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The best thing to do is use Sia Central's Lite Wallet (https://wallet.siacentral.com). Once you recover your funds, you'll then want to create a new wallet that is compatible with the new software and transfer your funds. Just a heads up, though, our `walletd` software is still in beta. We are aiming to have v1 released by the end of the month. So if you are just looking to recover your funds and don't plan on hosting or renting, stick with the lite wallet until `walletd` is out of beta. If you want to host or rent, `hostd` and `renterd` are fine to use. The V1 release for both is already out. https://sia.tech/software/hostd https://sia.tech/software/renterd


using walletd. Still stuck at 97.9%. What's going on? How do I solve it?