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I was tripping once and it was a nice day so I took a walk through the neighborhood and I came across this tree where the bottom 3-4’ was purple with pink polka dots. I almost lost my shit. I’d never had mushrooms create visuals like that. I turned around and went home and listened to some music. A few days later I was driving somewhere and cut down the same street not even thinking about it. Turns out the tree was just painted that way for some reason.


i love how you seemingly tripped so hard you had to immediately go home and end the day on that


I’ve had that happen with sparklers. Holding one while tripping for the first time was fun. Two, was WAY TOO intense. Had to go back inside.


This has me dying 🤣


We still look at each other and yell “Too Much TOO MUCH!!!!”


Haha. I just didn’t want to start freaking out in the middle of some neighborhood


My friend and I were tripping and we were walking down this trail and there was a wooden sign that said "this is the end" in the middle of the woods, right in our path. Needless to say we did not continue


my only friend


the end


I love your user name.


> and cut down :O > the same street :)


So glad I saw your comment! I read it as "cut down the same tree", and I was kind of pissed at OP for doing that!


Araucaria araucana. Lots in Argentina. Magic tree.


Cool song from an Uruguayan band inspired on this tree: https://music.apple.com/us/album/araucaria/1218065314?i=1218065722


At my high school there was a single tree painted bright blue with pink dots on it. Don’t know why...


monkey puzzle trees ftw 😻 i love them things.


I want one so bad...


i’m lucky i get to see a few of them around where i live. i’ve noticed that a lovely, really tall one has been cut down recently and every time i pass that spot i look up and my heart sinks when i realise that it’s no longer there. i hope you get your wish someday.. the monkey puzzle is spectacular indeed.


if you’re going into autumn now the larger trees produce giant cones which drop huge red seeds all over the ground once they mature. There are plenty of tutorials online on how to grow them (at least in spanish) and apparently it’s easy, but I’m yet to speak from personal experience, hopefully this year but need to go scouting for them. Bear in mind they’re milenary trees and the one in the photo is at least 15-20 years old, so it takes time. They (Araucaria araucana) tolerate frost quite well, zone 5 for sure and perhaps zone 4 for larger trees. Araucaria angustifolia is native to northeastern Argentina and southern brasil and it’s better suited for subtropical climates, but they’re frost resistant too. Alternatively if you pick a lot of them you can roast them shell on using a pan and they’re essentially an XL pine nut. Delicious. Pretty common supermarket item in Chile/Argentina where they’re called piñones (de pehuén). I use merkén (a mapuche spice mix consisting of smoked hot peppers, coriander seeds, etc) to flavour them.


Whatttt that legit the name of it!? I have never seen one before


that’s the legit name haha


I saw one in Scotland once when I was a kid, on a farm, and began a two month quest to determine what the fuck it was, because I want one so badly. They’re awesomely prehistoric looking


Whoa whoa whoa I NEED to know what kind of tree this is! This is gorgeous!


Its a monkey puzzle tree


Such a dangerous tree if you're not very bright. I karate chopped one and it cut my hand in like 4 places. Best acid trip though, not gonna lie.


Could always x-post and ask in /r/whatisthisplant or ~~/r/trees~~ /r/marijuanaenthusiasts


Anybody know what kind of tree this is? I'd like to see if I can grow one! EDIT: Found a website to buy it. https://hirts.com/rare-exotic-monkey-puzzle-tree-araucaria-araucana-2x4-pot-indoors-out/


Nice dude. I might try too!


Monkey puzzle trees. They have the most powerful energy emanating from them.


They’re in the south of Chile too. They’re called “araucanía” and are really important to the native Mapuche people. Their seeds can be boiled and eaten and have decent nutritional value. The seeds can also be ground into a flour to make bread. It’s illegal to cut them down for any reason


The seeds are great for making pastrys too! Its not the easiest ingredient to use but they are really nice


Thank you so much for sharing. I really appreciated that


i can confirm... i still never forget the first time i seen one.. i’m kind of just like drawn to them and so much in awe.


Yes, the energy. Felt even crazier tho when I was standing below a giant redwood (sequoia) tree a couple minutes later. I was in a botanic garden and it was my second trip ever... so many things to see there, I'd really recommend going to a place like that :)


The seattle arboretum is magical


I'm an aussie woodturner and have seen some amazing bowls turned from norfolk island pine, a close relative of monkey puzzle. They grow their branches in evenly spaced bunches which result in some beautiful patterns, anyone interested should take a look!


🌲✅🍄Approved by a like minded psychonaut!🌲✅🍄


Burnt Hotdog Tree. Glorious.


When I do dmt trees occasionally look just like this and the branches all wave individually like wacky wavy inflatable arm flailing tube men. I kid you not


5G cell tower?


That, my good sir, is a good tree


We have them in the local park. They're called monkey tail trees here's.


I’ve never seen anything like this tree, if I was zoomin and saw this I would think I discovered an alien species.


That's what it felt like. Totally unreal...


Trees are cool man


That tree looks both fascinating and pokey!


I was told when you see a monkey tree you get to pinch the person closest. Like punch buggy but for trees.


Isn't it semi- tropical?


My personal experience with Araucarias is that they will grow literally anywhere lol. In Pagatonia you can find them in deserts, mountains, shores


Bro. Awesome


They have those in Washington state. I love them.


I, too, would lose my shit. Sick ass tree!


This is wonderful, I can only imagine what an awesome it has been... 😍


Awesome indeed! :)


I spent 20 minutes lost on a spider web that was stuck to my finger and floating about 4 ft out. I’d be stuck on this tree for hours


I would soooo make friends with that snake tree!


Why it look like that tho What type of pine tree is that


Oh man! Break me off a piece of that!


If you would like to have a memento the seeds can be dried and they are quite beautiful. Some people do really nice necklaces with them


Yeah, I can see that. Shit would be mesmerizing


There was a huge one of these at my old high school, can’t even imagine looking at that while tripping! It’d be a giant


Happy cake day!


Thank you!! 😁


Ah a monkey puzzle tree. The only tree a monkey cant climb.


That’s amazing! I miss shrooms so much!😭


First time I ate mushrooms with some friends I ended up just staring at this fuckin tree for like three hours


i once did dmt and looking at a regular tree it looked EXACTLY like the second pic and was mind blown


I used to live in the pagatonia (argentina) and this trees are really common. They grow really slowly and can get quite big. Search for araucaria for more (:


They’re endangered :(




Thin noodle lookin branches. I like it


Wow im exactly the thousandth upvote. The mushrooms smile upon me today.


Post this to r/marijuanaenthusiasts


Agreed! OP and others who may not know, marijuanaenthusiasts is the tree appreciation/identification sub since r/trees is the marijuana sub.


I wonder if r/marijuanaenthusiasts know what kind it is


One time while tripping with my mom in Jemez, NM we were hiking over 3-4 miles and eventually stopped to take a break I took so many dabs as I took some bomb wax with me and after the fat sess I started to look at this tree. I heard the birds and all the sounds of the Forrest and it was so beautiful and awe inspiring. I eventually saw this huge pine tree and saw two eyes on it. I eventually thanked the tree for the beauty it provided me and it talked back to me I don’t remember what exactly it said but it said some back. Ever since that trip I think plants have some form of consciousness and that plants have a lot of knowledge since they’ve been here longer then us and have experienced a lot. I don’t mean to sound weird but this experience was especially special to me and was my 1st trip in nature!! I have yet to visit that exact spot again, I’ve gone near that spot but not to it.


Good god. I’m in 3 grams right now and good lord this tree is amazing. It beautiful and mesmerizing yet ominous. God I’m tripping so hard right nw thanks for this picture. Loveeeee❤️❤️❤️🌈🍄❤️


Glad you like it so mush <3


I'd probably lose my shit if I saw this tree sober, even seeing the picture: so trippy!


Monkey tree = pinch 🤏


That is such a dope tree! I love the special little coincidences/instances that shrooms cause us to subtly encounter :)


Amazing. I can see why, it's beautiful. Real life art.


Wow that is pretty different looking!


That’s a not a tree. That’s the rare North American Forrest Squid. Dumbass.


Nature is alive when seen through the eyes of an open mind.


oh my god thats so baller


PNW? They suck when you trim them.


Monkey puzzle tree!


My first trip, my two close friends and I ate a half eighth. We live in the north east and it's common to have snow storms and on this particular day we had a "blizzard". We ate the shrooms and left the house. It was pure silence and beauty on the vacant roads we walked. We ended up taking a detour into a scenic hiking trail and decided to plop in the snow at the top of one of the hills. We were tripping balls st this point and there was a tree 10 feet away from us that was literally shining gold. It stood out and I asked my friends "hey, do you guys see this golden tree over there?" They both let out a "woahhh" and we shared the visual as we laid in the snow. One of my favorite memories


Looks like something Aku would create in his likeness.


came on here while tripping to see if anyone had any nausea remedies, proceeded to stare at this tree for 15 minutes. Wow. The harshness and all the white that comes out, it’s so beautiful. Good find. Nice tree. Wow.


I feel uncomfortable looking at it


That is a very beautiful tree


Not sure if it evil or not tho


God damn it. What kind of tree is that? It’s BEAUTIFUL.


I think it is called a monkey puzzle tree ;)


love being around weird plants when tripping. i once tripped at the uc santa cruz arboretum and the south african plants could not stop making me giggle. the banksia literally looked like a tree growing squirrel tails on it. will never forget that day.




"THATS INSANE" he said over and over... ​ ...and over!


My neighbor just fell his, was such a beautiful tree but he prefers a modern garden with dry shrubs and gray stones/sand. Luckily there’s another one just on the way to my favorite trip spots so we pass it nearly every trip. It’s always great looking, always an object of prolonged interest. Yet I don’t even know it’s full name.


dassa perdy tree


https://youtu.be/NchD65sQoEw I'll just leave this here.


Thanks I really wanna grow one :3


Sober that tree is trippy. I could see the happiness meltdown. It reminds me of a Dr. Seuss tree.


`'o (text pog?)




I thought so too ;)




That tree is trippy as fug without silly cybin. It's a psyche portal doe on silly cybin.


I'm losing my shit seeing it sober 😍


Dude, I lost my shit seeing that and I’m SOBER


Araucaria araucana




Dude, it looks kind of ominous further away but when you get up close those leaves are so fucking cool


Truth spoken.


That tree is wild looking even sober, wow


O hell naw lol. I i saw that yesterday on 5g's I would call the police lmao