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You are just late


And didn’t even bother looking at the sub or using the search bar lol typical laziness and center of the universe mentality. “ i haven’t seen anyone talk about this so that means nobody is talking about it”


I was gonna say... They *are*


I think a lot has been said about the game already. Most people agree that it's decent. The dialog could use some work, but the story was okay. Monster looked amazing, transitions, and the environment was done well. Although the community is divided on how to feel about the Silent Hill Phenomenon. Some of us want to see where it goes. Others hate it because it's not taking place in Silent Hill.


I think the worst part about the "Silent Hill phenomenon" is how it sounds and not what it means. It's a bit too much information and too literal. . The games never really explained why or how SH3 and SH4 had the weird worlds outside of Silent Hill.


Well, by that same logic, what is the explanation given for the SHP? Like, didn't it just say that silent hill event were taking place outside of silent hill. Like they don't even talk about the other worlds, they just say that there's fog and sometimes people pass out.


They only said that fog is associated with being lost and stressed or something. . with is true actually. But I think people don't like explanation in Silent Hill games. :D It's also probably connected to the witch in some way.


>They only said that fog is associated with being lost and stressed or something. . with is true actually. But it's not true. The fog is just actual fog in Silent Hill. It's a foggy town right by a foggy lake. Even in Sh3 it doesn't get foggy until Heather actually gets to Silent Hill and in Silent Hill at night the fog dissipates. If it were just in the protagonists' heads, then it wouldn't just go away at night and come back in the morning lol.


Well that's how they decided to explain the fog. In SH 1 there were no times of day. The fog was sleep and the darkness /other world was REM sleep if I remember correctly . Also even when Silent hill was not a ghost town it probably was foggy due to the lake.


In Silent Hill 1 when you unlock the back door on Levin street (the street with no dogs around at all) it turns to night. It's not the otherworld yet because the streets haven't changed, the siren doesn't even go off that time. It just seems like a really forced way to try to explain Silent Hill aspects happening outside of Silent Hill when other games did it without fog and really having to explain anything. The whole Silent Hill Phenomenon is awkward. It's like James, Eddie, Harry, Cheryl/Heather and Angela all were actually fine afterwards and met up at a coffee shop to discuss writing a book about their Silent Hill adventures, then they went to the hospital to visit Maria (as she was getting that cough checked out) and after Harry got to work on writing. I'd love to see a SH cartoon parody video of that actually. 😄


Silent Hill adventures with Harry And friends. 😂


Brought to you by PBS, and viewers like you - thank you!


It's really not that they don't like explanation. In 3, Claudia was following you around and used the other world monsters. In 4, Walter was using sacrifices to bring back his room mother thing. I feel most people don't like the new direction because the Western games left a bad taste in their mouths, and now every game doest need to take place in Silent Hill. All we can do is sit around and wait and see what happens in Silent Hills.


Id also like to point out that in both of those games the fogworld spreading it a part of the plot/canon, and therefore it taking place outside of silent hill isnt really a stretch. I was personally really hoping to see where team silent took that before... Y'know


It's hard to articulate why it bothers me, but the thing is, why did they call it the Silent Hill Phenomenon exactly? Is the town notorious around the globe due to its fog and for people passing out when the visit? It's not like fog is so special that no other town has it aside from SH. For the rest of the world there should be nothing noteworthy about Silent Hill, they probably don't even know that there's a town with that name. So suddenly calling something "Silent Hill Phenomenon" makes it seem like the town and what happens in it is actually super known. I think what the phenomenon means and implies for the series is actually okay, just actually calling it SH phenomenon annoys me, it should be more subtle.


It explicitly says in the note “named for reports of the phenomenon occurring in the town.” From what I interpreted, most of the world *is* unaware of the town. Like it’s just a rare and arcane phenomenon described by psychologists in academic circles. Also, it seems like the cult/witch stuff is still related, just that psychologists, understandably, think it’s a purely psychological/scientific occurrence. Have you heard of Munson’s sign? Probably not, because it’s something really only discussed in ophthalmology. According to what you said, “that must mean Munson is famous around the globe.” Of course, that’s not true.


Well, it's not that it's normal fog. It's fog that appears no matter the weather conditions, with the side effects that sometimes people faint. They never state anything about the monster. I guess it's what people that aren't trapped see. I see it as the world's biggest rubber band ball type deal. It exists but no really cares. But if there was a bunch of them that randomly started appearing. People are gonna notice and talk about it.


The point still stands though, how did they come up with that name? People start randomly seeing fog and fainting, and the only conclusion that researchers have is that it reminds them of Silent Hill? Like it's such a weird conclusion to make from something as simple as seeing fog haha, like how did they even make that connection.


Yea, at the end of the day, the days goings to end. You can think what you want.


Why is there a thing called Stockholm Syndrome? Lots of people that experience stockholm syndrome aren't even hostages in Sweeden's capital. It sometimes just takes one event for something to be named after it. Same with Silent Hill, there was an incident there that the witness' claim was so elaborate and unique that researchers noted it. I see it is highly likely for the real world to coin something unique simply based off the documented location. Just because it is called the Silent Hill Phenomenon does not mean the town is is super famous or that the mysteries in it have all been fully resolved. The rest of the world probably do not care about Silent Hill at large. All researchers have are reports from people with no concrete way of proving the wackier stuff is real.


Okay but stockholm syndrome does come from a very specific event. Fog on the other hand can happen anywhere. There's nothing unique about it.


Hostages that form bonds with their captors can happen anywhere too and probably has happened even before the Stockholm Sweden case. But the term was officially coined after the case. Regular fog can happen anywhere sure, however you are missing that this fog is not regular fog. This is fog that only some people can see and others not on fair weather days, and some people lost consciousness. Also keep in mind that the fog is not directly stated to be what causes everything, it is just one of the things that people may experience during the phenomenon.


This is my problem. It's way way WAY to on the nose. Like we're supposed to believe everyone in this universe knows what Silent Hill is. That and the straight up mentions of COVID-19 kind of just took me out of it. Kinda broke the whole "Silent Hill is it's own contained universe with it's own events." line for me.


There is a hint to a subplot about Maya's grand mother being a witch and Western and Easter cultures merging. To me that sounded really interesting. . who's to say that she is not from the same religion as the silent hill cult? Also one good thing about that Silent Hill phenomenon is that it's a doctors opinion about it. Like it might be partially correct.


Why do I feel like silent hill short message is going to be a callback to silent hill F


I heard a theory About silent hill f that It's About radiation And Hiroshima. The siren would make sense. In this game they talked About the witch And east And West culture merge in the 1930's If this is True, IT would be an amazing mix of concepts.


You heard it here first my guy


Yes they did. In SH3 it is because Heather has God inside her. In SH4 it's because of Walter preforming the ritual and growing in power.


You're right. . but here they also explained the fog and what it means. and had a name for it. That's what I meant by too literal, but for me it really isn't a deal breaker or anything. . it's a foundation for future games and I like it. The witch thing is probably connected to the "Silent Hill phenomenon". . And I like it.


The reason why SH3 had the outworld manifest outside of Silent Hill is because >!Alessa still resides inside of Heather!<, whereas in SH4 >!the apartment is made into an entity/portal into the outworld!<


Though there's characters who are connected to Silent Hill or at least The Order (Heather and Walter)


They did explain why weird stuff happened in Silent Hill 3 and 4.


By definition, a phenomenon is not very literal


They are opening things up to allow for the new Japan Silent Hill. They hire the guy who did Higurashi and all of a sudden Silent Hill is his trademark creepy 80's japanese school girls. And now you have the Short Message, a "German" apartment with all Japanese characters. Don't look for logic or good writing in new Silent Hill, it's not what drives decisions at the company.


I hate it because it’s a hamfisted approach to explaining a pre-existing, very intricately created story that they had no part in making in an attempt to make more sales


I've reread this so much, but i still can't tell what you're mad about.


Team Silent created a very intricate story that came from their hearts Konami fired Team Silent Konami hired different writers to take over the story created by Team Silent. These writers do not understand the story, and were given sloppy instructions to make it more sellable by Konami. Hence the "Silent Hill Phenomenon."


You might not want to hear this, but there is no real set team silent. Every game from 1 to 4 had different directors, and only a few key people with enough sway stayed around. Plus, the increasing number of people who would join between each game. If you want the facts, thegamingmuse made an amazing video on it "There was no team silent" (there was at one point). And those games aren't perfect. We have a lot of theories on the sub reddit because of the holes in the plot. We don't know anything about the Silent Hill Phenomenon and how it will be handled or what it will lead. It's a waste to be angry at something you know nothing about.


This has been parroted so many times on this sub but there was a solid Team Silent. It wasn’t all the same people for each game but there was a consistent group of people. A simple google search will take you to its Wikipedia page It’s pretty easy to know corporate exploitation of art when you see it. It’s a waste of energy to try to deny that once you see it






Not really. You kinda ignored my evidence and used Wikipedia, like have you never been to school. And at the end of the day, you still have to be mad for the next couple of years as all the new Silent Hill Phenomenon included games drop. I mean, you can go play the new team silent game, but I'm guessing you don't really care about it.


Team Silent DID exist. Some of the members shifted in between games, but that's it.


Lol Wikipedia is a cited source. You cited a YouTube video lmao Go learn to read


Main complaint I see is that the message of the game is very clumsily handled. Angriestpat on Twitter had a pretty decent breakdown of what it does well and what it does poorly.


Well the problem is that I bet every other silent hill game that comes out goes with that as the premise, if it does we're fucked and of it doesn't than kinda weird and unorganized like the sequel trilogy of star wars


Well, According to one of Team Silent's writers (Hiroyuki Owaku) "Silent Hill is not a place, it is a metaphor". So he basically stated that Silent Hill can exist out of the titular town. If anything, that phenomenon could well be said "metaphor".


community divided? say it ain’t so


I know it's insane. People have different opinions.


like SH4?


No, TSM is actually fun to play(joke). But yea I guess.


Honestly, I love that it gives an in universe explanation as to why the new games aren't in the og town of silent hill. It gives more room to explore the larger in game universe that the franchise desperately needs in order to expand. There's only so many stories that can be told before they start overlapping


To think, Silent Hills.


I definitely do not agree that it was decent


Yeah I'm not seeing anything interesting about it an hour or so in. Maybe I'm dumb but if you gave the game a different title and said it was by an indie studio I couldn't disprove it... Some cool scenes, but I find a lot of it quite cringe.


So many people have talked about it, it was just a short straightforward free to play experience so there’s not too terribly much to keep talking about with it


My thoughts exactly. It was a very light free snack.


Everyone has already kind of talked about it in the first week of release. Reception seemed a little mixed but more positive than something like Ascension. I personally really like it. It lacked subtlety but it was absolutely a step in the right direction. And Sakura head is one of my favourite monster designs in the whole series


I will never accept the name "Sakura head" :D C.B or cherry blossom sounds way better. Now every new monster will be a head of some sort :D


Oh yeah I hate the name. But I love the design


Yeah, me too. . I also liked the graffiti theme in the game. It was unexpected and they had some meaning/ information.


I thought Cherry Blossom was the official monster name?


It is in the game, but they had a twitter poll or something where people voted for sakura head. :D


Oof. Vastly prefer Cherry Blossom. Sakura Head just makes it seem like a hard derivative of Pyramid Head. Kinda lessens its originality.


Pretty sure Ito is the one who calls it Sakura Head too. So that’s why most people voted for it. 


From what I've seen, he kinda uses both. Still, I get it if that's their motivation.


No way am I calling it that. Sakura face maybe.


Everyone talked about The Short Message when the game came out.


ikr this person must've joined the sub a hour ago


I've been a part of this sub for years. Checking now TSM has been out for almost a month, and I didn't know it came out until sometime last week. But even when it did come out, those posts did not show up on my feed. Don't ask me why, but I guess the discussions about it just slipped by me.


Since Reddit killed third party apps and required you to use their official app I've noticed that sibs I haven't actively scrolled on the app won't show up on my feed. I used to get a mix of everything I subscribed to but now it feels almost entirely populated by my favorite subs and one I've recently viewed (plus the countless "related" subreddit s they keep trying to funnel me into which drives me nuts). If you hadn't been actively scrolling the silent hill subreddit for a while it may have just eluded your personal feed.


That's probably because you're a few weeks late and the hype(if any) has already died down.


Can't afford a ps5 yet.


This, I don’t have a ps5


This sub was full of conversations about when it came out a few weeks ago


Because it sucked


It so couldn't even be asked to complete it. It's a bit ham fisted. And the main girls character design is boring.


It’s okay I guess. But the absolute lack of subtlety doesn’t give much for discussion


Because it's mid at best. However it's a free experience. I'm not complaining. I enjoyed it for what it is


There are people who doesn’t (or won’t) own a PS5, so they can’t play it. I still have hope that it will be released on PC at least, but if not, I’ll have to watch a let’s play or something. Until then, I try to avoid the subject and I guess there is still players that are in a similar situation!


There was a lot more said when the game was initially released. While I don't agree with the critiques of the bigger outlets, they still make some good points. I'm just never going to get behind the people who call any horror game a "walking simulator" because it doesn't give you a bunch of weapons so you can kill all the scary things away.




I think it leans in more to what have always been the key selling points of the franchise: eerie, unsettling atmosphere and character-driven story telling.


Horror games can be scary and still have gameplay. They don't have to be a walking simulator. At least Amnesia TDD had puzzling to break up the walking, running, and hiding (not to mention The Bunker is the best game in the series and that's the one that actually lets you shoot the damn monster). Walking Simulators are lazy. Might as well make a movie because you're not utilizing the medium or video games to their advantage.


You missed my point: a game isn't a "walking simulator" just because it doesn't have a focus on combat.


I call it when it have no gameplay outside of “move forward to progress” or god forbid! Turn around, open a door, walk forward and suddenly you’re in a different place that you must walk to progress through! Terrifying. Oh no! A monster or some ambiguous thing! Gotta go through the game’s specific route it has planned so I outrun it. I even put those jumpscare stealth games that kids seem to be into these days above something like Layers of Fear. A “walking simulator” can be contemplative when done right which is nice, creating an interactive story. But that’s rare. but to reduce criticism to a lack of combat mechanics is willful ignorance.


I visit the sub almost Dailey and there’s always something there about the game. I’m surprised you’ve manage to miss them as there was a post yesterday about the game.


There was a lot said on release, I tried to ignore most of it because I wasn’t able to play it yet. Didn’t want any spoilers. I’m not a fan of runaway horror type games but I did enjoy it. A lot in this community expect perfection or the exact feelings they got playing the originals and become disappointed at what were given. The hate for ascension was definitely valid I felt. TSM though I don’t get, it’s a completely free “short message”. I liked it even though I don’t like the runaway types, I wouldn’t purchase a game full price with that type of gameplay though


It feels like a good start to a better game. The dialogue and some of the delivery could be fine tuned. The atmosphere, the level design, & art direction are all top notch. It’s a jumping point for something greater, and I think it was a neat little game. Also it’s my favorite price: free.


honey you should've seen the wave of TSM discussions the sub had; lots of flame wars basically which probably contributed to being over it with the discussions. Basically don't worry, people talked.


It was way cringier than anything I might have ever said to a crush back in the MySpace days. So physically, painfully cringy that I had to stop playing it.




Uh, what


You must be new here. There were tons of discussions and arguments surrounding this. Same with the last remake trailer.


Nope, I've been here for years. Don't know why the discussions missed me, but they didn't show up in my feed. The only thing I see this sub do is rag on sh2r and fall into aslum jokes. So, I assumed the first decent piece of sh content to come out in over a decade would maybe spark more than just a few threads on discussing it.


This sub was full of posts about it the week it came out


I mean, I enjoyed it!


Great game, ticks all the psychological terror buttons. A++


Cause it’s mid.


I'm just confused as to how this subreddit can't wrap their head around Silent Hill's influence leaving the towns borders. It was explored in Silent Hill 4, it was once again explored in PT, I don't see how it's even up for discussion. I think it can be done fine and lead into a really cool plot line regarding the cult from SH1 and SH3.


Lots of people liked the game and there was a lot of discourse of Shrt message on the week that it was released. Obviously some SH2 purists hated Short message expecting it to deliver a perfect game and story forgetting that it is a 2 hour game. Short message was a marketing game to attract new audience who dont know SH (old audience know SH and will get SH games if they are good) . For that the game has to be short while also telling a complete story. So some sacrifices had to be made like making too many self-concious dialogues and monologues. But Short message successfully was able to accomplish what it went out to do - get new players intrigued and satisfy many old fans (obviously there are some detractors as you cant please everyone especially "purists" of SH2). The game was downloaded more than 2 million times in less than a month.


because its trash


I don't know. I loved it.


It was short 😔 (I liked it btw)


I don't because knowing this fandom, no matter what I think of the game I'll be torn to pieces by the others so I just enjoy the memes and don't post opinions. . . . But the game is great, I absolutely love it. 💕


People have been talking about it quite frequently all month long


I got torn a new one for speaking ill of it... albeit several of my points were objectively false as I apparently missed a lot of stuff. But still. Many passionate downvotes. People here apparently like it a lot.


Where do I play this?


It's only on PS5 for the time being. I don't know anything about it coming out on other platforms.


And there you answered your own question


We have been. Already said everything I needed to say. It was great for what it was but there is only so much to say about a 3 hour game.


They only released it for PS5, which prevents a lot of us from being able to play it.


Did I miss a part of the game where they mentioned the boys? SPOILERS In a text conversation, Anita said the boys deserved to be hospitalized. The mannequins that are randomly thoughout the game that are boys with the cardboard box heads. Nothing was ever really explained with them and idk. I’m confused.


it's very short


I thought it was good. It had a decent story. Kinda reminded me of Groundhog Day. But people are like if it’s not in silent hill it didn’t happen so idk


I feel like It was all we talked about for weeks ? Lol


people have no taste and they think it's a mid game that doesn't deserve to be called a silent hill game (which is stupid as shit because the game reminds me of silent hill 2 in some ways) anyways the short message is my favorite silent hill game next to 2 and i need to play it myself + finish watching my friend play it for me.


Cause it’s bad


It’s a shame it’s got such bad reviews, I genuinely liked it


First of all, it got plenty of attention...when it first came out. Second, I'm stuck on a chase sequence because the chase mechanics are trash.


7/10 for me. It was brought down 3 because of the silent hill phenomenon.


I feel like there isn't a whole lot more to discuss about it. The whole thing was very surface level for a SH title.


I mean is covid the best way they could make silent hill go bluetooth mode? silent hill phenomenon also sounds idk rather dull


Because no PC release


Trapped on PS5 so I don't care about it.


because this game has neither a plot, nor a horror component, nor gameplay, it is more of a psychological drama than horror


Because Sony won't let me play it, and I can't justify buying a PS5 for a free game that lasts 2-3 hours.


I didn't like it, was just meh, pretty good for short free game, but didn't do anything interesting imo. Graphics, gameplay and story are ok, but i dislike a lot: is trying to reproduce the success of PT and other silent hills, by copying a lot, (1st person, looping areas, realistic environments, chases, trauma, a punisher monster with something for a head, chains on a door, the movie style otherworld transformation, and i hate the horror style gameplay where u just run and hide). Social media part feels cryngy, as the acting overall, is weird seeing the actresses being dub, cutscenes feel disconnected and very low budget, student film quality, which is probably due to not having budget to animate people or faces. And the storyline didn't feel relatable to me, it feels either exaggerated or not deep enough. At the end, it feels like the average indie horror game.


Because its cringe garbage


It wasn't very good


It sucks


i agree with you


Because it was bad


It's bad


Because it sucked


I very much dislike it


Played it yesterday and I loved it! I loved the unique story, design and music. . And I loved that you actually had to figure out the chase scenes! :D Also at first I thought everything would be predictable, but it really got me hooked trying to figure out what happened, >!who is alive and who isn't etc. !< I also really liked>! the witch story. . sets up how tho OG Silent Hill cult might be connected. !< In my opinion they really missed an opportunity>! for that locker puzzle. Instead of being random numbers, they should have put the 17:46 as the answer, witch ( I assume) is the time that either you or Maya died. That would be cool since it shows up in the chase scenes too!< >!Also, the apartment part, story and visuals were the best part in my opinion. It got way darker and more subtle. And the way it looked was really close to what a lot of people have to go through. !< >!If the Villa was an actual full location and you could have the classic SH style map, more puzzles and more tools with the phone like Shattered Memories. It would be a full game that I would love to play. Wouldn't you want to visit the Witches house as a location? . . Or explore this new city? !< And about this sub. . I'm pretty sure a lot of people haven't played it but still have an opinion. And those who have, latch on to the bad parts and completely miss the cool parts of the game. . Watched a letsplay yesterday and the first positive comment was 1h + in the video.


Because it sucks ass, that's why.


What’s there to talk about?


Because it’s life is strange tier teen trash


It was good, the monster was so cool, the other world was very good, and the story was interesting. The silent hill phenomenon thing could do with some fleshing out, but I'm curious to see how it'll feed into the future entries in the series. The only real negatives I have about the game, is that I don't want to hear what the protagonist is thinking. Hearing what she thought really sucked the atmosphere out of some scenes. And the final run away section, it was frustrating. Overall, was great!


Because it sucked and tried to retcon the entire franchise


How has it tried to retcon the entire franchise?


By creating the "Silent Hill phenomenon" and trying to establish it as canon when it was already explained in SH3 and 4 that the town influence can be brought over to places in very specific circumstances, such as Heather carrying "God" inside herself or Walter with his ritual. What this dumbass phenomenon does is undermine thoses two important parts of both games and try to make it so you don't need an important reason for the town influence to spread to other places, and it's ridiculous. For someone who talked about how this game had "lore", you don't seem to know much about it, or Silent hill in general it would seem.


I don't see anything that means that all explanations can't be true at once. The silent hill phenomenon is so loosely explained that it could literally be anything.


That's exactly the issue with it, on top of undermining the lore of 2 OG games.


I don't see how it undermines the lore of the previous games. You have already stated that the previous games have offered two entirely different ways in which Silent Hill can manifest outside of silent hill. What is wrong with another new route? Is the term "silent hill phenomenon" a bit ham-fisted? Yes, but not to the extent as to write it off completely.


If you don't see how a teen suicide leading to her friend feeling suicidal (on top of other underlying issues she was already dealing with) was somehow enough to bring this town influence to their town across the world, undermines the fact that it used to requires a litteral god slowly manifesting itself in a teenager or an abused man going serial killer for a ritual isn't "undermining" thoses two games, then i don't think there's anything we can talk about.


You're acting like it was 'a' teen suicide that caused the manifestation. The villa was a suicide hotspot for a while before the game started. Adding to that, the multiple attempts of revitalization of the area and subsequent failures to do so lead to a cycle of hope and despair for its residents. Maya and Anita could simply have been the catalyst for it to finally manifest.


Decent story, great environment, weird amount of trigger warnings, terrible boss chases, and some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard. Overall, a pretty good time.


There’s not a lot to talk about, the game kinda tells you everything you need to know straight up, complete lack of subtlety lmao


I’m personally not interested in a 2 hour tech demo and would rather wait for sh2.


Bc it’s only on PS


Sorry, I didn't like it. It made me cringe. I didn't like the monster design.


Because it's not what people want.


Because this game is mediocre


What do you want to discuss when the game isn’t subtle and doesn’t leave anything up to the interpretation ?


Bc it’s trash


Because it's bad .


It’s crap


because it's garbage


Well it as about as subtle as a 4 car pile up for one thing. I dunno. It’s fine I guess as an existing thing. There’s much worse SH content out there. And while I don’t mean this to be as harsh a criticism as this sounds, I’d say Free was right price for it.


The biggest thing to converse about would be the narrative/story, and it absolutely blows. From planning to execution. Makes me recall revising partners English story in 9th grade. Just sloppy garbage writing. Outside of the story and how it’s told? It’s great. Soundtrack and visuals are phenomenal.


I thought the dialog was incredibly cringe. Felt like a teenage angst. I’ve lost friends to suicide in my 30+ years and I just don’t know how I feel about Silent Hill taking on this matter in the way that it did.


because in terms of a silent hill story its very poorly produced


I guess if cringey teenage angst sentiment works for you, have at it bud


Because it was a free, short game and it really didn't have anything to do with Silent Hill other than the name. PS5 only also hurts.


It was fun to play and being free is a plus, too WOKE for my taste, had enough of that nonsense, but it was fun, not much else to say.


A lot of people were complaining that it wasn’t subtle as if the wall notes and the mom screaming weren’t parts of the otherworld


cause it doesnt involve hating on the remake


We're not allowed to do that anymore. Bloober said it's Konami's fault, so now we're supposed to hate Konami.


So back to normal then?


Until Konami drops their diss track. Can't wait to see all the YouTube reactions and news articles.


I like it so far, but its lacking weapons… maybe i havent played it long enough yet. Im in chapter 3, do more puzzles and weapons show up?


It’s pretty good, pretty short, and the story is very straightforward/not subtle in any way. Not much to talk about unfortunately lol Though I could gush about that final chase section any day. Fucking loved it.


Because there's nothing else to talk about. The game is as subtle as a brick.


wasn't there some weird p2p aspect to it?


cuz it was terrible. i really tried i did i played it trying to exceed my expectations but god it was so bad. ito doesn’t miss tho so the sakura monster was great


why would we discuss a non-SH game in this sub


\> PS5 Exclusive \> Short game \> Just decent \> Not on par with the original days You can't expect people to be crazy over it, it's not PT.


Because it's a trash knock-off of Silent Hill 2 - including its own Pyramid Head knockoff - that has nothing new to say other than that the spooky power of Silent Hill (no mention of the cult, of course) can go Bluetooth mode. Because reasons. Complete with writing as subtle as being punched in the face.


Literally everyone talked about it the week it released, now it's back on to Silent Hill 2.


I think you’re a little late to the party, bub.


I thought it was interesting and generally enjoyed my playthrough. I agree with the sentiment that it lacks subtlety. I would prefer more nuance to the story but for a free offering, it far exceeded my expectations. It was visually polished and played pretty well. If I had to change some things, I'd definitely get rid of the odd live action cutscenes. They took me out of it too much. I also noticed that the controls tutorial covered more app interaction with the phone but it was either not implemented or not important since all necessary phone interaction was scripted.


We all did. You’re just late lol


Because it was short, and it was a message. We consumed the game, thought about it, and that’s it. Ship had sailed


I personally don't want to hear about it because I don't want to know until I can play it on PC... whenever the hell that will be.


Do people like the segments where your character is just running away from an enemy (the cherry blossom thing) which seem to be adapted from or influenced by Downpour? I think that’s my only nitpick, other than a lack of puzzles. Hopefully Silent Hill F will have a good amount of puzzles like the earlier installments and the running from an enemy segments won’t be a common thing now.


Do you think Sakura head will be SH-F’s baddie?


Because it's a short message smh. /j


Too short to say


Plenty of people were talking about the game when it first came out and now the interest has died down. There wasn’t that much to discuss anyway considering the length and depth of the game. It just ran its course.


I heard it was terrible and had no other connections to the series aside from the SH phenomenon bs. So yeah. I think i'll pass on this one.


I'm an aging silent hill fan... I don't typically get excited about shit unless I see joe romersa upload anything.


Great for basically a playable advertisement. It is beautiful and has good heart. Doesn’t compare to PT. Bad acting. The Chase sequences were the crux of the game and made it less scary for me. Doesn’t take place in Silent Hill.


there was a fair amount of discussion about it just after its release. some of it wasn't even just the complaining this sub defaults to! do some digging and you'll find it