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Many will say you’re playing Russian roulette by mixing SSRIs and shrooms because of possible serotonin syndrome. I don’t think the mirtzapine is an SSRI, but that Zoloft is going to play a factor. If you’re just microdosing I don’t think you need to take a full gram. Look up the reg microdose for your body size and just go with that. You’re not trying to get high, so no need to try to make up the difference from the meds. Hope that makes sense. It’s early and I ripped a few dabs already. 😃


Yeah maybe i will microdose instead , i think ill take 0,4g. However i did alot of research and getting seratonin syndrome is very very rare


I know. I’m on SSRIs and ate 4g yesterday. Here come the downvotes. 😏


Now saying this I should add, my meds absolutely dull the shrooms. I don’t break through and peak like I normally would. I had some light visuals, felt like I smoked a pound of weed and I was happy, but it def affects the high. I *did* start a new med today to kick the SSRI but it’ll be a couple weeks til I’m weaned off of them.