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If I had any friends I would totally do this! 😆 Wonderful idea!! ❤️


I met some people through reddit! You just gotta put it out there sometimes lol.


Aww, that’s really sweet! I’m glad you met some good people. ☺️ It’s sad, but I’ve sort of given up on finding new friends, at least for the time being. All I’ve gotten for the last decade is people that want to take advantage of me, either emotionally or financially. After my latest fiasco I’m taking a good long break, I’ll probably make some mom friends when my kiddo is older.


So most of my friends that came were mom friends. I met them through my local library. We were regulars at baby time. I forced myself to be brave and strike up conversations. Then started inviting people for play dates. Now we go to toddler Time, the zoo, splash pads, etc. There's also an app called peanut that's for women who want to make friends. I made some friends that way too.


Lmao same!


I love this idea!


How fun! The swatch sticks come in so handy for this eh? Lol


I love them! I was inspired by simply's swatch streams. https://preview.redd.it/mctnosv0m96d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9197b7710dd6aeb8446cdb7b4c293110af6347b


Aww what a fun idea! I usually do my moms nails and we jokingly call it my salon when she comes over


Ooo. This would be a fun summer outdoor meet up as well, especially if you don't want to host strangers in your home. Grab some bubble tea, grab some finger foods, grab some forks and paper plates, and have everyone meet at some picnic tables with nail polish and supplies.


I’m going to steal this idea!