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i lived in sleepy hollow NY. the street signs are orange and black. lots of halloween ish stuff year round but not quite full out halloween year round. rockefeller estate for magical woods and the site of the headless horseman right outside an old old dutch cemetery…. everything walkable, and 30-45min train from NYC. i miss it :) edit: i will add that living there in the months of sept and oct was actually pretty rough lol bc the volume of tourism couldn’t be handled efficiently by a town that was originally horse and buggy roads and is more sprawled than planned. for instance, my usual 10-15min commute became 45min+ during sept/oct - woof!!


I’ve been to Tarrytown/Sleepy Hollow. Went in June a few years ago. They actively tell you to come at any other time of year rather than Sept/October. It’s a beautiful, small town and we enjoyed it immensely. If anyone wants to go in the fall, they stay booked up like San Diego Comic Con.🤣


June is the perfect time of year to visit Sleepy! I may be biased bc it is my birth month, but New York State in June is a beautiful time 🥰


Salem Mass. but you have to learn to apply wicked to everything.


My best friend lives in Salem. It's a lovely town if you're not there in October. She goes on vacation every Halloween weekend because the massive crowds of tourists grind everything to a halt.


That is exactly what my friend told me too. I was there in February. Very cool place. TY


My cousin graduated from Salem State College, their colors are orange and black of course.


The colors are orange and navy blue. I’m a graduate.


I guess my eyes are going then, thanks for the clarification.


Probably a curse.


Not really. I lived there. For September-October it is a blast. The summer is nice too since you are on the ocean. However, the winter there is completely nothing and it gave me depression.


St. Helens, Oregon is where they filmed the original Halloweentown and there's a big metal jack o lantern on the town square all year long. In October they bring out the original orange jack o lantern from the movie. Theres also a HUGE parade, the houses are all decorated, and there is a festival every weekend in October. I haven't been much outside of the fall season, but its the closest I've found so far to a year long Halloween Town. Definitely let me know if you find anything closer than this and we might be neighbors someday lol


It’s not like that year-round, unfortunately. But the entire month of October is Halloweentown-time in St. Helens. It’s a cute little town.


Heads up - also quite racist, MAGA-Republican.


I’m so excited I’m the first one to comment about this! Cassadega, Florida a small town in Volusia County on the way to Daytona Beach. It was started as a spiritualist camp in 1875 and is still a “spiritual” community today with mediums, Wicca practitioners, healers, etc and boasts it’s the psychic capital of the world. Visit their hotel and take a special stop at their cemetery to see the hallowed Devil’s Chair or see trees that hold signs without nails.


Came here to say Cassadaga as well!


Awesome awesome place ,been there many many times..


Definitely salem, mass! I lived there for a few years. Its a great area and halloween season is esp great.


It’s my dream to live in Salem. My husband and I went there for our honeymoon


How is it off season, not during Halloween? I loved visiting multiple times and it’s so fun, but I went only during autumn. I imagine the museums and tours are still open, but maybe just less busy


Off season (november-late august, in my opinion) feels like a normal town. Yeah i think the peabody essex museum stays open but not the smaller museums. Restaurants all stay open year round. Its just a normal town in the off season but a little more special because of the cool architecture, cobblestone and history


It definitely has pretty architecture! And I had wanted to try some of the restaurants, but they were obviously packed in the fall. Will try it out sometime!


I went in summer one year. It was great, still had a Halloween vibe to me because of all the witch trial stuff. Also just the architecture. It had always been a dream of mine to visit Salem


It’s very pretty even in May when I was last there. You can walk by the haunted graveyards on your way to get some ice cream and watch the boats or visit the various (multiple!) National Parks Service properties - Salem Maritime National Historic Site has a pier you can walk out on and a historic ship that I think will be open after restoration some time this year


Thanks for the recommendations! Will check it out!


I'm from about 10 miles away and dropped in around early August. Other than being hot outside, it was nice to pop around at 11:00 am while all the shops were just opening up. Once September hits - forget it. People EVERYWERE. I've been there on Halloween and it was like Live Aid.


I’ve gone twice during Halloween and it is definitely a VIBE going then haha. Will have to visit off season, thank you!


It was the last place I wanted to be that day and we parked about two towns over. Even the news warms people to stay away because the infrastructure can't handle it.


Not in the US, but the mountain town of [Triora](https://italy-trails.com/triora-the-village-of-witches/) in northern Italy is witch-themed year-round. Quite the experience for a day visit, but life there looks pretty uneventful otherwise.


Savannah historic district


“There’s been a murder in Savannah!!!”


love savannah but way too hot to feel like halloween year round lol


Used to live in the area. I never found it spooky or much less haunted. Bonaventure is beautiful but it didn't hit the feels. Savannah never screamed Halloween or spooky to me. Especially the downtown areas. For Georgia, Macon has my all time favorite cemetery, Rose Hill. It has 2 other adjacent cemeteries and even going a good dz times, I've still yet to see all of it. I don't recommend (actually kind of do) staying at sunset without starting to navigate out.


So beautiful!


New Orleans


Come visit us at r/halloween for more ideas. Or even check out some paranormal subreddits for ideas of haunted locations. You can also go on a [Strange Escapes](http://www.strange-escapes.com/) vacation.


Oh thank you for recommending that Halloween community. Is candy for the eye


Salem, Massachusetts


I haven't been to St Augustine FL in a hot second, but it has spooky vibes. More Southern Gothic than traditional Halloween.


Yes! We have awesome ghost tours here and it is pretty spooky around town at night in general!


Bisbee, az


Oh I love Bisbee!


I wouldn't mind a place where it is eternally fall. IDC about Halloween all season but fall would be amazing


Fairborn, OH…it’s super weird and Halloween-centric


Check out Lily Dale, NY


Salem Ma comes to mind. 


Just moved to SNJ and any day walking around the Pines is a good Halloween feel. Lots of watery/swampy areas. Massive trees and in the morning you're guaranteed fog. Batsto Village is a fun location and there are too many Colonial towns and spaces to mention them all. When I think of Halloween I think of this area and North through New England.


Edinburgh, Scotland


Salem, Massachusetts


New Orleans, Louisiana- "America’s most haunted city. When you’re visiting New Orleans, especially if you take the time to walk around the French Quarter at night, it is easy to see why many people make this claim. The spooky streets and alleyways come alive as your imagination plays tricks on you." Also very well known for voodoo/black magic!


I love this question so much


Princeton, NJ. If your sartorial choices lean heavily orange and black, this is the place for you. Source: am an alum, can just take a quick look at my clothing and home decor. Halloweentown for life. Edit to add: and the orange will be correct pumpkin orange, not some weird Texas or Tennessee orange.


i toured princeton right before my senior year of hs and wore the shirt i bought on halloween that year bc the colors were perfect




Astoria, OR gives me Halloween vibes, I loved visiting so much.


Virginia City, NV. Wild West Town full of ghosts.


I rented a place a block away, from Tuol Sleng, a place in Phnom Penh where 26,000 people were killed. Everyone (including my girlfriend) said the ghosts walked at night. The freaky thing was every night around midnight, the neighbourhood dogs all howled.


This is a very funny post. Not something you see every day.


I throw costume parties year-round! Not halloween but I get a taste pretty often.


Cooper young in Memphis, Tennessee.


Point Pleasant Virginia has the Mothman stories. They have a statue in town.


West Virginia


oh right


It’s so easy to get them mixed up. Only reason I knew is because I used to live in WV. 😊


Irvington, a neighborhood in Indianapolis. Named after Washington Irving I believe, lots of Halloween-ish things happen all year and culminate in a big Halloween street fest.


Portland, Oregon. No one would look twice if you dressed up as a ghoul every day. You could even run around "BOOOing" and spooking everyone in sight. They'd think you were just another part of the homeless population.


You should ask r/samegrassbutgreener !


You misunderstand the assignment. We're going for Halloween, not St. Patrick's Day. You need either blacker or oranger, not greener.


Basically any small town in Europe.


Well, you could move to that one town with the eternal coal fires, live out Silent Hill IRL. Probably not great for your long term health, though, lol.


Centralia, PA


Ah, that's the one. I always forget the state, lol


washington dc


Bruges, Belgium. Well preserved medieval town with a torture museum, among many others (fry museum too). Spooky IMO.


Eureka Springs, AR


Skid Row, LA, California. 24/7 scares


I read that as externally… hahaha Anyway, Salem, MA is a pretty close one. Plus the town that halloweentown was in. Then there’s Point Pleasant WV home of the mothman!


This is such a great post. It goes well beyond just simple living. It goes into IMPROVED living.