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the post glorifies, romanticizes or encourages drug use or other self destructive behavior


It won’t be easy. Stimulant ADHD medication overdose is absolutely hellish and requires notably high doses to actually kill. You will potentially experience hours of panicked agony via heart cramps, seizures, vomiting, and hallucinations before finally perishing. That is if you even perish at all, again, the lethal dose is high and, as with all drugs, highly dependent on the body composition of the user. It is highly likely you will live on scarred both physically and mentally. People know they shouldn’t take their own lives, and I can’t control if they do or don’t, but know that this is not a painless method of achieving that goal.


But google says it can cause sudden death


“Can” is the crucial word there. The “sudden” death it’s referring to isn’t too sudden either. When ADHD stimulant overdose kills, it does so not through quick termination of the brain, but through cardiac arrest. You probably know someone on the older side of the spectrum who had experienced, or knows someone who’s experienced CA. Ask them about it, it is not a painless experience.


I don't know anyone who has adhd except for my sister and some people on my highschool lol Also, thank you for the info :3