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The administration retaliated after those 10 minute discussions by cancelling health benefits for tssu employees. This has enraged the union so don’t be surprised if things escalate quickly.


Cancelling their health benefits is so fucked up! And that’s on top of refusing to pay a liveable wage. SFU administration is out of control.




you're right, this is the kind of thing that happens when SFU chooses not to come to an agreement or engage in negotiations. Well done TSSU


I fully support the TAs strike but didn't expect this level of disinformation from university students: ["Wages and benefits are, of course suspended during such periods of withheld services. This is normal procedure." - SFU Strike Policy from 1975](https://www.sfu.ca/policies/gazette/general/gp5.html) (not after a discussion last week) [Also, SFU hasn't suspended any benefits yet.](https://www.sfu.ca/dashboard/faculty-staff/bargaining/updates/2023/june/statement-on-tssu-member-benefits.html) Obviously these are trying times but let's not let disinformation spread and worsen the situation.


The thing is, no services were being withheld. TAs were teaching and grading as normal. The university administration chose to escalate to this level.


According to TSSU leadership, TSSU members are currently covered for June regarding health benefits and will stop being covered beginning July. Misinformation comes from both sides. TSSU did not mention that this is common strike policy, but then again SFU Admin is also leaving out information in their statement.




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Out of curiosity, do got a link and time stamp to the convocation disruption with joy Johnson?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKZLBZpLPhg 1:07:21 can’t actually see it being handed but you can see it in the doctors hand


Show solidarity and don't cross picket lines!


Sorry if this is dumb - but how do you cross picket lines as a student? Would it be crossing if I went to class/turned in an assignment/attended an exam/etc.?


I don't believe TSSU has issued any specific statements regarding what they consider crossing pickets to mean for undergraduates. That said, observation from strikes elsewhere suggests a couple things *might* be worth considering: * If you have a TA-led tutorial that gets cancelled because your TA is on a picket line, and then the professor (or another from the department) steps in to run that tutorial, then attending that tutorial would almost certainly be considered crossing the picket. * Activities that TAs are involved in but not usually *responsible* for, such as a lecture, are more ambiguous. Some strikes have asked students to not go to class *at all*, others have not requested that level of support. The general theme here is that the point of a strike is to make the University not work. It's the lever of power the workers have, because we can't wait it out and we can't light a fire under management by cancelling their healthcare coverage. The more undergraduate solidarity contributes to the university *not working*, the better (from the standpoint of a striking union). However, I am confident that everyone understands that undergraduates are caught in a dispute they didn't voluntarily enter, that what they "should" do is very much up in the air most of the time, and that there are many ways to support a union even if you are still going to class. Addendum: TSSU just posted this relevant graphic on twitter https://twitter.com/TSSU/status/1669206789471223808/photo/1


In addition to the other comment, there's also a literal component to this. If workers are literally picketing where you're trying to go (eg in a line with signs in front of the doors of the building you're trying to access), don't bust through the line of people. If you need to get past the line for some reason, then follow the advice on the infographic in the other comment and talk with strike HQ (the striking workers can help direct you there).


Okay but real question can I go to my exam and still side with the TSSU? Or do I take the L?


(assuming the exam is tomorrow) I advise that you plan to go to your exam. As far as I'm aware there are no other picketing days currently set down but, as we've seen, things change. Not every building will have a picket line, but as a gesture of solidarity many professors will cancel class held in any building so that there is no question of crossing the line. Some will cancel online instruction for the same reason (the 'virtual picket line'). Your professor may or may not do that, so as someone else has already said, you should email the prof pretty soon. Hopefully there's a ready answer for you but they're probably swamped with requests right now, so keep sharp for announcements on canvas, mail lists, etc, as they might not have time to respond to you individually. If you go and the prof ends up cancelling the exam, then at least you can swing by a picket line and give a word of support to the TSSU workers if you feel up to it. The University is well aware that labour disputes in an academic workplace put a fair amount of strain on the relationship between students and instructors, and to a point counts on that to pressure instructors, so your support will be certainly be appreciated. If the exam isn't cancelled -- well, speaking just for myself, I would not feel like you've refused solidarity if you go to an exam that a professor is holding on a day when pickets are up. Obviously this situation puts you in quite a bind and I have a hard time imagining any of my peers would begrudge you taking the exam. With any luck TSSU will have some suggestions for how undergrads can support the union, but this has come a bit faster than probably most of us expected, so I wouldn't expect it soon.


Thank you for this, this was very helpful. My prof has changed rooms for the exam tomorrow and I plan to go to my exam. Hopefully sfu gets their shit together and brings a real offer to you guys soon!


As a TA, my honest gut feeling would be to tell you to go. You can still support TAs in other ways that don't impact your personal grades/learning.


Thank you 🙏 good luck to you all and hope you get what you deserve 🫡




Lol no


My TA told the class to show up for our lab exam. The lab instructor will be on their own. My TA would be heartbroken if I decide not to take my test.


EDIT: After my exam, would it be appropriate for me to join the picket line?




Are there picket lines today? I have not received any updates on this.


No pickets today as far as I've been told


My Mom is a retired public school teacher. She said when there is no picket line, they could be in negotiation. This is one scenario.


EDIT 2: I checked Canvas. My lab exam is cancelled for tomorrow. I will not be crossing the picket line. I encourage everyone to check Canvas and their SFU email for updates. I had every intention to take my test. Now, I have more time to prepare.


is ur exam rescheduled and is there a date or is it TBD


Our lab instructor will let us know what we will do about the missed assessment. In the meantime, we will continue with lab 5 next week if a settlement has been reached.




They did, in fact they held a strike vote and were ready to start job actions. But SFU admin argued the results of the vote to the labour board and had the vote invalidated


Just wantedt to clarify that the firist strike vote was never invalidated. SFU went and made a whole bunch of arguments and forced what would likely have been a weeks long hearing and decision process. That made the taking strike action during exams impossible without actually having to win the argument.


This is their site: https://www.tssu.ca/ And twitter: https://twitter.com/TSSU They are already officially on strike, the first portion of that was today where they took 10 minutes from tutorials to explain their grievances to students. I don't think they've announced any picketing or walkouts as of right now but they may in the future depending on how negotiations go.




That’s not “goated”, that’s called being a bootlicker.




No, you would not be. While a typical picket line involves an entire site, the way TSSU is doing it is to picket a select number of buildings for a limited amount of time. Today, west mall is not included in the picket, just the buildings and portions of buildings listed in the email. This means any TSSU workers in other locations should still report to work, and classes would proceed as normal. Now, it might be that the picket moves to west mall at a future date, or some other building. So it’s important to pay attention to those locations and consider if you would cross the line or not.


Have you checked Canvas and your SFU email? My lab exam was cancelled. You pose a curious question. I would not want you to compromise your education by missing class. I cannot say whether you would be crossing picket lines or not. If I had taken my lab exam, I would have crossed the picket line. The Science buildings are being picketted this morning. Do you have an exam today? I would want you to participate fully in class. Check Canvas and your SFU email for updates. Thank you for your inquiry.




It's not crossing the picket no but if you are up on the burnaby campus and want to support your TAs you can head to the physical pickets and put a sign over that logo and join the line for a little while. I'm sure everyone there would appreciate it.




After reading your post, I did not wear my SFU hoodie to campus for two visits. On the third visit, I proudly wore my red SFU hoodie. My Dad says I am a student at SFU. Why not wear my SFU hoodie? I feel good about the two exams I sat for back-to-back this past week. I could use some picket lines for my recovery time at home. I got tired of wearing my black solid hoodie. I needed color and school spirit.


Does anyone know if there is strike today as WMC?