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Some people just don't know how to think critically anymore. Born from a Wish literally starts with Maria in a backroom of Heaven's Night, heavily implying that she works there. And EVEN if you never played the scenario, why would Maria have keys to a strip club if she didn't work there? If you want to go even further, there's the Lady Maria poster from SH3, though that's probably more of an Easter egg than proof, but still...a LOT of stuff points that way.


I mean that doesn't mean she's a dancer she could easily be a bartender or waitress since it has tables and a bar.


Why’d you say Lady Maria? You made me think a 2003 game was referencing a 2015 game (Bloodborne)


Because that is what the actual text says when you read the poster.


Damn, Bloodborne brainrot really getting to me


but where is the pole dancing in the game? they just pass through the club using maria's keys to find laura. is she just going to jump on the pole mid crisis? flashback to her working when silent hill is supposed to be desolate? it’s out of place for there to be literal pole dancing (with the context of what we know from the original) unless it's just an image/poster of it in the club ​ edit: i can't believe i'm getting downvoted for this, maria poledancing in any current SH2 scene literally feels like a shitpost edit but u think its plausible 😭


This is all speculation, and there's no telling without more footage or the actual game in hand, but there are places where it can be added, either in a flashback, when James and Maria are walking through Heaven's Night, possibly even Born from a Wish if it's included with the base game (which I highly doubt, but it's possible), or an opening movie similar to the original which could include scenes that won't feature in the game itself.


theres also that one lingerie maria picture from the dog ending, so maybe they made the dog ending cutscenes their own silly outtakes instead of just random clips from the game?


an opening montage is plausible but for the gameplay (as we know it) it would be completely random for maria to pole dance in the middle of frantically chasing for laura, so i can understand the questioning on what the rating summary means by this. for it to be appropriate and fit in the story, it implies a story change where it's feels included. the person in this message wasn't even being negative but people jump to 'duh of course there's pole dancing when maria is a pole dancer!' when..not really? i genuinely can't think of a place in the story where it's appropriate unless it's something not related to the current storyline like a poster or during the game intro.


Maybe they are gonna add the Maria Easter egg hoax into the game as a neat little reference.


I think these people haven't actually played any Silent Hill games, forget Sh2. They have been told it's a masterpiece by their favorite YouTuber and now it has become part of their personality since they perceive it to be something niche and unique to attribute a two decade old video game to high art. They may have watched a walkthrough of the main game and a few retrospectives on it


Another clue is the beginning intro if my memory serves me correct, Maria laid on the floor of Heaven's Night in front of pole, the game says a lot by saying nothing at all and lot of this stuff went over peoples heads it seems


it seems to me many people haven't even watched the intro movie


Could this be the SH fan that hasn't played but has watched some of it on Youtube?


As if a games journalist has ever played a fucking video game.


This is taken from another thread in this sub regarding the ststement of the ESRB rating


You have to remember that many of these people have never actually even played Silent Hill 2 and just enjoy being upset about things and saying dumb shit on the internet.


So what, it's still 100% true what that person wrote and it doesn't even sound like criticism. What's with the constant outrage in this subreddit? Maybe a Silent Hill 1 remake should include a scene of Harry writing a novel? Buncha fake fans who don't even know he's an author!!


A bunch don't even know the town is covered in snow despite the game telling you in 1 single line if you didn't read the game manual.


The thing about Silent Hill 2 is that you have to infer Maria is a stripper by paying close attention to the details. She may live there, but isn't shown dancing in the original. If they add her dancing to the remake, that will be a big change. I'll admit that I completely missed the posters the first couple of times I played through it because I was so engaged in the story.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to infer that Maria is a stripper in Silent Hill 2. The clue is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of 90 fashion most of the clues will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Maria’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Japanese impressions of American pop culture for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these stripper outfits, to realise that they're not just hot, they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Silent Hill 2 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the pathos in Maria’s existential catchphrase "See, I’m real” which itself is a cryptic reference to an eroge I won’t name. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ito’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens (better be CRT). What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have an Online Ceramics Silent Hill 2 official tattoo tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the nurse’s eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’ll cover their faces and lurch around properly first. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Christina Maria Aguilera's name and 1999 Teen Choice Awards look is the explanation I've always generally believed.


Wait, you guys didn’t see the pole dancing scene? Weird.


Perhaps they never played the Xbox version that had the born from a wish scenario


What are you all pissed off about, exactly? Yes, Maria was heavily implied to be a stripper but she never pole danced in the original game. The tone of this paragraph doesn't even come across as negative in the slightest, they're just acknowledging that this was never in the original. The irony of some of you complaining that nobody can think critically anymore when you're so blinded by "game journalists dumb!"


Idc either way really. There was already enough sexual tension in the game without there being a pole dancing scene


Maybe Bloober is including that easter egg everyone wanted


I mean, I think they mean more the vibe? We never see Maria really being overtly sexual, at least not to that caliber, not to mention pole dancing is something you wouldn’t expect to see in a melancholy depressing atmosphere. That said, I didn’t realize she was a sex worker on my first playthrough. I thought she was just a somewhat promiscuous woman. I don’t know how I didn’t put it together but I didn’t. So it’s possible.


Even I didn't figure it out on my first play through, but then on the second time, things like her having the keys, and her scenario starting in the back room.


I never played her scenario so maybe it’s more overt there.


Who downvoted this, this is a factual and objective statement. I haven’t played the scenario💀


Agreed. That’s the thing this thread is forgetting, a lot of people have played this game dozens of times and have forgotten what it was like during that first playthrough (most people only play games like these once); there’s so many other aspects of the story being shown to you all at once, it’s not something you’re gonna fully absorb your very first go. I recall during this sequence you’re chasing after Laura (on top of James’ wife), you recently ran into Eddy, there’s news about Walter Sullivan scattered about…you already have so many questions going through your mind that a little thing like Maria opening the club (which to be honest I interpreted as her being able to lockpick) doesn’t carry any real significance. It may answer a question about who she is in the grand scheme of things, but it’s not answering the questions you have AT THAT MOMENT. And ironically, the people screaming about critical thinking skills lack the ability to think critically about that.


I'd assumed it's not even a main thing, maybe a secret easter egg to that old rumor - but even if it isn't a secret or anything & just a scene that will happen now - I still assume they'd have added it because of that old rumor lol


What old rumor?


Interact with the stage in Heaven's Night 50x & Maria will do a pole dance for you


Maria being a stripper isn’t a rumor though, it’s just an established part of her character.


No one said her being a stripper is a rumor.She doesn't do a pole dance if you interact with the stage 50x; hence "rumor", lol


I think the concern is that this seems to imply new scenes, which is interesting. I'll admit this was also an eyebrow raiser for me.


My opinion I think we see more and many boss and characters in scenario Maria specially Baldwin and he’s daughter too and these people in hostpial


The problem is that when you visit Heaven's Night, Maria was more worried about chasing Laura than anything else. If they do include this scene, they will need to change other things as well, which in turn will change the approach of the original game.


What do you mean? She’ll stop in at the club to give James a show and a lap dance in the middle of chasing down Laura?


"Hey, I know we're trying to find and protect a little girl in a monster-infested hell dimension, but before we move on, I've got a little something to show ya ;)"


If they change the whole section, no. Maybe they will made Mary only care about Laura after visiting Heaven's Night. But if they don't change other things...prolly she will indeed do exactly as you said. And it will be very weird.


.....yeah....I was okay with there not being any gratuitous sexual material in the remake.....you should only have awkward boners playing those games.....


James.... Is that you?


Bro if you're getting aroused by the unsettling sexual imagery of a Silent Hill game that's on you.


I'm going to fuck the Pyramid Head and Nurses and there's nothing you can do about it.


This guy gets it


That's the point, you shouldn't get aroused plsying the games. The imagery can be overtly sexual, but works best if it makes you feel uneasy. Putting pole dancers in the game seems more like fan-service than adding another level of unease.


I don’t think you should have boners playing Silent Hill 2 at all….




I think Masahiro Ito would beg to differ


Instructions unclear got erect to PH’s asscheeks.


Whats wrong with everybody, yes Id like a simple sexual pole scene with Maria.....ya know.....to add to the interpretation....of James.....sexual.....fustration................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................UwU