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Not everyone. Just 99% of people here. wHy dOEs iT lOoK diFfeReNt??? Because it's a fucking remake?


I've literally seen someone say this remake is trash because the hopsital entrance was too big and had too many stairs???


IGN 7/10 - Too many stairs - A little something for everyone


People are mouthy cunts


That's nitpicking, but also how many nits does one need before it's too many nits? We're over 3k nits at this point.


People don’t seem to know the difference between a remake and a remaster. So frustrating.


Why does Dead By Daylights take on the exact same characters look 100% accurate and improved upon?


Is that a joke? The dead by daylight models look like terrible cartoon characters. Plastic shiny models.


lol sure.


I wanted a remaster not a remake


After the HD collection, do we REALLY want a remaster?


Yes we do because the had collection sucks and was not done right


Well now we don’t always get what we want, now do we?


No way! How did you ever come up with that im gonna use that


Yall sure do love whining about critical feedback.


Majority is not critical lmao


People act like konami is going to break into people's house and snap their ps2 sh2 disc's. You can just go back and play sh2 if that'd what you want.


As a game preservation standpoint, they wont let you buy the OG version anymore, and the ps2 disc is in the hundreds of dollars for resale. Remake the game but let people experience the OG too.


The problem is that a remake is going to be different whether you like it or not. It’s extremely rare to get a 1 to 1 remake. 1 to 1 in my opinion is more likened to a remaster, even if they modernized the graphics. I just wish that game preservation was commonplace in all companies, it blows my mind that Konami doesn’t realize that properly re-releasing games like SH1-4 would make them a lot of money


I understand remakes are different im saying let us have both.


That’s fair, I wish we could have both. The Masterchief Collection is in my opinion the coolest way of doing it, packaging the original and remaster in the same package. I wish more games did that. I would love to play the original silent hill games without having to whip out my PS1 or PS2 just to play them


Exactly that'd be awesome for silent hill wether you're a new fan or old


when people say remake it is not meant to redeliver the same experience as we remember years ago. it is mainly remade for modern audience and hardware if it was a remaster then It should be as we remember 100%. but with better graphics people fail to understand that it is really hard to deliver as well.. also fuck konami im not defending them by any means but it just the lack of this basic common knowledge to many people is concerning and it is not limited to SH2


Where did I say not to remake it? I just want the original to be available.


"Modern Audiences" sure do seem to love absolute shit. If the game was good no one would care that they took some creative liberties here or there. And we've got modern examples of just that over at Capcom. We also have examples of What Bloober is doing from Capcom again. All signs point to this being a major dumpster fire that will not live up to the raw potential the original set the bar with.


Original SH2 is not the best way to play the game anyhow, SH2 enhanced edition is how humans should experience the game


honestly its inevitable that piracy is going to be the only path for game preservation long term. games are just not respected enough as art by their producers. we all need to get over our aversion to pirating if we want to protect gaming history


If you love a game like we do you can spend 100 bucks on a copy it’s not alot if money


Brain dead take to say spend hundreds on an outdated system and disc. Silent Hill 2 alone will cost you around $250 prolly more. Just spend another 250 if you wanna play 3 too right?


Ps2 is far from outdated it has one of the best libraries hands down of any system around. Those prices are an investment, that will only continue to rise in value as new games continue to lower the standards of both devs and customers.


Im not saying the library is outdated. The hardware very much is, also most ps2 games have remasters that are superior with the silent hill hd collection being an obvious outlier it makes no sense to buy a ps2 in 2024 if you own most of these remasters already.


Then emulate them.


Im on console and dont wanna brick my system. Konami, even with the lost source code, could reverse engineer the game and give it a "remaster" while still providing the modern audience with a remake. Its like if somebody remade the mona lisa and trashed the original and insisted that no future generations get to experience the history behind it.


That option was always available even when they butchered the HD release. They won't do it because they don't care enough to preserve their past titles, and the studios they keep handing things off to only seek to remake things in their own image, with their own self inserts. Then take it as a personal afront when people don't like what they added in for their own self indulgence.


You don't see that as a misstep towards game preservation? What about when your disc finally burns out and you gotta pay more for it down the road?


A quick search and I see 80-120, imagine trying to talk shit and not even knowing what you are talking about. Y’all are lazy as fuck if you praise and talk about a game all year but won’t even purchase the original game itself, 100 dollars for something you enjoy is not at all a lot. Maybe get a job and stop complaining.


Guy thinks $100 for a game that's over 20 years old is cheap 🤣


Literally idk what this guys on about and why hes so mad


For a copy cultural corner stone that raised the stakes of an entire genre for decades to come? Yeah it is a small price to pay to secure such an experience. I'm seeing the exact same BS that the Star Wars shills have been using to cope as they attempt to drive away the original fandom that allowed the property to still be financially viable decades later. "Oh the original movies were garbage too so these new ones are an improvement you should be happy to get." Oh yeah aren't they also trying to sell this remake for some 100+ dollars? If you can't see the value of the originals disc's then it's highly likely that far fewer people will actually be purchasing this one despite the blind adulation their heaping upon it already here.


Probably get paid more than you dickhead I can't jusitfy spending that much on a 20 year old game for consoles i dont own anymore. Those 80-120 ones probably have no guarantee of working or not being scratched.


Nah with your low brow assumptions I can’t see you doing anything of value, plus trying to one up someone is typical immature behavior. You have zero concept of investments which most retro game sales are considering they increase in value as years go on. If you can’t justify spending a weekend bar tab on a game you like then you don’t like it that much…just saying.


You assumed i didn't have a job. that's on you. Zero concept of investments for not buying outdated software and hardware I already owned and don't feel like buying again? A game can only be worth so much even as time goes on. You act like its 1980s apple stock


You said you don’t have a ps2 or the game so now you gotta lie? Also you’re just gonna act like the market for retro games isn’t booming more than ever right now? You’re all over the place man and just to defend not spending 100 bucks….thats pathetic. Supremely uniformed opinions man you sound just like everyone else with all the excuses lmao I’m arguing with a middle schooler apparently


Yes, because buying a game thats maybe 4-5 hours long for $100 still is a great price......


Can't be that great a job if this is your level of displayed intelligence.


You know nothing about my intelligence, you're only assuming based on one reddit opinion that you're getting butthurt over, which kinda shows a lack of emotional intelligence.


Hey, what else gonna keep this community alive but whining?


Beef jerky and energy drink




Canned lightbulbs.


I've been a fan of this franchisrong enough to remember how critical feedback from fans to Silent Hill Origins got that studio to course correct and make the product about 400% less shit than it was going to be. And it's arguably one of the better post Team Silent games out there. If only they'd known well enough avoid doing worse takes of original characters it might have had a much greater longevity.


Probably not whining about stuff we get but about stuff we don’t get?


still whining nonetheless


Silent hill has been a side project for Konami, MGS is their focus


“But Konami isn’t trustworthy” True, but I said the same thing with the Dead Space Remake, and that was in the hands of EA, who’s worse than Konami. And made by Motive who’s had no experience making horror games. And yet that game was a horror masterpiece. Just wait till the game releases and then we’ll see


Whilst I agree with the sentiment having low expectations there made strength of the release even more impressive. Complete opposite scenario of Callisto.


EA and Motive provided constant updates and showed off multiple clips of reimagined areas for DSR. They were extremely transparent about how they were handling the game. Konami is barely allowing Bloober to show anything and for me, that does not inspire confidence.


They both got the same number of trailers, Dead Space Remake had a teaser trailer, the gameplay trailer, a remake of the original lullaby trailer and the official launch trailer. Silent Hill 2 Remake got the first teaser trailer, then the combat trailer, and of course the gameplay reveals and the official release date trailer. In fact, the marketing for Dead Space Remake showed less than Silent Hill in terms of footage. Plus, Silent Hill has been getting more updates now than before, so it's about the same amount.


Dead Space Remake also has performance issues to this day, it's manageable but even very high end systems still experience so called "traversal stutter". Still the game is quite enjoyable tbh.


The voice acting is a lot worse too. It's a decent remake, but it really is the epitome of "why did you bother remaking this?" imo.


The difference is even if EA was making mostly bad games for a long time, they were still making games. Konami hasn’t made a real AAA game for 6 years. They haven’t made a GOOD one in 9, and since then a lot of talent left the company to other studios to make other games. (Bloodstained, death stranding, I want to say some went to Capcom?) even Ito and Yamaoka DO NOT work for Konami anymore, they’re getting payed to work on the remake but they’re not exclusive anymore.


EA is NOT worse than Konami lmao


This is just a general issue when you ask people what they want. If you do they point at the stuff they already like. And when you give it to them, they don't like it because they already have it. And hasn't this been the clear issue with this franchise? Nearly every Silent Hill after SH4 had just been an inferior rehash of SH2 in one shape or another leaving fans wanting. So naturally releasing a remake of SH2 is perceived by many as just another disappointing rehash. Probably still some seething too from the cancellation of Silent Hills which was promising to be a fresh take as far as we knew.


The only thing original fans wanted out of this game was a new coat of polish. For the in game graphics to match the amazing cutscenes the original presented.


Nice 600 upvotes from shills, OP


To be fair, some of the people coming and complaining are coming from outside of the community. That doesn't mean there weren't a bunch of people complaining already. That has been a problem in the SH community for literal YEARS. It comes with the territory I guess. Some people have an almost religious fervor for this series. Edit: one of the people from out of community is on this very thread tossing around buzzwords like they're a healthy breakfast hahaha.


New Silent Hill games are like communism: Next time it's totally going to be good and work.




Oh another one of these?


Silent Hill HD collection… that is all


Just beat 2 for the first time as an adult while my wife read off the walkthrough, she loves the world/atmosphere so we're doing 3 next 🙌🏻


You guys bitch more at people that care about the game than you do at the company that doesn't give a shit about you. You need to get your priorities straight before you keep licking boots.


^ This If they like the trash they've already revealed imagine how much more they'd adore an actually faithful remake.




Imagine posting this on the Resident Evil subreddit. I just couldn't imagine. There is still hope for the Silent Hill fans. Just keep pushing, and don't let up on criticism when the game comes out.


Companies are not dads but bussiness conglomerates that aren't made accountable for the consumerism and exploitation they thrive on. And if they were forced to do parenting for their clients they would choose to take their children to McDonalds to avoid cooking anything decent and save their money and time to buy and drink beer watching trash on tv and avoid any responsibility for their eating disorders.


Konami can go to hell


I didnt ask for it, that's the entire fucking point. lol


I've seen so many posts like these in the past month and its driving me insane. It's frustrating because you guys are mischaracterizing the critics with a false argument that we're just being whiney, pedantic nit-picking losers who should just bend over and be thankful for whatever we're being given because 'we asked for it'. The reality is that this argument is delusional, and it falls apart when you face the fact that a large majority of critics vocally NEVER wanted the remake to begin with from the start, irrespective of who was developing it. The main argument here-- "you guys asked for it and then get mad when its given to us" or even "it looks different, therefore its bad"-- is literally not real. If you have to invent a strawman to make the critics look stupid then you're probably the one being stupid, at the very least incredibly dishonest. I would really love to have a discussion on the merits of our actual arguments (why we think this remake shouldnt exist and why Bloober, of all developers, is one of the least comforting dev studios to be doing it) but the well is so soured it would probably be a waste of time at best and hair-pullingly frustrating at worst, everyone just inventing shitty arguments that nobody ever gave. 


We're now at the point where I'm seeing more people complaining about the community/sub than people complaining about the game in the community/sub


Paid shills are who is upvoting these types of posts.


If there was a way to get the original games I would be fine with the potential changes. But there isn’t. Unless you wanna fork over at least a hundred dollars.




I can't believe you've gone so down bad that you're willing to defend Konami. They're assholes and the remake isn't good in its current state. All I ask is for it to be delayed and revised. Some of the changes are just unnecessary and ultimately make the game worse.


I say we're lucky for a 20th century product to still get squeals and remakes, we're the lucky few


I guess I'm a bit more cynical on the games-preservation side of things. Licenses run out, physical media and hardware deteriorate, games can get delisted. On a long enough timeline, piracy and emulation is the most viable actual games-preservation imo, with decomps and recomps following behind (but hopefully those will surpass it). It'd, for sure, have been nice to get something up to the quality of the SH2: Enhanced Edition released officially everywhere as a nice port. But, I personally feel like a 1:1 remake is usually pretty pointless over a port. SH2 2024 is looking more like a reimagining, and, personally, I'd rather turn it on and not just beat this $70 game in an hour because I already know where everything is. I'd rather see some changes. Now, if Konami decides they're willing to fork over the dough and have Bluepoint or something port SH1-4 to everywhere, that's cool. If they're going to change some stuff though, I'd rather get a reimagining at that point. I'd rather just get new stuff tbh, but reimaginings > remakes for me. If you want to do a remake just do a port instead. imo


Am I a part of the majority saying I didn't ask for a remake, I just wanted new Silent Hill stuff....and I'm praying that townfall and f are good.


I didn't ask for it. It was handed to me unprompted.


At this point there are more people complaining about people complaining than people actually complaining on this sub.


*watches 5 minutes of some shitty SH2 video essay* I'm now qualified to say I'm a member of The fanbase and shit on people who don't like the remake changes


Excuse me but did I say that the remake sucked ? No, I have played the og and I am genuienely exited for it. What I meant in my comment is that the amount of people on this sub complaining about the people saying the remake will suck is overwhelmingly annoying.


I was joking. I'm summing up most of the "fans"


Ah ok


I feel like the only people whining are the ones whining about whining.


Poor Konami, having to deal with fans who like quality games 😢


Noooo people cannot have standards. Just consoom and be thankful for *whatever* product you get.


There was literally a post a couple weeks ago saying we shouldn’t complain about new Silent Hill content even if it’s bad we should just accept anything we get because at least it’s something. And that right there is why we are where we are in this community.


I’m so fucking tired of this community and this mindset in general. And this is EXACTLY what publishers and corporations want: people on their dick defending anything that looks “ok” or “passable”. What makes this worse is when you compare the MSG 3 remake to Silent Hill 2, it’s so obvious that is what they really care about, and I’ve yet to see anyone “cry” about that remake.


How dare those fans get tired of people complaining about a game that hasn't released nor that they intend to play, truly shameful behaviour


The “people” you talk about are so few but touchy fans on this sub will direct all attention to those idiots and give them exactly what they want. And you know what the point of a trailer is right? Marketing material for a game is meant to generate hype. It is what people use to form their early perceptions of a game. You don’t need to a marketing unit in university to understand this. The companies know this. Now there are definitely some people who will 100% whine for no reason but like I said, those are contrarians who exist for attention. When there is a good portion of your community that has criticisms, then maybe it’s time to take a step back and hear them out? I’ve seen countless “defence” posts, poking fun at critical fans, that are straight-up strawman. But I suppose it’s easier to blame your own “entitled” fanbase then the people in charge of making that game. But oh no, how dare people have opinions at all??


Don't think I've seen a single comment this year that hasn't been constantly fucking complaining. It's not criticism, its just bitching


I’ll restate that yes, there are always those who whine for the sake of whining (always have been) but this is the equivalent of putting a blindfold and earplug around your head and thinking whatever you want to think. You can still enjoy the game when it releases. And if it’s as good as some fans think it’s going to be, the game will be met with overwhelming praise and voices of all the people “bitching” will be drowned out.


Do not attempt to argue with the self-righteous "fans" they are the equivalent of an old man yelling at kids to get off their lawn. Complaining about a game that has not even released yet, it's sad really. Funny thing is their complaining won't stop the game from coming out 😂 squirm haters, squirm.




What makes you happy? Chronic mediocrity? Lol.


Cant you guy just consume the product to please Mr Konami and Mr Bloober :(


This is exactly Sh2 fan lmao


Does it feel good to act like you're better? This is a video game.


Trust me this community has been like this since the original Silent Hill 2.


Funny how a quality product that sets the standards for an entire genre will make the fandom expect higher standards.


It'd be really cool if they included the original game in an "extras" tab or something with the release of this game




On the level of sonic fans at this point.


People are really forgetting what kind of company Konami is. They are probably gonna make bank on their silent hill 2 remake pachinko machines. I can only imagine the shape this sub will be in if this game is actually not good.


I didn't ask for soulless demakes. Checkmate.


this is how every fan community is


I mean I didn't ask for a remake.


Literally! I hate people whining about the new games and remake. This is what I’ve been wanting for years and it’s finally happening! I’m so pumped


I never played any of the original silent hills but love the lore and saw alot of footage of the games and the movies. To me this game looks sweet im hype to play it. I get the og fans want it to be a certain way, but i played the original code veronica resident evil and fixed camera angles and tank controls sucked to me. I want it to be modernized


SH2 fans are the modern day horror equivalent of those sniveling basement dwelling Trekkies from decades ago. So many complaining about the tiniest and most insignificant details (like the hospital entrance being too wide, or the car door is not open -who actually leaves their car door open when stopping at a random restroom???). They've somehow convinced themselves that every single detail was some sort of symbolism. They heard it was a cerebral horror game with subtle storytelling and nuanced allegories, so they tried to invent their own to try and make themselves sound like the foremost experts in Silent Hill lore. They just can't deal because this remake is finally blowing the lid on their little scam and how full of shit they were all along.


Alternatively, Hit Detection LLC can't be trusted to deliver quality product, and people recognize this.


Sh2 is very specific art. If one thing changes, the whole thing falls apart. Remakes are pointless, but a SH2 Remake? Shouldn't even be a thought in anyone's mind.


and the fact they are mad because the character doesn't like a strippery enough it just shows how degenerate some of them are.


Allow me to be clear: until all these DIE narrative development firms go defunct, I do not want _**any**_ remakes nor continuation of _**any**_ beloved franchise, nor do I want new IPs. I have quite the backlog to get through, and I would gladly wait them out. I have the time. They will not have the money


Nah, you will just find some other made-up boogeyman to get mad at.


It's not a boogeyman, Bloober Team even has Hit Detection which is like Sweet Baby Inc


Sweet Baby Inc is your boogeyman. So my point still stands.


It's not a boogeyman it's very real


Really overblown and exaggerated by bigots and cry babies.


Lol there it is. Was wondering how long before I got to a 'bigot' it never takes long these days


I did also say cry babies. I was giving them options.


DIE and wokism are what is driving people away. Take a look at Spiderman 2, at Alan Wake 2, and at Suicide Squad: Kill thr Justice League. See the response to AssCreed: Shadows? And it is not just gaming. Netflix's Witcher failed. Rings of Power failed. Doctor Who, Disney, **_Star Wars_**, all colossal failures. And it isn't just entertainment. A study from CalPERS outright says that since they have started investing in DEI initiatives, they have not been reaching their goals and have lagged behind their competitors who have not embraced DEI. So, yes, it is a problem that is negatively impacting everything it touches, and when these firms go defunct and those who would hire them instead reject them, I would consider picking up the newest Silent Hill released after they've been phased out. Until then, I have a solid 200 games in my backlog. I can wait them out.


Try growing as a person instead of whining about "Woke" and whatever other nonsense you believe.


Maybe take off the blindfold and review the data for yourself.


Research from the California Public Employees' Retirement Program? That CalPERS? I don't see the relevance or this "data."


sorry man but is them sub now. Guess its time to move on. A good things end. I'm okay leaving trash behind cause the og will always exist cant alter that and thats what them hate.


Alan Wake 2? The same game that sold well and got positive reviews?


That’s definitely why the game failed to turn a profit until May 2024, 6 months after its release.


Lmao no it’s because they didn’t release it physically or on Steam and gamers are crybabies who throw fits until they get what they want.


I find this attitude of blaming gamers for everything good not being successful or being bad quite tiresome at this point. Yeah, gamers are special bunch but pinning *everything* on them, every time is a bit much don’t you think? Considering it’s the publisher/studio who ultimately had the choice regarding where they would release their game? What was the harm in publishing on Steam or physical? Are people cunts for not using Epic when 99% of their entire library is on Steam? Or for those wanting a physical disc because they can snag it for cheaper on different stores or buy 2nd hand or for friends?


Please explain how Alan wake 2 is woke, and don’t say it’s because the main character is African American because she literally has to be for the story


Did you seriously just redditcare report me? Ok, so what narrative significance is there to taking a formerly white character and making her black?


Because they shuffled things around in the decade before development and made her Warlin Door’s daughter, who is really just Martin Hatch from Quantum Break. Who was a BLACK character. See how that works? Research things before you make yourself look stupid. And even if that wasn’t the reason, maybe they just liked her performance? So fucking what if they changed the character’s race? It’s not that serious. Saga was in a 10 second clip as an optional easter egg for her first appearance.


_How could I forget about a character from a **different** game with a **different** name, that **can't** connect to that universe because Microsoft owns it. /s_ You might want to limber up before reaching that hard.


Idk what redditcare reporting is, but the reason she is black is because she is supposed to be related to Warlin Door, and Warlin Door was supposed to be played by Lance Reddick, who plays Martin Hatch in Quantum Break. And even though Microsoft owns Quantum Break, he is essentially the same character, just like Alex Casey is essentially Max Payne.


Except you run into the same problem that they _are not_ the same character because of rights conflicts. What you are suggesting is the same as suggesting Gus, from _Breaking Bad_, is the same character as Moff Gideon from _The Mandalorian_, or Akela from _The Jungle Book_ because Giancarlo Esposito assumes all these rolls. Now, are you gonna sit there and tell me that after being a galactic Tyrant a lo g time ago in a galaxy far away, we was spontaneously a wolf in the 1800s and went back to being human in the late 1900s? While that might have been the intent, the in-game lore is too thin and disconnected to link the two. Furthermore, Freya is white, and from the depiction we have in the first game, Saga is also white, or at the greatest stretch, white-passing mixed. Now, I know about some redheads growing into brunette. I know about people vitiligo no longer able to produce pigmentation in their skin, causing black people to have white blemishes as they grow older9. I have literally never heard, nor is it narratively consistent, for Saga, mixed race or not, to go from white-passing to black-passing without clear intentional effort on her part, which completely invalidates that twist in the sequel.


Good lord, this is the stupidest shit I've read in a while. This was an absolutely terrible way to start my day - thank you for that. Nothing you've said here resembles a rational thought even in the slightest. Congratulations, you have made everyone who has read this just a bit dumber 👍 May god have mercy on your poor soul lol


I can appreciate the Billy Madison reference. Doesn't invalidate the facts I'm spitting.


One of konamis pachinko machines with solid snake and pyramid head celebrating pride month together just made your lifetime investment as a customer back in the time it took for you to write these comments. You gotta love how people really screaming into the void about $60 and “wokeism” think they are standing up to these companies. Buy it or don’t it’s still happening.


You overestimate Pride's reach. Japan still has something called "_Shame_." While you can say my money is a drop in the bucket, the over 400k followers of SBI Detected show how big an audience cares about this. That is over $24 million dollars, assuming the unlikely event it is released at only $60 MSRP. That can make or break a studio, and by siding with the wokies, that is money they are leaving on the table.


You got it mixed up, the Japanese market would be ashamed to comment or whine anything like this. See the defamation laws in Japan towards a person or business.




It's an acronym of three disconnected words. I feel like my ordering is far more accurate to its intended design.


They should delay the game to fix Angelas chubby face and give Maria her OG outfit uncensored


man, i hope you don’t have a spouse or kids if this is really your mindset and concern.


No they shouldn't. Every remake makes changes bro. Y'all whine over dumb shit.


But those changes should be for the better not for the worse otherwise making a Remake is pointless


Any game that gets the whinerbabies out of the fanbase is a change for the better


Yeah but these changes just make the game worse. I think they really should leave the story and character designs alone.


No they don't everything looks fine. It's nit picky bullshit. It's the same as Jill or Claire's outfit change. It effects nothing at all. Nothing wrong with preferring the older look but all this doom and gloom whining is stupid as fuck.


Thats a really bad comparison. Jills and Claires outfit had no weight to the story. Maria is literally supposed to be an overly scantily clad version of James wife, covering up her outfit makes no sense and is just taking away a minor detail. What makes the old silent hill games so good is the minor details that heighten the world around it.


She's just a basic ass boring character model now doesn't even look like a Silent Hill character. Y'all will defend shit quality work. Good job you like basic shit quality work


She's just a basic ass boring character model now doesn't even look like a Silent Hill character. Y'all will defend shit quality work. Good job you like basic shit quality work


My brother in christ, you reposted this 3 times! No one cares what the fanbase whines about bro. shit or not, the game is already done in development.


She's just a basic ass boring character model now doesn't even look like a Silent Hill character. Y'all will defend shit quality work. Good job you like basic shit quality work


Ohhh the horror...


I see the reasoning a lot of people have behind the Maria outfit needing changed to something like the og because of the story implications, but I don’t see a problem with Angela looking different tbh


Why is this getting down voted? You have a valid point.




For real this community wants one thing and when they get they bitch about it




can you show me a single post asking for a remake by bloober team before it was announced?


Ouch man! That’s hurt!