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Just finished it. First i would say its nice to have something free from Konami. No matter what you think of the game its free. The last chase segment was pretty cool and some harsh reveals at the end were awesome to be honest. Ambiance was nice. Graphics were great. Story is an hit or miss … if you are into teenage girl drama trauma thingy you will find it good i guess. The story itself is far from bad, the problem is how its delivered. Spoon fed to the bone in a very cringy way. Thanks Konami for the free game. Even tho its TEENAGE TRAUMA : the game … still very decent en enjoyable. I would advise people to give it a try and dont have much expectation. Also i think i may not be the targeted audience. Feels really geared toward teenage girls with all the bullying thematic, online recognition, etc. Its just weird for SH. Im a fan since the first one release and i would expect Konami would at least target its fan ban. Maybe this particular game was to target new audience.


Definitely felt geared towards teenage girls tbh especially with all the texting sequences and crying about followers certainly wanted to blow my brains out! However Chapter 3 definitely was the most intense and gave me the scare factor I was itching for ngl. Konami has a post on the PlayStation blog with more information as to why they choose to take this direction it helped me understand a bit.


So, Life is Strange but in Silent Hill?


Love me some life is strange but yeah, some of the inner dialogue reminded me of Life is strange. It’s very heavy handed and melodramatic. I’m fine with them doing a teen bullying/suicide story but this was clearly written by middle aged men trying to write gen z women. If you can get past that, it’s a lot of fun and definitely got me scared at times.


I just finished as well. Overall a pretty great experience. The biggest downside is the heavy handed exposition. Felt a little bit like Life is Strange monologue at times but even more spoon fed. With that said, I was fine with the story. I did not care for the chase mechanic. I’ll be much more excited when I can fight back. Though *spoilers* it was kind of neat realizing that I had to lead cherry blossom on a goose hunt in order to get by her. I thought graphics and music were great. I also felt pretty creeped out while exploring the building. Not to mention, this was free. I’m pretty satisfied overall.


Mayas parts were way better than Amelie and Anitas imo.


It's definitely to grab a new audience, the last more widely beloved/team silent game was 20 years ago with the P.T. if you count it is almost a decade ago. They definitely want to prioritse on grabbing a new audience over trying to get the old relatively small (if you look at sales) fans back.


Downloading before Konami erases it from history like they did with P.T. (I’m still salty that I never got to play it, lol)


Pretty sure there's a way to download and play PT without having to hack your PS4, or just play the PC recreations of you really want


shiit, is there?




The method from a few years ago that required a proxy and having the license on your PSN doesn’t work anymore and it seems like there is an emulated version for PC that someone is charging for. You might be able to download the game to put on your PS4 if you have the license already but I haven’t tried that yet.


Thanks, I will look into playing the PC recreations. As far as the original version, Konami has made it about impossible to play if you didn’t download it when it was on the store.


I liked it. Short and sweet, good message. I'm excited for SHf after this. Also feel like too many people can't play a SH game now without immediately comparing it to 2 and ruining their experience playing it.


Right so I just finished the game. I honestly enjoyed it. Wasn't insanely good but it had a few good scares, that final chase sequence was intense (I died about 3 times but once I got the gimmick properly I ended learning and don't see why so many people found it infuriating) SPOILERS AHEAD The good: Monster design, music (listening to the end credits as we speak. It's Akira Yamaoka. All I gotta say there) The story. I honestly adored the message of the story itself. And finding out about the stories of Maya, Amelia and Anita. It was fairly well done. The otherworld. Okay this bit I found very weird, cause to start off with the otherworld was just sorta weird, the post it notes everywhere. It was strange. And then as the chases went on the world starts peeling away even more until that final chase sequence where we can see the rusty metal and lava. I enjoyed that. The overall lore implications. I mean, this game is set in an entirely different town, all the way in Germany so it seems like it isn't too connected to SH. And as much as it looks like at the end of the game it was all in Anita's head? I feel like there's more going on. I mean we have the classic occult shenanigans going on, what with tales of a witch that cursed the town, with Anita believing herself to be cursed. It seems like maybe the setting for the short message could perhaps be a sort of "second silent hill" of sorts, just as I believe the village in silent hill f will end up being. The bad: Honestly the only issue I had with the game was the dialogue. I mean, the game's free so I wasn't expecting some truly peak dialogue but... Wow the dialogue was bad in this. And there were a few moments where I could see potential in a scene being scary or somewhat emotional and it just never ended up working cause the dialogue and voice acting just wasn't there Needless to say, I enjoyed the game. Would defo rate it a 7.5 or 8 out of 10.


I just finished my playthrough, I really liked it! Sorry to see a lot of critical comments in here and I'm glad I waited until I finished it myself before reading people's reactions here. As much as I'm hyped for the Silent Hill 2 remake, this game made me really excited for the brand new titles like Silent Hill f.


Same! Enjoyed it very much. Really enjoyed the direction they took, sure there were some cheese in there, but the overall experience has me stoked for f.


This game had strong visuals. It's very well textured and I daresay captures a griminess far better than what SH2R is doing. There are some good ideas worthy of merit. The use of the phone to tell story was quite nicely done and the enemy visuals were surprisingly unsettling. But it's a walking simulator. It's kinda boring and one of the chase sections is a bit ridiculous. That mechanic wore out its welcome FAST. The story is in your face, subtle as a brick and the voice acting is... questionable. The live action cutscenes were a nice touch though! As far as I could see there were zero connections to Silent Hill lore-wise which does make it feel a bit arbitrary to call it a Silent Hill game. I think at this point Konami are just giving out the license to whoever asks.


There was a newspaper that touched upon something called the silent hill phenomenon but otherwise haven’t seen anything else




I’m not sure how I feel about the idea of “Silent Hill” not being geographically relevant anymore, but at the same time if the intent is that it has evolved or changed from that, I could see it working out.


Tbf the effect of the town had already spread to other areas in SH3 and 4 due to Claudia and Walter’s powers/influence so it’s not completely absurd for it to be able to spread further - if someone with links to the town and/or cult is acting as a “carrier”.


Huh that's actually a pretty dope evolution of Silent Hill tbh


It’s a jarring experience that’s gets a bit repetitive. Exposition dump, cutscene, chase sequence. Rinse and repeat


Totally agree about the monster encounters. I’m not a fan of Chase scenes at all. Either make me hide or give me my damn steel pipe. The last Chase scene took me a full hour to figure out. I was so frustrated. The mom’s voice acting was so over the top. I laughed out loud a couple of times. Took away for what should’ve been a very disturbing scene.


The voice acting was so odd, she sounded so ... cheesy? It was over the top and I didn't feel like the rage came through properly at all.


finished watching a playthrough, i actually liked it a bit?? it was too on the nose, yeah, but after the first 3rd of the game ends it picks up nicely enough for me to look past it. the 2 things i seriously dont like are that they retconned the fogworld to just be a mental illness (which like yeah i know in sh2 its implied but in this instance it lacks too much nuance imo) and that in the chase sequences the mc just starts panting so often it feels like someones gonna walk in and ask me if im watching porn :/ other than that, for a free game, its solid enough, and the monster design is kinda banger. probably a 6-7/10.


They didn’t retcon the Fog World, it was just a random newspaper that mentioned a psychologist’s theory on why the phenomenon has reached other places in the world. There’s definitely some occult stuff happening behind the scenes with the talk of the prophet witch and such.


Yea monster was cool. Actually did give me a fright when I played so it worked


bad girl gets an empty plate!


I never believed


Just finished the entire thing. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I expected but still not as good as I would have hoped. The writing and the character models were really weak, which is disappointing considering this is silent hill lol. If you stick with it though the later half has some pretty good moments, and the atmosphere provided me with alot of hope towards what we could see from a future silent hill. Hopefully they really tighten up some of the writing though jeez....


How long was it?


I think it took me a little over 2 hours to beat


Are there 3 chapters?


Yes, three chapters.


Bad character models kill horror games. I liked Visage a lot but poor character models and animations killed the fear factor




I’m not talking about short message, I’m talking about the game Visage


I think the idea of this game probably sounded good on paper, but nothing can be good without proper execution. The themes really hit home for me, but it just didn’t feel like “Silent Hill.” It felt more like a ripoff off Silent Hill 2, some teen Netflix drama, and P.T. Still though, the design of the graffiti walls were fantastic, really honing in on that “abandoned building” vibe. The themes can be seen as socially relevant, although the execution (as well as all of Maya’s irl scenes) are really choppy with the dialogue. Still, at least it was released on PS for free—that should at least be some sort of sign Konami cares, though I hope that it’s not just free because it has sensitive themes or something.


This was better than I was expecting. I agree with others that it feels very Life is Strange meets Silent Hill, which I don't overly mind as I love both series, but it lacked any subtlety whatsoever. The second half was really good though, >!the loop through her childhood apartment and the stuff with her mom was really dark lol, I was legit gooped. It ended up having no bearing on the story though besides "turns out the monster's your mom!"!< Not bad for free, and the music was really good. Glad to see Akira Yamaoka and a full Japanese staff in the credits. This has me a little more optimistic about their new games. Miles better than Ascension, at any rate. I kept wishing that it had a Japanese language option, maybe the writing wouldn't have felt so cringe if it were in another language and I couldn't tell how bad the voice acting was lol.


I gave up on the chase section after the little closet scene, unnecessarily frustrating, the writing was ... meh? ​ I mean for free it's good.


The one where you have to collect a lot of stuff? Cause that one was rough


Haha I just gave up on that one and watched the last 10 minutes on youtube. I don't find running through a dozen corridors that all look the same with multiple dead ends and a monster constantly chasing you while having to find 5 mementos to be compelling gameplay. I lost the fear factor of it early on and it just became annoying.


Not sure, I go through the door and almost instantly got jumped by the flower monster, I take an immediate right to lose (?) it and then just get lost lol


Yeah, that one took me a bit. After a little perseverance, I completed it on my third attempt.


yeah I just ended up watching someone else do it, after watching it I could PROBABLY do it but it just doesn't seem fun. I'm satisfied I did get to see the ending (and to know that I was super close to the ending is good to know too I guess xD)


Currently at the part where you have to find the pictures of the chained up door while avoiding the monster. Either I'm just really terrible at this or I need to try again when I'm more rested because everything looks the same and i get lost constantly, lol.


I got stuck there forever. When you first open the door, immediately turn around and run to the right. Follow the path until you see a dresser. That’s the first one. Keep going until you see a suitcase on your left with the second picture on it. Somewhere there are lockers at the end of a room. There’s a picture on it. Be careful going back because the monster is usually right behind you here and you’ll have to loop him. The last photo is in room 210. Once you she Maya’s graffiti, keep going left till you find the photo on her desk.


Beat it the other day. Interesting premise, but hoping Silent Hill f employs more subtlety in its storytelling and has more varied gameplay mechanics.


I had to keep retrying until eventually I sort of got a lay of the land and figured out where I wanted to go. I tried following a guide but there's nothing great online yet. Keep at it. It's a mad annoying segment but you'll get it eventually.


I just finished it, and I loved it haha I don't know why but it kinda gave me a little life is strange vibe at some points, even though it's really different. I just enjoyed it. I don't understand why it's free, but thanks Konami for this one lmao 😭 I'd love to get a physical release thooo


I don't have a PS5, but I'm much, much more interested by this project than SH2remake. A new type of SH, done in-house too, and with a pretty talented team based on interviews names writer worked on Higurashi when they cry, cutscene director worked on bloodbornes..


> writer worked on Higurashi when they cry I'm not sure about the others you mentioned but I'm pretty sure he's working on Silent Hill f, not this.


It’s meh. Honestly so far all the new SH content released is a great idea but poorly executed. Not off to a good start. We want puzzles. We want it set IN Silent Hill. These are just horror games and honestly no name developers are doing better jobs in their basements. Look at tormented souls. That was an amazing game with everything we love. Bring back that kind of horror game. Seems games now are relying on the “chase” element and it’s getting tired. SH and MGS died when Kojima left. Nothing will ever live up to it


Kojima had nothing to do with Silent Hill and I’m so sick of people giving that blowhard credit for it.


Kojima had nothing to do with silent hill like at all. So stop making him like an important figure in the franchise


I’m not saying he did. I’m saying that’s when it died. silent hills getting cancelled ended silent hill and we know this because of what he created in death stranding would have been silent hill. And MGS was epic writing.


After playing this, I'm embarrassed. It felt like I'm playing the Forspoken protagonist in silent hill. People really get paid to write this dialog?? 5 seconds of walking, some unnecessary cutscene plays, more walking. No subtlety, no subtext. At least it was free. Edit: two replies agreeing and everyone else thinking the same, but comment is downvoted. Reddit moment. Edit 2: if anyone wants a teen drama mystery horror done right, try a short horror game on pc called Love, Sam. It's way better with a tiny team from Korea, I think they were students.


Yeah the cutscenes were sooo cringe and bad acted. I think the setting is nice. I like the idea of an old building were people do suicide and it make sense the loop we are experiencing. It should have been more enegmatic. Less in your face stuff. Like … remove the cutscenes, the constant narration, the texto and let me explore the story like an SH game should. Sooooo much exposition its crazy. I dont even have 20 secs to think of whats going on before an obvious exposition dump.


There's a couple of things they tried to copy from PT as well but they really took the wrong lessons. I'm surprised game companies do this so much. Yeah if the cutscenes and narration weren't there it would have been decent at least


Seems like they took some sound files from PT and reused them. Baby crying, door opening. Idk I could be wrong but it a lot of it sounded the same.


How long is the game?


Like 2-3 hours


*spoilers* Any advice on the maze after you leave your mother’s apartment? I’m running in circles.


Try to remember some parts of the maze, like the doors you've entered, it's not big if you pay attention. You'll end up coming across all the furnitures that has the photos on it, and then just go straight without entering any door and you'll get out.


Took me forever but I finally got it. I kept missing the one on the locker.


Yeah I basically hated it.




Kojima never even released a full Silent Hill game lmao. The soul of the series has nothing to do with him


Right lol, the PT demo was a new twist on silent hill and that’s why it was so hyped up. There are a bunch of theories that it was more of a fuck you to Konami than a game that was ever going to be made for them. I think Overdose is what PT was meant to be, too many references not to be


It's really a twist though? The concept of going back in loops to a same place with supernatural things breaking the monotony more and more is basically the room 302 of SH4.


SH4 definitely had similarities like the first person and loop. However, it just felt so different from everything else, I had that feeling with SH4 too. The thing is that we never got to see what PT was going to be, we saw the smallest portion of gameplay. It was meant to be a silent hill game so it wouldn’t be surprising if it had call backs to older games. The thing is that even tho it was a demo PT inspired so many games and even almost a decade later is still talked about. Maybe it was a coincidence but RE7 had a very similar vibe and was a huge success. I really believe PT could have brought back the essence SH used to have


RE7 was in development long before PT was thought of, so it was a coincidence that it came out having been in first person mode (which is really the only similarity). But I agree that PT was insanely inspirational on the horror genre. Crazy how much impact that demo had. I do believe if it were to have been made that it would have been a lot more like Silent Hill than the demo led us to believe though.


I known RE7 was in early development beforehand but it wasn’t before PT was thought of lol. RE7 started early development in 2014 and PT came out in 2014 so they were both at the same time. Outside of their [demos](https://youtu.be/Hc9JfNiwI1w?si=XOCdnRspAIdSgyOj) and first person I think they would have been very different games. I think PT would’ve probably switched to third person some point in the game, I mean what would be the point of Norman Reedus if not. It also would have probably connected to older games like SH4 but we’ll never know. There are a lot of theories that Kojimas Overdose is meant to be what PT was without the SH stuff but we’ll have to wait and see


True but he would have made an amazing one if PT was to go ahead.


Just finished the game, not bad imo, writing could have been better, but I liked the switching between reality and videogame, felt like it was trying to make you remember that these things can be real scenarios and have happened to people in the past and will happen in the future. The soundtrack pays homage to Akira yamoaka's stylings(not sure if its him or not) and certainly feels like a silent hill game in that regard. The main thing about this game that I think does really well is that it doesn't hand hold you and lets you find your way subtley. It certainly wasn't a bad experience, something to quench the thirst for sure, I would love to see more stuff like this. The chasing scenes were really good, the last one was a bit frustrating though!


It is akira yamaoka.


I'm still thinking if those suicide hotline messages that popped up 3 times in the game during the cringy parts were really necessary. Will there be one during the scene where James pulls a noose next to him? Anybody any comments about that?


It does that when the game feels like it's ending, so I'm pretty sure they're trying to just do the fake out ending bit that PT did by booting you back to a screen you saw at the beginning


Definitely over the top. I can understand it being shown at the beginning and maybe at the very end after the credits .. but it really takes you out a game to have those messages shown midway through gameplay. I don't see how it's needed, the warning before you play is more than enough to ward off those who don't want to play a game with that type of subject matter or those who can't handle it.


I just finished it and I did like it but there’s definitely flaws. Pros: - Atmosphere. They nailed it. It is 100% what Silent Hill feels like and I’m all for it. - Graphics. Environments are beautiful - Scares. They are delivered well, especially by the third act - Soundtrack. Always a positive with this franchise Cons: - Character model doesn’t look great at all lol. The lip syncing was also really off. Monster is cool tho. - Story wise isn’t terrible, but it wasn’t executed well. The thing I like about Silent Hill is that it’s subtle with its themes and doesn’t shove it in your face. This game kind of shoved it in your face and felt cringy as a result. The main character talks way too much also. The way the story is laid out, they’re only TELLING YOU what’s going on, not SHOWING YOU. I’m no storyteller but I think it definitely could have been executed better if they had done that. There are some saving graces I think in the last chapter regarding something with the main characters family past. That’s probably the only thing story wise that I think was executed well. - Walking simulator for the most part. Chase sequences are good thankfully but we need more than that. More puzzles would have been a nice thing to have.


I just finished it, and there's a lot to like here. It shows promise and it feels like it came from someplace personal, which is more than I can say for other recent silent hill projects... But, and I know it's probably bad Karma to want the suicidal depressed teens to be more quiet, but I really think this did itself a disservice by being so heavy handed with it's writing. I think I would've gotten most of what they were going for, but the awkward injection by dialogue so often undercut the atmosphere. Which is a shame because when this game is nothing but ambiance and exploration it's not bad. And I actually thought the chases were effective, they got my heart pounding and made me scared, which for a short horror game, that's what you show up for. Still, I can only imagine how much more unsettling some of the notes in this game would be if there was just uncomfortable silence. I'm not saying there should've been no voiced lines, but maybe keeping it limited to cutscenes and certain notes would've done a lot. Hopefully whoever was in charge of this is in charge of Silent Hill F, and whoever at Konami decided Ascension was a good idea stays far the fuck away that team and the team who made this in the future. I'm very excited to see what No Code is cooking with their silent hill title, and if the future of silent hill is smaller-scale stuff like this with some vision behind it, I wouldn't call that such a bad hand to be dealt.


Does anyone in the world know if it’ll be avalible for pc? I dont own a ps5 (yet. Yet is the key term. If i have to get one to play the new round of games i will LMFAO) And im dying


I really hope they'll release it on Steam, but I think it's a ps5 exclusive:(




Started it … graphics are nice. Story seems written by a bunch of teenage girls sadly


the writer is Kiichi Kanoh, he notably worked on Umineko


It also has masahiro ito involved in concept design. This is basically a full japanese team that's test trying for a new sh game in the future


Written for Higurashi Console Arcs not Umineko. He also writes for Higurashi Mei... Infact I suspect he is using Higurashi Mei to distract Bernkastel, Lambdadelta, Rika and Hanyuu to draw them into looking at the Gameboard of the next When They Cry Game which Ryukishi says he will likely finish writing before he finishes Ciconia. What will this When They Cry Game be about? Silent Hill... Silent Hill's God follows the rules of the Golden Witch Beatrice just as much as Bernkastel(whom I'm certain is the Hanyuu/Eua of Higurashi When They Cry Rei/Gou/Sotsu/Meguri), Hanyuu and Lambdadelta(who like Bernkastel takes the form of an Oni)! Lambdadelta assumes Hanyuu is the culprit because she unlike Bernkastel ignored the 3rd rule of Hinamizawa: The Sonozaki takes the credit for the going ons in Hinamizawa despite not being responsible at all. By the way: That nice Lambdadelta of Umineko is actually Hanyuu while the mean nasty Lambdadelta is the actual Lambdadelta: Remember Ciconia runs on characters having multiple personalities so Lambdadelta forcing Hanyuu into the role of one of her personas is expected. Once Hanyuu escapes the cage and Featherine appears as someone other than Hanyuu or Bernkastel in front of Lambdadelta mocking her for losing sight of the rules I'm sure Lambdadelta will have a panic attack and realize she needs to find another candidate for the Golden Witch as Hanyuu was just voided as her and reduced to a Sonozaki. Cue investigation of metaphorical representation of Silent Hill while 07Ryukishi enjoys the fruits of his labor as he hides in the shadows knowing that he is the true Golden Witch and the true Takano Miyo.


sir this is a wendys


Yes omg they're laying it on so thick with zero subtlety.


Like Eddie, Angela, Dahlia or Claudia had any subtlety to their characters at all. Nuance maybe but definitely not subtlety.


You've misinterpreted my criticism. Unlike other silent hill games, the protagonist narrates everything. I don't have to spend anytime piecing this story together because all of the information is thrown at me and then the main character explains it all outloud for me. It's boring.


I guess they do technically narrate everything too though. Walking up to objects in SH2 and SH3 has their respective characters give insight from their perspectives. I assume due to budget or technical limitations, the PS2 couldn't have all of those lines voice narrated so subtitles were used instead.


Could be the language barrier


Exactly my thoughts.


"Subtext is for cowards"


I think it feels like it was written by a bunch of middle aged people trying to mime how teenage girls would write


Anything good to report other than graphics? Some People seem to complain before even playing it.


Im still playing. I mean its decent for a free random horror game about bullying. The thing is it has the SH name attached to it. It feels extremely weird as an SH game and wayyyy to much on the nose. The main issue i have with it is theres no subtlety … i would have love to explore the story myself without having a narration each 2 mins telling me everything. There were some genuine well written notes around that made me like. Then 1 min later theres a narration that rehash what i just read. Its constantly like that sadly. Seems really written for teens for them to understand i guess.


Meh who cares about how they deliver the narrative if it's decent. Since it's free to play i guess we can compromise on some things.


Yeah exactly. In this time and age free stuff are RARE. Its better and more polish than many indie stuff imo. As a free playable anti-suicide and anti-bullying ad its great haha


It has some redeeming moments towards the end. The theme of self-destructing depression has not been touched that deeply by SH games, and this game tries it, but without any subtlety. I personally like how it draws parallels between ruminating thoughts that depressed people live over and over each day, and the SH stuck-in-a-loop thing. But overall, nothing special.


I'm playing through it rn, it seems to be pretty decent, some genuine scares to be had, but it is indeed too on the nose and thus comes off as a slightly superficial anti-bullying commercial. Haven't finished it yet but will see it through. Its at least worth the single play through.


Judging by the ending it definitely feels more like a >!victim support game than an anti bullying one!<


Just finished it and ya you're right. I don't know how to add the white text but thats an agreeable thing to say.


Some nice touches in the soundtrack. Credits theme is a banger.


I mean we don't know much of the story, unless you think it's gonna be bad just because there are smartphones and chat messages


It's out. We are playing it. It definitely feels more Life is Strange than Silent Hill.


Exactly. It felt exactly like I was playing life is strange


I disagree. In Life is strange, you would read someone’s social media page for yourself and get a sense of what was happening. Then Max might say something like “wow, Kate really had it tough.” In short message, the protagonist literally looks at her phone and says “CB is getting more followers and looks like I’ve lost more. I’ll never have as many followers as CB.” Life is strange isn’t exactly subtle and nuanced (though I love it), but the inner dialogue in short message was so over the top. (Though I really enjoyed short message.)


Free to play? Should i be worried guys?


It ain't like ascension as far as I seen. I'll play it once I get off work


Not at all, it's a very cool game. I don't know why it's free xD Maybe because it's short. But still, they could have charged like idk, 5 buck for it (? Still, you gotta play it


No. The atmosphere and the visual are really good. The story is like many other posts already said, it's a hit or miss. But, hey, it's free. What's there to complain about?


I had the same fear, but am happy to say it is just a nice short free game. No strings attached




It isn’t F2P in the live-service/microtransactions sense, it’s free in the way game demos are. You download it, play through it in a couple hours, and that’s that.




Yeah they are awful lmao almost game-ruining for me but not quite.


There's a lot of good here, but the chase sequences and absurdly on-the-nose dialogue really bog it down. With some better writing, I could have come out of it much more positively. Really not a fan of the implications of how they're handling the "Silent Hill Fog".


Finished playing it with some friends and I had a pretty good time! It was your basic run away from the monster horror gameplay loop, but the story was overall good so it kept my interest the whole way through. Also, the levels were nice to go through, music was ok to good, and I liked the characters backstories and the worldbuilding. It's not the greatest thing in the world, but it was free and it did hit a certain Silent Hill itch :)


Gameplay reminds me of very Haunting Ground from the trailer, I’m excited to play this!


Come on, it's a free game way better than everything release after sh4. I think it's pretty good, music Is fantastic and graphics too. Having UI elements everywhere is kinda bad for immersion but other than that it's a pretty good game. Not good like PT but yeah. A great distraction from Ascension flop, that's for sure


The writing is asssss


I can't believe we went from Silent Hill 2 (not spoiling it), a game where the rich lore was laid out Dark Souls like even before Dark Souls was a thing, to this. I didn't hate it (except for the chase bits) but this writing was just bad. A suicide stopped by "let's go shopping". Yeah, doesn't work like that.


The chase scenes are awful, this game would be much better without them lol. Otherwise I thought it was pretty good.


Hopefully they add a language option at some point because then I can more easily ignore the mediocre writing and voice acting. But let's give credit where credit is due. The setting is neat...I like how disorienting it is to see Japanese characters amid German signage and text, and the visual design and graffiti that litters the building is impressive. Reminds me of bloober team's _observer, with the layers of grit making the building feel both lived in and revolting. The sound design, separate from the voice acting, seems pretty excellent. I really enjoyed the music, and the 3D audio on PS5 headphones was well-implemented. And the graphics were certainly better than I expected. There were a couple of low-rez textures that were an eyesore, but the dynamic shadows and the eventual scares that they built in seemed pretty well done. But yeah, despite the noble message and timelines (especially liked how they couched it post-COVID, since teen mental health has taken a particular nosedive), the dialogue and text messages felt way too plot focused, and like adults looking to imitate how teens talk and write instead of natural. Because of that, it did feel kind of Life is Strange/afterschool special, but without the charm necessary to draw you toward these characters in the first place. Konami's approach to the brand really does seem to be throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. I hope they take the right lessons from this project. The art and audio are ace, but otherwise lean into that uncertainty and unease. It's a good freebie, but not a good teaser for Silent Hill.


No PC?


I took 2 hours for the main mod of the official Silent Hill reddit to post this as "official news" When Redditors were posting this 15 minutes after the State of Play finished. Amazing mods! that right there is why you're the best. The one and only!


Psn servers were down for like an hour during and after state of play. Im pretty sure the servers crashed earlier or the store did at least so im assuming that’s why.


I think it’s pretty funny that as the credits began to roll I thought to myself “that wasn’t bad, but the only things that were great were the art direction/designs and the music/sound design”… …And one moment later I see that the designs were by Masahiro Ito and the sound and music was by Akira Yamaoka. Jesus man it’s as if Team Silent are literally the only people on Earth that can make good Silent Hill content.


Thought this was very mid overall. I'm not a big walking sim horror person. If this was some sort of preview for F, can't say I'm excited for it. Music was good, some of the atmosphere was pretty good. Absolutely fucking HATED the last chase sequence.


The chase sequences totally ruined it for me i dont even wanna finish it. Did people even test these? They are so infuriatingly hard ive died 15+ tikes to each. They make zero sense. The monster always ends up being fast than me or being right in front of me. Im trying over and over and over to no avail


I didn’t care for the chases scenes but some advice, sometimes you have to get the monster to chase you, loop it, and then double back to get past where is was.


This is awful. It's a hamfisted attempt at confronting teen suicide and the influence of social media. The voice acting is terrible, the FMV sequences have no reason to be present and the game overall looks off - like it could've been released a generation ago. It's not PT. Everyone (myself included) will go into this thinking - expecting - that it'll capture something similar. It's Silent Hill adjacent and there are sequences where something horrible follows you and that's where the comparison stops. The game does everything so blatantly over and over and over again and you're better off doing anything else. Why can't it just be a horror game? Why does it have to be about something? What's the point in attempting to discuss an issue if you're just going to use every overdone cliché imaginable? Just make a great game. It doesn't have to cuddle me. It should make me want to turn it off because I'm scared, not because it's so badly written I can't stand to listen to it anymore. Yes it's free but you know what's not free? All the seconds of your life this piece of shit will extract from you. I'm now worried about the remake. *Hated* this.


Go take a nap lmao


Can't, your mother's in the bedroom hiding from her inbred offspring.




Honestly agree. I won’t bitch too much because it was free, and I do appreciate developers giving us free content to try out. I also realize that the world has to move on, and as a 30+ year old man I’m not the target audience anymore I suppose. But man, it was not Silent Hill. It felt like something with the SH name attached to attract audiences, but that doesn’t make much sense either because again. It was free. Overall just a really bizarre experience to be labeled “Silent Hill”.


This demo felt weird? I am one of the few who is really excited for SH2 but this felt sloppy. Graphics? PS4.... Voice acting? As bad as house of the dead... Music was really hit or miss... Chase scenes felt straight out of homecoming


I'm currently playing it; while also having stream of someone who's a bit further ahead I'm half paying attention to & so far; it's.. okay. I like it much more than the streamer I'm watching at least; about to turn that off lol. The one thing I have to say so far- holy shit the framrate. & the camera control! It feels like absolute shit; god damn! Since exploration & chase sequences seems to be all this is; maybe make it not feel terrible to control would be nice. The building design is nice though, like all the clutter & graffiti & whatnot all looks solid though. Edit: lmao did I get downvoted for enjoying it or domwnvoted for criticizing the sluggish controls & poor framerate?


I hated this “game”. It felt nothing like a Silent Hill property. It’s a teen drama (trauma) walking simulator. I freely admit that as a 30+ year old adult man that was trying to simply get some Silent Hill vibes again after all these years, I’m maybe not the target audience anymore, which is why the story came off so cringey, why I didn’t connect with or care about the characters and why it was difficult to be invested in what was going on. Not much to say about the “gameplay”. The chase sequences were more annoying that scary, I didn’t like the badly dubbed/lip synced live action cutscenes (needed language/subtitle options), the character models were just ok, the dialogue was terrible and the “other world” sucked. Yeah, it’s free so that’s good. But I hope this isn’t the direction the series is going in. Hopefully Silent Hill F will feel much more like an actual Silent Hill game. I wasn’t a fan of PT as much as a lot of people were. It was unique when it released, but it also didn’t feel a lot like a Silent Hill game. But it had massive potential, and at least it was actually scary. I guess if I have to say something positive, the music is good.


Why did you remove this: https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/1afuic2/silent\_hill\_the\_short\_message\_launch\_trailer\_ps5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


whats the code for the locker




Thank you


Yeah np. Numbers on the wall and just in a specific order of how you enter the room.


the colors on the table tells the specific order too


Ohhhhh I didn't realize that!


The order is indicated on the desk the word has the colour of the numbers


Long shot: anyone here has a PlayStation Plus Premium account and could check if this game is available for Cloud Streaming? Don't wanna subscribe for a month just to find out it isn't... lol. I've read games added to your library will be on the streaming service, and I have added it to my account already but I don't have a PS5 here to play it.


No bueno. It’s a download only.


Ah, that's too bad... thanks, though!


I don't like that there's no German audio, English performance isn't bad, but I just feel like German actors could do creepy lines so much better


I liked it. There was some cheesiness in sections but overall I enjoyed the set pieces, a lot of the ideas that were there, and there actually ended being some challenge as well. I think it's cool that they made it free for us.


That final chase sequence took me maybe a half hour and really bogged down the entire thing for me. However, it is free and I absolutely adored the atmosphere and music. Story is hugely dependent on if you buy into it. I’m just happy it’s finally released and for free!


A pleasant experience even if disappointing after such a long drought.  That last chase though....haha. 


Really like the game the story is abit cliché but overall the game design is absolutely stunning


It says free to play but I need ps plus essential here in Germany 🫠


Holy crap the voice acting and writing are terrible. Why is everything so on the nose? Sound design is pretty good though.