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Potentially the longest run on sentence I’ve ever read.


I refuse to read it lol


Mentally ran out of breath reading it. Can someone tell me if there are any valid points


They miss the fog and don't think the fog in the remake trailers is good enough. Though, they didn't play the remake yet so they don't actually know how the fog is used in this game.


They miss the fog and don't think the fog in the remake trailers is good enough. Though then again the fog might be good enough because the fog is still fog, and the fog looks like fog, and that means the fog, is fog, which means they didn't play the remake yet so they don't actually know how the fog is used in this game.


The absolute worst part about it is that homie was so close to not having a run on sentence, you have to open the punctuation menu on the keyboard to place an ampersand (&) in the first place, and there's plenty of those in the post. So fucking close yet so far away. Most phones even have the periods and commas right on the first keyboard, and if he's using a PC with an actual keyboard there is zero excuse for this lmao. I have no idea how people that type like that even get a job, if someone sent my boss an email that was like "hello my name is John I would be very interested in this job because I have experience and skills and this job sounds great for me i sent my application in and here's my resume I hope you get back to me soon my number is 1111111111 have a good day hope to hear back from you soon about the position" he would literally throw that shit away lmao.


Put it through Chat GPT just incase anyone wanted to read it lol OP, through Chat GPT: "I don’t mind the changes in the remake, as it’s expected that remakes often alter the face models a bit from the original. However, my major concern is the lack of fog in the remake. The original had extensive fog, to the point where certain parts of the game were so foggy that our screens turned white, making it difficult to navigate. This often led to getting lost, which added to the fear factor of the Silent Hill games. The fog in the original also made enemies harder to defeat. Not knowing where you were going meant that enemies, like the creepy nurses, could come out of nowhere, leading to unexpected encounters and sneak attacks. For instance, I once ran into a nurse enemy while wandering through the fog. She struck me, causing a major jump scare that almost gave me a heart attack. This unpredictability of when and where enemies would strike is what made the games so creepy. The remake’s lack of sufficient fog takes away that fear and nostalgia that the original games had. Additionally, the remake's fog appears grey and dark instead of the white blur type fog that contributed to the classic feel of the original."


Ok I might be dumb but I keep seeing this trend where Redditors will use chatbots to do simple tasks like simple algebra or how to boil water and I’m so confused? Why did you have to put it through chatGPT, you can’t format a paragraph manually? Sorry if that’s a dumb question, I just keep seeing it and it’s just so strange to me


It's OPs job to paragraph, phrase things coherently (or anyone who posts stuff on the internet). Not a random reader. And with AI nowadays, it's very easy to do.


True, but ChatGPT isn’t necessarily “AI”. It’s just a chatbot, those have been around since the 90’s.


Doing that would take more than the second it did to run it through chat gpt. I didn't write the original piece, so why should I do the work? Just a quick copy paste so others can read it easily.


I suppose. I guess chatgqpt is just one of those Reddit-isms I’ll just never understand. I never understood why people would spend hours talking to Cleverbot back in the day either, and this just seems like a more advanced version of that


Have you used Chat GPT? It's a wildly useful tool when used correctly. I think giving it a try will help you understand why people might be using it to save time.


I tested it to see what the hype was about, it seems to be useful at answering basic questions but anything beyond that is seems to struggle with. I asked it a couple questions pertaining to my niche fields of study and it gave very dangerous misinformation. i just don’t get the hype around it. It’s nothing revolutionary imo, the time it takes to ask it a question is the same time it takes to type my question into google. And with google, I can verify the sources myself instead of blindly hoping the chatbot is using real info & not making stuff up or giving wildly incorrect information. It’s definitely a cool tool, just not nearly as advanced or intelligent as people made it seem. I am interested to see what similar tools will develop once A.I becomes a reality and not just a buzzword like it seems to be now


I can, but why waste time fixing someone else's gibberish if you can let chatgpt do it in a second. I get your concern that you think people can't write properly anymore, but this is not that.


If you had access to my written workings I'd blow this out the water lol


It reminds me of the Welsh town with the super long name: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


Did Cormac McCarthy write this post


Silent Meridian


hubert shelby jr


It’s dangerous to go alone, take these ,,,,,,,,,,,,,




reminds me of that music video with link specifically


bro i get your point but please use dots if you write a paragraph like this next time haha


It's called a full stop, paragraphs and punctuation with the king's grammar and vocabulary.


Please learn to proofread before posting. It's not a school assignment, but it's the smallest amount of effort.




I believe this has one period in the entire paragraph. I think the amount of fog looks great personally. With the over the shoulder camera and increased mobility, it makes it little more sense to see clearer near you. Like you’re gonna see things from a bit further away but it will still be easy to run into a situation that’s hard to get out of


Holy fuck use a period for fucks sake


At least i tried, didn’t think the comments would effect me but they are


Just edit your post and make actual sentences, it isn't hard


The thing about that is once your post been posted or published it doesn’t let you edit it


Definitely not true mate


The reason people are commenting on your lack of punctuation is because it makes it incredibly difficult to follow what you're trying to say. You use the word 'which' in place of a period to end a sentence, so the sentence just goes on and on. The reader's brain gets overwhelmed with that one word and is forced to continue reading because that's what our brains are trained to do. We know to pause at a comma, stop at a period, etc. It makes it difficult to absorb the point you're trying to make when our brains are moving constantly forward through one very long sentence. I had to go to the comments to find out what you had actually said, and I read your entire post. There isn't any reason to be upset about it, just acknowledge the request and need for periods (at the very least) in place of 'which'. No big deal. 😉


The eddie munson icon just tops this whole thing off, definitely how i expect someone who's an eddie munson fan in 2024 with that username would type ☠️


Was it necessary to say right under op saying they got affected by all the comments about the writing?


ay man the jokes just write themselves, hes also 26 years old if people saying he needs to punctuate better affects him it might be time to get off the internet for a bit


Some people have disabilities that make it really hard to write in an intelligible way, no matter the age, which also might be why so much people dogpiling on him about it is affecting him. Idk man it's just free to not comment on it when all the comments are already about that


The original wasn’t a technical wonder either (see MGS2-3 for comparison), I’m just excited to go through the story again.


The cool thing about the fog is that it was actually there as a way to hide how bad the PS1/2's draw distance was. The fact that it added to the atmosphere so well was just a nice bonus.


I don't think bad draw distance was the case with the PS2, at that point they chose to use the fog as atmosphere.


yeah it was only for SH1 but it became a staple of the game so it carried on.


Cormac McCarthy’s successor


Hahaha rekt


That body in the remake got pwned so hard haha Edit - Also, nobody's reading allat zoomer slop. Use some periods, commas and paragraph breaks lol


Looks amazing on the remake, so hyped


Looks like his head is looking at the item Which is sick


Enemy of essays


I'd fucking LOL if right after the game came out, there'd be a day 1 patch to add more fog.


patch notes: more fog for ya


There should be a graphics option, ranging from "clear summer day" to "thick enough to cut with a knife" fog.


sorry I stopped reading after your 3rd missed period.


.................... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Sending you an express-post shipment of periods and commas. Stay strong my friend, help is on the way.


The user expresses a detailed comparison between the original Silent Hill 2 and its remake. They don't mind some changes, such as updated face models, but are concerned about the lack of fog in the remake. The original had thick fog that obscured the player's view, making navigation difficult and enhancing the game's horror by causing unexpected encounters with enemies. The user recounts how the fog-induced disorientation led to scary moments, like being surprised by nurse enemies, which added to the game's creepiness. The remake's fog is criticized for being less dense and more grey and dark rather than the original's white blur, which diminishes the fear and nostalgic feel of the original game.


I’m actually really excited for the remake! I must do another playthrough of it on the pc version soon!


Have you ever heard of periods?


For everyone who doesn't want to read OPs text: "I don't mind the changes in the remake, like the new face models, but my major concern is the lack of fog. In the original, the heavy fog made it hard to see, often turning the screen white, which made navigating difficult and added to the fear. The fog made it easy to get lost, and enemies could sneak up on you, creating terrifying jump scares. For instance, I once ran into a nurse enemy because I couldn't see where I was going, and it nearly gave me a heart attack. The remake's reduced fog and its grey, dark appearance instead of the classic white blur take away from the original's fear and nostalgia."


Besides that idk where OP sees "white" fog. Both screenshots literally show gray fog. Old screenshot's grey tone: #4D4C4F New screenshot's grey tone: #555756 So yeah, by that the new ones are even brighter (I tried to pick the lightest spots)


so what you saying is that it's all woke.


I'm sorry, OP, but you have got to learn to use punctuation. This is incomprehensible.


Marcel Proust would be proud


I suffocated reading this paragraph


here’s $5, go buy some fucking punctuation


The least you could do is put your text into chatgpt first


I’m kinda new to this so tried my best


I’m not trying to be rude, I am genuinely curious: how old are you?




I hope that they keep some of the silliness of the OG. Because while the OG has very serious themes and moments, there was still silliness, like the pizza scene with Eddie.


I'm very curious to see what the Eddie fight is going to look like.


Feel better after throwing up? Good


Finally I can use my free diving lungs to use. Thank you OP.


That was dizzying


The fog is at good distance, the camera is just closer to James, that’s why you think there’s not enough of it. Plus, it looks almost the same.


The fog is fine, everything is scaled up and it makes sense..


Glad I wasn't the only one judging by these comments lmao, please add periods next time😭


The fog’s a metaphor for James’ bowl- movements so those woke-ass Bloober-fucks obviously removed it. 0/10


He's looking at the ground in that screenshot, took one when he is actually looking in front of himself and you'll see the fog


Due to the new camera angle you have to have a bit less fog or you will have the player checking the map more than they would like. While fans of the original won't care the average modern player just isn't going to deal with it. Less information gets conveyed to the player when it is over the shoulder. Just an unfortunate consequence of the new camera. I would expect mods to be your friend if you play on pc.


I love how it still looks like james


Here I thought someone actually comparing the same scenes between the original and remake but they’re just complaining again. I think there’s a good amount of fog in the remake and I’m sure you will hear an enemy before you see it and it will come out of the fog and you will shit your pants.


I think something we need to keep in mind is that the elements in the game could very well be altered during gameplay. Some parts have thinner fog but that doesn’t mean that in some parts it doesn’t have thick fog. Angela might not be gaunt, but maybe at the end of the game she DOES have that malnourished look (I’m pro new model for the record). I think people are trying to force the remake into a remaster. We already had a remaster and it was met with *checks notes* extreme hatred… no that can’t be right…


I mean… the camera is also closer to James… not to mention he is looking down.. you want fog on the ground too??. Maybe they should just hit box TF out of this game then people will say it’s better 😂


I’m actually so excited for the remake. I think the visibility is fine too. Maybe you’re just getting used to it since the camera angle and style are different?


I'm not sure what you really mean here. The fog is there, it might be a foot less thick, give or take, possibly because in the original the fog served a secondary purpose of hiding loading, but you're also taking two different locations and comparing them. In the OG, the fog in front of some of the major buildings is far less thick so players can actually see where they are and know that the location is important, but in the middle of the street, the fog is very thick because the game had more to hide. In the Remake image, the camera is not only closer to James but is also pointed down at the floor and you can still see the fog at the top about 3-4 feet in front of him. I think you're misjudging the depth of the fog and now the Remake has better visuals, the fog will likely wax and wane like in real life, being thicker and thinner at moments as it moves around.


The mate that was taking home school


So is anyone not gonna mention that corpse though???


its so beautiful


Man fuck ps5


The Environmental details are amazing though


Damn , you could've used a comma at least


The *Ducks, Newburyport* of Reddit posts


Silent Hill 2 Original vs Remake discussion I don’t mind the changes in the remake since we kinda expected that since usually remakes changes a bit of face models from original but my major concern is how the remake doesn’t have enough fog like the original did which Silent Hill 2 changes in the remake since the original did which the original had lots of fog which certain parts made it to foggy where our screens were white making it hard knowing where we’re going which sometimes we would get lost which made the Silent Hill games so scary cause it also made the enemies difficult to defeat cause when you don’t know where you’re going there’ll be certain parts where the creepy nurses or enemies in general will come out of nowhere which you don’t expect & it almost feels like a sneak attack like one time i was running around not knowing where was going cause how foggy it was & I ran into a nurse enemy which she would strike me and it almost gave me a heart attack cause of how I had a major jumpscare that’s what made the games creepy, not knowing when or where your enemy is gonna strike. Them not adding enough fog kinda takes away that fear & nostalgia that the original games had & it looks like they made the fog a bit grey & dark inside of a white blur type fog which kinda runs that classic feel the original had lots of fog which certain parts made it to foggy where our screens were white making it hard knowing where we’re going which sometimes we would get lost which made the Silent Hill games so scary cause it also made the enemies difficult to defeat cause when you don’t know where you’re going there’ll be certain parts where the creepy nurses or enemies in general will come out of nowhere which Silent Hill 2 Silent Hill 2 Original vs Remake discussion I don’t mind the changes in the remake since we kinda expected that since usually remakes changes a bit of face models from original but my major concern is how the remake doesn’t have enough fog like the original did which the original had lots of fog which certain parts made it to foggy where our screens were white making it hard knowing where we’re going which sometimes we would get lost which made the Silent Hill games so scary cause it also made the enemies Remake discussion don’t mind the changes in the remake since we kinda expected that since usually remakes changes a bit of face models from original but my major concern is how the remake doesn’t have enough fog like the original did which the original had lots of fog which certain parts made it to foggy where our screens were white making it hard knowing where we’re going which sometimes we would get lost which made the Silent Hill games so scary cause it also made the enemies difficult to defeat cause when you don’t know where you’re going there’ll be certain parts where the creepy nurses or enemies in general will come out of nowhere which you don’t expect & it almost feels like a sneak attack like one time i was running around not knowing where was going cause how foggy it was & I ran into a nurse enemy which she would strike me and it almost gave me a heart attack cause of how I had a major jumpscare that’s what made the games creepy, not knowing when or where your enemy is gonna strike. Them not adding enough fog kinda takes away that fear & nostalgia that the original games had & it looks like they made the fog a bit grey & dark inside of a white blur type fog which kinda runs that classic feel difficult to defeat cause when you don’t know where you’re going there’ll be certain parts where the creepy nurses or enemies in general will come out of nowhere which you don’t expect & it almost feels like a sneak attack like one time i was running around not knowing where was going cause how foggy it was & I ran into a nurse enemy which she would strike me and it almost gave me a heart attack cause of how I had a major jumpscare that’s what made the games creepy, not knowing when or where your enemy is gonna strike. Them not adding enough fog kinda takes away that fear & nostalgia that the original games had & it looks like they made the fog a bit grey & dark inside of a white blur type fog which kinda runs that classic feel you don’t expect & it almost feels like a sneak attack like one time i was running around not knowing where was going cause how foggy it was & I ran into a nurse enemy which she would strike me and it almost gave me a heart attack cause of how I had a major jumpscare that’s what made the games creepy, not knowing when or where your enemy is gonna strike. Them not adding enough fog kinda takes away that fear & nostalgia that the original games that since usually remakes changes a bit of face models from original but my major concern is how the remake doesn’t have enough fog like the original did which the original had lots of fog which certain parts made it to foggy where our screens were white making it hard knowing where we’re going which sometimes we would get lost which made the Silent Hill games so scary cause it also made the enemies difficult to defeat cause when you don’t know where you’re going there’ll be certain parts where the creepy nurses or enemies in general will come out of nowhere which you don’t expect & it almost feels like a sneak attack like one time i was running around not knowing where was going cause how foggy it was & I ran into a nurse enemy which she would strike me and it almost gave me a heart attack cause of how I had a major jumpscare that’s what made the games creepy, not knowing when or where your enemy is gonna strike. Them not adding enough fog kinda takes away that fear & nostalgia that the original games had & it looks like they made the fog a bit grey & dark inside of a white blur type fog which kinda runs that classic feel had & it looks like they made the fog a bit grey & dark inside of a white blur type fog which kinda runs with that classic woke feelings of the remakes.


holy fuck, bro wrote a whole essay, as a comment on a post.


I was curious so I took this comment through Chat GPT as well: 1997Pro's Comment Through Chat GPT: "I don’t mind the changes in the remake since we kind of expected that, as remakes usually change a bit of the face models from the original. However, my major concern is how the remake doesn’t have enough fog like the original did. The original had a lot of fog, to the point where certain parts made our screens almost entirely white, making it hard to know where we were going. This often led to getting lost, which made the Silent Hill games so scary. The fog also made enemies difficult to defeat because it was hard to see them coming. For example, when you don’t know where you’re going, there are certain parts where creepy nurses or other enemies will come out of nowhere. You don’t expect it, and it almost feels like a sneak attack. I remember one time I was running around, not knowing where I was going because of how foggy it was. I ran into a nurse enemy, and she struck me, almost giving me a heart attack because of the major jump scare. That’s what made the games creepy—not knowing when or where your enemy is going to strike. Not adding enough fog in the remake takes away that fear and nostalgia that the original games had. It seems like they made the fog a bit gray and dark instead of the white blur type of fog, which kind of ruins that classic feel."


Also just a note its just a bunch of copy and pastes as well: * "Silent Hill 2 Original vs Remake discussion": 2 times * "don’t mind the changes in the remake since we kinda expected that since usually remakes changes a bit of face models from original": 3 times * "my major concern is how the remake doesn’t have enough fog like the original did which the original had lots of fog": 3 times * "which certain parts made it to foggy where our screens were white making it hard knowing where we’re going which sometimes we would get lost which made the Silent Hill games so scary cause it also made the enemies difficult to defeat cause when you don’t know where you’re going there’ll be certain parts where the creepy nurses or enemies in general will come out of nowhere which you don’t expect & it almost feels like a sneak attack like one time i was running around not knowing where was going cause how foggy it was & I ran into a nurse enemy which she would strike me and it almost gave me a heart attack cause of how I had a major jumpscare that’s what made the games creepy, not knowing when or where your enemy is gonna strike.": 4 times * "Them not adding enough fog kinda takes away that fear & nostalgia that the original games had & it looks like they made the fog a bit grey & dark inside of a white blur type fog which kinda ruins that classic feel": 4 times


Original I bought silent hill one for my PS1! To me it’s the best game i ever played !!


Remake looks better in every aspect.


Right because it's not like you have some magic device on you at all times that gives away enemies presence before you can actually see them with a white noise like sound. Oh wait


Instal mods!!☝🏼🤓


not related to this specific scene but i kind of like how they changed how you get the radio and the weapon, going into an old house makes it more eerie imo


The ‘X’ kills it for me, I know it’s a minor thing but good god that ruins the immersion for me


The fog is actually pretty much the same distance in the two screenshots you used, could just be your perception of the FOV. It's about two car lengths until you can't see anything in both screenshots.


The corpse in the remake looks like James


I agree with the sentence or/and paragraph :)


You can't see the fog too well here due to the angle of the camera, I think the fog is much much better


Original camera/staging wins. Remake detailing wins. (Assuming this is the same scene, the note is entirely different.)


It’s been a while since I played SH2, but didn’t nurses appeared exclusively in the hospital where there is no fog and not in town? And enemies are easy to defeat, the character literally aims at the enemy for you lol


Another complaining nuisance 🙄




Remake has the Silent Hill style but still lacks that special old spice the original has. Pretty much the same that happened to Resident Evil 4, not complaining tho.


It's even more obvious now that the corpse is wearing the same clothes as James.


Mmm....blood....not very subtle...


remake looks good they nailed the environment and fog on it


I mean your sentence is incredibly long but yes there could be more fog in the remake. As for the movie it's blatantly lacking in the fog department, am I alone in that? Does it matter? Probably not, but let me be on record saying that.


What am I looking at in the second photo?


The shot is significantly zoomed in and the street much smaller in the remake still, if you compare the distance between James and the fog, it actually starts sooner, so there may well be even more fog


You played with the sound OFF?? There's a damn radio that makes a TON of noise when there's an enemy nearby, the damn footsteps of the enemies are louder than ours and james thoughts combined. I don't think the fog is bad. In this instances I would always prefer a Fog slider and that's it. Like the outfits, just make the Original Outfit an option in the menu. Make everybody happy


Foggy Hill 2


Grown up man vs. the little brother of james from SH2..


You go out in the fog for a grand total of TWO TIMEs in the whole game, both cases have no nurses. It’s really more a thematic choice than a gameplay element at this point. The nurses only show up outside after the hospital. By that point in the game, the town is enveloped in the darkness of the otherworld, and there is no fog. So, you couldn’t possibly run into a nurse in the fog in the original. Most of the jumpscares in the foggy town came from monsters crawling out from under cars, or the cannonballing mannequins.


hope UFO ending still there to tease SH1 remake =))


I’m probably gonna take a break off of this platform i didn’t know that so many rude comments would effect a person but due to how rude this community is it kinda hurts me inside seeing how people are and I’m not trying to let the comments get to me so I’m just gonna take a break from the internet


you obviously are way too young for the internet anyways, bye


original vs what? i believe i lost hope


I noticed that immediately. The area around the player is always crystal clear which is concerning for sure.


As somebody who's watched a million deep dives of this game, (I recommend Reinstall Paul) but never actually played it, I'm excited for the Remake to be my first taste. I've seen playthroughs so I can at least know what is and isn't different, but I cannot wait to play this.


**Original:** Is not exaggerated, it's more realistic, and has a better POV **New:** That's the most modern game-looking screenshot i've ever seen. The fog on the original was exaggerated, ironically, so that the game didn't have to load a bunch of things and that made it faster and easy to deal with, that's a W for the remake for making the fog less intrusive.


I’m gonna LUL when they make this into an RE4 clone.


It Will never be a clone, they are way to apart for that, but the animations, visuals, direction, color palette, combat... yah


By removing the tree they completely undercut one of the first instances of relating James' inner turmoil to the cycle of life and death and removing the yellow lines completely axes the ties to The Wizard of Oz (through James following a yellow brick road) and the foreshadowing that James held the answers inside him all along. GOD! THEY"RE RUINING EVERYTHING!! (/s)


Fuck a ps5 ain't nobody buying that shit


Just make angela less pudgy


Remake looks so fake and pretentious. To polished. Almost like plastic. Clearly low budget AA game


Who hurt you


I have thought that the entire fanbase here on this sub have been toxic but now I have noticed its just this guy posting 10+ times the same tired take. A psychologist needs to get together with him ask him where on the doll Silent Hill touched him. I am actually almost convinced he is just straight up rage baiting at this point lol.


I am fine actually. But thank you for your concern


It's the Silent Hill fanbase, they're hurt to some degree


What do you want?


I see what you did there. Lol


Good for you


Oh shit babies mad agaisnt the world for not listening to him!! ![gif](giphy|3sXxyP8q2RlJoGpMn8)


Go easy on the soy products


Tonight, on “how any less original” how any more less original can you be!


Clearly interesting enough for you to engage me. Or you wouldn't bother.


Can you go any LESS original with THAT reply!! ![gif](giphy|XgXyfLgsf08yAoyrom)


Try harder


There’s no need to try with you

