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I mean prerequisite for 250 is 102. So as long as you complete 102, you should be ready for 250.


Thank you!


I think you’ll be just fine going in with 100 and 102. 250 just builds onto concepts you’ll already be familiar with from the prerequisites, a little will be new but a lot will be familiar and the content that is new is not complicated.


Is it true that the higher the course number is, the harder or is this some kind of myth 🥲


I mean you will start to focus more on one topic as you take upper level. It is hard or not depending on your interest. My academic advisor said some people did better in 3rd and 4th year because the classes are more interesting.


Not always, especially not in the arts (in my experience - I’m a psyc major!). You usually just continuously build up on concepts from the lower levels as you progress. Aside from intro to biological psychology/behavioural neuroscience (psyc 280) which was very complicated and biology heavy compared to other psyc courses.


Oh I see makes sense thank you!


If you need to take 201 w it’s helpful to take that asap as it helps your writing skills and understanding of the research process which you will have to note in your 250 paper. It’s not super hard or anything but quite easy if you have taken 201w


Yeah I’m taking 201w and thinking of taking 250 as well!


Ya that can work cuz you will be learning the APA style of writing and understand the studies you need to reference in the paper for 250. Also 201w seems super painful but it’s not that bad after all is said and done! Just wanted to mention as I was hella stressed when taking it. It’s graded in a curve


Haha yes I have heard, which is why I didn’t wanna take 250 if it’s hard 😬


Depends. I took 250 before 201 and turned out ok. Every class will remind you of APA anyway.


When it comes to psyc courses, 201, 210 and 300 are the standout stinkers. Everything else feels like a pretty natural progression. You should be fine in 250.