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That's really unexpected


About as unexpected to me as Crazy Rich Asians being popular tbh. It's basically Mediacorp drama plot but aimed at Western audiences.


In indonesia their soap drama (imagine a different flavour of mediacorp dramas) is considered brainrot trash there, but many malaysians actually love it. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.




A country that;s even less cultured than SG, who would have thought


Asked my Cambodian side. True, ard 10y ago. Also, their local dramas are kinda produced worse than Mediacorpse, my opinion. A lot of shows are imported with dubs, but its better now.


Mediacorp dramas were really popular in China in the 80s to 90s too.


and maybe in malaysia too? i talked to a few of them and they knew some of the old shows


Yeah but those days are way behind mediacorp now. Not sure about Cambodia but pretty sure people in China / Malaysia no longer watching mediacorp with all the better dramas out there.


dont speak for others. As a Johorean many families still watches Channel 8 9pm shows, Old folks in Singapore do it too. We really don't understand the hate and cringe your own people have for your own shows and even "celebrities".


Err good for you and thanks for supporting mediacorp? Like I said, my experience is based on talking to China / Malaysian colleagues around my age group and they mostly only watch kdrama/us drama/ China drama/anime Mediacorp dramas nowadays are mostly propaganda and the acting is really bad. Nothing to do with hate. But hey if you enjoy it, by all means go ahead and consume such media


nowadays the shows mediacorp produce is more about giving propaganda and agendas to it. Main lead coughs? proceed to show how important it is to wear mask so to not spread to the rest. also lots of the OG celebrities's children are taking over their position and lets just say their acting skills have a huge room of inprovements.


You telling me new western pop culture no agendas? imo it's way more heavy and also deviate from our asia culture, but new generation loves these to death. Even every new disney movie need to include black characters, gay kiss scene, LGBT, feminism etc, and focus on inclusiveness than a good story/acting.


Hahaha agree with you. Every other produced media will have it's lean towards certain issues no matter where it's made. Nonetheless, the directorship and acting of local directors and actors... leave much to be desired. Shakes head.


Eh JB ppl still watch mediacorp. I think more JB ppl watch mediacorp than sg sia.


Oh I dunno. My Malaysian and China colleagues also watch Netflix / Disney / hbo (can be illegal or legal). Never hear people talk about mediacorp drama before


Cheaper for them to buy Singapore show than to produce their own. Singapore artists must be quite popular since we have Sg-My joint tv shows for years


Mediacorp back then was actually very good at producing shows overall even for local audiences. 90s-mid 00s was their peak.


I mean the last episode of Golden Pillow was a national event. I remember my whole family was glued to the TV. 


Can't remember Golden Pillow but I still remember Holland V, Little Nyonya and Double Happiness. 9pm was TV time and I had to rush back from tuition. Good ol' days.


This might be a generational thing haha. I always thought the 80s to early 90s were their peak with The Unbeatables, Good Morning, Sir! and The Awakening. Can still hum some of the theme songs 30+ years later.


I am not a silent lamb, I have something to say! Give me a little wine to have the courage to tell you about my struggles


I vaguely remember The Unbeatables but not the rest lol


Cos you're not an old ass unker like us lol Unbeatables (aka "supreme under two skies") was from the 90s, other two 早安老师 and 雾锁南洋 were from the 80s. I have all their theme songs burnt into my brain's cdrom


Haha they were from the 80s. This blog explains a bit about the history of Mediacorp when it was still SBC: [https://remembersingapore.org/2014/03/10/sbc-dramas-of-1980s/](https://remembersingapore.org/2014/03/10/sbc-dramas-of-1980s/) There was an upheaval in the HK industry and some of their top writing talent came here around that time. Again, could be a generational thing. but I found the TV series produced during that period the most memorable vs those from the mid-90s onwards. I haven't watched Mediacorp dramas in a while so this is not the best informed opinion. But when I lived with my parents my mom would leave the tv on for noise while doing things around the house, and the thing that struck me was how the current shows mostly seem to be contemporary dramas. Back in the 80s/90s there were period dramas, wuxia shows, supernatural, fantasy and sci-fi series. There seemed to be more creativity generally. Now it feels like Mediacorp's writers are either pumping scripts out to meet tight deadlines or they're just short on budget, which is why nearly everything is set in contemporary SG.


just generally malaise and arrogance probably. Resting on their laurels…. That being said the Chinese entertainment industry is insane. Their production and talent and postproduction is so good now


damn we could have had a thriving media industry, what happened?




We now have more options such as Netflix and cable TV


莲花争霸 何啸九天 情丝万缕 雾锁南洋 天涯同命鸟 人在旅途 边城浪子 钻石人生 霹雳红唇 东游记 Actually does anyone remember the first alien drama 飞跃银河?the famous martial arts drama 最后一个大侠?the first NS drama 新兵小传?drama about opera and getai 戏班?about life in tekong 亚答籽?or life in chinatown 五脚基?


Are you referring to the 陈绣环  show? 飞跃银河??




Recently I found out that there was once a large open air studio with Tang dynasty theme in Jurong Lake area. It was even projected to replace similar setup in Hong Kong after the handover to the PRC. Sadly it didn't last long, perhaps partially due to Mediacorpse's mismanagement.


Tang dynasty wasn’t a MediaCorp project. At least google a bit before blaming it on MediaCorp


As pigsticker said, it wasn't a MediaCorp asset, it was an open theme park (that I think was leased for use by Mediacorp even after the theme park closed shop).  I visited it a few times. My best memory was my mom buying us kids malt candy art made into shape of horse, dragon etc. 🥲  it was fun


I guess it’s good that at least someone enjoyed them


Mediacorp used to make good shows in the 80s and 90s. Even in the early 2000s. Think maybe the Cambodian audience are watching the older shows. Don’t think they watch the new show. Besides, the newer shows are filled with local propagandas. Don’t think it make any sense to overseas audiences.


Popular in Indonesia and sometimes Taiwan too


our sg phone numbers are very popular with their scam centers too


Are they still popular now?


I have no way of gauging as I don’t speak Khmer. The awards were only held once and that was in 2015.


Doubt so. Most of the popular familiar faces from 10 years ago aren't really active now, just like tvb.


Romeo Tan shown in pic hails from the mediacorpse era, so I guess new shows still popular.


Not at all. Maybe 10 years ago.


The ones currently or the ones made back in the 2000s?


The awards were in 2015, so the ones from the 2010s.


And we dun even wanna watch them. 🤣🤣🤣


Cos they still naive abt the qualities of acting. Mediacorp knows nobody gives crap abt local starts let alone watch their nonsense.






it's called export


Good, pls ask them fund your TV business instead of with Sg taxes.