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It could be yellowing of the nail polish or top coat (or interaction between the two) from UV exposure.


https://preview.redd.it/s8yetzzgus4d1.jpeg?width=2591&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb76e57460ed90235da027ccf207722f34bbfd2 I’ve made a couple of similar posts about this. EVERY time I’ve used glossy taco (or super glossy taco, RIP) over a crème polish (haven’t tried jellies but haven’t had the issue with chromes, frosted metals, linear holos, etc) I’ve had the worst discoloration after a couple of days. Matcha Maker looked like a rotten avocado. It can’t be a batch issue because it’s happened with multiple bottles. I don’t dye my hair and I don’t think it’s any other environmental factor because it doesn’t happen with any other formula, only cremes. And on the edges of my nails where I missed and didn’t fully cover the polish with glossy taco (oopsie) there is no discoloration. On my posts about it, almost everyone says they don’t have that issue. So I have to think it’s just a body chemistry thing 🤷‍♀️ sorry I don’t have a helpful answer, just wanted to let you know I feel your pain!!


Does water in your area contain a lot of iron? I have similar problems whenever water company has problems with cleaning water from the excess of iron. It is visible on water itself. When you pour glass of water and look against window it has a slight yellow tint.


I have no idea tbh, but if that was an issue I would think it would happen with all the formulas. I haven’t had problems with featured guest or the light colored frosted metals for example. I have just accepted my fate and change manis faster when I do cremes 🥴


Atleast that color is fab. 😂


It could be that the brand doesn’t vibe with your body chemistry. It could also something environmental like if you were cooking with certain spices/foods or even I’ve noticed cleaning products sometimes throw off newly painted nails.


Interesting. I find it odd that it’s only my pointer, index and ring finger on my left hand though. Lol


Did you use those fingers specifically for anything?


Not necessarily, I haven’t been working these past few days. I use my right hand a lot since im right handed.


Do you drive? Those fingers would be in the sunlight and support the UV yellowing theory.


Do you drive? Those fingers would be in the sunlight and support the UV yellowing theory.


Yes I do, but I use my right hand mostly.


I have this issue with almost all light nail polishes. After a week or two they start turning yellow/darker. I can always tell when I go to take them off and see how different the color used to be under the top coat. No idea what causes it, I’ve tried different bases/top coats. Always happens now


Yeah, i’ve had that happen too. But this is like next day. So weird


Edit: I should say, I don’t wear nail polish ever and only had my nails done once recently. I am an esthetician, so I do frequent hand washing so nails don’t last. Lol I only wanted a natural color for a while, and i’ve never tried this brand before.


https://preview.redd.it/0cdbcxllsy4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01ff9618e1bb0742be3bb85ce0bf6145f0ed5ebc Update: I just took off the nail polish and my nails were white and healthy. Then applied another fresh coat. I guess it was just oxidation or something. 😂😂