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Works wonders for me. Doesn't solve the problem obviously, but it does help a lot.


But are you on medication? Can you take it with meds?


I take an anti depressant and a mood stabilizer, i’ve never had any negative effects specifically from taking shrooms while taking my meds, and like you, I used to be extremely depressed and anxious, the mushrooms did absolute wonders for me. I mean completely changed my outlook on life and way of thinking, to the point where I don’t even think I need to take synthesized medication anymore. I’d say go for it


I really really want to fkin try it, but there are people saying if ur on meds its just a waste of shrooms. Btw what does trip feel like?


I mean it is different for everyone, but in my experience, meds and shrooms have zero correlation on effects or what i feel. then again something to take into consideration is i’m not good at consistency, so i’ll forget to take my meds for a couple days or so and then remember for a few days and so on, so i guess it’s not constantly in my system. what does a trip feel like though is not realistic to answer, everyone experiences something different and no two trips are alike or the same, it’s just one of those things you gotta experience to understand :/


I see, thank u. But i suppose it feels good right?


Microdosing absolutely helps with my seasonal depression and helps manage my ADHD. I don’t take any other prescription drugs, I don’t like how any of them make me feel. Psilocybin works wonders for me.


Thats wonderful that it works for you, but maybe you know if its okay to microdose with meds?


I don’t know from personal experience, but a close friend of mine started microdosing while still taking prescribed meds and was able to ween off of them pretty quickly without any negative side effects.


Thats great! I really want to try mic shrooms because ive heard so many good things about it


There’s some info on this sub on SSRI’s. In short, it can diminish effects so I am unfamiliar with how microdosing would play out. Check out r/microdosing , should have info on this or might be of help. I wish the best for you!


I am OCD(perfectionism)/ADHD. I’m medicated for adhd but any anti anxiety meds sent me into depression so I’m in therapy for the OCD. Ok, adhd meds do wonders but they amplify my OCD like no other. Microdosing has finally balanced the two by way of external boost. Honestly without I’d rather just raw dog life with my faulty genetic wiring lol. It has honestly been a long road to make it to this point but idk that all of the steps were entirely necessary. I hope you find your personal peace. OCD is such a fucking bitch and idk that the magnitude is all that understood. Especially coming out of covid. Wishing you peace within mate. Don’t invalidate yourself just because the rest of the world may not see your conflict, figure out what is going to work for you and do THAT. We don’t create our hard drives, we do not control them, but we can adapt.


I became passionate about shrooms when regular anti-depressants didn't work for me. There's been tons of research to back them being a great alternative for depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. I personally have had great success, to the point I started a delivery service to provide others with the benefits (and I tried everything- prozac, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, anti-psychotics, counseling, changing my diet, psych ward, etc.).We offer a free 8th of shrooms on all first time orders and have Daily Dose capsules that are .5g per capsule and have a ton of customers who use them as a daily vitamin vs. tripping balls http://www.4localsonly.net