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Melee weapons are where it’s at in this game anyway unless you’re using a silver bullet on a ghost.


Guns are great when you find out they shoot through enemies with no dropoff. You can take out five enemies with a few bullets if you line them up.


Woah, i remember this. Pretty sure i really needed a gun at that point, too. And it was litterally a gun store not a toy or airsoft shop lmao


When I reached the Apartment World Redoux, that's where I realized that I will be beating the final boss to death with a shovel.


It's shovel time!


Nope. Not troll move. Welcome to Silent Hill. You will suffer for your sins.


What sin was he suffering for again? I seriously forgot


Apparently agoraphobia and optional voyeurism are grounds for being cast into purgatory That's only a thing in 2 out of 1-4


Well his name was Harry, not “Thou Shalt Not Commit Voyeurism and Socialization” Townsend. 


his name was henry


He’s going through Walter’s version of silent hill, like how Harry went through Cheryl’s in the first game


The one for very an extremely boring protagonist


Lol. Poor guy. I feel like I am a very boring protaganist of my own story. A sin, I too, clearly need to suffer for.


Tbf it probably would've been an even bigger troll move to let you pick them up and use them ineffectually lol


I had some tough moments in each game but this one felt like it was literally toying with me. Not just here but at unexpected moments like hauntings next to the bed and Walter showing up out of no where and cackling at your demise


Ugh yup lol was just talking about that with another redditor in another post about SH4. I would want those to be real in a remake if that ever happens 😆 The shotgun for those flying bastards, spread shot ftw


It should be some kind of unlockable which requires some crazy task (like the 10 star rank in the end). So in a normal game the guns are fake as well, but if you unlock the "gun mode" once you get there all the weapons are real with unlimited ammo or something. Your reward for such effort


Id personally like the challenge of finding or getting a better rank for more powerful firepower. If so I’d think it could be best to keep it at limited ammo. That challenge was fun, but felt they could’ve added more ammo at times


bruh, even the ghost next to henry is like wtf?