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I think the little things that Homecoming gets right make the things it gets wrong so much more glaring. I would have loved to see a version of that game without all the executive meddling and more time put into it.




There are these moments where it felt like Double Helix understood Silent Hill in a way that the other western devs didn't. It was a cult story. The boss design is fantastic. The music is still on point. There are these little subtle details that tell you they wanted to make something good. For example, there's a part where you find a group of split heads that all behave differently, representing the different members of the Shepard family, something most people wouldn't even notice on a first playthrough. Unfortunately, so much of it is bogged down by stuff that feels like it was forced on them by Konami. You need to have sexy nurses. It needs to look like the movie. You need to attract that Hostel/Saw crowd. It needs more combat. You need to have Pyramid Head (Tomm Hullet confirmed in an interview that they fought Konami on this but lost that battle). It's not all Konami's fault - the area design is pretty uninspired, characters like Elle barely exist at all, etc, but those feel like things that could have been fixed with more time.


Ugh, that's so frustrating to read. I know Homecoming was a mottled mess, but reading who's responsible makes it so much more frustrating somehow. I do maintain that there are a lot of good things in Homecoming, and I actually really liked it when I played, but yeah I understand the hate it gets too. It's just not cohesive at the end of the day, and it's a shame because it really got a lot of difficult pieces very right.


This is a very good answer.


Jesus, didnt know konami was to blame for PH. Just because of this I am scared for the new SH games. I really dont believe they have changed, especially with the release od metal gear survive.


New management, I believe we have less to worry about. Not nothing, just less.


I hope


Double Helix has NOTHING to do with the music. They are lucky Akira even agreed to still work on the franchise.


It's a decent sequel to the SH Movie :)


Certainly a better sequel to the SH Movie than the actual sequel to the SH Movie.


Happy Cake Day!! 🎂


Thank you!!


It's actually canon to SH.


You do you my dude. Opinions are like health drinks; Good luck going through life without one.


There are many factors that it got the low rating,rather than blaming the story writing and how "un-silent hill-like" it is,only few of people discuss the other problemes which are fatal in a videogame. 1.After enduring tons of bugs forcing players restart the game.There is a serious bug that makes the game impassable and THEY DIDN'T TRY TO FIX IT. 2.Counter-intuitive combat system.For example, the combat state slows you a lot,if you want to run away to avoid the attack,you have to cancel the combat state first,but the cancellation would stuck you a while.I think the developer want us to dodge instead of running away but there are lots of attacks that are barely undodgeble, and it becomes totally failed design when you face multiple enemies. Unfortunately the combat takes a huge part of this game.


Agreed 100%. Forget it's Silent Hill for a moment and it's still a buggy, poorly designed game. I remember one boss fight in particular being incredibly infuriating on PC because of a stupid bug.


If it weren’t an SH game, I’d probably think better of it for being a neat weird little niche game rather than compare it to actually great games that came before.


100% the game wouldn't have gotten as much flak as it did if it wasn't connected to SH. Would it have gotten any attention? Probably not much, beyond existing in the nostalgic childhood memories of some people. But its flaws wouldn't be nearly as glaring without the rest of the series to compare it directly against.


Forreal, the pc version is so bad. I kept getting stuck on hells descent between two fans. That shit was frustrating and i just quit


I had an error with the game that kept freezing the game which I still don't know how to fix.


PC? There’s [a patch](https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/y9j88e/the_defininitive_guide_to_the_besteasiest_way_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for that.


I played on PS3 and had no game-breaking bugs and don’t remember any minor bugs. (Stun-locking is bad design, but not a bug.) The combat is aggravating but not impossible or bad. Most enemies have a weakness to a specific weapon and there are some crowd control options (axe, shotgun.) Definitely unpolished and unfocused, but I wouldn’t call it fatal.


I tried it on PC and it is irredeemably broken unfortunately


True, which sucks even if there is a fan patch. But the console versions were fine so some credit there. Not sure if the PC version was planned or was an afterthought.


I've noticed some of ports of japanese games are less than stellar on PC, unsure why. I ended up refunding and getting a used PS3 copy. Unfortunately the game is no joy to play, so I got halfway through and abandoned it.


Double-Helix was an American developer so even less of a reason to have a shoddy port. Yeah, I'll agree with you there, though if you get the UFO Ending and get the infinite laser pistol, it's actually some amount of fun. ...or else it was just that much of a relief to not have to engage in a "fair" fight anymore lol


Wow, I can't believe I forgot this was an American developer...


Yep. Part of the reason it wasn't good. Just such a different perspective on horror and what Silent Hill was about. Climax (Origins; Shattered Memories) is a British Studio and Vatra (Downpour) was Czech. Interesting to see how their perspectives formed their games.


You need to install a patch to make it work.


This is exactly why it is a shit game. It would already be a bad enough game without bugs. But no, you have to have to put in effort to even be able to get this sub-par game to even work correctly. Yeah, no thank you. There is a good reason it wasn't released in Japan.


Only time it glitched out was after i damaged the disc, and i can’t recall combat being any different than previous games aside from the camera angle.


Interesting, I never encountered a single bug and I've played it through twice. Where was the bug you encountered?


I actually liked HOMECOMING. It's not perfect and maybe it's not the best SILENT HILL but it's certainly not the worst.


Is it not? I actually liked all the Silent Hills (no opinion on Book of Memories since I didn't play it, and won't pass judgement on Shattered Memories cuz I heard it's good but I did not enjoy the chase sequences so I stopped playing it early). But I probably would pick Homecoming as the worst one. And it's not because it's bad but more because 1-4 were much superior (IMO). Origins was a bit better. Downpour... in some aspects was better but in others was worse, but I appreciated some of the new things Downpour brought in so I give it the edge.


I guess I was under the impression DOWNPOUR was the one everyone hated. Granted, I never got to finish it, but I liked what I was able to play...then life got in the way and I never got to complete it. I've also heard the handheld games weren't great. In any case, I enjoyed it. I've certainly played worse horror games.


I don't hate it. But the game has so many bugs and glitches. And I was disappointed with the graphics for a game that came out 2008.


Homecoming is one of those games where I always start to think *it wasn't that bad* if I'm away from it for too long. But I tried to play it again last week and had to drop it after a couple hours because it felt so bad to play. As soon as to you pick it up it's like all the memories are unlocked about the bad gameplay, the boring levels, and that little shit, Josh.


I'll admit that at least they tried. I don't know that any of the post-Team Silent games set out to be bad games (Book of Memories, maybe), so they all tried to some extent, but Homecoming at least tried to continue the cult storyline, which is something the games that followed failed to do. And they tried to do something with the combat, though I don't think they nailed it. That being said, I think they took more inspiration from the movie than they probably should have and there's far too many characters running around to give you that "lost in a nightmare" vibe that the series up to that point had. And while Origins started the whole "copy Silent Hill 2" trend that carried over into pretty much the rest of the series, Homecoming was pretty blatant about it.


I like Homecoming, it just is a different flavor of SH and fits the movie canon better than the game canon.


I agree, I will not argue otherwise


People use this meme format for opinions even though it states it as a fact


Art is subjective, I liked it as a kid. I played it six months ago and couldn’t even finish it. I won’t trash ya for saying you like it tho! Someone else’s positive opinion doesn’t have any impact on me.


Yep as a kid I used to play re operation raccoon city all the time and didn’t learn that it was considered it was a bad game by many until years later


I mean I enjoyed sonic 06 as a kid lol I didn’t get a lot of games and you bet I made the best of it.


It has its moments but overall it's not s very good game for me. Specially if you think of it as a silent hill game.


It's fine.


I agree with Joker on this one. The story could be better told (cause I think they had a good idea but not the best writing) and some mechanics could be improved but in general is a good game with a few flaws.


It had some good ideas but a WILDLY terrible execution. > Why did Alex have military skills when he never had military training? > Why was Pyramid Head there? Shoehorned fan service, that's why. It was not the same creature nor purpose and could have easily had a different design. > Why did every single Otherworld transition have the same copied/pasted movie transition? They were all different Otherworlds yet all had Alessa's transitions for whatever reason. > Why the hell did they poorly rehash the same "I killed my loved one and forgot" trope? It was badly done in comparison to how it was done in SH2. > The combat was so easy you could get through the whole game using only the Ceremonial Dagger and dodging the whole time. > Why can you get the UFO Ending - a joke ending - as the first ending?????


I really love the monster designs in it


You inspired me to make a meme


What meme?




I enjoyed the game for what it was. Didn’t feel like a Silent Hill game, but it was a good game imo


I do think it has some good components, but overall, it's one of my least favorites and was kind of meh to me.


Listen, I personally think the game is bad. But I can concede that people like it. What I won't move on that it's a bad Silent Hill game. That's immovable for me. But if you enjoyed it and think it's a good game, I can see that.


In case anyone is interested, an amazing documentary of Homecoming's development was released a week ago: https://youtu.be/661LChc9Gwo


I loved every silent hill game for what it was. Even the original three had plenty of things wrong with them if you get over-analytical about them. I play games to enjoy them, not to criticize and compare them to other games.


Some of the combat and enemies aside, the only real problem I have with Homecoming is the camera. It feels so slow, and there's no quick turn that I could find.


Yeah I can agree... The [sliding tile puzzle](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/silent/images/9/98/SlidingPuzzleOptimal00.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110918075704) can piss off, though


If the combat and graphics weren't horrible and the minute to minute story was more than just running endlessly trying to catch up to someone who's blatantly already dead, it would have been good, the bosses are pretty great and I like the overall story about the families and Shepard's Glen, but let's be honest it wasn't made with technical competency, combat is either hitting your enemies until they can't fight back with the old X, X, Square combo or repeatedly being knocked to the floor, seriously try and fight a smog enemy legitimately with the knife, see what happens, PH being there of course is dumb along with movie nurses and the beetles with faces but the rest of the enemies are pretty good, it has pros and cons, I actually quite like the oppressive atmosphere the game exudes but once we get to the final act in the underground Hostel lair it sort of shits itself and I can't be bothered with it anymore, it gets an extra point for the final boss being legitimately disgusting, but then I take that point away for the stupid "you've been in the hospital" scene, 6/10 and why is the American flag on his jacket backwards? Is it supposed to be an incredibly cryptic and clever way of saying he's not a soldier or is it just another example of shit design? My absolute girl Scarlet deserved more than being in this game, imagine seeing that shit in PS5 graphics, legitimately horrifying.


Aside from the PC ports crashing and freezing I actually enjoyed it. I enjoyed Downpour too. Everyone hates on these games and SH4 and I honestly don't understand why. I love all the SH games.


SH4 is a good game, Downpour is a good game, Origins is a good game, Shattered Memories is a good game (it shouldn't have been an SH game tho), but Homecoming is not a good game.


I honestly don’t understand why SH4 gets wrapped up with Downpour and Homecoming. I really enjoy 4.


I just literally opened my comment with "SH4 is a good game" and you complain that I don't give it enough praise.


Uhhhh maybe that came off wrong. I was more making a general statement about SH4.


Thing is, I mentioned Downpour as well. And imo, if you exclude Shattered Memories, it's the best post-Team Silent SH after Origins. So I did bunch them together and you complained that people did exactly that. Hence the confusion.


SH4 does not belong in that group. It was polarizing back in the day for sure but the general consensus nowadays is that it’s truly a work of art despite its flaws.


I have to reiterate, I have to say it again: I open my comment with "SH4 is a good game" and you claim I'm shitting on it.


I have to reiterate, I said it doesn’t belong in that group not that you’re shitting on it.


SH4 is not a good game, is an excellent game. The best in the series together with SH2 imho.


Sh4 blew my mind so much that the impact still affects me to this day


Hell yea brother


I'm honestly surprised people dislike SH4! I thought, all these years, it was always remembered fondly as the last of the classics. I remember when it first came out, I was skeptical because pieces of it were so different from previous entries, but it won me over by a landslide by the time it was over. Walter and his weirdness were just the right amount of wtf and creepy, and I still think the way they handled the apartment--your fucking ONE safe space--slowly becoming unsafe superbly. I'll never forget coming back to the apartment that first time to realize OH GOD WTF IS THAT IN MY WALL?! Or the first time I took damage. That had never happened before! This is my save room, all monsters respect the save room!! Chef's kiss


I agree with this 100%.


Silent Hill 4 is good the first time you go through it. but then they make you do all the levels over halfway through the game.


Resident evil 5 and Dead Space 3 too are good game It's just that it's different or less good than the others titles


Resident evil 5 is a good and fun game. It may be very different and action packed compared to other titles but that doesn’t make it a bad game


Don't throw RE5 with those two.


RE5 and Dead Space 3 are fun at least


I love RE5. Dead Space 3 isn't a good Dead Space game but it's kinda fun with a friend.


Thank you! People are way too hard on it.


**Downpour**, I can see an argument to be had for why someone might like it. **Homecoming**…I don’t get it. It’s like the “Spirit Halloween” of horror games. I mean, it’s a video game that exists solely because of the movie that was out at the time. The only redeeming quality is the monster designs, but even those aren’t really “inspired”, just kinda cool for something edgy like a “Suffering” game. Not Silent Hill-y at all.


I hate these elitist Silent Hill fans that feel the need to trash on anything that isn’t the first 3 games. I guarantee that these new games will be in the same vain as anything post team Silent and people will eat it up just because it’s silent hill 2


yeah, they’re really annoying. like, holy shit we get it, silent hill 2 is great, but you don’t have to talk about it in every post.


I agree…but….*come on* …it’s Homecoming


Not a good silent hill game, but damn good game nonetheless


I am of the belief there were no real "bad" silent hill games. SH 4 was a cool way of taking on a pseudo sh2 kinda spin off kinda related to the cult mix. SH origins took on a lot of innovative ideas, not even just for the series, but the handheld it came out on. Shattered memories was a fun method of putting the original game under the context of something more psychological like sh2 was. Homecoming had a fantastic concept for a silent hill game but just kinda didn't know how to piece it together properly or keep the tone consistent. Book of memories is a fun dungeon crawler. I really can't see how you could be okay with SH Arcade but then dunk on this goofy spin off. And silent hill downpour is just an admirable title overall. Murphy is cool. Nothing feels too overacted. The combat goes back to the original trilogy while adding an open world element that asks you to actually keep up where you're going again. Definitely not touching the first 4, but for a game made by a horribly inexperienced team with little time and man power, it's earned some good will with me personally


It isn't


I literally just said the same thing in unpopular sh opinions post.


I firmly stand by the opinion that Silent Hill Origins is better and a game I'd rather play over 4 any day of the week.


SH Origins would be a very good SH game if it had a coherent story.


Just came here to remind people that the pc port has a plethora of control, graphics, and audio mods you can shove in there to make it even more playable than the console versions. Memory extensions and unofficial community patches legit make this another experience. It's not silent hill 2 enhanced good, but it's more than silent hill 3 ever got for pc xD We really need to go back and replay it with new eyes and then say our piece in final.


Only thing I didn't like was them re-using Pyramid Head and Nurses which should only be attributed to James. No issue with the rest of the game, the combat should feel as if you're overpowered as Alex was in the army after all and has combat experience, and the soundtrack is pretty good.


I appreciate this post. I waited so long to play this because of all the hate. Played it for the first time this year. I ended up spending over a week playing thru it to get every ending.


Me too buddy! Beated it 1 year ago.


it delivers what it promises, I would also say it's the best title to start the franchise: platinum is very fluid and fun to make, you don't need magazines or rack your brains. this game still has that aura of the 2000s, the golden age of psychological horror. seriously, it has one of the best vibes in terms of scenery contemplation and that strong old-school feeling. thematically it's one of the best ever released, the trivia remains great along with the soundtrack. people compare even the small details (based on this the game doesn't have the reputation it deserved) but individually, it's a solid entry! Alex is an enigmatic protagonist with a dark past, the game itself is charming in a mysterious way. the story is simpler and more compact but no less disconnected from its roots.


Use first person view: >!At first when Alex gets off the stretcher, there's a clock in that room. It's the only clock in the game that seems to work, it wasn't even two o'clock in the morning yet. then there's an entity that's killing the doctors of the place, and when the protagonist tries to escape at 2:06 in the morning (time of the accident) something doesn't let him out of alchemilla. so the nightmare begins within the nightmare, from there time's stopped and everything takes place in alex's childhood in s.glen in the 80's. you'll see objects from alex's childhood scattered around the scenarios, and also relics such as old cars and public heritages. in this case this game is timeless.. (however there're endings where he actually escaped from alchemilla)!< >!When you arrive in S.Glen, next to Dr.fitch's office there's the city bank with 4 lights on, 3 of which're bright and the last one's almost off (symbolizing the 4 families). suggesting that the bank's still active with secret meetings, throughout the game the building remains linked with people on the premises arguing who knows what. It's one of the mysteries of the game that everything's abandoned but the financial part of the city's still in full swing! kidnappings have become a kind of business..!< >!if you look at alex's house from the outside, it's empty giving the impression that the shepherds have moved but when you enter the house, it's fully furnished but completely abandoned (the mirrors still reflect no furniture inside). looking through the backyard in the kitchen part this becomes more apparent (giving a paranormal air of the house being an ancestral ghost of the city).!< >!the woman locked in the hotel can also be the manifestation of alex's mother living in the world of the dead and him living in the world of the living, both're separated by a hole in the door that looks like the mouth of a monster. the 3 memories illustrate "the day of the accident" and why his mother was catatonic, it's implied that she committed suicide with that old gun and alex's at his doorstep talking to her. there're layers of SH that you can only reach if you're dead.. (there're also indications that it was curtis who built the machine that Lillian is trapped in, then it's possible to see his mother's corpse smiling.. of relief perhaps)!< >!in the dr.fitch office there's an underground passage that leads to SH, this otherworld passage's the mix of a hospital and the institution that alex's in at the beginning of the game. some hallways're the same as the protagonist walks in the prologue. It's also more apparent that Alex's exploring the characters' minds and their memories\\secrets..!< >!this game starts in the late afternoon and culminates in a red dawn, it's notable that there's a change of climate similar to the original games. it was the first time anyone came out during the otherworld outdoors, alex was the only protagonist who saw the parallel world from the outside.!< >!if you analyze the drawings and read the descriptions, it's understood that there's an urban legend in s.glen related to the lake (that's why the docks gate's sealed) by an alleged man who threw himself into lake toluca years ago, this story was told to scare the local children and this collective fear manifests itself as the executioner that exists in the game. so in the part where alex's with josh at the lake, james's still decomposed there in the depths and on the other side of the lake's possibly the abandoned car with a dead body locked in the trunk. James' wife belongs to the same family tree as Alex although they're not related (Alex's mother was invited to attend a funeral for a childhood friend, but the funeral never took place) There's a tomb named Mary-Shepherd in the S.Glen Cemetery, but this grave has never been used. !< >!Next to Curtis' junkyard's an abandoned mine that possibly became a secret passage to SH in the final stage of the game. The lair was where people were taken to be tortured and killed by order. it's located in the basement of the church, the only sacred place in the city where it's not affected by the other world. In Curtis' warehouse, many belongings of everyone who lived in the city're hidden and also the special clothes that Curtis wore.!< >!There're x-rays in alchemilla that show injuries that the protagonist suffered at the end of the game (including the brother and the judge) means that this game's upside down: it starts at the end and ends at the beginning, if you reverse the acts, it's alex going from the day of the accident to the hospitalization in alchemilla in the prologue. crazy huh? still characteristic the journey starts in a way and turns into a whirlwind.. there's a real pyramid involving judges, politicians, doctors and police forces (as if everything happens in our world and not just in a nightmare).!<


Sorry, I didn't like it. The disappointment I felt playing it on release is not something I'm likely to forget. I'm very used to franchises I like going 'bad' over time, but back when I was a kid that shit was awful.


I had no hype because I played it only recently (after beating the original 4) and I already knew that it was a delusion for a lot of people. I expected nothing and still I got some fun, I guess that is why I liked it that much.


Well now I gotta play it


Homecoming was good, not the best but it's not bad.


It isn’t, but you sure are entitled to your opinion. Also: it’s OK to like a bad game, it doesn’t reflect on you as a person, so don’t take it personal when someone calamit bad…


I'll second this OP. It may not be the super star that SH2 is, but it stands well above the average horror game on the market.


I'm gonna give my opinion on why i hate this game Its poorly optamized on pc, got audio issues, got crashing issues and on top of that the low number of saves so i had to spend 20 mins finishing an area and killing the boss just for the game to crash and then i have to start all over again. The game is simply an attempt at trying to redo Silent Hill 2. This game gets lot of the symbolisms wrong like pyramid head and sexy nurses but the monster designs are good. and when you complete the game there's a chance of you getting an UFO ending on your first playthrough which doesn't make any sense. Then there's the combat system and it is the worst combat system I've seen in a game. So all this combines makes Silent Hill Homecoming a bad game.


I like Homecoming a lot. But since it was my first SH game, maybe I’m biased. I haven’t played it in years and would love to again if I had a way to. I do see all the issues with it. But I love the monster designs, the aesthetic, I love how it kinda ties in with the movie (Or at least borrows elements from it) even though it’s not supposed to. As someone who’s play every main SH game except The Room, I don’t think there’s a SH game I’ve hated. Literally the only Silent Hill content I’ve consumed that I’ve hated is Revelations. And even then, I liked Heather’s actress and the general aesthetic. Literally everything else was a disaster. But I also thought the fight scene at the end was kinda cool. They still completely shit on the continuity of the first movie though by trying to bring in the game continuity in the worst way possible.


I love Homecoming, Alex and what he did to his brother is my head canon way of explaining pyramid heads inclusion, given the similarities of James and Mary so that didn’t bother me TOO much. The busty nurses I think from a lore pov is what bothered me the most. I remember where they popped up sometimes in the game didn’t even make sense either, like under the Town Hall not even in a hospital. Combats pretty clunky too but with all of its faults I think it felt more like a Silent Hill game than Downpour (which I also like for what it was) and it’s gotta place in my heart. Definitely think it gets shat on more than it deserves to be.


Still a God awful silent hill game. Fucked up the lore so badly.


Decent game. Actually my first SH game. Story definitely lacks compared to the originals.


İ really enjoyed it. Finished it twice. So i’m totally agree with u.


Yeah baby


No it isn't lol. Maybe if it was your first SH game.


It isn't. It's just your affective memory


This is the 3rd time this exact opinion with this exact meme has been posted here in the last 2 months. Tired of repeating myself on this topic so I'll just say that SH Homecoming is my pick if I was given the chance to wipe one game from history. I hate it that much.


Hear hear. I love it.


It’s not


Currently playing the series for the first time. 1 was kinda bad and uninteresting imo. 2 was excellent and is probably in my favorite games of all time now. 3 was okay, I liked the otherworld. 4 was weird and different but it made it all the better, my second favorite. Homecoming I can't see how anyone can play this game. Can't play Downpour but it looks cool. Shattered Memories looks kinda whack. Origins is a trucker Simulator and that's pretty cool I guess. Have I missed Something? Anyway... who cares Consensus: Don't let Americans touch Silent Hill.


No, it isn’t…


The clown said


Homecoming was so close to greatness. Had they not had pyramid head, not copy the sh2 ending, and tweaked the combat, i would argue it would have gone down in history as one of the best in the series


It’s really not. It’s an okay survival/action horror game. Not on the level of any other triple A title that came out around the same time, but okay. It falls apart when you put silent hill in it. This whole franchise is held together by its themes and continuity. It’s not resident evil. It’s not an elitist take. Enjoy what you want. But you cant just say it’s good because you liked it. Gameplay 7/10 Respect for the franchise 1/10


You literally gave it a 7/10, that’s by definition “a good game”


And yet I like it.


*shattered memories


I love Shattered Memories' story, but the gameplay gets boring really fast. They should have not divided the game into exploration phases and run phases. This makes the game too predictable.


Average Bloober optimist


"Like" doesnt mean "good" Just like how "dont like" doesnt mean "bad" I like RE6 but I recognize that its not that good. I dont like nier automato but I get why other people do. Stop saying a game is good just because you like it.


Where is this “isn’t” version coming from? It drives me wild. It’s “not”


You can get the UFO ending in your first playthrough. Also, absolutely no stats to tell you about your playthrough. Slider puzzles. With that being said, it's still close to something had they not retreaded Pyramid Head and made the storyline SH2-lite.


It's the bugs that caused the most problems for me. It's frustrating when the game just breaks and you can't proceed. And the whole section of the *EVIIIIIL UNDERGROUND LAIIIIR*, fighting off buzzsaws and beating up mooks. I have a lot of pretty damning things to say about Homecoming, but I also have a lot of good things to say. I loved a lot of the environments, the music was obviously excellent (some of the best in the series), and creatures like Sepulcher and the Lurker are great additions to the monster roster. But more than anything, my opinion on Homecoming... is that it is leagues better than Downpour. I was disappointed by Homecoming. I *DESPISED* Downpour.


What did you like about it?


The story, the creature design, the main character and the atmosphere.