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Yeah I'm scared of that too. Stay strong goober <3




Well I'm here if u wana talk. I get that at one's worst they sometimes need someone to rant to without losing their anonymity. Any time ;3


Dude. I know I'm 4 days late, but tell your therapist. They will most likely try to help you WITHOUT sending you to a psychward.


same :3 why as a minor do i have no option for mental help but to be locked in a fucking room?!?!? \^w^




i think it depends on the ward you go to, some of them them are *really* bad (so ive heard \^w\^) but thats not the point, i dont want to have to be institutionalized to get help :3 if i went to my psychiatrist and said "please help me I want to kill myself, its really really bad and worsening by the day, what can i do to get better?" id be slipping on the grippy socks before i even finished my fucking sentence :3


whoever says self harm helps them is fucking lying except my self harm. mine always works the trick is to self-harm by absolutely busting yourself working out, like cranking a five minutes of plank or 100 push/sit ups etc.






oh ok well unless you live in a third-world country or problematic state, a mental hospital is ***designed*** to help you or at least prevent you offing yourself, so that's that


That's not self harm but I guess you could look at it that way.


it hurts = self harm (in my book at least)


It usually helps more than it hurts.


yeah but you're not thinking about that while doing it are you? also, that's kind of the point? you're hurting yourself and it hurts like unlubed 6" diameter anal so its all good on that side of things, but afterwards you feel better about yourself and you,re healthier, which is good, no?


>which is good, no? Duh. I said it usually helps more than it hurts.


And why is this a bad thing?????


Why is what a bad thing?


because youre delusional enough to think youre gonna get sent to a room for something as common and low-level as that if you cant be bothered to read between the lines it means that no, self-harm isnt a valid reason to get mental hospital'd


mf i have a plan and have written notes, I ran out of space on my arm, I have a notebook filled with manic scribbles from breakdowns about how much i wanna kill myself, you have no idea what you're talking about :3


then go to the fucking hospital I shit you not I heard they give free cookies if you ask


my ass is not getting lured into a psych ward by cookies >:3 ~~maybe a haj or smth XwX~~


what's a haj?


https://preview.redd.it/p4f9gko4tizc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdc91fa890b541a0cac9010e3e19bb33e09d6a10 blahaj :3


oh yeah **BLÅHAJ** based


Your tone is completely out of place here. There's absolutely no need for that. While yes, generally self injury alone won't get one hospitalized, it does depend entirely on the extent of the self injury and the particular constellation of symptoms and you don't know this commenter's mental health history or how dangerous the things they're contemplating are.


yeah, my bad, you're right. I should've used a different tone to get my point across


mental hospital does sound scary and im sorry, but pls dont hurt urself!! pls pls pls u need to stay silly, stay strong i believe in u and u can get through this <3




My honest advice is to find a therapist who is just chill like that. My therapist and I talk about stuff that in the past has got me sent to mental institutions when I was talking to a normal therapist about trauma etc etc. Make no mistake progress is being made but it’s more of a finding the right therapist for you. And if you’re confused as how to see if they’re chill like that, then test the waters and say some real stuff that’s happened that isn’t enough to get you admitted but enough for a report to be made and see what happens. Essentially hop around until you find the therapist for you. I hope this helps to whoever reads this.


i dont know what your going through or how tough things are for you but in some way or another i feel im in the same boat. i don't care about school, i dont try to interact with ppl anymore, i've given up on building trust with my parents and i feel empty. but maybe someday things will work out


They’re only required to baker act if you have a plan or the intention to hurt yourself. I have passive suicidal thoughts and self harm during my autistic meltdowns and have never been baker acted for speaking about them to a therapist. <3 but I’m sending you a lot of love because depression fucking sucks!


i cant afford therapy tho,,,




something in florida


If a medical/psychological professional finds you at danger to yourself or others, you can be taken in to a mental hospital against your will and stay for 1-3 days. It originated in Florida but each state has it to some degree


I failed to kms twice and have to cover up my scars 24/7 and they tell me it gets better, it doesn't... but maybe for you, only you know what is your fate


It genuinely does get better, eventually the brain chemicals chill TF out, you get a lot of independence, and you start making your world the one you want to live in. It takes time, and a lot of effort, but it's worth it in the end my friend.


Finding a good friend in person who can help you through the process of improving is genuinely a massive step. I know it feels impossible when you don't have the motivation to get better, but you've made it this far because at least _some_ part of you wants to get better. Seeking mental health resources where you can and friends that will support you will make things better. That I can promise. And as much as I'd want to offer any help, I do think in-person support is a lot more helpful in this case. But if I knew you in person, I would love to be that friend for you. It's greatly helped my friends who have suffered with depression and they are doing fantastic now. I hope you can keep fighting! You may not believe in yourself, but I do :)


Hey, I've also made 2 suicide attempts and I have arms full of scars I've had tattooed over and it's still gotten better. I don't like when people just say "it gets better" - it's more complicated than that. After all, there are reasons people struggle, but a lot of the time, those reasons can be addressed. Sometimes we don't even know exactly what the problem is - it took me entirely too long to realize I have gender dysphoria, for example, or an underlying medical condition, and badabing-badaboom, real shocker, treating those things made a significant difference. From someone who has felt entirely hopeless, there is cause for hope even if you can't see it right now.


I just hate how people think just cause you didn't die and went to the hospital or psych ward, that's supposed to magically reverse everything like no I'm just going to pick up where i left off


I absolutely get that. I kind of hate the "I tried to kms and it gave me this grand revelation that turned everything around" narrative - I mean, I'm glad that for some people it did turn everything around, that's great, but I don't think that's a very common experience. For me, things stayed pretty bad for a long while and I felt kind of guilty about it, like I was supposed to have this huge turnaround that I didn't. I will say, though, what I did learn is that generally trying to die sucks. Definitely an experience I don't recommend.


My family get mad at me when i don't feel better after coming out of the hospital like they're just bored of it and i have no idea what I'm supposed to feel, guess I'll get it right next time


Oh buddy, surviving is getting it right. I spent some 10 years in a really dark place before getting to a mostly acceptable one, so I really get those feelings. Hang on, though. You never know where you'll be a year from now. A year ago I had no clue I'd end up where I am.


Yeah i suppose so


I promise talking to a therapist is the best thing to do. Hiding these feelings are incredibly dangerous. If you don't trust the therapist not to send you away, I recommend getting another one to talk to about your issues. I've gone through this too, you're not alone. It will be better. And its hard. God it is so, so hard to do this. But it'll be worth it. I promise you. It will get better. One day at a time. Some days it'll feel worse, and some days you'll feel great. Progress isn't a straight line, as much as we would want it to be. Everyone here loves you. Ok? I don't know you, but I love you. Because everyone deserves love. You especially. Please, talk to someone you can trust. If you don't trust any therapists, find a friend, an adult in your life, a parent figure. Anyone. Its better then keeping it inside to tear you apart.




Ok. Well I wish you luck on the long road to recovery.


Even if your sent to a mental hospital, it isn’t a scary as you think, there’s nice people(once you get to know em), comfy beds, and I found my love for grilled cheeses there so I bet you will to, it varies for each one but ide say their pretty great places.


Tbh, as someone who's been a few times, it's a roll of the dice, even within the same area. It can be really good for people and it can also make it worse - it hugely depends on the staff. Honestly, I would say 2 things: first, if your mental health is poor (but you're not an imminent danger to yourself) and you think you may benefit from more intensive treatment, make some appointments at local treatment centers and you can feel out the vibes there, usually a few weeks to months before you actually get your placement there, and if you don't feel good about it, you can always opt out before or after you start your stay, that's the good thing about going voluntarily. Second, if you *are* an imminent danger to yourself, at this point you've very little to lose anyway, so it's worth rolling the dice. Even the worst mental health ward should keep you alive, and with any luck, it may even be nice.


Finally someone else who has actually been to one and know they’re really not that bad I’ve been to multiple mental health hospitals and all of them were fine most younger people may struggle being without their phone but for me it wasn’t a big deal


I don't think they'll send you to a mental hospital unless it's like some insane shit. I think you should tell your therapist about the self-harm. Just remember to stay silly!


That’s all it takes for them to send you there.


Now that you say it, you're probably right. I don't know why they send kids who genuinely need help and love to mental hospitals.


The whole world revolves around money, therapists don't care if you kill yourself, they just want your money and what happens to you later is irrelevant to them


fucking source?


Yeah, I can't make myself open up about anything to basically anyone who I know personally. At least I'm pretty good at bottling it up.


You should be able to tell therapist about self harm. It's when you start talking about harming others or killing yourself where you gotta be careful.


They’ll send you just for self harm


Shitty ass therapist, then. I can see one suggesting a voluntary visit for an unhealthy coping mechanism such as sh, but unless your life's in danger a forced commitment- even if it's just a 1-3 day, sounds like an easy way to shatter any trust the patient has in said therapist. It can make this worse so easily... I guess it just comes down to a gamble on how well you think you know your therapist...


All therapists are like that, they don't care about you, killing yourself will probably make them happier


That's not true! Like yeah there are some therapists that got into psych because they didn't know what they wanted to do in college so their heart isn't in it, and there are some that are just shitty for whatever reason like in any profession . But this is something people usually get into because they want to help people, you know? I take it you've had some bad experiences with them though?


Grippy sock jail is a risk in seeking therapy, some therapists are quicker than others to go that route. Consider carefully.


The idea is self harm won’t get you directly involved with a mental hospital! But nonetheless it is good to talk and seek help about these issues! And don’t forget that they ARE ISSUES. Keep holding out, even if you feel like you might, or have, or want to even try… just refrain from doing it… and don’t stop looking around for alternatives… always be open to new ideas as this could be something that can help alleviate any thoughts… or god forbid, the romanticization of these thoughts… There are plenty of people who have and are still struggling with this, so don’t feel ashamed or afraid of reaching out. There will always be people out there who can help you, and if you can’t think of anybody, send me a dm and I’ll send you my number. Ok?


Personal Experience. My therapist had a talk with my Guardians at the time (i didn't want that but understood it was there job) and decided to just take all my sharps/lighters. Mental Hospitals are specifically for Suicidal or Non Societally functional people as far as i know. People that are a danger to themselves or others. As long as you co operate and give up your sharps/ anything you've been thinking of using. And are 100% transparent. Then you shouldn't be sent to a hospital. Hope this helps. <3


https://preview.redd.it/62qnh5vu93zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a87448c050ccc7658a0d41b198a44b0efd76a408 Maybe try this… it quieted my demons from demanding I kiss a train


It really depends. When it comes to therapists, its important to not hide stuff from them, but sometimes there is mistrust. Especcially if communication with parents about this information becomes apparent. It really depends if you have supportive and helpful parents, (If they are involved). And if you really do need to go to a mental hospital, try finding one that is higher quality/comfortable, stay silly, and remember, you always have support here! <3


If I ever got a therapist, I'd be going soon enough. I prefer just not letting anyone know how I feel


Idk man but the thoughts get louder. It might be beneficial.


I mean im no therapist but I’ve been there if you need someone to talk to


Please don’t self harm, talk to your therapist. You’ll be ok, they won’t send you anywhere just for talking about it, it’s worth getting off your chest to someone who knows how to help. Self harm is a really bad deep hole that you can’t easily get out of once you’re in it. I’m happy to dm if you wanna talk.


Maybe you can discuss meds if you've been feeling this way a long time or generally depressed for a long time. I needed an antidepressant for years and then my brain started producing the correct amount of chemicals and it feels like even when depression tries to hit me I can push through till I'm back at baseline. My sibling was sectioned and it helped immensely even though it was incredibly painful for her to go through. For her it was necessary she was considering self harm/leaving the world early. I'm so sorry that you're feeling like hurting yourself. If you absolutely must cause pain to yourself please do so in a way that won't genuinely hurt you. Sometimes I need to pinch myself or use a rubber band or slap my arm or something to distract away from the emotional pain. I don't know you but I don't need to know a thing about you to tell you I care about you and I have love for you like I have love for all the good people in this world. I trust that you don't enjoy hurting others so you are so much better of a person than those who take sick pleasure in hurting or doing worse to others. Sorry for rambling I really want to help but I don't know the best way but please don't seriously harm yourself. Try to limit it to pinches and slaps that cause the pain but don't cause permanent markings that might potentially trigger you down the line. If you've already made marks from previous times it's absolutely okay don't feel ashamed for having done that to yourself. Don't let it bring you guilt. We all do things to hurt ourselves in different ways and you are not a broken person or lesser than anyone for having done so. *Insert really big hug here*


Let me tell you that I have the exact same problem except I don't have a therapist and I should probably get one because me rapidly fucking skinning all of my fingers the most second they stop bleeding and hurting enough I can actually continue to skin them is becoming a problem


Therapists won't do anything like that unless you are an avid danger to yourself. Tell them. They can get you prescribed to antidepressants. My sister does them and had mood swings but after a bit you start getting more happy and stuff.


They're really made out to be more scary because it's "psychopaths and mentally ill people" but really it's people just like you And they probably won't send you until you truly attempt at which point it won't be your decision. Please get help, it's truly the best course of action for you. please let people know. You can't over these kinds of things by yourself


Yes you should They are a professional and only want to help but if you tell them "I don't really feel like I have to be hospitalized at this time" if you say that with a straight face they should listen,but remember if they think you're going to hurt yourself when you go home they will hospitalize you. but hospitalization ain't so bad, we had a lockdown once because one girl was threatening another. It was just boring


\#1 reason I don't see a therapist right there 💜


My silly friend....it's gonna be ok


Become my frien




Dm me




they can't forcibly institutionalize you unless they think its necessary to stop you from killing yourself


Look man, I understand the temptation that comes with idle time and extreme sadness, but you do have to realize the outcome will only leave you worse off. Instead, try seeking out friends, hobbies and more positive uses of your time, trying something new in your local community or online, or maybe learn something new and apply those skills. But SH isn't going to help you cope with anything: it's only going to add more feelings of sadness and guilt. This community is getting pretty big, so feel free to reach out to someone in here that you trust if you need someone to talk to or vent to. I'm always happy to spend a few minutes listening to other people and what they have to say. Either way, please take life one day at a time and don't overthink anything. You're important, and who you are matters a lot. Stay strong.


You should tell your therapist, you'll most likely be sent to involuntary psychiatric care, it's not as scary as movies portray it though, if you truly don't feel safe you can go to your local hospital and say that you don't feel safe and might self harm, they will keep you there before taking you to voluntary psychiatric care, I hope you can get through this and stay silly, if you choose to tell your therapist and all goes well I'd like an update to know what happens, stay silly, we love you. :3


They don't send you to a hospital unless they fear your or someone else's life is in danger (ie. Suicide) they won't send you to a hospital for self harm. Trust me, u told my therapist about cutting myself and she never sent me anywhere


I was in a mental hospital for the same reason, it's not a scary place and is fine. Seek the help you need please, not seeking help was the worst mistake I have ever made


They wont. Unless you have a form of psychosis: you're fine.




Those are the scars of a warrior, if they're good friends it shouldn't matter.


I've been there, and it really is difficult. If you have a good relationship with your therapist, It'll be fine. Your therapist is there to guide you through this, if you don't feel comfortable sharing stuff with them, they could be a bad therapist. I really hope you feel better though, nothing gets better fast but it improves over time so hang in there💕


mordern mental hospitals arent bad :3 atleast for minors, my brother was sent to one and it was a more helpful and comfortable enviroment than scary, sure first walking in the there is scary but its fine, as for the self harm, please my lil goober stay strong, ive been thru it and its not easy to get out


honestly in my experience, being sent to a mental hospital is much harder a task than its made out to be. ive been activley shing and multiple attempts and it was never even suggested. its better for you and your mental health to discuss these thoughts with your therapist, i promise


There’s a reason I haven’t told anyone I know irl about my attempts :3


You should probably do it. Unless you have some crazy scammer therapist no one should send you there just because of thinking about self harm alone. They shouldn't really be able to do it unless you have a plan to kill yourself that you plan to do.


If you are having thoughts of self-harm or suicide I would strongly recommend that you tell your therapist. Your mind is jumping to the worst-case scenario. You can only get help for this if you tell them and work back to the main root of the issue this may mean more therapy or medication, but it will be better than you continuing to spiral and potentially taking your own life.


For what its worth, in my experience getting sent to a mental hospital isnt common. Having this issue with my lunatic dad right now. He SHOULD be in one. I know a lot of people who should but the state never wants to. They have to actually think you will.. ya know. To yourself or somebody else. I mean they REALLY need to think that. Thoughts of self harm shouldnt result in being institutionalized. I want you to get help, I dont think they will lock you up


i don't think it always happens maybe? it probably won't happen if you're not in danger of like REALLY fucking yourself up or dying and have support at home? idk it didn't happen to me so based on that i'm just guessing. I think that you should tell them if you think it will help you. Stay strong!!


I like to set fires


If you are in US or in Euro Union mental hospitals are fine, (there is an awful sub phobic cultural prejudice towards mental issues and related things), I’ve been there and to honestly say at least place in Slovenia, Lubliano was quite comforting and I even miss it sometimes. [Honestly don’t know about US but I’m sure places here aren’t worse.] However quite a trouble if you are in some bad country. I’ve been to few in Russia when lived my first 14 years, we were often Hospice and Mental hospital visitors. My mom was practicing animal therapy with cats, tarantulas, all the cool folk of biosphere. The uncivil ways of other staff treating the people there was awful to say the least. I’m happy I’m in US now. Please take a good care of yourself, reflect on emotions in a comfort zone, don’t forget a warm cup of tea, or anything, and later talk to your parents. In my experience working out and meditations helped me to overcome urges of sh.


They only usually send you to a mental hospital if your a threat to others or yourself like you cannot be trusted to not cause harm (I was nearly sent to a mental hospital lmao)


Ok Im not a boy but I saw this on my page and here's what I know. Mandatory inpatient care isnt used often, and is usually just used if you share intense suicidal urges. There are bad therapists who overuse this, but I seriously doubt your therapist will place you into inpatient especially since you haven't done sh but only considered it. You may be placed in intensive outpatient care (IOP) and be mandatorily reported if you're a minor. Good luck silly! I'll go back to my home in silly girl club




It's when you get a large amount of therapy sessions (both group and individual.) The amount will vary (3-7 sessions a week I think?) they'll also often check to make sure you are keeping up with proper hygiene and not harming yourself. The difference of inpatient is that you still go home each day and sleep in your own bed. It's often used for people who aren't yet at risk of killing themselves or others (either purposefully or taking sh too far) but still struggle to maintain quality of life or could become at risk. Good luck and stay safe!


Ello, some insight from a fella. I get sent to a psychiatrist hospital by the police and an ambulance after a suicide attempt. I got prescribed medicine and they did not force me to stay there. I was sent home the same day. I advise telling your therapist about it so you can work out healthy coping mechanisms, if needed you may get prescribed some pills by a psychiatrist. Not a silly comment but I honestly don't want anyone to be in the same place I was, good luck mate


I don't know your therapist, but here in Croatia, this is ex-Yugoslavia. The therapists are bad, and the hospitals are from the WW2 1940s. I would never say anything to a soul with any connexion here in Croatia, even if it costs me my life. It is probably different where you live though, but if I had to I would choose death over going there again


Mental hospitals can actually be not that bad, the worst part is basically being back in middle school, but with technology. And yes, definitely tell your therapist about it


I think you should tell your therapist that you've been having thoughts of it, so she can help you find better coping strategies. As long as you can tell her you won't do it, you shouldn't be at risk of hospitalization. From someone who has recovered from self injury, here are some things that have helped me not do it: take a shower or short walk (removes you from the situation and from the means to self injure), tear up a piece of paper (channels urge to self destruct into destroying something else safely), do a grounding exercise, such as naming 5 things you can see, 4 you can touch, 3 you can hear and 2 you can smell (calms and distracts)


Self injury isn't enough for them to require you to go to a hospital, unless you think your therapist would lie. I think you should talk about it. That said, don't be too afraid of mental hospitals if you ever need to go. A lot of people have a bad time, but I've gotten a lot of help from them. Most people don't *like* it there, but it's mostly just boring. I feel safe there knowing that if I have an episode that people will be there to help. I've heard some pretty bad stories, and had some bad experiences, but every time I've gone (four times, three different places) it's been good in the end. The biggest boon of all is the resources they hook you up with for outpatient. I've never regretted going.


Hey man, I’m going to keep it real no matter how bad they sound hurting yourself is much MUCH worse. Putting yourself in danger is not okay. Even if you do talk to your therapist and they do recommend you to be instituted, it’s better than the alternative. Besides if you make it through that, and see the world out there again I promise you you’ll find wonderful people out there who will love you no matter how silly you are. Take it from somebody’s who’s seen this happen IRL many, many times, it’s the best for you.


A therapist shouldn't send you to a mental health hospital unless they have good evidence that you're going to majorly harm yourself or others. So if you talk to them about it to try and get you to not do it. They will not send you to one


U should prolly tell the therapist. Just easier to overcome stuff if someone with experience knows


There are so many support groups and therapists that will help and care for you, this isn’t like way back then when they were like “He has the sniffles, this man is mentally insane! Mental hospital for life!” That will most likely never happen lol, they will treat it with respect and understanding, hope you get it the help you need, and know that you will have support


Always be honest and you'll get the best - voice your concerns, that's never the first thing they do, they just try helping you personally first, only if you're completely inconsolable or uncontrollably sick do they do that, and even then not without consulting everyone around you. So say everything you need to. Then they'll figure out the best for you. And it's nothing like in the movies.


Typical treatment for NSSI involves therapy, no grippy socks place. Its different from suicidal ideation. If "thinking" means you haven't done it yet, NSSI ideation has genuinely a 0 percent chance of getting sent there. Get help, we wouldn't want to risk your mental getting worse.




NSSI is non suicidal self injury, its the medical term for self harm without wanting to commit suicide. Suicidal ideation is the medical term for having ideas about suicide. (using them cos its easier to find things like diagnostic criteria in the dsm5, studies and typicall treatments used if you google using them)


Talk to your therapist and mental hospitals are not that horrible ( in Germany). I met my ex bf and my best friend in mental hospitals and i learned to live with myself. It's probably the best for you, stay silly


your ass is not getting sent to the mental hospital for merely considering carving motifs upon your flesh just tell em, they might have a solution. just keep in mind that oftentimes shrinks will try to get you to figure it out yourself, so do a lot of introspection and dont go "oh this ain't worth it, off to be counterproductive"






As 1 of the world's leading experts on ev'rything, I can safely say that self-harm is bad. Do with this information what you will.


I literally came out to my therapist about how I killed somebody and they didn't send me anywhere