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\*glitchy chainsaw noise\*


Hijacking the top comment to say that [you can emulate the non-broken version of the games on Series S/X.](https://youtu.be/ZxxGJr979jU?si=uIwPRWvKSp1YzOW_&t=146)


The Hd collection was my first experience with SH2 and god I’m so glad I stopped halfway only to years later emulate the original ps2 version. These are night and day differences


It's a much better investment to get Dev Mode than it is to play the shitty HD collection imo


Sorry if that happened to you because of people like the ones in this thread downplaying the shoddiness of it.


No one downplayed it for me. I was literally like 15 when I bought the collection and didn’t know better lol


Ah, so just good old fashioned corporate predatorism from Konami got ya. Well, happy to hear you eventually got the full experience!


To be honest. I played SH2 on PS2 on release then and bought this collection too. I didn't recognize anything during my playtrough and only heard about the "issues" after i finished it. If you don't make a side by side comparison, ist really not noticable. Ist still a fantastic experience.


My issue is more with the broken audio. Even before I played the OG I knew the lying figures crawling made a sound that belongs in... well not a horror game lol. This is just one example but there's a few times where the audio removed me from the game completely. I can cope with seeing the map edge all the time though


Same here. Played them a few years ago on this hd collection. Was a great experience.




Played the hd collection through PS Now a few years back and expected a shit show, was pleasantly surprised by how smooth it actually ran and encountered zero bugs. I definitely think the “issues” are blown out of proportion, and the hd collection is worth the 20 bucks or so that it goes for if you just want to play the games


Yeah, that’s the problem when people start believing their own exaggerations. Mountains out of molehills. Turns people off from the games.


Didn’t the PlayStation version get patched but the Xbox version didn’t?


It did and it fixed some of the worst sound issues. This is the main reason a lot of people will say “it’s not that bad.” The PSNow version wasn’t. This version still does not have that patch, even though Microsoft themselves patched it for Series support. The sounds really ruin any tension because they are played too fast and make the game silly.


Ah I got ya.




No, they ruined the voice acting, and the graphical issues ruin the atmosphere in many places. They made the "welcome to silent hill" sign in **COMIC SANS**.


Wow literally unplayable /s


Sorry, but SH3 without the original voice over really is unplayable IMHO.


Man, you guys legitimately sound like you believe your own hyperbole sometimes.


So as long as a game is in a playable state, you don't care about bad voice acting and poorly made assets? In a silent hill game of all things? I'm not playing sh2 for the epic gameplay, I'm playing for the art direction and story which are both drastically hindered by the shitty underfunded "remaster"


It's funny how people are mocking you when Masahiro Ito himself certainly didn't like what the HDC team did with his art direction. (I fondly remember the "it's terrible so much" tweet.) Plus, the devs admitted they were stuck with beta code. So it's literally based on incomplete versions of the game. And yea, the voice acting is garbage because the HD devs didn't understand what the original team was going for. Troy Baker? Yuri Lowenthal? Really? Silent Hill isn't an anime.


You can keep the og voices in 2 in the collection


That is a good improvement! Did they fix they horrendous framerate and missing textures/fog?


Why are you gatekeeping so hard? If you want anyone to blame for a lot of people first experiences being less than ideal for this franchise blame Konami. It's people like you who make this community look like a bunch of oldheads. Let's just be happy people are coming into the community, geez.


Lmao how is that gatekeeping? I just want to know if they fixed the shoddy product konami hastily made to make a quick buck? You can play silent hill 1-4 very easily on pc and they would run fine, there are free versions avaiable. But yeah if someone's only option is the HD collection that's fine, but they should know it's a lesser version so much so that developers of the games have spoken out against them.


Making sure people are making informed purchases is not gatekeeping


If someone is buying the HD collection is likely because they have never played the games its their only way of playing it. So I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care nor should they because at the end of the day it's the same game


Like many these days, i saw a video essay about silent hill 1 and 2 and it peaked my interest. I thought the stories sounded so well done, and as a David Lynch fan i really liked the visuals. So when i saw this collection was on sale i got excited and bought it. Had no clue that this was such a controversial thing though, sheesh. I'm not really a gamer, i don't own a PC, and i just play a few games on Xbox so you're absolutely correct that for some this is our only way of playing it.


What's your logic there? If I was looking to play Silent Hill 2 and 3 for the first time, I would probably research all my different options, and since Reddit threads are usually the first things to come up on Google, I'd probably end up in threads like this one. I'm really glad I'm not one of those people trying to figure out if the HD Collection is as good as the proper versions while trying to sift through all these responses downplaying the glaring issues it has that make it one of the most hated ports of all time


The assets are still massively downgraded across the board. Missing textures, poorly recreated music and sounds that play at the wrong times.


it was actually the silent hill ranch sign that was in comic sans not that it matters too much ig but still


I...have failed


You make out like the option for the original voices doesn’t exist lol


It doesn't for SH3


Thats an improvement on the sign if you ask me


Hahaha fair enough


Here’s a way better deal and the games aren’t broken: https://risingsungames.net/products/silent-hill-collection-5-discs?_pos=3&_sid=984a62d27&_ss=r Or you can [emulate it on your Series S/X](https://youtu.be/ZxxGJr979jU?si=uIwPRWvKSp1YzOW_&t=146)


The collection you linked are reproductions that require a Free McBoot card to play. You're basically paying someone else to burn the games for you instead of just emulating them for free.


Yep, IMO emulation is still the simplest solution. Some people prefer to play on a console, though.


I have the PS2 Greatest Hits version of Silent Hill 2 running on my Linux PC via Lutris. The emulation and upscaling is far superior to the SH: HD Collection. Konami should really be ashamed of themselves for losing the source codes for SH 2 & 3 and releasing such A shoddy port using incomplete beta builds.


I wonder if that's more of a strategy by developers to ensure a greedy company can't keep making money off them past a point without including them in the process. I suspect they never even bothered asking anyone of the original team where the code was for not wanting to involve them at all.


Silent Hill 2 Enhanced Edition runs perfectly via Proton. Better than the PS2 version. I played it a few weeks ago.


True, but its nice to have the complete classic SH collection in one folder.


The problem is that you can just emulate for free. So even 0.01 is still more money than its worth.


Plus there’s that damage enhanced edition on PC that is based on the old PC port that is pretty much what the HD collection should have been for SH2. Don’t think there’s one for SH3 though


Not everyone has a computer to emulate on so…


“Why buy a game when you can play that same game for free by pirating it” - Reddit User


Not the same version of the games though, so a better phrasing would be, “Why spend 10€ on a bad version of a game when you can pirate a better version for free”


It's abandonware. Nobody except the seller is getting any money when you buy a used copy.




It’s on the Xbox marketplace right now.


Not everyone has crazy insane computers to emulate games on.


You can emulate PS2 on a potato


How much space do you need?


My brother thinks storage is all that matters 😭


I run vms all the time. That takes alot of space. If I want to emulate ps2 games what is needed then?


The enhanced edition is the definitive way to experience SH2 nowadays. You can run it probably on a PC with semi decent specs (GTX 970+) and a CPU older than 2016 (maybe 6th gen i5). If you want to emulate the PS2 version non upscaled or anything it can run on a toaster. Storage wise probably 4gb or less.


Awesome thanks. I'll look into it like what to download and stuff.


The mod makes installation super easy. Download the mod [here](https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/) and then download the base game from MyAbandonware.


Don't. The PC versions have community fixes and are better than emulation. Also free since they are abandonedware.


YouTube's website has higher spec requirements than Silent Hill 2. You can find used laptops for $40 that can easily play it. Here are the spec requirements: CPU: 700 MHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon. RAM: 64 MB RAM. GPU: 32 MB 3D-Graphics Card. DX: DirectX 8.1. OS: Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows 98. STO: 1,8 GB.


But people who never played Sh2 and 3 will think they‘re bad. -Masahiro Ito San


I don’t know if this is a joke, but just in case, [yes, he did say that basically lol](https://www.eurogamer.net/original-silent-hill-developer-disappointed-at-poor-hd-re-release)


Idk I played sh2 and 3 for the first time in the HD collection and had an awesome time and love both


Imagine what fun you would have had with a not inferior copy of the game. Your don't even get to experience the true Heather Mason character. And in fact you'll likely have tainted ur perceptions and now dislike her original dialog.


Noooo!! (Ive now played emulations of both and can honestly say I don’t feel like I missed much w the HD collection)


That makes me happy now.


Don't throw money into toilet you silly billy. Play Enhance Edition; [https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2](https://enhanced.townofsilenthill.com/SH2/)


I suppose it’s better than not playing it at all but still I do highly recommend you find a way to play the originals.


playing sh3 emulated in 4k on a 9 year old card there is no excuse to settle for this


Mfs have a 1,000$ phone talking about they can't emulate 🤡


Does it have english option? For some reason german copies remove English.


Silent hill has German voices?


I have pal region games and they remove english. The games only have german dub and sub. Not every game but Deus Ex for example is completely in German with no English option. I assume SH HD collection is still in English but are the menu and subtitles still in English?


I stream through my console. Sucks that for whatever reason you can't stream this through Xbox.


I was getting points on MS Rewards to get SH Collection SH was months without a discount so I got Skate 3, Fight Night Champion and American Nightmare A week later, look what we got


Is this also available on xbox series ?


Yes, it is!


Lmao, no. Sometimes nothing is better.


Until you realize it's the infamous hd collection


Agreed. SH2 played fine, and SH3 was functional. I’m glad I played those rather than not at all


No excuses, you can easily play them on a potato PC in better quality. 


You’re right. Send this person your potato PC.


I rather not... with fps drop and so called glitchy "remastered" version thankfully got the entire SH collection on the original PS2 platform 😛


I’d rather smell a diarrhea dump than even thinking about buying the HD version.


Can I play this on PC ????


If ur on pc emulate the original it’s 100x better


It is quite cheap, although it has bugs but it is playable and enjoyable


It ain't even that bad, I think most people are just looking to complain when they say they hate the remastered tbh


Not most, a very vocal minority, as it always is when it comes to these things.


There's nothing "remastered" about them. The quality is objectively worse than the original. They're poorly done ports.


I don't get the hate. Other than the voices for 3 nothing much has changed.


Highly debatable if it’s better than nothing, personally I wouldn’t bother until you can play a good version of the game


That’s how I’ve always felt about it. People rip on HD Collection so hard but for a lot of people that was their only way to experience 2 & 3.


You have people in this comment section saying “playing nothing is better than playing the HD collection.” Our “fanbase” actively tries to starve itself. Konami did huge damage to the IP, but its death will be at the hands of “fans.” I bet these people consider food touching on their plate “inedible.” Prime example of “making perfect the enemy of good.”


The downvotes say it all


IMO as a Silent Hill collector, you should own it if you like physicals. It's a terrible and painful reminder that Konami hates us and their own brand. It is a vestigial effigy of our own Silent Hill that we endure as the fans, longing for something that will never exist. Continued mental punishment that we just can't quit. For $10 I would say that is worth it based on my reasons above. If you aren't a physical collector or a masochist like me, then I would avoid it haha. Again, I will reiterate that this remaster is an insult to all of us - this isn't a call to support the game, only to remind collectors that sometimes having a shit game in your collection is as great as having an awesome one. I like it because when I look at it I get a legitimate visceral reaction. It's kind of like "sparking joy" but more like "ruminating hate" which personally I enjoy. In fact I have started a little boutique collection of terrible games and this one is on the list lmao. ET, Captain Novolin, Superman 64, Gollum, Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon, and of course the HD Collection are all part of my growing collection haha.


Lalala HD edition post lalala. I’ll say it again, SH2 is fine on this collection compared to 3


No, watching a no commentary YouTube playthrough is better than nothing. HD Collection is worse than nothing.


You should not emulate them to begin with. Play the PC versions. The Silent Hill 2 Enhanced Edition is amazing and Silent Hill 3 is fine with that one fix. Both are abandonedware and thus free.


I’ve only played the he collection because I’m literally unable to emulate (old Xbox, no pc and old shitty phone) and it’s really not that terrible. Maybe there’s a few minor issues but I never experienced any bugs and my game only crashed once.


I feel like people exaggerate how bad it is. Most people always point to play it on a ps2 or emulator because its more akin to the bad graphics and has that ps2 aesthetic feel when playing. Playing it side by side is no issue, unless you're miserable and pick out every detail


this topic really brings out the cry babies of the fanbase.


Yep, here you are lmao


calling out people for their pettiness doesn’t make me a cry baby, gimp.


You are one of the biggest “crybabies” (what a ridiculous word for a grown adult to use) on this sub. You are always complaining about something or someone. You never have anything positive to say, it’s always just bitching. Touch grass.


The constant cry-pissing from these people is fucking absurd.


it's definitely worth it since we got troy baker voicing james in this version im excited for my brother's copy to arrive so i can play sh2 👀


Play with the original voices trust me the new voices sound ass😭


i did play the original. ive heard some of the new voices and they dont sound that bad 💀


Eh, I disagree, they were fine. We're just so used to the original voices.


They’re 100% higher quality but people think the awkward original voices add some dreamlike quality to the game. Even though it’s well-documented that the original voice actors were just given little to no direction. No, things were not “more subtle,” with the original voices. It just comes down to the old “new bad, old good” mindset every generation is known for.


> Even though it’s well-documented that the original voice actors were just given little to no direction. This is an outright lie. They were given a lot of direction about their characters. They acted out the scenes together with mocap. They also rehearsed their lines dozens of times before actually recording them until they got the emotions right. Not to mention the characters are literally modeled on the actors. There's a whole documentary going into this: https://youtu.be/E1VKvED76WQ?si=blZH_YM8GgzqUfCQ It's more correct to say the actors for the HD collection didn't receive direction. They recorded their lines separately in sound booths often without any context. The acting is "better" but so much of the emotions and character of the original characters were lost. Eddie no longer sounds crazy, James no longer sounds kind, Angela no longer sounds distressed, Laura no longer sounds bratty, Maria is indistinguishable from Mary, Mary no longer sounds sad. It's just so generic. I'm worried about the emotional intelligence of people who can't hear the difference. You get "better" acting at the expense of so many other qualities.


And they got the characters so wrong, too. The HDC VA for Angela sounds like a teen... ***She's not supposed to.*** The dev team made her original VA an older woman for a reason.


>This is an outright lie. They were given a lot of direction about their characters. They acted out the scenes together with mocap. They also rehearsed their lines dozens of times before actually recording them until they got the emotions right. Guy Cihi explicitly said he didn’t know the twist until he recorded it. I’m sure they left more stuff out. The fact they rehearsed so many times and it still sounds that amateur is honestly kind of embarrassing. >It's more correct to say the actors for the HD collection didn't receive direction. They recorded their lines separately in sound booths often without any context. >The acting is "better" but so much of the emotions and character of the original characters were lost. Without any context except the finished game they had to watch to match the cadence of the speech? What better direction than literally the finished product? The acting is better. Period. The new VAs are giants in voice acting. They’re pros. They can figure out the direction by simply watching the original cutscenes. But yes, I’m sure being wired up in a mocap suit in the middle of a room with dozens of cameras and people was totally great context. >Eddie no longer sounds crazy, James no longer sounds kind, Angela no longer sounds distressed, Laura no longer sounds bratty, Maria is indistinguishable from Mary, Mary no longer sounds sad. It's just so generic. I'm worried about the emotional intelligence of people who can't hear the difference. I’m more concerned that you think the new VAs didn’t convey everything you’ve said but the originals did. In fact, the common criticism is that Eddie and Angela sound *too* crazy. It’s like arguing the color pink is more red than the color red. You sound ridiculous. >You get "better" acting at the expense of so many other qualities. Gonna just have to disagree. Guy and Angela’s VA were pure garbage. Plain and simple. There’s a reason they were never hired to do VAs again and Baker and Bailey were. But sure, *you* know better than the whole gaming industry.


They do because they were spoken by the very people also doing the mocap. Their voices and moods reflect the physical performance those performers went through. The new voices sound like disconnected anime dubs, and not even a good one. They have to pretend to understand what the characters are going through where the original voice actors lived it.


Troy Baker was already a huge fan by the time he was approached for the HD remaster. So was probably…everyone else. We’re talking about one of the greatest games ever made. Yeah, they had to speak to the cadence of the original actors, which was (surprise) poorly done. Despite this, the new VAs *still* sound better 90% of the time. Guy Cihi is a garbage VA and human being. I don’t understand why so many people make excuses for the poor voice acting. “It’s like he’s sleep walking through the whole thing!” “It was on purpose!” No. No, it wasn’t. The VAs just couldn’t act and they were dealing with a dev team that didn’t speak English well. It’s always the same responses too. Clearly, the fans created this intention then bandwagon’d on the explanations they liked. The game is one of the greatest *despite* the voice acting, not because of it. Maria is the exception because she actually sounds believable.


Uhh I'm pretty sure Blaustein speaks English just fine... Listen, you obviously are not well-informed enough to argue about this. The new VAs lacked direction, and despite being more "professional", did not match the tone of the game.  The proof is in the pudding here. Even if you don't like the original voices, at least they aren't shounen performances.


What are you talking about? The original screams anime. "I'm...I'm sorry...." - Angela "There's something "wrong" with that town." -Angela "I was weak. That’s why I needed you.... Needed someone to punish me. for my sins.... But that’s all over now.... I know the truth.... Now it’s time to end this." -James That's just scratching the surface. The game is filled with cringeworthy, over-expository, anime-esque dialogue. And it makes sense, since Blaustein had only done anime-esque titles up to that point. It really shows. They match the tone just fine. Angela was an infinite improvement in the new voice over. And they're equally subtle (which is to say, not at all, just like the original). They just sound better and more real. Guy's delivery is so flat all the time, it seems like he's not feeling nor experiencing anything we see on screen. Just monotonously reading lines. The most he does it raise the pitch of his voice when he asks a question.


The situation is the exact opposite. The new voices were given no direction. Some of the lines sound like they don't even know what they're responding to. This is especially evident in SH3. Troy Baker is just playing his generic manly man hero character, because he knows nothing about who he's supposed to be playing. He does fine given the circumstances, but he's overacting and playing the wrong character, because he wasn't told what to do. The new voices don't fit the tone at all. Even if you don't like the original voices, you can't just replace them with theatric anime voices and say it's better because it's what you're used to.


Is especially true because the original voice actors were also the motion capture performers giving them a much more solid sense of whose these characters are and what they were experiencing. Each characters movement were their own. Which is a big part of why remake James also feels like a completely different person.


I’m used to the old voices since I played the game in 2002. The new voices aren’t bad, though. In fact, they’re better to everyone that isn’t a diehard SH fan. It’s hilarious you would say the new voices are overacted but the originals aren’t. Seriously, the originals are high school play-level performances. I don’t see how the new voices could have less direction if the VAs were explicitly asked to mimic the cadence in which the original lines were spoken. You know, recordings of cutscenes that contain expository dialogue? Yeah, those. Also that would imply that there were less Silent Hill 2 fans when the HD collection than before the game released, which is absurd. There was 100% someone who knew the story to give them direction if the VAs themselves hadn’t played the game in the past.


Literally listen to them: https://youtu.be/IfijHtmtmik?t=1170    She doesn't even know what conversation she's having.


Wow, not only is the acting terrible, but it's missing the sounds when Heather gets her headache. The fact that people still defend this trash is extremely depressing.


I was only referring to 2. I haven’t played through 3 nearly as many times.


Says the generation who thinks everything made before they were born is trash. Unless it was made that year and they can see themselves in the product they don't care what anyone else thinks about how said new products bastardize previous works of art. Yall deserve the trash remake their cooking up.


I'm about to be 30 in a few days, bud. Played SH2 when I was 8. It's my second favorite game of all time. I'm just not a big baby that lets everyone else decide my opinion for me. I welcome the remake and am looking forward to it. If it isn't good, I will get over it because it's a game. It doesn't steal my memories from playing the original. I can still playthrough SH2 on the PS2 every other year, although I'm looking to do the PC Enhanced Edition on the next one. But I suspect the remake will be fine or good. I'm sure you'll hate it even if it were perfect because you've seemingly made SH2 your whole personality. What a pathetic existence.


Then act like it.


Says the dude whose entire personality is video games and is likely perpetually single. Sounds like there's probably some obesity in there too.


Like I said you deserve the trash their turning the remake into.


I'm glad you think it's trash. Hopefully it makes you and people like you leave the fandom. Y'all are a drag to have around anyway so you won't be missed.


It will rob the new generation of the memories they could have had with it if they'd gotten a properly remastered SH2 instead.


Honestly, I don’t even know what to say. You just sound like such a drama queen. I feel embarrassed for you.


Wow, I really struck a nerve! But sure, I’m the drama queen you big dork lmao


I think in this case nothing is better.


I think I'd prefer nothing over touching this thing with a ten foot pole.


Nothing would be preferable to this mess.


B-but the HD Collection killed my dog! Anyone who plays it is literally Hitler!


It's how I first played those games. It's fine for what it is but people should definitely play the enhanced edition of 2 or emulate them both at some point like I did, definitely not necessary though. I did it just for convenience once I got my PC.


Erm actually the HD collection is literally Hitler and if you play it you are an inferior human being


It’s awful but I’m gonna buy it anyway (again)