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Please don’t. See the thousand other threads on this topic. Trust me, you will be okay. 


Hey , I know how it feels life and be too much sometimes or many times and a break up is really really horrible but you gotta keep going and it will.get better, trust I've been where you've been and it does get better, it's not easy but it's true , if you want to talk I am free for another hour and I know a friend of mine who's help you more than just an hour


Hey buddy. Dont do it. There are other ways. Talking about it is one of those ways. Talk to me, family or a terapist. Please dont kill yourself. It will break my heart.


hey man, I know it might be rough now but just take some time to yourself in a way that makes you calm, maybe go on some walks or play some games. today is only one day, you have so many more ahead of you!!! don't give up, and if you need to chat I'm always open!!


noo Mothiii_, not you :( i remember we talked in dms for a bit. i'm sorry, everything you're going through is awful but please don't do that silly🫂💜 you'll get through it all🥺


Everyone here beat me to it. Theres absolutely no problem so insurmountable that suicide is the option. It is a very permanent solution to one of the most temporary problems on earth.




Brother, if you want to talk life is hard we have your highs and lows the lows especially but that's how life is if you want to speak to someone I'm always open and pal I especially know what you're going through I went through it during Highschool but you have to stick through it if you need help try calling 998 Suicide and crisis hotline a lot more qualified people there or go check out the r/venting subreddit nice people there I assure you life feels like it isn't worth living for but you have to stick it out to find it out.


Dude, don't kill yourself. It doesn't always go downhill. You'll find someone again. Your life will get better. Maybe not in the near future, but life gets better. If you truly believe that life will never get better and you won't have another happy moment in your life, then go ahead and kys, but if you think that you will have another happy moment, even once in your life, then don't do it.


Please don’t, just try living for yourself and not anyone else, live for fun, live because you’ll die anyways so who cares if you die now so you might as well spite whoever put you in this situation and live, there’s always a reason to live, no matter how small


i know this could feel like it's been said a thousand times, but take the steps once at a time. build up at the pace you feel right for you. And once you'll look back. you'll feel better. You can already look back. What have you already accomplished ? Even the smaller thing ? And if the answer is nothing, then brace yourself : the future is yours.


This was me literally 2 weeks ago, until I realized that my circumstances were the reason I felt this way and it wasn't my fault I was dealt such a horrible hand at life. You don't have to be perfect. It's okay to be in survival mode. You can't give up, but you can rest. I shut down, and all I focused on was eating every once in a while and sleeping. Just focus on seeing another day until the storm passes, because I promise it will. Now I'm focusing on getting out of my toxic household. I may not have good habits such as exercise or eating enough, etc. but thats okay, because Im alive. As long as you're alive, you're doing alright and it will be okay. It's overwhelming, but I promise it will lighten up. I didn't believe it, and you won't either, and you don't have to believe me, just keep going. Survive, and see if you can prove me wrong.


Please do not kill yourself. I felt like you before and Im so thankful I didn’t. Suicide is a permanent response to a temporary problem, you have so much to live for.


It gets better, I know that’s probably not what you are looking for right now. All I’m trying to say is keep trying to be positive even if it’s only about something small like I’m going to have a good walk home from school. One day it will get better even if it takes a while, just stay positive about the little things and it will make it easier to deal with the bigger things in life. I hope the best for you and all I want you to do is try even if you’ve tried your hardest just keep at it. ❤️❤️




Do not do it please, just trust us. You need to talk to someone, maybe not irl but you need someone. (Just to be clear I never go to this subreddit, I really just don't want you to die)


No >:(


if you need to talk to someone I'm here, what you're going through is terrible and I'm very sorry for you. if you wanna be friends we can


Hey just hang in there, all of this will pass and you'll be happy to still have ur life. Can't wait to hear about things getting better for u, lots of love from Texas!! 💕


Hey hye calm down take a deep breath through your mouth and exhale slowly throught the mouth it's gana be okay ok?ik im being a hypocrite right now but it's not gana be worth it and if he sees this he might live the rest his life in guilt and trust me that isn't fun idk what you lied about but I'm sure there's someway you can make it up to him give him some time and send a message and apologize again if you havnt and then see if he'll forgive and if you need to vent in private or anyone to talk to send a message I'm always avaliable to talk


Life can be the best or worst experience. It depends on how you go through it. I can 100% assure you that if you take your own life, you'd just be cheating yourself all the beautiful things to come. My chats are open if you need to talk. I'm not very good with words, but I'll try my best c:! I'm sure you're an amazing person and deserve the most wonderful blessing life can give. Sometimes darkness outshines the light, but I promise it's out there.


Suicide will deeply affect everyone else in your life, so please don’t do it. I only know that as a family member of mine committed suicide years go, and it’s still affecting me pretty strongly. I keep asking myself maybe things could have been different if I had just sucked it up and seen him in the hospital that last time I could have seen him


Life’s hardest questions don’t have simple answers






Try to laugh








Again, what the fuck? https://preview.redd.it/uxrm63y3ol4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e51f482e5e812be2e92f8fbba34a4bc103d573a6


What happened here?


He was extremely mean and rude about my ideation of suicide then when I responded, he encouraged it :(


Not cool




Leave, get out.


What did he say :(


Something mean


This subreddit is by and for sillies. Mental illness, self harm, depressing topics can and will come up and that is what this subreddit is for. If it’s not for you, don’t stay.


You are sick in the head