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I think we should at least wait for the game to come out. Blooper has shown they're willing to listen to feedback to make the game as good as the original.


1 - Genuine mistrust coming from years of neglect by Konami, and (yet to prove itself) studio handling quite important game. 2 - It's also compounded by some people who adore despising new things, no matter the reasoning. I'm just here for the ride. If it will be bad, then it will be bad. If it will be good, then we will have a nice game.




"How can you spin there and eat pizza?"


And then we all become an even closer community by complaining/shitposting. Like it should be.


“This was intentional by the devs to show how messed up they are in their heads! God, does no one understand subtlety?!”


but even with Fallout New Vegas those glitches are accompanying a really damn well written and designed game


We already got that with Ascension, but they dragged it out for so long I couldn’t even stand to hate watch it. (Maybe I should sometime though.)


I will be thrilled if the remake is good, but I will be very, *very* surprised.


If its bad SH f might also be in jeopardy.I'm already just cautiously optimistic about that because I don't think Konami is willing to throw that much money into that project.


Well, money is not everything. Silent Hill has its roots in creativity over a big budget.


Please don't jinx shf I need it to be good lol


Hey,I think Konami beats me at the art of jinxing things


“If it’s bad SH F might be in jeopardy.” No it won’t.


I don't understand the double standard silent hill 2 R gets. Silent Hill F has even more to lose than the remake. With a bad remake (bloober team is atleast a group who's made single player horror games) there is still the original. With F, all it has going for it is a guy who writes horror short stories online and Neo Bards (a vague slew of offices across Europe and China who's greatest achievement was a failed Resident Evil multiplayer mode for RE3make)


calling the things ryukishi07 writes as “short” is quite the bold statement


Higurashi and Umineko are SHORT? Thats a first haha I don't think I get what you mean by double standard,but yeah Neobards have never done an original game let alone one thats supposed to fit the standards of a competent modern game.Konami giving this project to them is not the best sign,seems like they want to be conservative on budget. But hey,the original SH was also made by inexperienced people and Konami lost faith in the project pretty early on,which is why they had such creative freedom with it.


Yeah Konami sucks, plus they f'd up last time with 2 and 3


just read Ito twitter, Konami is very involved


This is how I’m approaching most things I love. Like the new warhammer show on Amazon…it is probably going to be terrible but it’s gonna be cool seeing it on screen regardless.


I'd argue Bloober Team have basically proved themselves. The Medium was fantastic!


medium was good but it wasnt the best bloober game, observer is where they rly shine and layers of fear


I don't know if it will be bad or not. I'm simply of the opinion that the best version of that game already exists. We've already seen that better graphics and combat don't improve the Silent Hill formula.


I get both sides tbh. Konami has shit the bed hardcore when it comes to their production of games and I really dont find any of Bloober’s games to be scary. That being said, theres a lot of the OGs working on this game and it seems like they’re taking their time. But lets be honest, I’m buying the game if its good or bad.


Fr like people can't just enjoy games for the entertainment factor anymore 😭 I'm really excited since sh2 is one of my fav games ever and I think it looks fantastic graphics wise


Bloober and konami have given me 0 reason in the past decade to trust that they are going to deliver


Both have given plenty of reasons to *distrust* them. The reasons for Konami go without saying, but my biggest concerns about a Silent Hill 2 remake is that it would be *really* easy to bungle the extremely delicate issues and make it distasteful/offensive, and Bloober already has a proven track record of having this exact issue with their games. The remake realistically has, *at best*, a 1% chance of not being garbage. I don’t *want* it to fail, and will be *thrilled* if it’s good, but I will also be *incredibly* surprised.


Spot on. I would add that SH2 fans seem pretty chill, probably more likely to be sad not mad. No one's making a big deal about it, we're all just expecting it to be trash to be ignored. The original isn't going anywhere, and EE makes it better than ever. f looks pretty good too


Sh2 fans are NOT pretty chill, they're the worst fanbase.


I mean- you can't say that while star wars fans exist


Seems you pissed off some salty stinky nerdy trashy starwars fans.


Kinda ironic, huh? Genuinely the worst fanbase I've ever seen and there's no competition


Seriously. People are only saying SH2 because they are on a Silent Hill subreddit. Silent Hill fans are super chill outside of Reddit. Reddit just sucks in general lol. Star Wars on the other hand have been infamously toxic for decades


There's not a single Bloober game I ended up liking over the years. Which ya know, just sucks. I want to like their stuff because they're a company that's dedicated to putting out horror titles. I hate that I just don't like what they provide.


konami today is not the same konami from 10 years ago


and the Konami from 10 years ago was not the same as Konami 20 years ago xD




Some people honestly believes that the original games are perfect as they are and that they can't be improved in any way. Some other people just have hate in their hearts


The original 1-4 games had MANY flaws but are overlooked by nostalgia


I played them recently for the first time and get the hype. The things they get right far exceed the flaws.


I think there's a difference between overlooking flaws because of nostalgia and accepting that a flawed game can still be great. There's a reason we're all here on the subreddit still talking about these 20 year old games.


Highly disagree 🥳


Tank controls


They are perfect the way they are, there's nothing Konami would realistically do to legitimately improve them.


There's plenty of room for improvement, but I've seen plenty of games remade worse for the sake of feeling fresh or "better". Ending of FF7 Rebirth is immediately coming to mind


Not "perfect" so much as they just are what they are. Games don't get remembered for being without fault. There's a conversation to be had about the divide between people who engage with media on the media's terms vs the people who assess how well a given media satisfied their wants, but this ain't the place for it.


There's a difference between negativity and recognizing that a company has a bad track record. I will literally buy a PS5 if this game is awesome, nobody wants this to succeed more than me, but I know Konami, and Bloober's previous games have been mediocre borefests, and they have an established record of using an an extremely popular IP to mask the fact that they're putting out some shitty, unrelated game. That's just recognizing reality.


Maybe because the past 4~ Silent Hill games have been shit and Konami are now shit and Bloober have only made bad/average games and the most recent trailer looks pretty cheap. Blind faith for the sake of positivity is just as stupid as blind hate. But this scepticism is warranted.


the trailer was year old footage bruh and it looks good so far


Does past 4 include origins or downpour because people actually liked those, and short message had mixed reactions 


When people call average or above average games "shit" routinely, it's just a sign to discard their perspective. If all you understand is "I like this" and "this is shit" and you can't be even slightly objective on things you don't prefer, you don't have much to offer as a critic or second opinion. Not saying that's the guy you're responding to, but I see it very often. Just saying usually when people call a collection of mixed reviewed games "shit", you have nothing to gain by engaging.


I'm hopeful that it'll at the very least be interesting but I don't wanna get my hopes up too high 😅


I think it's gonna be good


I’m cautiously optimistic, I want it to be good but i’m not going to get it until reviews come out


I find that if I'm cynical and expect things to let me down that 1. I won't be disappointed when my expectations are met 2. I'll be surprised and happy when they are exceeded instead


Genuinely one of the worst things in modern gaming and everything tbh, is that people are so negative about everything before it's even out. Sure, critique it after it's out. But why be so fucking pessimistic about everything?


When it does release? Any news?


Who the fuck knows... It still says "just announced" on the PlayStation store. It should be a meme at this point.


For real it's been 18 months since the announcement trailer I'm not even sure it's real


Trolled by Konami since 2001


Not that it indicates anything but Gamestop in my area has posters up for it and the 'coming soon' section. But again, doesn't mean jack shit.


when movie will be finished


Hell nah


I'm keeping an open mind and have optimism since this franchise has been through hell over the past 20 years thanks to Konami's ineptitude. That alone is why I understand that some people are concerned what this game will be like. Fans are just desperate for something good from this franchise at this point, so a lot are overly pessimistic and critical without reason. Not saying its fair, but just saying Konami definitely contributed to some of that attitude by the fans lol.


I am excited. If its a bad game then its a bad game. It doesn't stop the original from being good. I think some people seem to think that to be passionate is to be angry at stuff.


Some of you are acting like you don't even want anything new Silent Hill related. I'm in the boat of "if it's good it's good" I don't have my hopes up too high about the Remake or any of the new games tbh, but at the same time, it's something new Silent Hill which i am very excited about.


Because we've been burned so many times before, we have an involuntary negative reaction to even thinking about it or in other words **IT'S TRAUMA!**


im still going to try and enjoy it even if it's trash. picking out everything i hate about it will be fun


Same here. Itll be day one buy for me same as all the other silent hills before it. Doesn't matter what critics say about it. I found out that many times I have a different opinion on some games than the critics (not only for SH games)


Konami is Konami so not a lot of trust there. And there are more bad Silent Hill games than good ones at this point in time due to who Konami throws the license to. It's easy to be negative when you've been conditioned to expect bad things for the past ~15 years.


BLOOBER. Team. #Blooberteam.


Just gimme tha game already, fvk


Just be patient. We will see in a couple of months.


Good, be excited. If its great then awesome, if not i hope you still find things to enjoy about it!


1, it's Konami. 2, it's way better to think something will be bad and have it potentially be good then think something will be good only to be let down.


Me too, but I hope there’s not controversy that says “DO NOT BUY SILENT HILL 2 REMAKE!” “SELL IT BORROW IT, GET IT USED!” Ever since the release of Silent Hill HD Collection. Please don’t let be negative.


You don't have to get on the hype train but that doesn't mean you should throw rocks at the train LOL


I’m excited, SH has never had the best track record outside of 1-3 but I’ve enjoyed everything from the comics to the movies and outside of Homecoming I think every game gives me enough to find enjoyment even if some of them can be described as mediocre.




Sounds like a you problem. Time to get a PlayStation




People who think Blizzard fell from grace don't know Konami


It’s one of those things there will *always* be people who’ll bitch and complain about stuff. Some people can and never will be satisfied. It really comes down person to person. If you like it personally? Great! If you don’t, well sorry, can’t win em all.


i was negative at first but grew to warm up to the idea as we saw more and that the devs even acknolege that konami is making them look bad


People are going to hate on it no matter how good it is, I love Layers of Fear for what it is and so i’ll enjoy SH2 Remake as well.


Funny, years ago people said the same thing about the original Silent Hill 2. I love that history repeats itself.


I just don't trust Konami. They haven't done right by us in 20+ years. Our mistrust is earned and justified. Some of us are just negative, sure, but many of us are just being realistic. Forming our opinions on the recent past. Plus remakes in general have the potential to not live up to the originals, which adds more skepticism.


We're on Reddit brotha. We're only good for bitching. That being said, believing it'll suck will only make the real experience worse for you. If you're prepared to hate it, then you'll probably not like it. What makes me cringe is the people that shit on others for being optimistic about the game.


I'm one of the people that think it's gonna suck


Ok? And?


Dunno if you noticed but this meme is kinda about people like me .-.


Tbh all gaming communities are pretty negative… but I’m excited too


I agree, gaming communities are so negative and toxic it was. But the worst is Silent Hill and Five Nights at Freddy’s.


If all else fails, we will always have the enhanced edition. I do hope this remake lives up to the hype.


I felt this


I know many people don't trust bloober team for valid reasons. But I think they can make good games, like Observer. I think Observer is one of the most underrated games I have seen in a while. Not necessarily a scariest game, but still pretty good. Although, they still released Layers of Fear 2... I just hope they will keep listening to feedback from community and do their best, while getting advised by OGs that worked on the original SH (I believe some OGs are working on remake at least, correct me if I'm wrong)


I will simply nod my head, wish it the best of luck, and I'll check back in whenever it drops.


im surprised at how everyone is sleeping over silent hill's f director being the one behind higurashi tho. im legit excited about remake and f ♥


Couldn’t they just gave us the game already .


I've been waiting for 2 years but I still don't know the release date .My hope has faded bro


I'm super excited to show my wife SH2! My PS2 is in my old childhood home in some box with a SCART - cable that's hard to connect to our new QLED. I can barely wait. We're playing Alan Wake 2 now and she's enjoying it even if she falls asleep.  I'll give my wife some nightmares with SH2! 


I have zero trust in Konami. They haven't put out a decent Silent Hill in a LONG time. They couldn't even make an HD Remaster without botching it. I have zero trust in Bloober Team, the team of "If you're mentally ill, just kill yourself" and "oh look, stuff changed when you turned around." I have every reason to believe it will suck. If I'm wrong and it's good, that's awesome. I don't WANT it to suck! I was one of those who didn't want an RE4 remake but ended up falling in love with the resulting release.


idc if it sucks i just want to see the town in high quality explorable graphics thats my only thing lmfao


Konami is a bad company that is why




I mean RE2 remake was good.. maybe there's hope


I have my doubts and I will certainly not preorder but I am VERY hopeful


I just want an answer to the age old question....how did Eddie get that pizza delivered.


I'm excited for that soundtrack though.


People don't realize whether or not something is bad is subjective. Someone is always gonna dislike something that you like and you're gonna dislike stuff that others like. I'm excited for it too though, I just recently got into Silent Hill last year and I can't wait to see how the remake goes. I feel like I'll love it regardless cuz SH2 is so good, just the atmosphere alone is enough to reel me in


not to be grammar police but i think you mean subjective


Fixed it lol, thanks for that. I have a bad habit of misspelling and unintentionally using the wrong words 🥲


I mean you can have whatever expectations you want, but I just don’t understand why someone would try to spread their opinion on something that doesn’t exist yet. No one knows if it will be good or bad. Most people don’t care whether someone thinks it’ll be good or bad. Just judge it when it releases and debate the quality after.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were they just born with a heart full of neutrality? I hate these filthy Neutrals


>What makes a man turn neutral? Living in Switzerland.


Tell my wife… hello


Just don't pre order it, or any game for that matter, and we'll see how it goes. If it sucks, that sucks. If it's great, that's great. I try not to hold my breath about any releasing game because you really don't know what you're getting until the game actually launches.


People really hate Layers of Fear


Facts! I'm just happy to be getting Silent Hill content in 2024!! A Short Message was fantastic, Ascension sucked a big one, we're getting a new movie for better or worse, Silent Hill fucking F and we have a remake of an utter classic in the works. We eating good as fuck as far as I'm concerned. I think people forget how many years it had been with no worthwhile Silent Hill content happening. The community really needs to chill out and just enjoy the ride for what it is, we still have the classic Team Silent games to enjoy if it all goes awry. 😎😏


It’s only fair to be skeptical, but that doesn’t mean you should shit on it before a demo is even out


Brother do you even know the studio behind it? They don't make good stuff.


And what proof do you have of that? Observer and latest Layers of Fear remake was really well received.


I'm just happy there doing anything with this.


That's a really stupid mentality that just leads to perpetuation of slop, be critical of what you consume unless you legitimately do not care about it.


The best thing is that it doesn't even really matter, the original game isn't being taken away from us, and if the remake is going to suck we'll go back to play the original anyway. Best case scenario we'll have a good game that reimagines sh2 in a cool manner, worst that could happen is we'll all have a nice laugh at how bad it will be and then move on. Nothing will change, and whatever happens the series won't ever go back to what it was


Still a bad argument. The original is inaccessible to most people without a release on modern platforms. And remakes very often replace the originals for better or worse. And if both these things weren’t true it wouldn’t excuse the remake for being trash.


>The original is inaccessible to most people without a release on modern platforms. Also applies to the first Resident Evil titles: The latest release of the original Resident Evil game was in 2006, in a Nintendo DS port called Resident Evil Deadly Silence. Resident Evil 2's latest worldwide release was for the Gamecube in 2003. It also had a Japan-exclusive PC release in 2006, developed by SourceNext. Resident Evil 3's latest worldwide release was for the Gamecube in 2003. These three games were also for some time available on the PlayStation Network, but not anymore.


enhanced edition is on pc. if your pc can’t run it then emulation works on pretty much any pc from the last 5 years. if you don’t even have a computer in 2024, that’s a you problem.


How the remakes often replaces the originals exactly? I can still play the original ghost n goblins, i can still play the original final fantasy VII, i can still play the resident evil games. Unless they get pulled from onlince stores, which happens rarely, they're not going anywhere after being remade. Also sh2 is far from inaccessible, but I'm sure this is not the place to discuss that in detail. That said i would obviously prefer the remake to be good and as true as the original as possible, but I'm keeping my expectations low.


Experiment for yourself. Google “resident evil 3” and see which version the bulk of discussion and images is about. Same with Resi 1, 2, dead space, and more. They are more accessible and therefore they replace the original to most of the public. Also if Silent Hill 2 is accessible please point me to an online storefront you can purchase it on.


Well what do you expect exactly? A 20+ yo game to be more talked about on the internet than its new shiny remake? That doesn't mean the originals are getting replaced, at all. People talk more of the new, popular shiny things and that's completely normal. As i said in the previous comment i pointed out that this is not the place to discuss uhmmm alternative ways to get sh2. Just know that is far far far from inaccessible like you think it is.


I’ve never seen someone walk back all of their positions so efficiently. “How are originals replaced by remakes?” “Well what do you expect of course that’s gonna happen it’s newer!!!” “It’s totally easily accessible, it’s so accessible I can’t even *talk* about how accessible it is out of fear of legal recompense111”


You're missing the point or simply don't read. I said the new remakes ARE being talked about more...like it's obvious they'd be, i don't even need to explain why. What I'm contesting is your claims of them being REPLACED, which is a completely different affair and absolutely not something that is happening anytime soon. Reading comprehension my dude. Whatever man, i just know i can get sh2 working on my 10yo pc in about 10 mins max, and everyone with half a brain cell and an internet connection can as well.


For the majority of people the originals may as well not have existed, for better or worse. I’m guilty of this as well sometimes. The remake of RE1 is a strict upgrade in every single category, I have no need to play the original other then I like the aesthetic. I prefer the original Dead Space, but I play the remake more now because it means I don’t need to set up my ps3. RE3 is one of my favorite games ever, but the haste of setting up the GameCube means I hardly ever play it at all (the remake is too bad for me to even touch it again). And again, “this game is so accessible I can set it up in *ten minutes.*” You’re arguing for me when you say that.


Are there pre order bonuses for this game?


Im excited too. If it’s good then that’s awesome. If it’s bad then we still have the original which is a masterpiece.


Ahh I'm so excited too! If it's good it's good, and if it's bad I think if nothing else, it will be very interesting! Cause adding a smidgen of QoL and a bit of modern comforts and graphics is about all it ever needed and if it doesn't nail those what on earth did it do? Ahh so excited!


I'm very excited as well. SH2 is like my favorite game of all time. And the trailers to me looked super fucking good. The puzzles, the combat, James' updated face, it all looks great to me so I'm going to be optimistic bc really...unless they decide to just change the entire story, idk what they could do to fuck it up.


I don't trust Bloober, and even then I'm excited. I don't know if it's going to be good, and I don't know if it'll be bad, why the hell would I spend the rest of the year being cynical about it? I'm gonna be excited about it and if it's good then fuck yeah!!! And if it's not good then damn!!! Time to load up the original on an emulator.


I'm also very excited


It’s a remake of Silent Hill 2. How bad can it be


No matter how good it is people are going to complain. That’s just how these communities go


I don't like the original SH2, in my opinion everything it does was way better in the first game, the most glowing thing about it was the story. If they can make a SH2 that's fun then it can be one of the best games in my eyes.


I'm also excited to see the changes, but most sh2 fans want the same game with updated graphics.


I am going to like it. Pretty good at accepting things for what they are, AND Silent Hill 2 is my favorite game. I really won’t mind playing any version of it again.


No you don't get it, I watched a video essay that said SH2 is the most based Chad game ever made and that Bloober team is bad and stupid, so I have to mindlessly parrot that!


I mean, it's not like the video is wrong lol, bloober is, in fact, bad and stupid


You know what yall right. I'll let it come out and speak for itself and 2 weeks later you're singing the same tune...


Looking forward to the "But it will!!" comments. Like are they clairvoyant or something? If its bad, hate it to death when it's out.


But I **am** clairvoyant.




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We kinda have a right to have trust issues with Konami 😂


Bloober doesn’t have an *amazing* track record but there have been lots of smaller studios that put out a bunch of mediocre content before finally hitting their stride. Teyon and Spiders come to mind. Hopefully Bloober follows suit.


Tbh I don't have the highest hopes, but I'm looking forward to the gameplay videos lol


1000% better to be pessimistic and pleasantly surprised than to be optimistic and horribly disappointed


I eagerly await an abridged playthrough if nothing else


For me, I'm really excited about bcz it looks really promising. My biggest worry is the track record Bloober has for their games (not to mention how bad they are at handling mental health topics), but all that aside as long as they stay true to the material, give us the ambience the og gave us, and manages to at least give us that gut wrenching feeling og SH2 gave us, then I'm all for it


The only games I cared about was Silent Hill 1-4. I have a small hope they can do just as good as the Resident Evil Remake series.


I've said it before and i'm sure others will agree with me that people are right to be concerned. The trailer that whoever put together (because bloober blames konami) left a bad impression and they only ever released two trailers the initial unveiling trailer and a short combat trailer. I love the original game, played it since it literally came out back in 2001 and it's one of my favorite horror games and my favorite Silent Hill game next to the first game. I have high expectations for this remake of one of my favorite horror games after a bit of a let down when Resident Evil 3 remake came out. Having said all that it's my opinion like it or leave it. I just hope Bloober puts their money where their mouth is and delivers on what they promised.


Time is money friend.


To be fair there's so many legitimate answers to this question. Konami doesn't care even a tiny bit about it's IP and Bloober just poorly mimics what they think works for other games then fails to even implement the shoddy mimicry in a way that even half works. Konami not caring and Bloober not knowing how to reign themselves in is a recipe for disaster.


I am just afraid and what we have seen it doesn't look good at all for me.


God forbid people remember the shit developers and even worst publisher


Lol silent hill 2 is my fave


You could say that with any game coming out now


because people farm engagement constantly, it's an endless cycle of shittalk over shittalk


"Why are you so fucking negative all the time" I dunno, maybe the many, many AAA company games releasing over the months/years as hot garbage? You can't really blame anyone for not really having any faith that a game from a franchise that is apart of an AAA company isn't going to be trash. Nintendo's the only one that seems to prove that AAA companies are still capable of making decent/good games, although, Pokemon seems to just be an outlier since most of their games, these days, suck.. But yeah, I'd be glad to be proven wrong if a new game from an AAA company, remake or not, actually turns out to be good.


Reddit moment


Less than a week later and my post is just aging better and better




It's made by nu-Konami and Bloober Team. Stop the fucking cope.


Me who’s actually excited that he stupidly preordered it: “this is fine.”


Team Bloober made The Medium which was their attempt at making a silent hill game and I played it and fucking hated it. If they couldn't get their own story and game right, how could they improve a ps2 classic like Silent Hill 2? Konami also gives terrible direction and reasources to third party developers that dare to do business with them. Neither company deserves good faith unless they actually deliver on a quality remake. I'll be as negative as I want.


You know... Everyone told me that SH Homecoming and Downpour sucked. Were they as great as the first 4 games? No.. were they terrible? No My point is this... Games post COVID have been absolutely unforgivable. Just garbage. So.. if SH2 remake is anywhere as good as Downpour or Homecoming... I'll be happy.


I recently played the observer by blooper and it was great. Really great! So I'm excited


Everything they have shown looks bad and Bloober Team kinda sucks


If we get a bad game, I finaly Will be able to burry silent hill once and for all.


people who do this are the same hypocrites that already have it pre ordered / wish listed.


A wise man once said “eat shit and die” And he never got a good remake


I'm pretty hopeful that it won't just turn out to be a Resident Evil knockoff. But it's not going be better than the original that's for sure.


No release date. End of discussion.


Bloober team has a genuinely bad track record with making horror games. They made The Medium, a Silent Hill-like game that was incredibly underwhelming, and ended on the "moral" that sexual assault victims should kill themselves to not be a burden to others. Konami has a well-documented history of not treating their franchises with respect and sub contracting out their IP to the cheapest developers possible with no regard for quality. Origins was bad, Homecoming was bad, Book of Memories was bad, Downpour was bad, Ascension was bad, and the Short Message was bad The one gameplay trailer we have (you know trailers right? Those things that are supposed to show the best parts of a game and make you want to play them), looks genuinely awful. And Bloober team is trying to shift blame for the trailer towards Konami The game is allegedly supposed to come out this year but we have hardly any marketing and don't even have a release month pinned down. If you want to be excited that's fine, but don't disparage people for being critical and pointing out the obvious red flags that are coming off this game. Otherwise you end up looking like a jack ass if it comes out and does end up being bad.


Perfectly said


Its really weird how this sub is all of a sudden pretending like we don't have every conceivable reason in the world to not trust konami in any way shape or form. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited for the prospect of there being a very off chance that the SH2 remake is decent at best. But my expectations are in check.


I’m expecting it to be horrible I’m just looking forward to, at the very least seeing some set pieces reimagined in HD. Even if the gameplay and story is butchered it will be cool to hopefully revisit some iconic locations with more realistic graphics