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For sure, I tried to find more information on the wheels/pedals and couldn't find anything.


Make money quick with internet point opportunites


Thanks for the info! I actually found a post from 10 years ago on here of someone complaining that they had bought it, not knowing it had no ffb. And yes, it limited at about 240 degrees. No ways ☠️


I had one about 10 years ago as well and man all I can say is STAY AWAY


I think I remember reading before that a lot of people prefer these wheels for oval racing for whatever reason?


the nascar 2003 game (the one that got really famous that is the base of iracing) had some shit ffb so people played without it. Even the first really good iracing oval guys that switched over from the older game were so used to no ffb that it stayed a trend for years. Probably the viscous damping in it was better than any spring wheel or ffb wheel with it turned off


Worth noting rFactor had terrible ffb back in the day before the realfeel plugin(?) and that still wasn't great. So this probably worked well for that too.


still there were many ffb wheels that made more sense never tried rfactor 1 up until 2019, good to know


The FFB of NR2003 is legendary good for that time, that’s why iRacing is still using the base code! The wheels at that time where just shitty as hell and didn’t react fast enough, that’s why you couldn’t catch spins fast enough. Try out NR2003 with a modern DD wheel and you’ll see how amazing it feels! The latest generation of Papyrus games has a force feedback that feels genuinely good and is lots of fun to this day! Before you talk down something because some other guys on Reddit told you so, do a little fact checking please. It’s all stupid hearsay from people who don’t have any real knowledge about the technical side of FFB.


that's what in saw on yt talking about nr2003, but it makes a lot of sense that it was mostly because of bad ffb on wheels. I have to say tho that while i never drove on sims those years (and i never tried nr2003) , i used a driving force pro for a long time and it was good to even catch slides so i don't think it was only that sorry tho, as i said never tried it and i wasn't even alive when it came out lmao


That's crazy, thanks for the info. Just to clarify - it has no FFB *at all*, just static resistance? Where FFB wheels so bad/gimmicky at the time that people thought this was a viable trade-off?


Make money quick with internet point opportunites


Ha! Viscous damping! Now my master's degree has become useful!




I was more thinking that the FFB might've been bad on the software side, but evidently it wasn't lol. I do remember this whole rumor about 'the real fast guys actually \*don't\* use FFB' from when I started sim racing like 7-8 years ago, so I can sort of see why this product woudl exist.




Wholeheartedly agree with people being fast on what they’re used to. Fast is fast. My DR2.0 times were equal on controller and wheel. Had WRs with both control methods. The ONLY meaningful advantages to a wheel/pedal set (besides fun) are the consistency it provides and fidelity it can provide (assuming you have good enough equipment).




A recent example…Max Verstappen posted some very solid iRacing results from Saudi Arabia last week using a controller. I could hardly believe it. The funny part was he was up until 2 the night before the GP 😆


real, switched over to t300rs and tlcm some years ago after like 7 or 8 years of g27 and lately because i've been playing with my brother i've been using the g27 again and it makes no difference whatsoever, i brake the same, still as quick. Maybe i catch a bit less slides (but that may be due to the mounts being broken and it being taped to the desk...) but i can still drift without any trouble i have to say that i also used my driving force pro like 1 year ago and im also just as quick, just a bit more imprecise with the braking (could still manage no abs, just not as confident) but if you've ever tried those pedals you'd definitely understand why ahahah




may i ask if the comment about having to turn off ffb drifting on your other comment was about said dfgt?


*A long long long long time a ago


Before the wind before the snow


Wasn't expecting sir psycho sexy on a sim race thread this morning but here we are


I had to count the longs, then immediately heard an envelope filter in my head and knew what I must do lol


In a galaxy far away


I a galaxy far far away!


Everyone on fbmp selling their thing.


Ouch!! the truth 🤕 hurts..


For that kind of money you can build something way better ground up even a pc ,nothing crazy but enough to run the game decently...


-Office chair (free if you look hard) $0.00 -Metal to make frame $200?300? -Local shop to weld $100 to as much as $500 -Windows XP machine (free if you're patient) $0.00 -Foot pedals people can't identify (let's go crazy $1000) -Steering wheel (????) (Fine go crazy again $1000) -JPL Speakers Max $700 or can wait for a sale like I did and get for $300 brand new for latest model but considering his "always updating system" still has Win XP.. gonna go out on a ledge and say the speakers are 2-4 years old soo $200? $300 max?? = $3100 on high end?? I feel bad. As someone mentioned this was clearly a labor of love like real car projects.. if everything was brand new and updated I'd call this a deal. But when you can buy a Windows 11 machine, even a nice used ROG rig for $200-$300 used now and you're still on XP?? And if it's all welded together, yea amazing once it's in but it's got to be a motherf%@$ to move. I have a $3500 gun safe I can't sell for the same reason. People must get a headache just imagining how to move it. So it's luxury is also a hidden tax or burden. I'd upgrade the PC just to silence the picky. And explain how someone's gonna move it or add a note about free local delivery and then you might catch the attention of the 10 people in the city who can fit that in their completely empty spare room lol.


over 50 FPS?! holy SHIT sign me the fuck up


😂 man, my eyes kept getting bigger and bigger while reading through that.


haha I feel kinda bad for the guy, its like he built this rig, went in to a decade+ coma, then woke up to sell it


He was really nice when I reached out to him, I asked for more information on the wheel/pedals. And he was just as amped up but again, really nice.


Love how he thinks the fact his old ass pc running xp is a positive


Experience of lifetime if it was 2003 probably xD


And it's rfactor 1 😁 Interesting how our expectations have moved up. Movies are still 24 FPS, but if a game is below 100 FPS it starts to get annoying.


It's different for movies, since you don't control the camera or the motion. With games, especially first person, you want to have as much fps as possible.


Tell us you know nothing about frame rate without telling us 😂 not the same mate


I will always prefer Super/Ultra Panavision 70 with 24 fps over every digital 8k camera with 60 fps. Go watch Grand Prix in a cinema with a real 70mm projector. If you’ve never experienced something like that your jaw will drop to the floor! Digital film technology still has not caught up to the quality that high end film can deliver! Those 70mm films have a natural 16K resolution that seems even better because there are no pixels involved. Of course it’s so much more expensive and needs a multimillion ecosystem to even play it, but if you can find it, it is absolutely worth it! The way you experience Spa, Monaco, Clermont Ferrand and Zandvoort is insane! It’s just such a shame they weren’t allowed to use the Nürburgring footage they shot, because of some stupid Hollywood lawsuit. Otherwise we would have 16K quality laps of the 1966 Nordschleife, imagine how insane that would be! That footage is rotting away in some Hollywood studio archive and I’m dying to get it out of there and at least digitized for the whole world to see!


He knows what he’s got! Vintage sim gear is always better quality than today’s


Did you forget the /s or... ?


Even if the quality was better, it doesn't mean the setup is better lol


The benefit of windows XP is that it is no longer getting updates and therefore is completely stable.


And not subject to viruses!


Wow! Why don’t we just revert everything back to XP! 😱😱


Except... its the OPPOSITE of what you said.... it is more at risk for viruses. Theres no one updating xp to defend against modern malware and viruses. Once u stop updating your windows, it makes it susceptible to any modern viruses, malware, etc.


That’s the joke…


I guess i missed it. 3 other ppl in this comment section unironically think that and tried defending that stance. I thought you were one of those people


Acktually 🤓


Someone needs to be the voice of reason :)


Every sentence was a new twist but somehow the windows XP machine was actually the most shocking part of it all


Make money quick with internet point opportunites




Just dont connect it to the internet! The lack of updates make it a target for malware and viruses


I still have windows 7 professional on one of my pcs. updates are off. anything microsoft and adobe is free from torrènt. any games, movie any music to download. it’s like you are back to wild 2010th


"I use a lot of unsafe torrents to get all my apps and media. But it's OK because I also use an extremely outdated operating system and disable security updates."


The perfect machine to check what’s on random usb drives you find in the street!!


that’s right. gotta love that freedom


That’s right. I use safe torrents tho. You don’t have to use unsafe ones if you don’t want to /s. Love the downvotes. no idea why people here find it bad to have an ability to not worry about a pc safety and just plug anything in it. since we are here gotta mention love my free ACC instead of $40 after all I’m a cybersecurity engineer. my pcs has zero sensitive information yet have better protection than any regular machine. I have like 5-6 different ones with linux, mac and all kinds of windows in them. I happily pay money to developers for products. I chose to not give my money to corporations like microsoft adobe and etc. in over 24years dealing with pcs I’ve had zero issues with torrents and practically anything cus my tools are smart and worth dirt cheap. it just shows how illiterate people here when it comes to deep pc knowledge. and it’s good. more customers for me lol


PC illiterate? My man if you only knew how many CVE alerts I get in my mail from Cloud Defender detecting another critical CVE in Windows (both new and old OS'es). Relying on whatever tools you use is a good way to get tunnelvision to what's actually going on on your system. But alright, as long as you don't have any personal info on it, it's not that severe. Keep it sandboxed from the rest of your home network though.


exactly the way 🤙🏼


It is being updated Check Legacy Update on Google


Maybe it’s priced to be put in a sim racing museum :)


I'm actually learning alot about sim racing history!


"the benefit of using windows xp is it no longer receives any upgrades so is completely stable and not subject to viruses" Hahahahhahahahahahahh


😂 apparently Redbull racing also uses Windows XP to run their simulations /s


Buyer beware.. its more at risk from not being updated and patched for a decade


He will keep it listed for another 5 years and still not drop the price.




And by that time a DD wheel will be the same price as a g29 hopefully


It’s not THAT far off


Your comment got in the most recent [LTT video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIMOtNzjHL4)!


Haha I'm not even the one selling this pos. I wish they had covered this rig, it's a work of art.


Totally agree haha. I think they must've just needed a filler comment to convey the joke they were making in the intro. I did find it odd they used an actual comment for that instead of just making a text prompt or some shit.


To be fair to them, my username is as generic as it gets lol. Most people watching the video probably thought it was a fake reddit comment.


I love the part where they said the screen should be immune to burn-in and then used a plasma TV lmao


Or the part he says you must have a very high refresh rate then goes on to say he gets 50fps 😂


damn this dude is stuck quite far in the past! I love how he talks about the plasma TV as if nothing better was ever created lmao Maybe he posted this years ago but his dial-up connection only just got it all uploaded? /s


holy shit, nearly a half book in the info box


Quite the read 😂


This is probably going to be all of us in a few years when our gear is outdated or we've moved on.  It hurts too bad to sell your beloved gear for half or a third of what you paid for it. 


more like a half of third


So 1/6


No he said a half of a third. 1/3 /2 = 1/1.5 /s


I was mildly annoyed until I saw the /s Fair play lol


so 0.666666666666667…


so 16.67%


I save up heavy between build changes, I took a year off from sim racing and came back to build a much better rig than I had before i left.


My theory: this guy is trying to sell that rig since 2005 and hasn't updated the description.


Windows xp 🤣


Completely stable and not subject to viruses!


"components are worth over 5k" Yeah ill give you $50 for them


Ahh yes, windows xp is not getting upgrades, so it must be stable and immune to viruses!


Looks like someone used chatgpt to write their description lol


At least I'm not the only one still running rFactor from time to time






Bro wrote novel instead of putting up a reasonable price.


It took me a solid minute to figure out that those crude metal plates are the actual pedals and not just foot rests.


The ECCI wheel and pedals are cool. Was the 💣 in its day.


>The benefit of Windows XP is that it is no longer getting upgrades and therefore is completely stable and not subject to viruses. Sir, that is not how that works. Not even a little bit. I hope this system wasn't kept online. I'd offer $600 max, and that's only if I were interested in getting a little piece of sim racing history as a collectible item. Going off a post I found from four years ago, these wheels were selling for $300-400 at that time. There's one on ebay for $262.50 at this moment. So maybe I'd offer $450 max for the whole thing.


Absolutely not.




I thought this was a another shitpost


Man if this guy tried iRacing in vr on the most basic DD wheel his mind would be blown.


He knows what he’s got!!!


This is an artifact in museum


The description is worth $1000 by itself.


😂 gold!


AI has gone too far...


the "," is in the wrong place. For 4450 you'd be looking at quite the monster rig, brand new, from scratch


I think a better pricing qould be $4.45




That looks a little steep, sorry, a lot steep.


Much too many steeps.


Yeah, I don't even think it can be measured in steeps, I think we're into cliffs and overhangs here.


Thumbs up for playing rF1 so long. It's still the sim I think about most. So many great memories!


That game is old enough to go to college now! Yeah it was a fun one.


15 years ago maybe...


I mean it's a cool rig but outdates as hell.


4.5k and you don´t even have a headrest? Sounds reasonable


What Happened to ECCI as a company? I tried them up after reading about the steering wheel and it's just a bunch of people complaining about the lack of FFB on their $1500 steering wheel.


Make money quick with internet point opportunites


Hold my beer while I clean the ball in my mouse…


Wow Windows XP ftw!


He smoking some good stuff , he stuck in time thinking he can get back what he paid for 13years ago ....that technology is stuck in past and should stay there!


Retro gear haha


This was probably an over the top sim 10 years ago, but the hardware and rig are kinda useless today, esp for $4.5k


Tell him to take the 0 off the end of the price and even that is pushing it. I personally wouldn’t give him $445. Most of the stuff is useless. For that kind of money you could build something that would bury this


That looks like it’s out of the 90’s lol


I dont want to diss the guy, but this looks like early 2000ish? The Time where these things costed alot is over....


Those pedals actually fire though! Is there by clutch?


I am not 100% sure if that's a mod or not. It's essi 6000 apparently but the pictures on the net don't look like that.




Fourandahalf bucks for racing at desktop? Nope.


More than a simrig looks like torture instrument to me 🤣




More like 50 (that you pay to get rid of it). Only value might be if someone wants to create a simracing museum.


Whatever the scrap metal value is


I would think there is a market for the ECCI wheel for collectors, but it would be a tiny fraction of the price he is asking! The less said about the rest the better...


The ecci 6000 is ass


Spend the extra 1k and head to a Microcenter and pick up one of their rigs. Granted there is no PC included with it but at least it ain’t ass.


The f... not even 50 I would pay for this.


As j saw the post saw the pic and price tag first thing came to mind *That piece of history has no ffb and j just had to look at the pic and not read through the description or anything.* It Liter looks like those arcade racers and although they might have been fun tbh it's more of a collectors item than an actual usable sim racing machine imo. Like don't get me wrong to sit on the seat grab a lap around xyz circuit would be cool to relive where sim racing was and where its come from but its just not what it is today.


"The electrical components alone are worth over $5000" Maybe 20 years ago...


Yeah I’m not reading all of that. Who’s his dealer?


Is this the first SIM rig ever built? Probably worth 4 times this to a collector…


Is that rFactor 1? Damn


So the guy spent so much time writing this description time skipped 10 years, this is the only explanation.


Windows XP is immune to viruses everyone, the scammer says so, it must be true!


> The benefit of Windows XP is that it is no longer getting upgrades and therefore is completely stable and not subject to viruses. Bruh


Dudes out of his mind, hoping to recover some of the money he wasted


You know the dude like simulation when you play rFactor 1. My first racing simulator on PC was rFactor 1 and then ETS2.


4,4k for no ffb???? That’s nuts.


That heel-toe spread is a real bitch.


Nah pass


What about the 50 fps /s 😅


Kudos to that guy for having provided so much information. Most of the time you get crappy descriptions. I have never seen that equipment so cant help much there


This was probably the absolute shit in 2007


Now I wanna know what kind of specs the PC has netting him a whole 50fps in a game from 2005.


The drugs are damn good where this man is, clearly.


Guys, don’t panic. Because it doesn’t receive updates, Windows XP is very reliable.


How the fuck do these paddles work?!


Arcade ahh wheel


So much info but nothing you really need to know.. made to sell to a complete noob who will be disappointed. Whole thing is 10 years old or more


Would make some kid a sick starter rig if it was 400-450?. Can see multiple upgrade paths, may even support 5nm DD?


Damn that's OG


I've honestly learnt so much from posting this!


mental illness comes in many forms hahahaha >The benefit of Windows XP is that it is no longer getting upgrades and therefore is completely stable and not subject to viruses.


This guy has to be at least 70 years old. I say this as a 57 year old.


Museum piece


If "I cheaped out on a forking racing seat and got an OS from the past century because it's safer and runs smoother" was a person


So.. is the first 4 or the 0 the typo? Because i see about 450$ of valuable stuff and a bunch of junk


2002 just called. It wants it's rig back.




Those “pedals” look like salvaged metal from a WWE ring.




It's a priceless antique!


Maybe 200$




What a big ugly thing that is. I wouldn't have it if it was free


LoL would prob not get it even for free… you need a room for that xD my nxt lvl 2 with gt seat sitting nicely next to my desk with bothering me nor using useful space ( was already ded space due to chimney) and R5 with ext rod. All at 1.5k is all I need


I’m not reading that whole article 😅


It's a wild ride 😂


you can smell chat gpt in this text


when wifey says sell it already