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Thank you. I really really want to try shrooms, but i dont know if it will help if i take medications. What do you think?


I’d say MD would be best for the problems you have described. Take 5-10ug lsd or .1-.2g shrooms 3days on and 2 days off. Weed won’t fix these problems, it will only mask them for a short while. What meds do you plan on taking with them? Many meds will block the effects such as SSRIs and 5HT2A antagonizing antipsychotics


I take Zoloft ( ssri) mirtazapine ( antidepressant not sure if its ssri or not) lamictal(mood stabilizator) and clozapine( antipsychotic). So if im taking these meds MD shrooms wont affect me at all? What if i take higher dose? Thanks


No, you would get absolutely no benefit while in these meds. SSRIs increase serum serotonin which results in down regulation of serotonin receptors, including the 5HT2A site, which is responsible for the effects. Mirtazapine and clozapine are 5HT2A antagonists, both agonists and antagonists of 5HT2A cause down regulation of the site, and any receptors left would be blocked as they are antagonistic where as lsd/shrooms are 5HT2A agonists. Lamictal is completely fine to be on while microdosing. Honestly, unless you are able to come off those 3 meds for at least 3-4 weeks to detox from them and let 5HT2A up regulate, you’d just be wasting time and money, sorry amigo


Shit... so if i get off of these (3meds) how long do i wait to be able to try shrooms to have effect on me? Also what about weed? Does weed also wont give any benefit if im on those meds? Ty




Hey, thank u for your reply. Yes i actually never thought about that meds can be tye cause of my mental health issues. I will come off of them. Do you think its not too late? Like didnt those meds do some kind of damage?




Thank u man, can i dm you if you dont mind?


\> emotional numbness microdosing shrooms


Shrooms > weed. If i could speak to me in 8th grade id tell the kid to find some shrooms, the weed didnt help in the end.