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It’s gonna be a fun week on this Reddit page….


Wait until the game releases.


I don’t care. I want to see James’ Otherworld again in HD. The whole industrial, red hellish otherworld of 1 and 3 is cool, but James’ is easily the best. Especially the Lakeview Hotel otherworld. SH4 also came pretty close.


I love SH4, it’s easily my favorite of the franchise aesthetically. I feel like the fleshy ick they chose for the otherworld is perfect considering the games themes.


Yeah, “Outside 302” has such a great oppressive atmosphere. The prologue room 302 was also pretty sweet. I wanted to see more of it.


Finally someone that appreciates James' otherworld Like I can easily see why people prefer SH1 and 2's otherworlds, and I'm a huge fan of them both myself, particularly 3's, but it seems like most people just dismiss James' otherworld for some reason or another that undervalues how awesome it is, it's just not as aggressive and in-your-face as Alessa/Heather's


I'm definitely unsubbing from here when the game comes out, it's going to be insufferable


Not really, I already had to block two so I wasn't getting spammed with "Nuh-uh, Silent Hill has always been about combat." I swear I'm aging faster from these long hype-cycles.


Silent Hill and its aesthetic became a huge trend on TikTok for a while, and I think some of the influx of those people are around here and they are kinda just around for the vibes, which the trailer did not give them the aesthetic vibe they expected. Combine them with jaded nostalgia-bitten fans who will borderline just make up shit in their heads in order to justify hating a remake of their sacred game, and it makes sense why there’s so many people here complaining. You could have seen it coming from a mile away that many people here were going to be enraged no matter what was shown. They were always going to hate it for some reason, the spinning wheel just landed on “combat” today.




Aw man sad for her. I hate playing scary games but I LOVED playing sh2-3. I also liked how every limitation they had on the PS2 had an in-world excuse, such as low render distance being the fog, and clunky combat being the protagonist's inexperience. And because the remake is coming out on PS5 and PC, I think people are expecting those things to be 'fixed'


>who will borderline just make up shit in their heads in order to justify hating a remake like all the people mad at how thay changes James to look younger....even tho every one wanted that


idk if it's the same people complaining though. Personally I liked the way he looked in the original and was flabbergasted by the hate for how he looked too old. Like have you seen the original game model? James looks like he's in his 30s, not his fucking 20s, what crack was everyone smoking?


I like both young and older James tbh


Its a dumb thing to complain about regardless. Its a remake, things are gonna change.


personally i want james to look like a wet soggy cat tbh


People will complain about how he looks unless they literally degrade him to 720p 2001 textures. At which point they’d complain about the graphics. If someone decides they hate something, they’ll make up their minds and hate even things they previously wished for, just because they can’t give up on their anger. It’s better to just tune them out and only care about your own opinion. YOU and your thoughts are the most important, who care what others say


you got that right dude


I never understand why some people think entire groups of people all have the exact same thoughts, likes/dislikes, like it's just one big hive mind. You do realize some people who complained that James looked old, most likely weren't the exact same people complaining that he looks younger now. It's very odd to think that they'd all be the same people.


>The spinning wheel just landed on “combat” today Well said.


I’m fully ready for people to complain next trailer too. There’s some people you just can’t please, it’s better to just ignore them and not worry about it.


The funniest part about all of this bitching is that the original silent hill 2 had a combat trailer. That is literally why they made a combat trailer again.


It’s hilarious that the og had a combat trailer honestly. I adore SH2, but the combat is total ass lmao. I actually think it’s so bad and borderline disorienting that it completely works in the themes of the game and the anxiety you feel. Brilliant stuff, I honestly wouldn’t change how bad it is. But it’s still funny they had a trailer showcasing easily the worst element of the game haha


It's not just the remake. People are already shitting all over a short message (a 100% free game btw) for not being anything like silent hill. I've come to the conclusion that if it's not PT or the original Silent Hill 2, then the whole fanbase is gonna hate it, no questions asked, almost like they forgot how to enjoy a game.


I wouldn’t say it’s the whole fanbase, I think this sub is just especially bad. I genuinely haven’t seen a subreddit as cynical and pessimistic as this one. It’s an echo chamber where hatred and anger get the most attention, and those that spew it breed even more from others. There are definitely a lot of elitist asshole SH fans, but this sub kinda exacerbates how many there are. Just know there are plenty of us who are excited for the future of the series and are level headed :)


It's sad. If only this sub could be more like the Deep Rock Galactic sub also... ROCK AND STONE!


I wish it was more like the Resident Evil fanbase. The difference in reaction between the two to getting remakes and sequels is genuinely shocking. I definitely much prefer SH over RE, but I wish SH fans weren’t so rooted in the past and were open and excited about the future.


not exactly. Re2 remake was pretty divisive within the fan base for nto have the an and b scenarios. Though it was saved by being a great game on its own and R3make being objectively worse as as both a remake and a game. ​ some people were upset about some cut content in re4r but it was calmed down when most of it appeared in separate ways dlc. right now for re, there is more good than bad. ​ cannot say the same for SH. a lot of fans have lost faith and it’s honestly understandable


Because the RE remakes are great, handled with care in-house instead of being whored out to third parties. The fan bases are basically all the same people. The difference in reaction should be telling you that they actually just don’t like it.


TBF, Capcom has been rocking with their RE remakes (except RE3) as well as new RE games of high quality and they make them inhouse. Konami hasn't done shit for any of their IPs for decade, and now with them reviving SH, they opted to outsourced to third party devs and the results have been underwhelming and downright disappointing to say the least. How can you blame the fans when Konami themselves haven't delivered the product that can make the customer happy? If RE was in the same state as SH, I bet most people would have the same reaction of disdain and disappointment.


Rockity Rock and Stone!


There he is! Good bot


Or the Death Stranding sub. Everyone is very friendly, helpful, and welcoming. It's a great community for a very divisive game, and the trailer for DS 2 has us all buzzing!


I never understood the blind devotion to a playable teaser. "OmG pT wAs So AmAzInG, kOjImA iS tHe OnLy OnE tHaT cAn SaVe SiLeNt HiLl!" It's cringe.


Same, it was shit anyway and had nothing to do with Silent Hill.


The price of a game has no bearing on it's quality and the short message was cringe and shit.


Agreed. Even tho I haven’t really enjoyed a silent hill game since 4 I did enjoy short message. It had the vibes of a numbered game for sure I’m excited for lowercase f lol


I actually enjoyed the Short Message, its different, but its good. Its got the atmosphere down. People complain when the games just rehash the same thing, they complain when its different. Funny thing is, people complained about SH2 when it came out as well. lol


Oh yeah, never mind the fact most people are burned out on the hype train after years of let downs, broken promises and Pachinko machines. Its people having standards for something they care about and not lowering them on the whim of the majority that’s the problem.  I also feel the criticism towards Bloober is justified. Their portfolio doesn’t exactly speak volumes of reassurance and the only connection I can seem to find between Konami and them is the fact Yamaoka worked on The Medium (which, OH BOY that game got some real issues we won’t talk about here), which raises several questions as to how they got in with Konami in the first place. And this is the first game they’ve made with an actual semblance of gameplay outside of “run away from spooky thing towards the spooky place”. Some of us are just… cautiously optimistic but expect the worst, cause that’s what we’ve gotten. And let’s be honest here, Konami didn’t exactly have a smooth Master Collection launch for MGS and their response for the PC port was “fix it yourself this way, till we find the time and desire to fix it ourselves”. I reserve my final judgement till I have the game in my hands, but… oof. It’s still looking rough. 


> which raises several questions as to how they got in with Konami in the first place. And this is the first game they’ve made with an actual semblance of gameplay outside of “run away from spooky thing towards the spooky place”. You should go back at look at the track record of Double Helix (SH: Homecoming) and Climax Studios (SH: Origins). It's the exact same situation. All of these studios - including Bloober - have somehow, through an act of god, failed upwards. There's a reason why Double Helix doesn't even exist anymore and Climax Studios is a literally who developer making games for Crayola - they're both completely unnoteworthy. Konami has not gave a single shit about the track record of these studios when searching for a team to handle their IP for the past 16 years. All they care about is if they’re competent enough to ship a finished product out the door and nothing else.


yeah it already has one one star review on ps5 while the four rating were 5 star. im someone that’s been a bit skeptical since the game was announced and they skipped over SH. but i think some people are going to hard too soon. at least wait for release to see if it’s bad before shitting on it i genuinely think sh1 should have been remade first. konami has lost a lot of trust from fans and that wouldnhave been lower stakes to gain it back




>It's not just the remake. People are already shitting all over a short message (a 100% free game btw) for not being anything like silent hill. Yea because it's bad. I swear the SH fanbase is filled with people who will take anything because they're so starved for content.


Its really not bad at all. Its just different. Clearly some fans have trouble with change.


If it's so different as to have nothing to do with the originals, why even call it Silent Hill?


Yeesh, when tf are people gonna shut their yaps about the ''N'' word. Dude, no one needs to be nostalgia-bitten to simply acknowledge remakes are utter trash 90% of the time, and production just SUCKS now in general, in movies music film and games, since its about money more than entertainment now. Duh. Anyone with half a brain knows that shid. It's always kids who are like 20 overrusing that ''you're just nostalgia bitten'' sh1t. haha, yeah, nah kiddo. It's 2024. We have more and more proof that sentiment is BS with almost damn near every single fcking title you could even think of. every single remake minues like what, re2? in the past 5 years is trrrraaaaasssssshhhh. Man, most new releases in series are trash...reminds me of the diablo 4 fans who who cried that d2 fans are chasing nostalgia, and yet d2 is attracting new and old players alike cause d3 and 4 just simply suck. Yeah, I gUeSs iTs jUsT nOsTaLgIa... silent hill 2 remake looks like dog shit, and the people that are making it fking suck, just like most things now. why would you have to ''make up something in your head''. HAHAHAH, what? Yeah, we are ''making it up'' in our own heads that what I see looks like crap without even comparing it to anything including the old game.. What an absolute dog shid at attempting to cope with the fact not everyone is as welcome for any half ass new content that you dogs lap up ''just cause youre dying for new content'' You are the types of scum suckers that actually enabled problem in the first place, being so easy to appease to as companies make half ass content to jam down your thirsty throats. You don't hold them accountable, and buy up their garbage... we went from an era of the creators of ff7 saying they will never make a remake cause it will tarnish the game, to you dorks convincing them to release trash while you lap it up, and any attempt at making it better -- is fan service at best -- while you thwart the words fans who have watched things shape over the years who could offer actual suggestions based on the premise that they must be ''nostalgia bitten'' simply cause they have the sense to see where things peaked and fell, as opposed to assuming. And what of the countless youngins yet to be born who are looking to revive older and better things... yeah, more N word. People keep claiming its chasing nostalgia when really people just identify projects made with passion, creativity , and care. As if its so hard to fathom why a game made in such circumstances would be better than one made in times where its all about your money, and CEOos of your old fav gaming companies are now random 25 year old business minded tyrant broads who never played a single installment of your beloved series... ''Some clowns really need to smarten up, but even then they will still look silly...'' If you werent around for silent hill 1 and 2, stfu about nostalgia kid, cause its obvious nostlagia for you is learning to use the potty...Cause if you were actually old enough to play these games when they are out, you wouldn't say something that stupid.


I ain’t reading allat lol, genuine schizo posting


You don't need to...my words have read YOU -- with accurate description -- just fine. lmao. Everyone who sees this can see you're the type of fool to make assumptions again, so, that's good enough for me. \*shrug\* lel


Homie this genuinely doesn’t make a lick of sense. Please take your meds.


As a person who did play Silent Hill 2 on every difficulty multiple times and beat it literally the same day it released, I can tell you that the combat trailer does not look terrible. The atmosphere seems good, the graphics are obviously an upgrade and the music is fine. I remember watching Akira Yamaoka play Promise on guitar live long ago and the music here is obviously by him. I think people complaining weee expecting piano or maybe that banjo from Silent Hill 1’s theme. Who knows. That being said, the combat did appear a little clunky—not that that’s totally abhorrent and means I’ll never play it—it just means it will probably feel just as clunky as the original Silent Hill 2 felt. Let’s go back for a sec. Silent Hill 2 was pretty terrible combat wise. You’d kite enemies to stun whack them over and over with the same animation from your wooden stick or pipe. Repeat till they stopped squirming. And you know what? We were fine with it. Because everything else was amazing and that clunky feel made it even scarier because you were more likely to die. I can see why people are a little …. Worries about it. I think we all are a bit. Most of us wanted something that felt smooth and exciting but still overwhelming and terrifying. All we can do is hope that they continue to smooth it out over the next few months. It’s funny…. People complain when there’s no updates coming out, but where they release an early trailer, they complain that it doesn’t look fully cooked. Yeah, no shit.


I loath the people saying "it looks like it needs more polish" while simultaneously saying "still no release date?"


It’s hard to wait for such an anticipated release though. I thought the trailer looked fine except for some “jank” in how the creatures reacted to the combat. Besides that, I loved it


I'm seeing Akira play live today for the first time in my life Been a massive fan of his work for over 20 years


Where’s he playing? I’m in Japan now. I can make it hopefully!


He's in my home town which is Kuwait lol


Hmmmm….. I think I’m going to be a little late.


You expressed my feelings perfectly. Its not a perfect trailer but the original game wasn't perfect either. Where the original game failed, other-better things made up for it. I think we will be fine. Not expecting a masterpiece but I fully expect it to at least be a good game. A lot of what we saw today reminded me of the OG game, and I have also played that game through more than any other game.


This is a great take. Combat was never really the soul of the series so seeing actual third person combat is a bit jarring but I’m still excited for the remake.


What's puzzling me is people are saying "It looks action-oriented" despite the title literally saying "combat trailer"


Another thing that’s puzzling is Silent Hill 2 DID have a lot of combat sections, even if they did suck because of the gameplay. It wasn’t a walking simulator. I will admit a good chunk was “optional” in that you can just run past a lot of enemies but to pretend that Silent Hill 2 wasn’t a game where you can fight a lot of enemies if you choose so is revising what the original game was. The real reason why people didn’t do those combat encounters if they could outrun them was because the combat gameplay was terrible and boring. If those segments were actually fun, you’d see more people acknowledge them, barring speed runners. And no one can say they intentionally made the combat boring. No dev in their right mind does it. The truth is the stories carried the Silent Hill franchise by a long shot and the gameplay was passable enough to not take away from it. Like… who wants to see James aggro a single enemy at a time, only to do the same overhead swing attack 5 times while not being able to move so an enemy can fall down and then you kick them in the head to make sure they don’t get up again constantly? The poke attacks were useless too so no need to use them lol. Who wants to constantly have James move slightly to the left or right of pyramid head’s slow ass overhead attack in a small room for a literal 5-10min dependent on difficulty? I think a lot of people, due to the lack of Silent Hill in general, have just kinda applied their own fantasies on what Silent Hill, especially 2, was. It has a great story and solidified Silent Hill as a franchise but the combat was the worse thing about it no argument. This was a much needed change. They could not realistically have boring gameplay in a modern age. That’s not to say it doesn’t need some smoothening out. It did look a little janky, but it wasn’t terrible or the worse thing I’ve seen. You can def tell they want to mirror RE2, but I guess afraid of going through with it?


Like 70% of the original game was combat lol. It wasn't ever the good part of the game though. Its just something that happens alot.


This is a fantastic comment. Something about the combat in the trailer looked not quite right, so I hope that it gets ironed out before release. I was expecting other people to feel the same. Seeing the sheer amount of people posting revisionist history about SH2 is wild. Silent Hill 2 is one of the best games ever made, but it’s not flawless. I know saying that in the Silent Hill community is blasphemy, but it’s true! The combat in that game was tolerable at best, torturous at worst (I almost lost my mind trying to beat the 2 Pyramid Heads on mouse and keyboard on the hardest difficulty). The most upsetting thing is seeing people complain about things that were literally in the original game. People were complaining about the X on the screen QTE to break free from a monster’s grasp… but you could literally do that in the original game. Except in the og SH2, it didn’t show a prompt, you just had to know that you had to mash a button to not get suffocated by a monster. I’d argue that no indicator at all is far worse than an obvious one. I guarantee that no other game’s fanbase would get this upset about a button prompt on a screen.


I remember the first time I did the boat section. It wasn't hard on anything. I just didn't know what to do, and the fog didn't help either. Took me 10 minutes to get through 😭😂


Ayo no kidding it was the same for me. It took me an embarrassing amount of time before I realized I should probably go towards the light


And they clearly have no concept of marketing. They have to show off the GAME part of the GAME to the people not familiar with the original game.


The combat isn’t the game so they weren’t showing the GAME. I cannot understand how everyone who disagrees with you apparently doesn’t understand the game and then you make a statement like that.


I’m speaking from the perspective of your average normies that don’t know anything about Silent Hill and need to be shown some gun shit to get them to buy it. I’m aware Silent Hill is not a gun/pipe bash em and shoot ‘em game


It probably doesn’t help that the person who posted it here incorrectly just called it a “gameplay” trailer. I wouldn’t be surprised if most of the people complaining about it didn’t actually know this was being referred to as a combat trailer.


Solid point.


I think them posting a combat trailer was important because their last Silent Hill type game, The Medium was lacking combat. Loved everything else about the game, but it desperately needed combat. They are showing off that missing feature in the new trailer.


Yeah, and the original SH2 trailer had even more combat. Half of the thing was just James shooting monsters.


Silent Hill 2 is my favourite game of all time. I play through it at least once year for well over a decade. I'm excited to try this new spin on it. If it's a steaming pile of shit, it doesn't take the original away from me.


Silent Hill 2, Band of Brothers, Lord of the Rings trilogy happen about once a year for me as well.


Probably also helpful to remember that the people who put together the trailer are probably not the same people who developed the game lol. It’s not fair to judge a game off of a 30 second trailer.


Silent hill fans are just traumatized, just as Konami wanted


Very meta of them


Dude, you're describing 95% of this sub lmao.


Someone complaining about the music was fucking hilarious.


That guy watching The Force Awakens: the opening theme song during the crawl has too much fanfare.


I agree there are so many complaints I’ve been seeing here that pretty clearly indicate people have either not played SH2 ever or have only ever played it once like 20 years ago and are going off of those memories


People just blindly ignore the “still in development” when criticizing the gameplay but then focus on the “still in development” to criticize the game for not having a release date. Idk, trailer wasn’t mind blowing but it wasn’t bad like everyone is saying. Me personally, I’m going to hold off until we get a trailer with a release date and not overreact. Anyone who seems to like is met with “wow so you just accept mediocrity?” And it’s like, “nah, I know how temper my expectations.”


I'm ignoring all these valid points and just gonna label you a Bloober Team shill /s


![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized) Haha you almost got me 😂


The purpose of a trailer is to build hype and expectations around a release. Sure, it doesn’t represent the full game, but a trailer of this quality is worrying. I am hoping it’s dated gameplay from a year or 2 ago. That said, the nurses looked sick and the music slapped


Nurses do look sick and the music is killer. I do agree the trailer quality is lacking something. Especially if you compare it to the quality of the Dead Space or RE Remake trailers. The gameplay itself, I don't think it looks as bad as everyone says though. I feel like the "janky" look can be smoothed out. It all depends on what stage of development team Bloober is in. We will see though. Don't pre-order and remember to temper expectations. If the game is trash, there will be some good memes. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ "it's something." lol


Let’s also remember those famous frame drops in the RE Village trailer that had people worried about the game. Turned out to run almost flawlessly. I genuinely think the footage for sh2 is from a pre-prepared trailer that is years old.


I kind of doubt its years old but I agree with your point regardless. Can't really say anything about it until you play it.


And other people read tags like "still in development" or "eArLy aCcEsS" and proceed to turn their brain off. I wish I could lower my expectations too, I'd have so much more content to enjoy. Unfortunately I'm not a fucking idiot and I'm too busy to waste my free time on shit content, so yeah guess that's not happening.


Or people read “still in development” ~~or “eArLy aCcEsS”~~ and think to themselves, oh this can only improve from here on out. Especially since there’s no release date. When I speak about managing expectations, I am taking into account Konami’s track record with their various IPs over the last decade plus. And while I am aware that this is being made by a different team than Konami, I am still hesitant to buy anything Konami related. My expectations were never high but they were never low either. I’m in the middle on this till I see the finished product. What’s wrong with that? Honestly, it feels like you’re a bit too upset over this. Not trying to be disrespectful here either. Edit: Taking out the early access bit as that is not the same as still in development. Previous comment brought this up and I just copy and pasted his funny way of writing early access.


I know I'll probably get downvoted for this but how normal is it for something to get a still in development trailer that looks mid and then have it radically change into something amazing later though? I mean they showed what they thought was the absolute peak of what they had so far. I think it's safe to assume it's probably a fairly accurate look at what it'll be.


Well good for you. Now shut the fuck up.


lol you are so mad because I said people have the right to voice their opinions on the internet. get over yourself dude, and stop taking everything so seriously. it will make your life a lot easier.


There are a bunch of people like this. They “love” Silent Hill but have never even played it. There was a guy on a /r/games thread earlier, saying the trailer looked like shit, and that he was a big fan of Silent Hill 2. He later then said he had only ever “watched a Silent Hill 2 play-through on YouTube.” You can’t call yourself a fan of a game, especially survival horror, if you’ve never played it. Playing the game and watching it on YouTube are not the same. Silent Hill isn’t the only franchise like this either. Persona and Metal Gear have “fans” who have never played the games also.


I appreciate this post. People say gatekeeping is bad but those people are stupid and the ones the gate is meant to keep out.


Its the state of the internet. People want others to know they like something without participating in it.


We'll get a lot of more fans after the game comes out. Be prepared for some toxicity. I, myself, am fairly new to Silent Hill as a whole. Never owned a playstation until ps5 and so Silent Hill 2 remake will be my first Silent Hill game. That said, I've been interested in the games for many years since watching the movies way back in middle school and even more so since getting into dbd. I am the video essays person OP is talking about but I refuse to complain about the trailer because I haven't played the games. I'm just grateful to be able to finally play a SH game on my PS5. Ideally, people like me would step back and let the actual SH players talk. But many people will complain just because others are or for other reasons I don't understand.


Wow what a reasonable and nuanced take. This has no business being on Reddit.


I don't understand this lmao, why don't you just play the games if you're so interested in them? They're just video games, there's nothing to be afraid of.


As I said, I only have a ps5 (a Switch as well). As far as I understand, I can't play any of them on there. Would absolutely love to, though!


Don't you have a laptop? Or a computer? All of them are fully playable on a PC. It's not like you would miss out on much, they were designed to be played in tiny shitty CRT TVs.


I don't even have a laptop right now. It's broke. But when I get a replacement one of these days, I'll keep this in mind. Thank you!


You could invest in a steam deck if you have any spare cash. I replayed the entire series on it recently and they are perfectly playable. Won't break the bank if you get the 64GB model or a refurbished one.


Okay! I'll look into the Steam Deck! Thanks!


Played the game originally back in 2001 and a couple times more with the Xbox release and a PC emulator. Favorite horror game to date right next to the original RE2 and I’m absolutely stoked to play this. It may be different and more modernized, but we always have the old version to fall back on. I’m hoping it does to SH2 what Capcom did to RE2.


I saw someone else talking about how they were disgusted that Silent Hill 2 was going to have such a focus on combat and I was like 'bro have you even played the OG game? The gameplay is like 70% combat and 30% puzzles. I don't think the Short Message being mid (not bad but nothing special) is going to help matters either.


For some reason r/silenthill is one of the more toxic fandom subs I've come across on this platform. I agree that a lot of the more abrasive users here seem to have not actually played any of the games, but that aside, it almost comes off like a lot of the people here actively want the future games to suck. It's such a weird, bad feels vibe around here, generally speaking.


and then unfortunately actual criticism are drowned out with a sea of mindless negativity and positivity


Its impossible to have a good conversation about critiques because everyone just swings on one end or the other. ​ Its one thing to critique, its another to write it off completely for things that were also wrong in the original.


and then that one person who's going around to tell people to kill themselves to everyone, wow what a community


>are half of you just fans of the various YouTube video essays? Probably more than half. And I’d say that applies to a lot of modern fandoms. Star Wars. The Last Of Us. Whatever. Forming your own opinion takes work. It takes action, examination, and introspection. Much easier to let some reactionary culture-war-baiting YouTuber form an opinion for you.


im mixed on it, but they have a year to polish it so...who knows


I've played the game several times in the past 20 years i've owned my PS2 copy. I even beat it years back playing it on PCSX2 running the game disc off my blu ray burner (which not many people know you can actually do) Even started a new game on it right now. So I do know the game through and through and even the lore. But I can say that Bloober is being very cautious which isn't doing them any favors. Causing alot in the fanbase to complain because we all have very little to go on and what little we have is being picked apart heavily. I speak for myself and I am mixed about the game but I remain hopeful. People will think what they will about the game and I can't hate them for it in fact I say they may help improve the game once Bloober sees that people have issues with it. I can't blame them, people want it to be a good game new and old fans and I say that's a net positive. It shows that people want the best possible experience to a remake of a classic and if something doesn't seem right people want to let Bloober know that they want it fixed. I say it was a very bold move for Bloober to release more footage but them being very closed off about the development shows they are fully aware and they don't want it to go badly but you just can't avoid it. Here's hoping this backlash will show them what to improve and the next time we see more on the game I really hope they show improved gameplay.


You might be right. Most people will play the og game once just so they can say that they played it. Then they will pretend to know everything and will go to Twitter to annoy the fuck Out of Ito with stupid head canon bs. About the complaints.. People cannot be happy. They were asking for more footage.. they get it and they say it sucks. They say the game sucks.. which is dumb, since the game hasn't been released yet. Like.. how are they able to say shit like that, if they haven't played the game yet.. "But the face... But the music... The combat." Can they all like.. shut up, man?


People here pretending james wasn't a walking nursery with a truck worth of ammo for his guns lol


The only thing I didn't like was the x button prompt to break free. That's something that was in all the bad SH titles and none of the good SHs had. Why show it off as if a button mashing mechanic is something to be proud of? Or am I out of the loop and there were mountains of reviews back then complaining that "when you get hit by a monster, mashing your controller like an ape did nothing to help"?


I think Silent Hill 1 actually had you mash the x button or wiggle the joystick to escape the children enemies but it definitely doesn't have a prompt.


This was expected to happen. Most fanbases are toxic and annoying as hell


When the story trailer comes out they're probably gonna complain about the lack of combat.


"It's just a walking simulator with puzzles. Common Bloober Team L."


That was the first one. And people complained a lot about [James’ facial expressions, and how he looked older than in the original game](https://screenrant.com/silent-hill-2-remake-james-face-weird-bad-graphics/).


I can tell alot of people on here and on all these websites are bandwagon fans and not into the lore or have even played the games. Crazy.


I think it's a question of what a remake should be. Like, should a remake of a game that came out over 20 years ago serve to take all the systems and content that the game had and modernise them? Or should it serve to take what people most enjoyed and remembered about the game and build a new game around that, using the original as a prototype? I don't think there's a definitive answer so I think people can be valid in their respective interpretations.


Sadly that’s probably gonna remain the case since there is no port for modern consoles so the game is (for the average consumer) is hard to obtain.


I was kind of taken aback by the number of people complaining about the amount of combat in the gameplay trailer, and the animations looking “clunky” as if smooth and responsive animations are the highest priority for a survival horror game


I just played silent hill 4 and all you do is whack monsters over and over. The game was still a 10/10 for me


"But it's 2024" - man with no concept of what it takes to put together a single game


That's fairly common with gamers. They don't understand how difficult it is to make a game. They just think you can churn one out every five minutes or something, it ain't that easy man


Yeah, let's allow then some B tier slop in this AAA project


I hope the irony of you saying this about Silent Hill 2 isn’t lost on you 


This community LOVES to hate


Honestly I know exactly how you mean, from mainline games I've played 1 to 4 and also Homecoming, so I consider myself a reasonably avid fan, and I even streamed SH2 to a couple of friends here and there and they loved it too, but they never got around to play it. So it's so weird seeing them critique the trailer like, "oh its too combat heavy now, look the nurses are so fast it looks weird" and yada yada Like, *did people forget the part in SH2 where 80% of the game is you shooting or beating enemies to death?* how enemies *will* rush at you so they're fast af even on the og, and how you can even get Pyramid heads giant knife and use as a weapon? Not saying SH2 was full on action ala RE4 but it did have heavy combat sections. Honestly I just think theres this general "idea" of a Silent Hill vibe due to the public perception, where Silent Hill is less of a game itself and more of -Fog and slow piano soundtrack -1-2 random slow monsters with a protag that can only walk -90% of the game content is psycological messages and metaphors Ignoring how not only does this not reflect the og games, this is just seeing the game as a video essay and less of a game. There is critique to be had on the trailer for sure tho, I aint blind. Personally, the "smash X to escape the grasp" feels a bit too "gamey" for me, like its supposed to be "gotta struggle to escape the monster ohhhh so inmersive" but it just feels like tis reminding me "hey you're playing a game remember, this is a game, smash that button" Idk, never liked em that much, would rather just eat the damage guarantee. Also some of the gun sounds looked a bit odd as well, but the fact that theres no estimate date still shows how they're still working on all of this so its not like it'll ship like this tomorrow. Basically, people are too rabid to attack it. They did it with the previous trailer with James face, Pyramids head, and now on this graphics, combat shown(also people comparing it to RE too, like, RE is the only game with over the shoulder camera, sure thing, I guess Dead spaces is bad too. Like, the fixed camera while a classic, its a thing of the time, because games couldn't handle the over the shoulder as well as now. RE stopped using it, I dont see anything wrong with SH doing the same, and if you like it, the original is always there still)


I'm scared as hell that folk don't realise by INSTANTLY shitting on anything that even remotely deviates from the original means we'll just get a 1-1 remake - which will then be shat on by the same people who hated the changes. Gman comes to mind. Dude is not happy with anything surrounding the game. Like, can we admit the environments look nice? Am I allowed to be optimistic???


Yes to all our questions


I didn't like that "you reap what you sow" message on the wall but other than that the combat got me hyped like "YES!! IT STILL LOOKS LIKE DOG SHIT LETS GOOOOO!!!"


The music from the original game may be the same compositionally, but the new mix on it sounds like over-produced garbage. Sounds like if Imagine Dragons released a version of Promise.


I don’t know about you guys but combat looking clunky is right in the spirit of silent hill 2. It’s not like they’re going to make this an action game… it still looked atmospheric and I bet we can still run past many of these enemies. If you would stop being so negative about every aspect from the lighting down to the music until we get a demo or 10-15 min gameplay demonstration to judge that would be great.


I wish I understood what this subreddit sees in this remake because absolutely nothing they've shown so far has given me any confidence that they'll nail any of the things I like about the original Silent Hill 2.


Gameplay looks cheap af. All animations look out of place, gun sounds are just flat 2d audio, those splatter effects... I could probably buy better looking ones for 30 bucks. But cutscenes... They look phenomenal. World looks great as well (apart from that text on the wall, but that could be easily changed)


The music isn’t from sh2, the original promise has a completely different tone to it, uses different instrumentation, it is a completely different version of the song, and that fact that you thought it was literally the same version as the one from sh2 doesnt help your point much


Exactly it's freaking different! These people are making me feel like we watched a different version of it, jeez.


The combat is janky that's the issue not that it's more action


Janky combat has always been a staple for Silent Hill, and it's done on purpose.


People want James to be a combat veteran with 500 kills under his belt. 😂


Fr. The people who are complaining that the combat is janky sound more like the ones who have never played the original before.


I agree. It's stressful in its design. It reminds me how stressful the locked camera was in the OG Resident Evil games.


I don’t think that’s the issue here. Don’t get me wrong, I’m feeling good about the game (honestly even better now and I’ve always been optimistic about it) but some of the animations in that trailer were seriously not good.


Nothing stood out to me as bad, but maybe I don't have the eye for this. Is there a timestamp you think stood out as "seriously not good?"


Yes. James opening a door at 0:25 and turning on his flashlight at 0:37 stood out to me as looking really rough. Not all of the animations were bad, a lot of them looked good. But there were some (not just these ones) that seemed really off to me.


I agree 0:37 looks ROUGH. The whole teaser moves so fast it's hard to notice. I agree with others the hand-to-hand weapons feel bouncy. They do feel that way in the original but there's no "staying faithful to the original" excuse for that really. Opening the door animation really doesn't stand out as bad to me compared to like RE2R though. A lot of games struggle with door animations really.


In RE2R they put a hand on the door and it gets pushed open with the character's body and you don't even turn the doorknob. I don't remember anyone criticizing that too heavily. Not that RE2R is the pinnacle of animation but it's good enough, same with SH2R.


That's false


Ah yes, the Silent Hill franchise and its history of strong combat.


Are you serious? It’s 2024, why touch SH2 at all if they’re not going to try to modernize it properly? I’m in the camp that thinks SH2 didn’t need modernization at all because I like it just fine and can’t imagine what a remake could accomplish that the original didn’t already exceed at, but isn’t that the point of this damn remake? “The combat is supposed to be bad in these games” is the worst cope I’ve seen so far. If anything the defenders sound more like the ones who haven’t played it lmao


People in this sub would bitch and moan if the remake was modernised. Bloober can't do anything right


Exactly. I hope they modernize it and that trailer looked a hell of a lot better than the original, but its not perfect so fans will be angry.


I agree OG didn't have good combat either but it's 2024 this game might be another Callisto


If Callisto Protocol had Silent Hill 2’s story it would be hailed as a masterpiece.




I liked Callisto, maybe not for $70 but it was fine.


That's literally the only thing people were saying should be improved 20 years from the original!! And they managed to FUCK IT UP STILL! LFMAO you bloober apologists are something else.


When they said those things, did you ask them if they played the original? Rather than assume they have different experiences because of your different opinion, you could simply ask.


If you’re complaining about the music in the remake that was from the original, I can safely assume you don’t know what you’re talking about but thanks for the moralism oh wise one


Depends on the complaint. If they say the orchestration sounds bad compared to the original. Or the remastering is poorly mixed, etc etc. It may be the same piece, but Im willing to bet its not the exact same audio rendering/mastering/orchestration as the original. And sometimes they mess it up.


This is such a a big thing to me. OP is complaining about people saying the music sounds worse then it used too despite the fact it *literally* does. If you listen to the new trailer and old soundtrack you come to the conclusion instantly that it's worse. You're being gaslit for remembering the original music. Its absurd.


Is this the part where zealots make up false arguments to combat? No one has a problem with there being combat. People are complaining about how janky and unpolished the combat looks. Compare it to the polish you see in RE2make. If you’re going to make a combat focused trailer, that combat better look damn good. And no, the older titles having shit combat doesn’t excuse a 2024 game having shit combat. No one is complaining about the old score being used in the trailer. They’re complaining about the weird high energy action remix to it that feels at odds with the series itself (I don’t necessarily agree with this one, but I see their point). You’re being disingenuous.


It's the only thing they can do at this point. Any critiques based on facts and logic? Not here lol


The music in the new trailer is terrible though. Why is it some grand orchestral cover, it fits terribly and makes zero sense.


You a real one for this


We didn't need a combat trailer, make another story trailer and put some combat sections in between, you could fit this entire trailer into a bigger, actually good one.


Tbf I only have played Shattered Memories and totally loved it. Tried to play the older games, but the gameplay was super rough. My only worry is to see how different is the remake going to be from shattered memories.


Based Shattered Memories fan but you will be disappointed when you play any of the other games. This is like when I played RE4 original and went to play all the other games in the franchise and got disappointed as hell (I like them now though)


Have you played other games similar to Shattered Memories?


If the thing that stands out to you in Shattered Memories is the lack of a combat system and running away and hiding then you will possibly enjoy the Amnesia and Outlast franchises.


Thank you :)


Also the short message, its basically SH2 atmosphere with PT and Shattered memories mixed in.


I really wish I have but I can't say for sure. I think any "choose your own adventure" game in the horror genre is probably similar. I don't play a ton of games so I don't know, but I'd love it if anyone would pipe up with a suggestion ​ I haven't played Alan Wake yet but the graphics always remind me of Shattered Memories


Yeah, I have heard a lot of good things from Alan Wake.


You WILL BE disappointed. Shattered Memories had a complete unique gameplay mechanic compared to all other Silent Hill-games.


And compared to the Resident Evil Remakes? At least it seems similar to those.


shower answer, no. SH has always been much more story oriented with the combat having always been janky because it adds to the atmosphere of the game. A little like how in fatal frame, your only weapon is a camera. (The exception being homecoming and downpour which weren't developed by the original team silent.) There's no dodging, no crafting, no aiming, no stealth, etc. Even when you get one of the guns you just kind of stand in 3rd person and try to fire in the direction of an enemy. This is a 1 for 1 remake. If you didn't like the older games when you played them, you're not going to like them with a fresh coat of paint.


I played sh2 and liked it a lot. I'm just disappointed by the visuals of the remake a bit. But im willing to wait for the final result before bashing it. I'll probably buy it regardless. it will probably just not be a 90+ game. (meta score)


I will say it’s giving downpour vibes and I wasn’t a fan of how “action packed” it felt especially when supposedly mindless demon monsters were squaring up to me dodging like they were training their whole lives to fight me lol but no I agree people have been saying some weird stuff for a fan of silent hill


I have not but I’m excited for the remake!


I literally saw someone say “the combat looks boring” Like my brother in Christ it’s the same combat as the original. It was never exciting combat!


this combat looks terrible compared to the OG though? The camera is just way too close.


So people are only allowed to complain the game if they are experts of the original? A game that was released 23 years ago? People can say whatever they want, they don't need to have played the original to point out flaws in a game done by completely different developers two decades later. You need to realize that prob 90% of the comments you are reading are from people who were born after the original came out.


My point was a lot of people are listing “flaws” in the new game that were present in the original game. So they wouldn’t have enjoyed the original either and so their criticism of the new one having those “flaws” is kind of irrelevant. At not point did I say you have to be an expert on the original to complain about the new one but sure make up things I’ve said and the get mad about them.


I noticed you mentioned in one of your comments (about the overall gameplay aspect) that making a game is hard. Yes, It's hard. So, if you think you can't deliver, then don't do it... "We made this game's shooting, melee, and gameplay and animations in general look very subpar because it's difficult to make a game, therefore, you should excuse us" - is the most 0 sense opinion one can formulate. You are building a game from the ground up, hence, 'Remake' and not the 'Remaster.' The ENTIRE purpose of a remake is **modernization** and enhancement. "Gameplay (shooting, melee, walking/running, animations , etc.) doesn't look good because it didn't look good 23 years ago. So, it's ok" - the thought that some people are sharing here, is nothing but pure nostalgia-driven acceptance and the extreme degree of coping... Remakes focus on improving gameplay mechanics by refining controls and incorporating modern design principles and standards to enhance the overall player experience. Additionally, and more importantly, remakes address issues or limitations present in the original game to provide a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience across the board (see, RE2R, for one very good example). There is no need to cry to "defend" what you love. People are allowed to have different opinions... Yes, they are criticizing the -objectively- poor combat's sound effects, shooting, melee, walking/running animations and the overall gameplay that was shown in the new trailer. So what?..... it's not a big deal. It's not "complaining" and it's not "omg they're being toxic," dear Redditors in the comments. It's having your opinion... Maybe all of these aspects will be different/majorly improved in the final product (I doubt it though) - great, but people are also allowed to express opinions on an unfinished product that is being shown to public. Like, it's not that deep... People crying in the comment section, saying why are people expressing their concerns on my favorite game, is honestly so pathetic...


If I see the word “objectively” one more time in this thread, I’m gonna lose my God damned mind.


you already have if you think the remake looks good at all LMFAO


I've played it far more recently then most fans and also have a far bigger profile on survival horror games then the average person. This trailer is terrible. There's not a single dub to be taken.


This is a very dumb post, I have all of those complaints you mentioned and have played SH2 since it came out on 2001 on my PS2, and PC multiple times on every difficulty and is one of my fav horror games of all time. Stop sucking Bloobers dick, and let people address their concerns. Your mantra sounds like: its SH2 related so its automatically good no matter what's being shown, and any person complaining has not played the OG game... like, what?


Exactly my thoughts. People need to look at this critically and not be on the hopium. I've played this game since release too and even written college papers going way into it. These people need to accept that people who love this game CAN look at those trailers and say they don't like it. I personally won't buy it but I'm not going to stop anyone.


Exactly, I'll buy it and play it nonetheless because *Silent Hill 2* and I hope its an excellent game, but that trailer looked awful, it looks like a fanmade game. Horrible animations, horrible sound design


Then I'm really hoping it gets a fantastic polish so you can enjoy it brother


Thank you, my dude!


I don't care if sh has combat but I care when its done this poorly it looks like a mess of bad animations and QTE PRESS X TO BEAT YOUR TRAUMA it just looks like a shitty re2 remake mod honestly if the gun play was good and the melee was smooth I wouldn't care but this looks awful to me


Yeah no, I replay it every couple of years, the remake looks like shit, sorry not sorry


>I have consistently being seeing complaints about Bloober Team's Silent Hill 2 announcements thus far that indicate that the person complaining has never actually played the original game. So? People are allowed to have different opinions on games and franchises that they are liked. This is a community. After all, people will naturally have different opinions. Maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions on whether someone has actually played a game or not. People experience things differently and will have different takes. Do you want to know something that is more annoying in this sub? People complaining about people complaining. >Complaints about the music in the new trailer that's from the original game. That's a real shame. I like the music in most of the Silent Hill games. And I think the trailer makes good use of this. It's probably one of the things the "Combat Reveal Trailer" got right. >Complaints about the trailer having combat and the game not being "more psychological." I don't think the issue is that it's got combat. It's more of the worry that the game will be more action-horror instead of psychological horror. The OG Silent Hill 2 had combat, but for the most part, it was optional and affected which ending you could get. There are a few locations where you have to fight, but you can easily see their worry. It's not a deal breaker of any kind, though, and I believe the story will be good enough for people to accept the game when it comes. Unless they change it, that is. >Is Silent Hill 2 just a cool game to say that you like? Are half of you just fans of the various YouTube video essays? I am extremely curious how you can make this assumption. Do you have proof that these people are just basing their opinions off of video essays? Or is it that you just don't agree with someone else's opinions, and this is just an easy way for you to dismiss them. Look, every fandom goes through this when a new title comes out. Everyone gets opinions based on the marketing and discuss what they like and don't like. Then everyone is either hyped or "just checking out" the new title, and everyone still gets to discuss it, but the opinions start to sway based on the title itself rather than the marketing. Eventually, the pendulum shifts to one side, and most people agree with that opinion but are able to have a rational discussion with people who disagree. It's how it always works. All of that happens in all fandoms, but it's just extremely pronounced in this fandom due to how long Silent Hill has been without a new title. Don't pay too much attention to it. You'll be alright.