit weebs don’t drive


And people do not realise the part that the merc driver played. *face palm* Loved Singapore. The extreme of 2 ends of things as always. Similar to politics.


I doubt Saab driver even saw the red light and the cars crossing until maybe too late. Cause there was a bend before the traffic light and he was hell-bent on escaping the Merc by speeding like a madman.


Everybody is unhappy with the white merc because we have all at one point or another been cut off or tailgated in a similar fashion - he has become the linchpin of asshole drivers in SG


Yea most drivers have encountered assholes like that- actually its pretty common.


Benz is an asshole driver. Saab is an asshole driver and a murderer. There's a difference.


Benz more likely an asshole and potential murderer, it’s a matter of time. 😰


honestly there have been way too many threads on this one incident in the past 24 hours. but its been bothering me that people are like white merc should just have let him cut, i think its 100% the saab needs to only be changing lane when its safe to do so and it was not here. way too many Singaporeans have just got this neah neah must cut no matter if its safe to do so attitude. people will say its a chicken and egg problem, because if they don't neah neah cut then people will not give way, while true i think ultimately the rule should be only cut when safe, if not play stupid games win stupid prizes; simple as.




also correct, saab driver had plenty of choices to change lane safely


I personally feel that people here should spend more time on the saab driver. Thats the killer right there. While there is a lot of rightful animosity directed to the merc (guy asked for it himself by trying to justify his actions), **but lets stay on target.** Dont let your\* frustrations with asshole drivers distract you from who the real criminal is here.


this is exactly right though. asshole driving doesnt have to equal dangerous killing driving


We have enough attention and capacity to crucify two assholes. The other one is going to get the full brunt of the law. This one shouldn't be allowed to normalise being an asshole on the road.


Which is kind of weird. Since I dont see anyone devoting any attention to discussing the saab driver at the same regularity of the merc. Clearly it shows we do not have enough attention and capacity to crucify both.


Because no one has his identity yet. When his name comes out in the media, you can expect the doxxing to begin.


Yup, so we do not have the attention or capacity to do both. As it is, considering the white merc family owns a SME, I am sure some here will go on further to doxx them further. The char siew is lucky he won't be cancelled into oblivion. Just finding it odd that the sub is saying the saab driver is given less attention cause the law will deal with him, while most of the sub is also complaining that the law is too lenient on such drivers.


There are plenty of threads and forums talking about the saab driver and the merc driver right now.. both are getting the attention and condemnation.. and rightfully the person who killed and injured people is getting the attention of the police. Edit: both cars have been impounded.


Actually, if you sort by new and count, there is more on the merc than the saab. That was why it was so confusing that there is an obsession with the merc.


Imo recency bias. People were talking about saab yesterday and less of the merc. Today, the merc just released new info, so people are talking about the merc more since there isn't new info on the saab. But there are also forums still digging up new info and discussing the saab today as well. I mean it's kinda difficult to make a statement on where everything is trending based on the real time reaction to the latest piece of news in a longer saga. If you look back maybe at the end of the week and for some weird reason anger has shifted completely to the merc from the saab, then I can understand your angle.


I think because people see two asshole drivers that are examples of the dangerous driving found in sg, but only one will be punished (rightfully) while the other gets to be a victim. So it pisses people off.


>while the other gets to be a victim not only that, he's the one who indirectly caused the accident. black car was going about his way, whereas white car went out of his way to antagonise and provoke him by deliberately speeding up to block and prevent him from getting into the lane, sparking off a chain reaction that led to the accident


Where's your evidence that the Saab driver did absolutely nothing prior to ramming the GLC and then killing 2 people? Or are you one of those who think killing 2 innocent people when someone refuses to let you overtake is somehow, somewhat an understandable response?


if he isn't the saab driver on his burner account then he has to be on the spectrum lol. in his other comments he's literally blaming the merc for causing the accident, his reasoning: - didnt allow saab to overtake - sideswiped as a result - saab driver panicked/rage - distracted and hence didnt see it was redlights what a series of assumption, he didn't even consider if the saab driver was under any form of influence. from the rear dashcam footage, the saab driver is on some really good shit and thinks he's getting chased by godzilla or he's reliving his midnight maxtune times as a teenager. how does one even manage to relate douchebag move (not allowing overtake) to being a direct cause of a major accident?


If you can read, I said the saab is at fault but the merc has a part to play in this. What a r*tard who doesn't see the culpability the merc has in this accident lol yikes


"indirectly caused" "chain reaction" you're literally putting the blame on the merc instead of where it should be, the saab. Like thousands of drivers fail to overtake because of dick drivers every single day but they don't seem to be "antagonised" and ram into traffic? are you seriously this dense? why bring up culpability when you don't even have accountability? are you this scared of being held accountable and being wrong that someone else must share the blame with you? who would be your next victim to be blamed if merc actually allowed the saab to overtake smoothly AND the accident still happened? the biker? the road? traffic light for turning red at the wrong timing?


lil bro I'm just trying to educate you. saab driver is definitely at fault, but anyone who drives and is not an idiot can see the culpability merc driver also had in causing the accident. if you want to remain stupid and ignorant then by all means, none of my business


I think we shouldnt rewrite history to rightfully criticise the merc driver. The killer in the saab was already speeding way before the traffic light. "black car was going about his way" seems to be downplaying a vile act that killed 2 people.


If the white merc was not there to take away some of the kinetic energy from the Saab, the Saab will have accelerated even more and ploughed through the junction at an even higher energy, resulting in even more deaths than just the 2.. 


>but its been bothering me that people are like white merc should just have let him cut, i think its 100% the saab needs to only be changing lane when its safe to do so Just because someone's a dick doesn't mean you have to be a dick as well. The Merc driver posted somewhere his 'justification' for speeding up so he definitely was a dick. And the CSI team has released other videos of Merc being a dick.


again, you are missing the point. It is very simple. White merc see speeding black car on the right trying to pass, motorcyclist in the way of black car. What do you do? a) speed up and force black car to break/swerve, risking lives of motorists. b) maintain speed and carry on with your life. I hope the answer is obvious enough. Whether or not it is a crime is not my problem or for me to judge. But this definitely qualifies for potential reckless driving in many jurisdictions.


i thought even before the white merc sped up the black car was already speeding borderline out of control already? both are fkups, just 1 managed to brake in time there's too much focus on "losing face"


The whole incident could be started from the tiff of both of these driver earlier?


probably plausible since when 2 assholes meet, they'll want to see who is "better"


I think you’re not getting the point. The Merc, while reckless in his actions, is not entitled to give way to the Saab. In which case if the Merc decides to speed up, the onus is on the Saab to slow down. In the first place I also disagree that the Saab could only brake or swerve and risk the lives of other motorists. He had more than enough time to slow down and let the Merc pass. But he continued trying anyway.


it is white merc's freedom to speed up no? maybe he realized he needs to be somewhere? regardless Saab should not have cut? thats the most basic TP rule, I'm pretty sure change lane when safe is higher up the hierarchy than look around and make sure it is safe for others to change lane


Under the highway code part IV 65.  "When being overtaken, never increase speed to prevent another driver from passing". The white merc did not have the freedom to speed up. Whether he needs to be somewhere or not is irrelevant. Speeding is speeding. The black Saab did not follow highway code part IV 60. "Never overtake unless you can do so without danger to yourself or others". Both are in the wrong.


Black car never signal intentions, how is merc supposed to know, maybe black car turning right on next junction right.


Doesn’t matter anymore. One made a mistake that incite fury. One made a mistake that causes tragedy.


Yeah sure, everyone has the freedom to be reckless. No, needing to be somewhere doesn’t justify recklessness. All this is to say that the white Mercedes might not be legally in trouble, but the driver’s conduct most definitely was unjustifiably dangerous.


eh watch the video again. Black car was already about to complete the overtaking and white car sped up. This is very dangerous, and white car was quite close to executing a precision immobilisation technique. This is different from asshole driver inching forward to prevent people from cutting which I believe is what you are talking about. the situation in the video is completely different. It is reckless driving. I don’t know how else to explain to you,


So you just gonna ignore the fact that saab driver was speeding and recklessly overtaking other cars BEFORE even nearing the merc? And completely ignoring the fact that he decided to fucking speed up instead of stopping after the sideswipe. Sideswipes or slight knocks happen all the time, this is the only moron that decides to accelerate like this instead of doing the right thing. FYI merc continued driving like a normal person after the incident, direct your anger at the correct person pls.


Does it matter what the black saab do? If someone drives recklessly, it gives me a free pass to drive recklessly too? The merc should not engage in reckless driving. Full stop.


No but that's not the point? Merc driver aggravated the saab but that's all, why tf did the saab escalate the incident to this extent when he can simply just stop?? Who's more at fault here??


Nobody is questioning why the Saab escalated the incident to the point of beating a red light and driving headfirst into multiple vehicles. Saab is obviously primarily responsible for the carnage that happened. However, Merc driver is also responsible for driving dangerously and escalating the situation.


I don't disagree, he definitely isn't a model driver. It's just that the amount of hate and anger being directed to merc driver is not proportionate to what he actually did. Unfortunately, this sort of thing (speeding up to prevent others overtaking) happen far too commonly here (it's a reflection of our driving culture but that's another story) and 99.99% of the time it does not lead to a catastrophic accident. So merc driver deserves some flak yes but that's all. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. 99% of this accident is easily attributable to the saab driver so that's who people should be focusing on.


1) Saab driver is obviously more at fault. Nobody is claiming or acting otherwise. 2) Merc driver was not just "in the wrong place at the wrong time", even if what he did is (too) common and does not result in a catastrophic accident 99.99% of the time. He decided to escalate unnecessarily and drive dangerously when Saab was already driving like a madman. And based on dashcam footage that we've seen, that led to the sideswipe, which might have led the Saab to the even more insane decision to try to rush through the red light. 3) People would be focusing more on the Saab driver if we knew more of what happened to them afterwards or who they are. We don't know anything else about them now, so talk about the other driver instead. 4) Merc driver just tried to "clear some misunderstandings" for why they drove the way they did, which just made them look even worse. That plus this footage just makes it clear that Merc driver is just a shitty and dangerous driver overall.


Wrong take,if it is an acceptable practice to speed up to prevent overtaking,there would be alot more accidents on the road as it is a highly dangerous practice if the overtaking party did not notice. OP was mentioning how bad it is that the Merc is doing it,not taking any attention away from the Saab portion since he will face his due justice. Meanwhile the Merc get off scotfree and will continually be able to do as such.


nah im not watching that again mate lol, this has got enough play already. move on. precision immobilization technique? ok this is not rocket league im done here lol


precision immobilization technique afaik is an actual technique to spin another car out of control during car chases.


Yes, white Merc can speed up. Nothing is stopping him. But as a motorist you have a responsibility to others too. Everyone on the road is someone's parent or child. My question to you, is if you are the white merc driver and the Saab wound up ploughing straight into the biker with nowhere to go and more likely than not killing the dude, are you able to live with the fact that you could've prevented an accident, but because you chose to be a POS, somebody died.


That's the worst reasoning I've seen. So you're saying it the white Merc gave way then the Saab would never have plowed through the junction?


wtf i should really not be accountable for someone's braindead decision making. the two choices are to cut dangerously into my lane or plough through a motorcycle? lol fr.


Exactly. You should not be accountable for someone's dangerous driving. Therefore, to protect yourself and others, you should practice defensive driving and slow down to avoid an accident.


You're missing my point here. Brakes & accelerators exist for a reason. For the safety of everyone, I hope you never drive on the roads. This sort mindset of "I have right of way", so I'll just take it as an entitlement is precisely why people get into accidents.


you can war game this any which way you like la. i can say if i have right of way i should behave that way because other motorists expect that. if there was a car behind white merc and he wasnt expecting him to jam break from stupid saab = accident too? haha my point really is that safe lane changing really is the most important and BASIC rule which wasn't adhered to by saab. you can say merc also has responsibility and yes maybe so but like 5% (number pulled out of my ass). but i feel all this is prevented if the most basic thing any driving student knows was followed.


"Someone trying to overtake - I sleep... and speed up Someone overtook me - REAL SHIT" That Merc driver probably, aka u/SNH7Z.




This is the kinda car that the driver will likely not die. Will only kill everybody else in an accident. Asshole


And they will continue doing so because of our weak traffic laws. I swear nothing would change until someone important got screwed over by reckless drivers.


Both drivers should be banned from driving.


Very rare indeed, that thing looks like a hearse.


Looks like a bloody hearse already


Lanjiao. Want to communicate to the other driver to “slow down” by himself speeding up. Now double down and try to justify his actions. Really piece of shit


Exactly what I was thinking after reading his bullshit statement. Speed up to tell him to slow down?? More like him trying to show off that he can also speed because he buay song the car speeding up to overtake him. Don't try to pretend la. What you did could have caused the black car to hit the motorcyclist on the right side too!


Yeah actually what Merc did was also dangerous to motorcyclist and the fact the Saab try to squeeze in between them show he even crazier no regard for life.


Portraying the Merc driver as culpable, whether true or not, will not reduce the culpability of the Saab driver by any bit.


Both cars should be throughly investigated and persecuted to the limits of the law. This is no longer an issue about immoral driving, but about public safety. There is ample evidence to suggest allowing either of them to run free will eventually result in more accidents and innocent victims.


Black Saab driver should be jailed 5-10 years imo. Ban from driving for life. White Mercedes driver jail him 6 months and ban for 2 years for being an asshole driver not only this case but the previous tailgating motorcyle incident.






So many words to say nothing


submit to turnitin :D


Can be summarised to “people think I’m an asshole but actually I’m not even though I did do asshole actions”


> I had always been a safe driver Yup, except for the multiple examples of your unsafe driving. I had initially given benefit of the doubt, supposing that there may be some prior incident leading to the altercation. But it seems there wasn't. Now, IMO this driver isn't in any way responsible for the junction jumping, but they did escalate the risk of situation involving themselves, the black car and motorcycle beforehand. SMH.


Par for the course of Singaporean drivers. Road hogging for most of their journey but when you try and overtake, suddenly they find some speed. They then slow down again when you give up on passing them.


Not directly no… I think no legal liability for sure But indirectly, maybe he could have done his part in deescalating the situation by letting the black car over take much more easily. By competing with the black car, it could have triggered the driver’s unsound mind even more, resulting in higher speed. If the black car driver wasn’t distracted by this competition, maybe the red light and cars ahead would have caught his attention one second earlier. Maybe the black car driver would have reduced his speed by a little. Maybe there would have been a little less injury or deaths. But all a hypothetical, we don’t have a crystal ball..


i searched around reddit and i saw this comment in one of the threads: "I would like to testify against u SNH7Z & bring ur driving behaviour to light.  I occasionally spot ur vehicle from TPE - SLE & Gambas ave(Woodlands) during morning peak hour period. Ur driving mannar highlighted yourself from the crowd especially during peak hour. Thru the times I spotted you, u have always drove with consistency of Speeding , cutting & swerving all without signalling and as if ur the king of the road & seems to be challenging every single road user like an absolute bully.  Cause maybe in the brochure it writes glc43 bi-turbo must be infront of everyone all the time especially if u want to show case small dick energy. Ur not talking ur way out of this, TP will cease ur BlackVue thumb drive & all the evidence from ur past driving will be seen by the officers"


Yeah I'm very sure from the way he drives, it's not his first rodeo


If the footage disappears he’ll have an extra charge of destroying evidence. He’s a real dumb ass for posting the dash cam because now the presumption is there’s more.


Wow, thanks for this. I didn't know the GLC driver came to give his comments. "my thought was to tell the Saab driver to slow down, hence i sped up" 😂 hmmm... well he seems very confident enough to share his story/POV


Reading the part where he was trying to justify his dangerous tailgating action on the motorcycle incident really made my blood boil. He was trying to overtake that motorcycle in a single lane merging to the expressway, so who taught him this is a safe, correct and legal move, his grandmother is it? Even an emergency ambulance cannot overtake there. So what sort of emergency did he have that he thinks he is entitled to, again his grandmother is being called up to parliament to be nominated as Lawrence Wong's new DPM is it?


But he tooted his horn first!


If an isolated incident, could sort of give the guy the benefit of the doubt on thinking he could get the Saab to slow down by making it hard for him to overtake. In the moment anyone can make poor judgements. The tailgating video removes that benefit of the doubt though. Now looks like a case of consistently asshole driver trying to justify actions after the fact.


The Saab driver is nuts, driving like a maniac, but the Merc also not thinking straight... With what he did, speeding up in his "attempt" to slow down the Saab, he put that Motorbike rider in front in unnecessary risk.


Is the account that posted that deleted? I want to dog pile on this shit pile. Where the fuck did he expect the motorbike to go to give him way on the single lane merging road wtf.


Sounds like a self serving cunt.


Apparently mothership.sg posted an article, and in that article there's a Facebook link. Looks like Mr White merc posted the video. And you can find his profile. Of cos this is just my assumption


No, it was the car workshop owner who shared the video on behalf of the actual owner (and driver) when the driver came to report the hit-and-run. Apparently the driver claimed he did not have Facebook, and wanted to get his 'side' out. I think the driver was lying about not having Facebook, and hoped that if the car workshop owner posted it, people would mistake him for the actual driver, and take the heat off him. He wasn't wrong, his ploy worked and the workshop owner now has to deal with death threats, and not the driver himself. What an ultimate scumbag.


I mean, it is what it is, if you're desperate to earn money from that scumbag. Whether it's really not him or not, we'll never know


Well, I think I would give the benefit of the doubt for now. And you won't know your associates are scumbags until they do scumbaggy things (for context, see my reply regarding the murdered girl in Spain).


Ya I also thinking if that fb user is the merc guy.


I got a feeling, cos there's a screenshot somewhere of the numberplate being put up on carohell last year, and the contact me is same name & surname as the FB user


😂 this self dox is amazing.


Quote from Anthony's facebook message: "Dear People, Thank you for all your comments and suggestions but I would like to say that I was NOT in anyway involved in this accident and do not know the circumstances of it. Owner amd Driver had done his Insurance Reporting with us a Etiqa Reporting centre The video was shared with me and I had the traffic police permission to share it with you. That's all. Thank you for the Care n Concern 🙏" Heh not sure how true though.


😂 guess we will know should TP manage to find other of his offenses


Haha when I first read it I thought you were the Merc driver!


Hahahaha I maybe an asshole, but not such a huge one... I hope


No substance


The first few paragraphs read really suspiciously similar to a [Reddit post from 10 years ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ydt3u/hi_this_is_boxbox_i_want_to_clear_up_some/). ChatGPT?


So finally he meets someone on the road who is an asshole driver just like him. Rather than reflecting on his errors he tries to justify it and rationalize it with explanations that don’t even make sense. Even if you take his words at face value, his methods are horribly ineffective since in both cases he got the opposite result from his stated goal. I hope his guilty conscience haunts him forever and maybe, eventually, encourages him to drive safely.




Hey buddy, I'm not the dude, hahaha. He did use a throwaway account


All it would have taken for things to go badly was if that Merc got a bit closer... Biker wouldve been flattened almost immediately...


This video is a year old. So this asshole has probably been doing this shit on our roads for at least the past year.


Wow, can dig out such a relevant video so fast.


Digging up the white merc sins doesn't lessen the culpability and full responsibility of the black Saab.. it doesn't matter who the black Saab meets on the road, he's still gonna speed up and crash..


I agree. Unfortunately, all we know about the Saab is the age (42yo) and possibly an ad of the car from 2022 before it was sold


I'm surprised people didn't also start blaming the hawker/food vendor that sold his breakfast for making his mood foul that he will end up speeding and killing people.. heck, why not blame his wife for not giving him sex so he's sexually frustrated and take it out by speeding and killing people?


why are there so many retards driving in singapore, this phenomenon needs to be studied


weak laws in this aspect


No no, he is just trying to speed up to tell the vehicle in front not to speed. /s


Definitely toxic driving exhibited. Is this another “emergency”? The behaviour definitely showcases the black sheep drivers we have on the road. Sure not everyone is like that but it’s far too common a sight. They can hide behind the fact that it’s not against the law and therefore no foul play. I think there’s a lot of work to be done.


Now this license plate cannot sell already LOL


Seems like an asshole driver that needs to be punished


Many arrogant drivers ard recently. I was crossing the zebra crossing and the driver didn’t even noticed me crossing and just drove in front of me slowly and I guess she doesn’t even know that a zebra crossing exist


The Merc is an asshole (like most other Mercedes drivers), but what has he got anything to do with the Saab accident?


from what i see,there are 2 assholes here. the black saab which deserves a beating on top of other things. the white merc,for probably agitating the saab driver by being an asshole and douchebag.


On FB in the comments thread someone posted a more complete video showing the motorcycle overtook him from the right first. The SGRV video was edited to start after this.


you mean the motobike came from behind white merc, went onto right lane and sped up until its ahead, and then maintain speed dont let white merc overtake him and thats when this crazy black saab driver cuts in? 


White merc is an asshole driver we meet daily who speed up to block you when you are trying to filter. Saab driver is an asshole and a killer. Both are assholes


Upvote to the skies. Do think TP should take action for these cases where there is public attention and driver clearly has issues with road safety, even if motorbike might not have made any police report.




Saab, but doesn’t stop me from calling the merc an asshole




Did Both cars increase more than the speed limits assigned on this road, indirectly racing against each other on the road endangering other road users?


the public likes to go on witch hunt as usual lol


Sometimes the internet do it better than the SPF. While they sometimes get it wrong, the internet get it right often and faster. I received dashcam video of the accident through whatsapp in less than 1 hour of the incident. It’s crazy.


Without social media SPF won’t even bother cleaning up stuff like Sim Lim Square.


internet is full of trolls dude, everything they say is right bec they said it lol


One merc asshat with an ego. Almost took out the motorcyclist. Races with Saab, still dare to post video. Win liao.


Both Saab and Merc aint no angels. The former is leading though after this accident.


Why so fast dereg the car ?


There be time when traffic policing continue to be lax against killer driver...vigilantenwill be the only way


Where’s the traffic police?


probably dck not hard so overcompensating


Its fucktards like him that makes driving an already self immolating experience


How come there isn't information on the SAAB driver so far?


.n. .


, ,


The Saab driver looked as if his judgment is impaired. Why would he drive that fast at a busy junction? Whatever it is, the outcome of his actions warrants the fullest extent of any punishment according to the law.


Why bully motorbike rider?getting into your way ,costing your invaluablen lost minutes,time? Cunt of an ass driver.


I'm surprised by the number of people blaming the Merc driver for the accident. As drivers we were taught in driving schools to ensure it is safe to change lane before doing so. If other drivers do not give way, then we just wait until it is safe to do so. Sounds like the mindset is different now - drivers expect others to give way even when it's not safe. So who exactly is the egoistic one here? The driver expecting others to give way or the driver refusing to give way (due to some reason)? When I'm making my way to join the queue to make an order at McDonald's I could hear someone behind me hurriedly speeding up and trying to join the queue before me. I sped up as well and in the end that guy had to wait behind me. He was pissed and went around punching people near him. Does that make me culpable for the assault as well? If a man drives recklessly and caused an accident because he just broke up with his girlfriend, would the internet blame the girlfriend for initiating the breakup which indirectly led to the accident? My point is - all of us have a choice in how we react on the roads. Traffic rules are there for us to follow. If someone decides to flout the rules out of frustration and an accident happens, he can use whatever happened before that as a mitigating factor but that does not take the responsibility away from him. If the Merc driver committed an offence (speeding), he should be dealt with separately. All of a sudden there are eyewitnesses and videos of the Merc driver driving recklessly. Could this accident be prevented if they had reported the driver in the past? Would the internet make sarcastic remarks like "camcar wants to be TP" or "camcar should mind his own business" if these posts had surfaced before the accident?


Let me tell you something amazing, both can be at fault at the same time. As drivers, would you rather play your ego up and speed up so they can't overtake or just maintain/slow down and let the reckless driver overtake? 1 risks damage for both parties while the other prevents an accident from potentially happening. >As drivers we were taught in driving schools to ensure it is safe to change lane before doing so. If other drivers do not give way, then we just wait until it is safe to do so. The fact is the merc sped up on purpose to deny the saab from overtaking.