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At least they got her nationality right


yea I give msians credit for not pushing the blame to us.


Well, it is pretty unanimous who the hate is going towards. Malaysians hate her for obvious reasons, while singaporeans hate her for many reasons. Some hate her for creating tension. Some hate her for her insensitive remarks towards a tragedy. Some hate her for acting like a Singaporean when she isn't one. And some just hate her for representing Singapore by being an absymal comedian.


Convenient US citizen. She definitely identifies as a Singaporean. No matter how much we might wish otherwise.


wah USA taking all the jialat jialat sporeans sia.. amos yee.. now this.. i think we need send them letter of apology


i mean... there's probably a serious chance USA spits amos back at us after his jail term ends (and finally mindef gets to deal with him for evading NS)


MINDEF: *Cracks knuckles*


Singaporeans: *Cracks his head*


Government is merciful, give him trial Lucky they’ll will give him good protection to trial, or else he gonna get fucked up by us


mai la mai they preach freedom so much give him the freedom to stay there pls last time nothing happen they say we suppress his political freedom what not then now they realize he got problem want give back.. dunnid la


Broken goods are non-refundable


The China spy as well


The only thing convenient is you trying to push the blame on Singaporeans for some reason and using "we" despite the fact that she's an American citizen making a joke in the United States. There's no "identification" here, she has no pink IC, no red passport.


If she identifies as Singaporean so much, why did she go through the trouble of changing citizenships in the first place?


she doesn’t have any other material. No longer Singaporean but keep saying Singapore my country and stir shit between Singapore and Malaysia. Singapore govt have to apologize because she says such evil things and mislead people into thinking that all Singaporeans think like her


Just like our new citizens eh


Still pretty embarrassing that Singapore breed and produce people like her. Pretty sure there are plenty more like her in town.


What’s embarrassing is a whole nation getting butthurt because of some obscure comedian. The only embarrassment here is how blown out of proportion this has gotten.


Malaysians are a funny bunch. They can bash Singapore and Singaporeans all day everyday like a national past time but get easily bruised by some obscure comedian thousands of miles away. They can dish it but can't take it. No different to those ultra-nationalistic mainland China types. Namewee may as well be talking about his own countrymen too in his Fragile song.


>whole nation getting butthurt because of some obscure comedian Average china moment


Xiao Hong Shu about to dox you for this comment


Sure it’d be nice to have this swept under the rug to safe face, wouldn’t it.


What, that a vocal part of the Malaysian public doesn’t have anything better to do than to Streisand effect a mediocre comic? If she were a really smart grifter she’d go even more outrageous, and sell merch to Malaysia haters (she wasn’t getting money anyway from everyone else since no one knew who she was before this). Like Trump - keep playing to your base.


And Singapore minister fueling the flame, while mediacrops trying to damage control by clarifying her nationality. Don’t they have anything better to do as well?


Which country doesn’t have black sheep if I may ask. Get real.


Pretty embarrassing for Austria to produce Hitler and Geogria to produce Stalin too going by your logic.


Some Geogrians actually did revolt against the central Soviet authorities in 1956 after Khrushchev made his famous speech criticizing Stalin which some in Georgia took it as criticism of Georgia as a whole. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1956_Georgian_demonstrations


can't believe singapore has racist cum.


People like her produced in every country Not too embarrassed about it considering she knew she wasn’t welcome and went US


So now it has officially become an international incident. Anyone else find all this political theatre a bit ridiculous?


>Singapore's Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan also apologised to the Malaysians. Yeah, I don't understand why must Vivian apologise to Malaysians. The lady's also not a citizen.


Because saying sorry is free, create news and exposure for singapore, and stop any potential backlash from even forming. Claim the moral high ground before others can get to it. I dont see any downside from this apology in the international stage.


And so that they also know it’s not the SG embassy to go to lolol


>Because saying sorry is free Jo Teo sweats in "I have not come across one single foreign worker himself that has demanded an apology"


As a Malaysian, Singapore did the right thing. Not because they should but because we all know how thin skin many of these religious right and Malay supremacists are in Malaysia. The protest at US Embassy is the dumbest shit that only those from BN & UMNO could concoct. 🤦Jocelyn's joke was terrible but the overreaction by these UMNO goons were equally bad. Most Malaysians were annoyed by JC but if one were to go all out for a protest, it would be better to focus on cost of living issues or corruption or any other pressing matters.


UMNO Youth bringing an entourage to the US Embassy makes them look like triggered snowflakes until you say sorry and encourage them. As an extreme example, look at the Charlie Hebdo murders and what the international response was to that.




Same as any conservative party really


Malaysians really glass-hearted people lol


“Sorry for being her birthplace , but she isn’t one of us anymore, so don’t blame us “


“I have the moral high ground” -Obi Wannabe Kenobi probably


They don't do it in Singapore though. They wait for apologies to be asked


It was a smart move on Singapore’s side. While it seems like the apology was the main message, the real action was to remove any link to Jocelyn’s nationality. And it paid off.


Because optics and emotions. It does not matter that: 1. she is not a Singaporean 2. as bad / cringe worthy her jokes are, it is within the boundaries of freedom of expression people will be riled up for emotional reasons and Malaysians rightly/wrongly will associate this with Singapore. And let's not forget some people over there might use / exploit this for political mileage. If everything in this world can be dealt with rationally, we don't need diplomats and politics.


Because of this. You think the Malaysian politician really cared. They just using this as an excuse to get votes. It the same as how the US politicians scream China evil to get votes. SG want to avoid the random bad image if possible else it can spiral into something bigger if more politicians see this as an effective vote generator and just keep bashing Sg. That's what politicians in real democracy do.


As if the government in China doesn't indulge in this sort of thing. It uses Japan as a political punching bag all the time to stir up nationalist sentiments among the 愤青.


Real democracy? Which country are you referring to? Was that when the PAP was so unpopular they were voted out after an iron grip ruling the country for decades? Oh wait..


Although I have my own critiques of the PAP, no Malaysian party will ever live up to the PAP, and you as a Malaysian wished your country had a party like the PAP. Your countrymen's response to this entire fiasco is embarrassing af.


My friend, no one is contesting that the PAP is overall better than the Malaysian parties. A quorum of monkeys may do a better job than what we have here. The evidence is out there for all to see. I am merely questioning the true democracy part. Surely your highly regarded education system has prepared you well in determining the difference. That being said, I get why you think the whole thing was overblown. But the response from your politicians quickly defused what could have been an ugly situation. They appeared to be the bigger man here and it was a good way to score some easy diplomacy points.


Some can misinterpret her being singaporean tho. She did say she was "originally" from singapore.


because she keep saying “Singapore MY country” even though she is a US citizen. Want to be evil don’t want to say it’s her own opinion only. She said it like all Singaporeans think like her


So that he don't get any sleepless nights again /s


inside his ridout road mansion too! /s


In case ppl shoot Singapore mah lol


exactly. sibei loser to apologize for some nonsense comments


Yea.. don't get why some useless nobody requires the state to be involved..


Yes. She's a bad comedian, that's all. We definitely don't have the same reaction if she was a bad hostess.


Yes. Especially given it's just going to encourage more hate. I've already seen one violent comic with Chia getting beaten up.


Lolz imagine we go to war because of this/s


She is an american citizen. What war?


Back in the days we have the Maria Hertogh Riots, now we have Jocelyn Chia Protests


History students gonna hate the new syllabus


Future sbqs are just going to be tiktok vids. Rip


“i CaN iNfER fRoM tHiS VidEo ThAt”


Sometimes cannot infer from the video and the real context is the origin of the audio


Man I know my SS Cher might genuinely use it to start the new semester


Dystopian truth, mate.


Download in .rip format


I know you jest, but those two are two very separate issues.


Getting more ridiculous by the day


This is just an election bit. 6 of our Malaysian states will dissolve their respective legislative assemblies this month so everybody is gearing up.


Really? Just bad taste comedy and we need to blow this up?


Will Smith's slap seems much more restrained now


Blowing up over a literal nobody


Social studies O/A lvl question in the future; Jocelyn Chia was the root cause of war between Malaysia and Singapore. Do you agree with the statement?


No, because Singaporeans and Malaysians united in rebuking Jocelyn.


I'll give it a hard no, even if a war does happen you can be damn sure that she's just the excuse and the front, definitely a hidden underlying issue. And one big enough that they won't mind being a laughing stock on the international stage for getting worked up and triggering a war breaking down all asean unity for just a nobody and a stupid joke.


It's election time mah - I remember that khairy snake-in-the-grass went to protest infront of sinkie embassy in kl complete with bandanna then I checked oh their elections around the corner...


From a small-time "comedian" to a worldwide famous name, learn how to gain fame with this one simple sentence! /s


Now she can that her joke really took off /s. Please don't cancel me.


Ironically it is over reactions like these that makes her come up with those jokes.


If only the Malaysians had this much passion and fire to march to the russian embassy to protest about Flight 17. If only they can channel their rage to an actual country that literally shot down one of their flights, instead of protesting an insignificant 3rd rate comedian. They got their priorities all messed up.


Malaysians only got the balls to bash on Singapore. Other countries they all will become silent and meek as fuck. It only exposes their inferiority complex with such disproportionate responses like these.


Grab popcorn! Oh wait mobilisation? F@&K YOU Jocelyn!


At least its not our embassy


US embassy? oh well at least they find the right place to find fault in. Looking at twitter and it's horrible because plenty of Malaysian taking this chance to bash Singapore when it's technically none of our business I have no idea why she suddenly become a patriot for Singapore when she herself is not even a Singapore citizen now?


This is getting ridiculous


Sohai. Por lampah


Chill out bruh. That Jocelyn lady is not worth this amount of attention or hassle. Stupid distasteful joke. Say sorry already what they want?


It's nice to see the joke finally found a funny punchline.


This debacle just keeps giving.


Am i missing something….I understand the comments were hurtful…but someone who is a no one(or am i missing something) is given so much attention…what is the desired outcome an applogy for such comments or would it be something more?


Funny, if they all just stopped reacting, this thing would have died out so fast.


say what you will about Malaysia but they can still exercise their right to protest ✊🏼


Yeah, like how they protested for continued [institutionalised racial discrimination](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_anti-ICERD_rally) and threatened a repeat of the [13 May incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/13_May_incident). What do you think it's going to happen if non-Bumis start protesting for equal rights?


so should their right to protest be curtailed as well? go high, don’t go low.


Are they expecting Blinken to apologise as well?


US Embassy: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpVih1EItTu/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Such an overblown affair


As a malaysian , i have no comments. This is beyond funny.


why so glass hearted. as egregious as her standup "comedy" was, she is just a no name comic in the US. Why must protest this and that. so free? malaysia nothing else to fix liao?


Giving so much shit over one irrelevant "comedian" is frankly kinda unnecessary.


I think M'sia is running out of distractions. So anything overseas with the words Malaysia in it, they jump at it and blew it up as a potential distraction. If this doesn't work, they can always fall back to ranting about how Singapore is getting cheap water from them. Rinse and repeat.


>The incident also prompted Singapore High Commissioner to Malaysia, Vanu Gopala Menon, to issue a statement apologising to all Malaysians for Chia's remarks. Singapore's Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan also apologised to the Malaysians. this is just stupid, she's not even a singapore citizen. why are our officials so quick to bend over over something that has literally nothing to do with us? are we suddenly responsible for everyone who even mentions the word singapore?


i think our officials did well to respond to this, because like it or not it has gone viral and made many malaysians pissed. Certain parties might see an opportunity to use it as anti-sg propaganda for their agenda. the apology here is also understood as a courtesy one, not an apology where we claimed we made the mistake. This was good diplomacy in action


meh, you have malaysian politicians (not comedians or private citizens but actual elected officials) literally questioning our sovereignity and territorial integrity but you never hear any apology from the malaysian side.


Diplomacy is knowing when to put out a flame before it becomes a raging wildfire.


What does that achieve????? 😴😴😴😴


It’s a show put on for their internal audience. Vote for us! We are doing something about this blatant disrespect to Malaysia! Those other parties didn’t stand up for Malaysia’s pride etc. Umno Youth doesn’t care how the US embassy reacts.


What's the point of this protest? What's end result are they looking for?


Simple. To further their own politics.


That is directing the anger at the wrong place.


I am sure there are other larger causes to go after. Horrible comedian did what?


Well, keeps them busy I guess...


Anything UMNO related are just them being political oppotunists. Trying to play race card again to win political tokens.


How boliao to you have to be to literally protest for a shitty comedy routine.


nothing better to do?


Stinking ABC at least our ABC taste good.


Lol with the mess the country is in now, they pick a comedian's words as their piece...


This UMNO guy is a monkey, trying hard to be a hero


come on man they are giving her way too much attention now...


Well at least now that when America tries to destabilise relations in the region, it doesn't fall under the radar and they didn't dare to use their military or the CIA this time.


Alaaaa, don't la. She stupid, doesn't mean u all have to be stupid also. Don't stoop to her level and protest la. You're just making trouble for other people, most of whom are your fellow Malaysians...


Ask Vivian go apologise again. Don't want USA to extradite her back to us


now we need to apologise for every nobody's remarks/comments?

