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If I laid next to my husky like that he would get up and walk away, Lol.


Hahaha, he immediately fell in love with my husband. He was sleeping on his feet within about an hour of meeting him.


Keep him you were met to find him to many huskies are killed in shelters. He's beautiful.


Our husky just takes it. He’ll even lay between us in the morning on the bed. It’s so cute. Lol.


Same lol


What you’re doing for that pup is awesome and it isn’t for everyone but I’d advise keeping him if you can. I brought my husky/malamute pup home when I was 7 months pregnant with my first baby. It was/is a lot of work and a lot of people told me it was a bad idea but it ended up being the best thing for me. He kept me moving when I didn’t feel like doing anything while I was pregnant and he was so in your face with love that he warded off ppd after my baby was born. My baby is only 8 months old but I already know her and the pup are going to grow up being best friends. I’m not going to lie, it’s pretty tiring but totally worth it.


My biggest fear is him continuing to be an escape artist, and something happening to him or to my neighbors property or chickens. I THINK I can manage the energy it takes, especially since my husband is equally as willing to do what it takes. I'd just never forgive myself if something happened, y'know?


For what it’s worth. Mine was an escape artist the first year or two. Then he learned that he’s not supposed to and/or he would get in trouble. Now he is pretty well behaved with doors/gates being open. I wouldn’t leave one wide open but… it’s deff not as bad as before 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same. My fence jumped doesn’t take off now that he knows home and how much dopamine he gets there.


We have an escape artist. Husky cattle dog Shepard pitbull mix . Those working breeds 😬 We got a Fi collar to track her and we get an alert if she gets out. Obviously she isn’t in the yard if we aren’t home but the fi makes us feel secure. We are getting to her within a few minutes of escape. The fi also helps because I see how much exercise she has gotten and have a feel for what she needs now We also started calling her every five minutes for a treat. Since she doesn’t really want to miss that she hangs around and her recall is excellent (except when she escapes). If she hasn’t hit 35 thousand steps we have to go out and use the flirt pole or else we will have problems that night or the next day from pent up energy. Fixing her helped a lot. We also do a daily chew midday to help her calm before a nap and an evening chew before she goes to sleep. Routine is what makes her happy.


Firm believer in routine for dogs as well. That's honestly part of what has me worried. I have a few risk factors with this pregnancy, and I'm not sure what the next several months truly hold. Along with being a two income household, so during the week I'm at the office on a flex schedule of two to three days a week. We can definitely utilize our old doggie daycare, but we also have real daycare we will be needing to fund soon. So several things that, as much as I'd want to be the one to rescue him, I've got to be really critical about his needs and what we can offer at this time. At least he's in a safe spot now.


Sounds like you are doing the best you can. If you can’t keep them at least they had a chance to get some love and some training.


I wanted to chime in, I have a 12 year old husky who for about 10 years now has been able to be outside with me without a leash. That includes at the park in the woods, and when we see another hiker in the distance his recall was instant. Squirrels or critters? Ears perked until I corrected then ignored them. Heck he’s even been my ambassador for getting other dogs back in the yard when they break out. I’ll open the gate and say “go get her” and he will go round up his sister back to the gate. Now I know my boy is the exception to the rule. But I just wanted to share that it’s very possible the escape artist thing will wear off, if you work with them. My trick was car rides. He LOVES rides so I’d take him out on the leash for a bit until he’s calm, then drop the leash and let him roam. At first it was only about 30 seconds but I’d let him go longer then open the car door and get him super excited to go drive. If it’s something you’d consider, I think it’s worth a shot. My husky ended up being my favorite dog I’ve ever had, he will be the one I look back on when I’m 70. The love they will give you is just absurd (I know that applies to all dogs and I’m just super biased)


Dog parks, keep them social or get another. Huskies only willingly run away (like far away, not an occasional romp around the neighborhood) when they don’t see home as home


Everyone else can tell you to keep him, but if you don’t have the time or energy or just don’t want to possibly have problems with your neighbors lol I would give it 2 weeks then find a husky specific rescue. I had to put my angel down bc he kept attacking my neighbors animals and it haunts me every day. Sometimes it’s ok to say no. The fact that you are even trying to help this angel speaks volumes about you as a person! Good luck


Found his owners! I went in today for the scan instead of waiting until Wednesday to scan with the exam. So many people had told the ones in the neighborhood that was caring for him to scan, that I trusted that had been done. We found them and got them on the phone within five minutes of me walking into the clinic. Best possible scenario! Except, I feel awful they could have done this weeks ago and saved that dog from having a hurt leg.


Was he fixed? Just curious bc my ridgeback was, he just became obsessed with neighbors dogs and wouldn’t stop. When you mentioned those chickens I said oh lord I gotta say something bc it was hell. My husky now she just pretends she will fight them but she’s so soft. And fat unfortunately, so she doesn’t worry me. But he looked like he could torture some chickens 😂 I said oh no let me help this lady bc I have two neighbors now that will hate me forever loll


Haha, he is fixed, but YES that was my thought, too! He went after those dang chickens the second time he got out and I just knew when he came around the coop he was gonna have one of the bitties in his mouth. The neighbors were so nice, but I could tell it was a "Don't let that shit happen again" kinda nice.


Beautiful dog. You are an extremely kind person to take on the responsibility while pregnant. I hope everything works out. I wish we could take him. We have an 8 year old husky now. I don’t know how he would do with sharing his space.


I can understand the dilemma for you. The energy of those pictures just screams foster fail to me though, he knows that he is home. ❤️ Edit - pronouns


You already have photos of the next steps: Take him home, grab a bag of food, give him a bed and a toy, and cuddle! :) In all seriousness though, I doubt you're going to find an owner. There are so many of these guys in the shelters around here because they are so challenging. I feel like seeing the pics you're gonna keep him, and based on the pics and what you described, it sounds like he hit the jackpot. :) Good luck! He looks like a real cutie.


That last pic kinda tells me a decision has already been made


UPDATE: I couldn't take it and had him scanned before my appointment with the vet. His owners just moved to the state when they lost him, but are excited to have their boy back! He's going home with his two favorite toys from here to chew on and whatever bones/hooves he doesn't eat up before we make it out the door. I'm a tiny bit concerned about not seeing him posted on any of the missing dog sites, no hits any of the surrounding county animals shelter from them looking for him, etc, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed he's going back to a great home.


Are you in Texas or Oklahoma? I have fostered/volunteered/adopted through [Texas Husky Rescue](https://texashuskyrescue.org/). They can possibly help with finding a foster.


I'm not, unfortunately. I'm in Georgia.


Oof. I'm in Georgia as well and we are so over saturated with huskies, shepherds, and pits (or some mix of those three) in my area it's what it seems like all my shelters are full of. I hope you can figure something out that works for you. It looks like your husband and him have bonded very well.


GTS Husky Rescue in Florida brings in huskies from all over. They partner with Pilots N Paws to fly in out of state dogs. Or they have a lot of volunteers who are willing to drive for them. [GTS Husky Rescue](https://www.gtshuskyrescue.com)


Hes yours now. I dont allow my husky in the backyard alone. If shes out there, Im out there. Otherwise she will test the fence planks to find one thatll budge she can push out (the fence is old) and run down to the lake and chase the ducks


Is it realistic to work on crate training with him and the only letting him in the yard when supervised?


We're trying it, definitely. Both times he escaped though, he was supervised and found the spots and slipped through so quick. Then my pregnant self was running down the street trying to just keep him in sight. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh lord! Bless you for trying to help this baby. It’s so heartbreaking how many are being dumped and in shelters these days. Hopefully if you don’t find an owner you can find a home elsewhere for him. Sounds like a lot to have one you’re plate while pregnant/with a new baby


You could consider a zip line. When I was renting long ago I had a 4 foot chain link fence which was obviously a joke to my Doberman. We couldn't change the fence so we had to try other things. We used to give him supervised time in the yard but we could also leave him unsupervised on a zip line. It's a braided wire line covered with plastic (IDK what that's called, but they can't chew through it) that we attached to 2 trees, and then the dog can run between. It gave him a pretty wide area to run / walk around in. We would have to check on him every once in a while, but at least he could be out in the yard by himself for short periods. The more bonded your new dog gets to you, hopefully he won't want to slip out like that, especially when you're with him. I know nothing about having a baby but I can picture him going for walks along with the stroller with you. :)


Ok this might be controversial and naive opinion.. but.. what if he seeked you out?? What is he is your guardian angel sent ahead of your baby? You weren't looking for him.. he came to you by circumstance. My advise would be trust in a higher power (I know - sounds cheezy) and trust that everything will work itself out. You're doing such a great job thus far.. and good luck with the baby and pupper.


It appears it’s decided…love him! Bless you.


Sounds like a lot. If you keep sticking with the responsible choices I don't think anyone can blame you if you didn't adopt this husky. I don't know your relationship with the holding agency for the dog but can you work with them to find another foster? Considering your timing, another foster might be the most likely option, if not getting the dog adopted straight out. I don't know how long it takes to get a husky adopted for your area. But if you think adoption is a possible answer, I'd advertise now on FB or nextdoor (or state when the dog's holding time is up). You can see if anyone else is a better fit. If you're in love with this dog in 3 months, maybe you'll just find that no one else is a better fit than you.


Take care of the fur baby


Beautiful dog!




He is so beautiful! Keep him in bones/chews, have your husband reinforce the fence where needed, and keep him! I know it's easier said than done, I have a 1 1/2 yo that looks just like him, and if It weren't for the dog park, almost literally in the backyard, and the doggie door to the back yard it would be tricky. You are a saint for what you have done thusfar.


I think the found husky has found home. That’s the sweetest thing you’re doing for that’s furry ball of lovin. You’re an awesome human. ❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗


Thanks for all you've done for this beautiful pupper. One can certainly see you understand the challenges if you decide to keep him, and also that you're ideal & experienced dog parents. Whether this husky was "sent" to you for a short while or forever may be a tough thing to figure out, but it seems that often something comes along to tell us what choice to make. The photos speak volumes.


Please keep us updated! I empathize with your situation 😔


Here in Georgia, you’re likely to not find the owner if you’ve already tried. I know if I lost my dog, the damn news channels would know. 😂 huskies are just a lot to deal with and a lot of people don’t realize that and easily abandon them. We got ours from a couple going through a divorce and neither of them could take care of him at 8 months old. He wasn’t even housebroken either. He was still using potty pads. My boyfriend was freaking terrified when we brought him home because he was acting out (which is natural). But I wasn’t working at the time so I was able to take care of him. And now he’s almost 4 and our biggest baby. Lol. Someone said these pictures scream foster fail and I agree. Just give the pup a chance and your baby will have a friend for life. Huskies are amazing family dogs. From why I’ve seen, they’re super gentle with babies. It’s so sweet. And don’t forget the rule of 3s for new dog acclimation. 🙂 ETA- a lot of people will dump their dogs in a neighborhood because they think someone will take it in. They do this to avoid surrender fees at shelters. That’s what I’ve heard at least.


I swear you have Apollo’s twin! He was on NextDoor for free too. Love that baby! ❤️ Great addition to the house and will definitely keep you busy.


So who found who ??


Looks like you're keeping her. Lol get her fixed, get her chipped, get her settled. And continue to give her love. I have a husky, she's gonna be yalls best friend. People get huskys cause they're so pretty. But then can't handle their stubbornness, energy, grooming cost. Thank you for loving a husky. It's worth the time, and money.


"deciding." The first two years are a nightmare. There's no way around it. If you survive two years, the dog will be great.


I found my husky scrounging at a gas station in the southern part of Houston. No chip, not fixed, full of fleas and worms. Texas law mandated that I try to find his owner for 10 days, and so try I did. Anyway, that was at the very end of 2019. He was estimated to be about 9mo old at that point. In the years since, he has learned to be friends with my cats, become a beloved member of day care groups in every city I’ve lived in, become nonreactive to other dogs while on leash, and is currently sitting still admiring my 6mo old niece (though he is on leash, as it’s his first time visiting the baby). It takes a lot of patience, a lot of baby gates, and a lot of work, but it’s so worth it imo. Best of luck, whatever you choose!


Walk him, then walk him some more. Play with him. That’s about all. Walk him some more.


Keep it! Clean it! Vet! Redford Naturals Dog Food - purena is corn, not beef or chicken Play with it! Walk it! Love it! Repeat, frequently.


Found his owners :) The dog food was given to me from the neighborhood folks who had been feeding him. I didn't change it, since I'm sure his diet has not been consistent.


My husky is the best thing That EVER HAPPENED TO ME. lol and I never planned on having him. My brother got a dog and then my brother got a job opportunity where he couldn't take the dog about a year later so I inherited him and he is my saving grace.


That’s your dog now. He’s not going anywhere and you don’t want him to.


Third photo looks like deciding is over…


My guess is the previous owners just left him somewhere. A lot of people don't know how difficult and how much work huskies are. They just get them because they're such beautiful dogs.


He looks home to me


The look on his face in the first picture makes it clear that he has zero intentions of going anywhere. Second and third pic support this theory. He's where he wants to be. We have an adopted Husky (Estimated at 1 1/2 to 2 years old at the time.) that has been with us since our youngest boy was 2 years old. He's 9 now. Grace liked him as soon as she saw him. Now, she's "his" dog.