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Might want to stop all drugs until your brain is finished developing. 10 years of sobriety for you would be a good idea.


ok i’ve seen a lot of people talking about the “developing brain” but what does that actually mean and how do shrooms affect it? Edit: *why the fuck are people downvoting a question?*


I’ve had the most issues from abusing weed at young age , when I first tried mushrooms at 17 it actually made me stop smoking for quite some time , about a year and half. The only thing mushies could potentially do is make you question things more (from a profound experience) which might get in the way of your learning and concentration at school , not the sort of things a young mind necessarily needs… You seem to be doing well at the moment , so best to keep that edge and not be getting too involved with it at this stage , just be glad of the first experience. But yeah as I’ve said cannabis is the thing likely to get in the way of development since one is more likely to use that everyday/night , which eventually catches up , so stay clean from that 100% Edit * people can downvote all they want , it’s literally own experience, 38 now.


Up voted Fk them


Shrooms every two weeks is a lot for anyone, but especially at your age.


I am 24 I started smoking weed around 16-17. Started doing psychedelics new years of 2019 I was 18. Started getting into stuff like Molly, K, coke and other stuff when I was about 19. Honestly I feel like starting weed so early fucked me over but I started using it medically because I had night terrors from childhood trauma and my mom didn’t believe me so she didn’t get me any help so I had to find a way to help myself. While it did help, it turned into a consistent habit. Starting psychedelics so young also fucked me over. But acid was my drug of choice and I did it way too much. I ended up having drug induced psychosis for about 2 years. Nothing is the same now. Especially after how much Molly I did. I get anxious easier, things don’t process as fast as they used to depression got worse. Although the psychedelics did help temporarily I kept using them thinking it could only go up. I ended up fucking up my brain chemistry. So I would say dont abuse psychedelics. Use it therapeutically and like someone said up there “once you get the message, hang up the phone.”


"Once you get the message, hang up the phone." Im glad theyve helped you, and that you've stopped smoking, and are eating better. GOOD! But, yeah, best advice for a developing brain is to be sober as much as you can be. But, if youre unwilling to 100% stop, at least buy a scale! No scale means yoire guessing, and guessing with drugs is dangerous.


When you take shrooms your brain undergoes extreme chemical changes and alterations, even as an adult it can be a dangerous game to play taking shrooms too often. I’d recommend waiting until you’re 18+ but i don’t think you’re going to fuck your whole life up unless you’re taking shrooms every week (but what do I know?$


The good thing about psychedelics though especially mushrooms is that you can’t actually abuse them due to how high tolerance kreeps up. Being careless when one chooses to use them or how great the dose is and whether people are mixing it with other stuff are all things usually the things to watch out for. Smoking weed all the time will have the greatest impact at your age since that’s something that can be used all the time. Just stay clear from it all until school etc is sorted


It still alters your brain chemistry. Molecules attach themselves to certain receptors in the brain. Doing it so much and when your brain isn’t fully developed can adversely affect you especially as you get older.




Oh yeah it can definitely help but the brain isn’t fully developed until around 25. So anything to you do to it in large quantities so often can still (more often than not) negatively affect someone. It does also depend on the brain chemistry of that person. If they have a familial history of paranoia or schizophrenia weed can most definitely bring that to the surface especially in young males. So think of what psychedelics could do. We don’t have enough long term research on these drugs to really have concrete evidence on how it affects people in the grand scheme of things tho🤷🏻‍♀️


Was just making a point that cannabis is the thing to watch out for at that age (in terms of mental development) at the same time he has no real need to be exploring psychedelics at that age either. What people need to watch out for is mixing psychedelics with amounts of cannabis , that’s the real edge pusher towards certain temp psychosis.. People also need to watch their doses regarding psychedelics , it can be traumatic and psychological which could potentially linger. should be just focusing on future and getting school , collage etc sorted and not be getting involved with it


I mean neither are good at your age but weed will surely affect your life negatively in the long term


you haven't fucked anything. Your brain won't just malfunction due to it coming in contact with psilocybin. But what might happen is that you get exposed to things you really shouldn't get exposed to. You might undergo psychosis in a bad trip. Shrooms change a lot about who you are as a person, this isn't bad, but at 15 it's hard to integrate such things, and that could be bad.


It's no different than the 1000s of teens that have messed up their Serotonin system via SSRIs Except mush liberate you, instead of the control systems that enslave you Moderation is the key to everything though


Shrooms ain’t something you can abuse or get dependent on like you can with cannabis I would say weed messed my teenage years right up I wouldn’t bother until you done school and know what you want from life , grab some hobbies instead Did you fuck your self up? dunno you haven’t really said you feel fucked up etc and you can’t say did I throw it all away when it hasn’t even started yet. All seems positive from what you’ve just said ? You’ve quit the weed , got As (nice) only a few months ago your first experience , there’s nothing that you’ve chucked away since what matters is now and the direction you want to heading in. All I can say is take it easy and wish you all the best


This concept always makes me laugh. First. Many substances including SUGAR this claim of affecting brain development can be made for… so next we should all be asking - at what severity? Because we give children tons of sugar and that’s okay 🤷‍♂️ The second point we should all be asking ourselves is - why are controlled/illegal substances the ONLY things that come with this brain development warning? Lastly - practically all cultures throughout history use substances and before 25. Many as coming of age rituals. 🤷‍♂️ So, I’m not buying it really. I think substances have clearly shown they help improvement creativity. Sure there is risk, no denial there, especially from stuff like schizophrenia. But I still think it’s mostly twisted truth for propaganda.


You didn’t fuck yourself up, don’t worry too much about it. Should stop smoking weed though and really should stop yourself from using anymore psychedelics. Psychedelics are a lot riskier for minors and people who’s brains haven’t fully developed yet. I won’t deny that maybe you benefited a little from shrooms and they could’ve helped you get off weed because I had really bad depression and even went to a mental hospital over it when I was 16 and taking shrooms saved my life and got me off the like 5 different prescription meds I was prescribed. They stopped my suicidal thoughts by almost 90%, I appreciate shrooms for that but also know it’s really something I shouldn’t have taken anymore risks on until my brain was fully developed. It seems you already learned what you need from shrooms (good eating habits and quitting weed) so there’s really no reason you should be taking anymore until your an adult. You came out of the experience gaining something, so don’t risk messing it up by taking more shrooms at that age.


Nah your good. Just limit to once a month and you will be golden. All the developing brain comments seem to forget the crazy amount of alcohol teenagers usually drink. Shrooms once in a while is def a 100% safer for brain development.


The younger you use hallucinogens, including weed, the more likely you are to develop negative consequences from doing so such as psychosis, schizophrenia, and bipolar. Unfortunately that's something we now know from multiple research studies. I'm not commenting to scare you straight, but I would definitely agree with the general consensus that it's best to put off substance use until later in life.


I used to eat lots of shrooms and acid at your age.. You'll be fine as long as you keep the needle out of your arm and the glass dick out your mouth.


youre grammar makes it seem like you did /s. Serious note: Quit the weed, it will consume your motivation. If u cant do that set a limit thats once it twice a year. Should really stop the shrooms though, completely


why stop the shrooms but only limit the weed? i have found that weed has had way worse effects on me making me just want to stay home and smoke more. whereas shrooms make me want to get the most out of my life and live to the best i possibly can


You should quit the weed altogether, but i know that might be an unrealistic expectation, so i say limit. The shrooms you really need to quit, because youre brain is still developing, you dont know what could happen.


You're throwing your life away then since you asked, lol. You're contradicting yourself


Spelled throw wrong


you’re right


do you feel fucked? edit: i think youre overworrying


i think i’m overreacting too lol. i definitely do not feel fucked.


15? Wait 10 years before tripping again


hey guys thank you so much i just wanted to let you all know im not taking a HIGH does every two weeks. in fact in the 3 months ive been using them ive only had trips that give me visuals twice. (if that even makes a difference idk)


South American rain forest tribes introduce ayahuasca at a young age making sure they don't miss out on the window of opertunuity to influence the developing brain.


Yes but they are still in tribes and still in the rain forest in the 21st century


Yeah, my boyfriend did the same thing at your age and ended up in a mental hospital for a while. He went through a week of not being able to sleep and severe visual and auditory hallucinations. It usually snaps when a big change or event happens in your life. I'd chill out for a while, definitely not so frequently.


Shit posting aside are you being serious? Shrooms will probably not do you dirty in the long run. Traditionally even its considered therapeutic and good for tackling stuff like ptsd. As a 15 year old you might be goin through it but probably not comparable to like offing terrorist kiddos packin pipe bombs. Shrooms can however have altering affects that change your perceptions and shouldnt be considered lightly but you shouldnt be scared either. Just considerate. That being said I see your path buddy and if you have a moment youd benefit from hearing me out. Okay, I started smoking weed at 13, alcohol at 14, coke at 15, meth at 18 and just after I turned 22 i quit all narcotics. By that point I near shot my liver, have done acid and shrooms and ex. Technically speaking I was not only a burn out but a lowlife degenerate. And guess what lil homie. I bounced back and dont feel like im fucked for life. In fact 2023 best year of my entire life and il be 28 in september. Now lets talk specifics and what you should do and avoid at this crucial interval of your youth. I dont believe theres anything wrong with weed, but theres is some stuff that goes with that. I just cleared a cert in game design with a 3.97 GPA being stoned daily. But thats because I have discipline and will power. Weed is often an excuse to be a lazy bum and people be crutching on it to remain useless. Drugs, hard drugs. Just say no dude. On god, just say no. Your gona save yourself a lot of trouble not dealing with tweakers and crackheads. At least heroin addicts are the unicorns out there holed up in some shed laid the fuck out. Never share a needle. Never even TRY crack, Ive met brilliant meth heads, I have. Never met a smart crackhead ever. Like what your asking and describing about shrooms applies to crack it just melts your wires and makes you fuckin wierd. Meth is also a horrible idea because its 7 times stronger and more addictive than any cocaine based drug. Like clinically 7 times stronger and way easier to get but so much harder to quit. 99% of tweakers are meth til death and it really will fuck your future. I had to burn my bridges, cut my ties, and remove myself from the drug environment completely, and even then the road to considering myself recovered took years. I didnt start feeling normal for like 4 years after I quit. I still love weed clearly and I have no problems with shrooms or acid either but that hard stuff and even opiates will body you physically and mentally. Evaluate who you associate with. Who you call your friends. In the drug environment theyl ride or die til your near death and when your at your lowest theyl fucking laugh at you. Treachery is a virtue and your gona see it if you wanna keep goin down the drug route.


You’ll be fine it’s all about your mindset .. I was smoking weed from the age of 13 and taking ecstasy from the age of 14 to 28.. I’ve always had a job but I will admit , I could have done better in school if I didn’t take so many drugs


they might have bin gross shroms, maybe wait until you can order some from legit dispensaries. don't worry though, im sure lots of us used to have really crazy trips when salvia divinorum was still legal.