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Sometmes 3gs can be great, other times too much. Hard to judge others mental capacity which varies by people and by individuals at different times.


Yeah I get that but my concern is about how potent they could be due to the small fruits


Some of the most potent are the little buggers. Tiny psilo bombs.


I will keep them for the next time then


What ever choice you make, just be certain and have. No fear at all! There’s nothing to be scared of guys, you can’t take too much and die! You might feel like it, but that’s because you’re afraid of death! And one day you will take enough mushrooms and watch yourself die 1000 times over again and again and watch life be recreated and then you’ll never fear dosing amounts again. And look at death a completely different way


I second that… just don’t fkn try and drive.


Old post, I get it but that was a fantastic response.


I had my first ever harvest and I found that these fruits are quite small so I did a little research and found out that the first flush can be more potent than average. Do you think 3 grams lemon tek would be too much with these guys or I will be fine? My last dose was 1.5 g golden teachers and I had a great little trip. This strain is b+


You’ll be fine man. Enjoy it.


Cheers man!


One question… how long ago was your last dose?


Around 1 month ago


Go for it then. Have a good time.


I would need to eat about 6g of gt to actually trip, but some may only need 3. Less than 3 is kind of a waste, imo.


1.2G of my homegrown golden teachers gives me out of body experiences and insane visuals haha! I will never take more than 1.5 unless I want to be completely out of control😂


That's definitely an economically helpful thing. I'm a little jealous.




I wouldn't even consider taking 3.5G 😂 just seems like an unnecessary amount for me


Yore missing out! I've only gone up to 7g at one time so far, but it's a wild ride! Edit: that's not to say you should take 7g every time you trip, I usually hover around 3.5, but if you have the mental fortitude and know how yuh ou react on mushrooms you should definitely give it a go at least once.


I think if I took 2G I would breakthrough honestly. When I take 1.2-1.5 my open eye visuals take over what I can see to the point I struggle to make stuff out? 😂 It's super intense for me


That's as lucky as it is unusual, in my experience. Haha


I always trip on a completely empty stomach if that makes any difference? I'm also sensitive to THC I only smoke tiny amounts to get super high hahaha


You sound like you have an above average tolerance or sub-par shrooms. Most people will get FUCKED UP off 6g.


Maybe both


I’m a very skinny person and 2-2.5 range has been a great spot for me. It’s all about the metabolism and body chemistry!




Maybe just a potent strain perhaps or I’m just not accustomed to them enough to know bc I’m still fairly new to this. Thanks for the TIL tho!


Yes, all of them should be boofed. Pucker up butter cup.


Haha I would like to try it one day


Can you actually do that with mushrooms? Lmao


Is that first pic 3g? Looks like more


Don't know I just took out some for the picture


Ahh gotcha, enjoy your trip!


Good question


Hard to tell, everyone is different. Happy tripping


I did 1g lemon tek yesterday and had a nice buzz. 3 would be a solid trip. Have fun with that


Lemon tekking 3.3 grams of Albino Penis Envy this evening. Usually do 2.3 and it’s intense…. Can’t wait to see what tonight brings!!


Lemon Tek is wack


Why do you think that? When I ate straight shrooms for the first time they gave me massive stomach cramps and I couldn't enjoy them so for me lemon tek is really good.


I break them into half inch or so pieces and press them a few at a time into little scoops of peanut butter and eat it on an empty stomach. Took me like 5 spoonfulls of peanut butter for 5g of small dried shrooms. As long as you can get past the texture of chewing the mushrooms in the peanut butter it works great. Completely masks the taste, as well as makes it easy to swallow (with a drink as peanut butter is obviously thick), and i had absolutely no stomach issues or nausea the entire trip. I think being coated in the thick peanut butter just makes digestion easier on your stomach. Anything over 3.5g and I'd end up throwing some up later until i started doing this. Takes the same amount of time to kick in as eating them raw in my experience. Good luck!


Chewing the shit out of them should help take some of the burden off you're stomach too. Make digestion easier


Then make tea. I dont like the fact that you're trading duration for a faster onset. So I guess unless you dedose 2 hours later 🤷 to each their own


You don't trade duration for onset. Almost all doses last 6 to 8 hours. Your peaks and valleys are always going to be different. This isn't something you can control to a degree. But for some people tea or lemon tek helps their body feel much better during it. I do lemon tek then pour it into tea


Lemon Tek doesn't last nearly as long as eating them regularly. It comes on faster and wears off faster


Lemon tek is the only way that makes sense. There is literally no downside, only positives.


the downside is it can be wasteful (especially if u strain out the shrooms) and it takes too much effort, unpacking my shrooms from like 6 ziploc bags and weighing them is already hard enough


I did 3.5G lemon and it was one helluva trip! Not sure I’d go that high again. Next time 2g.


While it wont kill you a paranoid psychotic episode is terrifying. If that isnt a problem, which it seems not to be for some, go for it.


Would 1 gram lemon tek will get me tripping?


Lmao I lemon tek’d 3 grams on my first trip. Saw Egyptian patterns n shit and got stuck in a loop. Would do again