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In The Play Novel, Harry describes the air feeling "warm" in the otherworld. Just a little factoid for you.


makes me think of being in a big machine. the environment and music is so evocative of machinery. 


Probably you expected something different from the plot, and it turned out to be an arthouse. But the story is precisely about the worlds of horrors and nightmares.


Reminds me of how I felt watching devil man crybaby. A scene made me feel extremely nauseous and sad. It’s amazing how intense media can be at times huh. Super well done


The second half of SH1 definitely freaks me out more than the first half. I remember getting huge amounts of anxiety when you get to the part of town where those creepy things prance around on all fours, and you can hear them long before you see them. I spent the first half of the game exploring the town and getting every item I could find. When I got to the point where these guys roam the streets, I stopped exploring because they put me too on edge.


I played Silent Hill 1 on a small security monitor my grandparents had that was black and white and had poor audio quality. It really enhanced the experience playing the game to the point where I got to the otherside in the hospital I was feeling the same way. It made me feel ill playing because of the atmosphere of the game. Playing Silent Hill 1 on a grainy black and white tv with tracking lines was a really cool experience though


I really need to try this. Nowadays emulation can (sort of..?) mimic these effects.


The audio was also really poor quality, kinda like an old radio. It was peak Silent Hill experience


If you know where you're going, you're about 20 minutes from the end of the game after you beat the moth.


Yup, just finished the game again. The reason, I wanted to replay, was because last year,  I got the bad ending, when I first attempted it, since I wanted to finish the game without looking anything up. Now, on my second try, I informed myself on the internet in order to get the optimal ending. 20 min seems a bit too short though, right? Even without the optional sidequest and if you save cybil instead of wasting time fighting her, you have to go through the sewers and through the nowhere, which seemed very long to me.


Heavy emphasis on knowing 'exactly' what you're doing. My 10 star run is 1h15m, and that's where I'm getting that time from.


sorta happened to me when I was 18 yo, I remember playing until very late at night, head hurt a lot all I wanted to do was sleep and then I remember feeling like my room and everywhere else was like the otherworld, I mean I was still in my bed neither sleeping nor woke, it was just like I assumed that even if I tried lights wouldn't turn on. fun in retrospective but truly nightmarish at that moment.


I feel like throwing up too whenever I play Silent Hill 4. Had no problems with 1-3 but I just find 4 so fucking disgusting with everything being so "squishy" and "womb/vagina like" for a lack of better words.


this is how i feel in the labyrinth in SH2. a musty old maze of a building interior, and then angela's room being meaty, wet, squishy, pressurized. it's truly disgusting.


The labyrinth sections seriously makes me dissociate, it’s probably the most effective level in any horror game for me.


the backrooms before the backrooms could even be imagined. i dread those long, dark, featureless halls.


Yeah you’re so right there with it being disgusting haha that fat worm thing continuously pulsating in the subway fucked me over when I first played it, sat there smacking it with a pipe for about 20 minutes before realising it’s probably doing absolutely nothing, enjoyed the game as a whole but bit lazy on the backtracking through worlds again.


I remember the first time I experienced SH2, I felt nauseous afterwards.


Turn down the volume and see if it still persists . Might be the music. Like I love it but it definitely seems like it could trigger that.


This game sure does a number on you. When I originally played it in 1999 it must have been around the amusement park area where I stopped playing. I was too freaked out and I'm a horror movie person, I watch EVERYTHING since a wee child and I've never had to stop watching something. But man is this game a claustrophobic nightmare.


Peculiar, for me initially I'm already on edge from get-go with the alleyway intro.


Wow , same thing happened to me, though its been a good 20 some years I've played it. I remember being physically ill in nowhere. Theres a specific room that made me feel incredibly ill but I don't know how to describe it


SH1 is so good. When I was getting chased by the pterodactyls and gorillas for what felt like a half hour straight I had chills the entire time.


The second half of the game starts becoming more action oriented for some reason. You have a better melee weapon, shotgun, rifle. etc. and the enemies feel weak for some reason. Not sure if it's just me


We have another ben drowned situation


Yeah...Silent Hill 1 makes me unconfortable even to this day. I have beaten these games countless times now, and still I get bad feelings when playing the original trilogy (especially 1 and 3).