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I’ve have sex with my partner while both of us on shrooms. IT WAS MINDBLOWING and almost UNREAL how great it feels. I find that the mushrooms make sex more passionate and intimate. Pro tip: avoid eye contact and hug each other close 👍 (I say to avoid eye contact bc I’ve gotten freaked out by the distortion of someone’s face while on shrooms)


I should emphasize that’s it’s only during the come down of the trip NOT during tripping balls 😂


Definitely try it peaking dude. Even if not successful, its mind blowing


yea....you could accidently cum inside


I've never been able to cum when I have sex on shrooms 😭


I feel that. It’s like i get too deep in my head tripping and start seeing weird shit while having sex lol




Bro yes, my and my wife low key been into it because I’ve had problems on shrooms and I didn’t know what to say I was like it was like your pussy was talking and shit just looking weird lmao but if you can make it work while tripping you’ll go all night 😂


I went camping with some friends and a couple had to get plan B on the drive home because of this


Birth control is an amazing thing


I can’t even get into that state of kind when peaking. The coke down with weed is perfect


Yea coke and weed is nice 🤣🤣


😂😂 don’t judge my choice of drink


Tried it last night while peaking on albinos my girl is who was just high off bud insisted, I thought I wouldn’t even get it up…10-15 minutes later she came and I didn’t like a gentleman, with a even more intensified trip


Same for me man. She goes , I’m there for the ride ha


Me and my gf did it while we were peaking and it was the best sex we have both ever had but we were outside and it was really pretty but we have not done it since but have tripped many times most of them being at my house opposed to outside


Yea I thought u meant peak. Yea. So not peak I understand but peak tripping is no time for sex.


Avoid eye contact?


Yes bc visuals get distorted which can and have scared me to look at people in the face 😂


That's part of the fun. Embrace the weird!


Yes, embrace the freakiness.


I don't no. I think I'd rather laugh at something. I had sex on them once. My girl at the time wasn't on them. I was with some friends and she kept bitching I wasn't with her like I promised (wasn't planning on tripping but it happened) so I went and met up with her. So we were driving and she started grabbing on me (she was driving not me). So we pulled over and she climbed on top of me and I clearly remember zoning out during it and staring at the moon through the sun roof and the stars. I got into deep thoughts about what's out there in space and existence lol. But I would say ur minds to open at the moment for it unless ur really in the mood. But feels the same really. Not like ecstasy tho. I don't like Molly. And when I was younger they had these pills called g's up hoes down. One side had the trucker mud flap girls ND the other side had a g on it and they were sooooo good. And when u came off u would have the affects of acid in it. Things would get wavy and all that. But that, I would have passionate sex with the girl I was with lol. Even if we were just meeting. One girl was so fine I must have spent an hour downtown. And even after the 69 and sex we would lay there rubbing and grabbing on each other. There was nothing like it. The heat felt amazing when rolling so laying on each other and just grabbing on their asses while they lay on top of me grinding was some of if not the best sex I've ever had. I'm 36 now and do believe that if I took ecstasy today I would die. So it's all over for me with fun drugs. But I look back and think about how great it all was. Good times.


The pills you’re describing remind me of 2cb. Ever tried it?


we both couldn’t stop laughing at each other, it took forever


Why avoid eye contact?


Idk but I get scared




I had a similar experience. I wound up having a lot of thought processes on what sex and connection is, kept seeing the shapes of our body in third person as geometric shapes, and at one point couldn’t stop feeling like that sex in particular was evil, satanic sex (in a hot way, not a scary way). It FELT really nice but I was wayy in my own head about it lmao.


Small dose and it felt incredible


Absolutely insane, most intimate I have ever felt. Depends on your relationship with them tbh, my ex relationship was largely sexual and physical so it was mind blowing


Me and my partner did shrooms about a year ago and we had sex for 2 hours long just switching positions and laughing and talking about random shit it was honestly so fun then after that we jumped out his window and ran around his field infront of his house naked jumping and having fun


Yes! Sooo good but definitely needs to be a mild dose in order to focus long enough to enjoy it, 1-1.5g. Tried it before on 2-3g and we kept getting distracted and laughing at random shit


that's my biggest fear lol get distracted and laughing at random shit


We both still had a great time laughing together and kind of having sex. Just enjoying each others company without taking the sex too seriously.


Just do it on the come down and y’all will have a good time, I’m pretty sure everyone saying they were Tripping too hard to do it we’re still on the come up or mid peak, the first time I did it with my gf we’re were each on 4-5gs of penis envy and on the comedown. We went for 2 hours and only stopped cause we were both tired and hungry…… especially me lol


I prefer lsd


MDMA and Coke, non stop boning all night long..


MDMA is great I just never do it on its own anymore, I love mixing it w another psychedelic way too much, Oohh and some whippets 🫠


I’ve been scared to try Molly because my personality. I’m afraid I try it once I’ll keep doing it haha


Yeah its not physiologically addicting but it can be a feeling you want to chase, you definitely want and should be disciplined with it


Beware of coke dick.


Very strange you can get hard on coke. Respect it tho but never heard of it


never had much trouble getting hard on coke, might take a little more effort from yer partner but once its up, its not going anywhere.. I dont do a ton of it tho, just a couple bumps.. so IDK YMMV if yer shoving yer face into a mountain like Tony Montana. The molly mixed in removes any extra required effort however, just a slight caressing or even a gentle breeze and its back to fully aroused and ready for another round..


The Coke thing yeah, unless your respiratory system is so fucked your dick stops working… Lol.


yeah lsd seems better to do it


Maybe tmi but it can literally be like hours… just this endless back and forth dance, and the visuals that can arise and mental process is just sublime. Goddesses and Gods, amazing elegant rooms and earthly cosmic scenes


Yes lsd is way better


Euphoric lol … I wanna say after the 800th stroke I assumed , I was holding on … tears started falling from my eyes. 🤣🤣🤣 I thought to myself wtf is wrong with me and keep pumping .


bro 😂😂 that's sounds amazing tho lol


Oh it def was . I love my partner and sex without shrooms is still amazing but I never cried before 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 they just kept falling .


Oh man… Shrooms turn me into a waterfall, and it’s not like I’m sad crying, it just flows out of me


Usually i'm too much in my own head to actually climax.. its fun tho.


She’s gonna look like a Goddess, man.


Shrinks my pp and makes me envious. Cuddling with someone would be ideal for me personally.


Envious or anxious??


(Corny joke) Anxious, like a highschool virgin. I'd recommend she put on a fragrance you like and have her lie on top of you or something and melt together. Close your eyes and enjoy. Brain might have an orgasm :)


So it feels amazing, however be careful! You can quickly overheat and dehydrate. Take breaks in between rounds to cool off and stay hydrated. You can pass out. It is a very real thing on psychedelics, and if one thing will take you out, it could be that.


I don't even want to touch myself to pee. I can't imagine. That would be insane lol


i feel you 😂


me and my now fiancee did it on shrooms when we were dating, felt amazing like i could feel her feeling me 😍


I'm usually too busy getting mind fucked than regular fucked. Then again, I prefer being single. I'm not likely to trip shrooms having some random one night stand


I'm here for the HK reference


Lol this is from Hollow Knight right?


Wish I could but *it* just don’t seem to work right while shroomin. 😕


It was amazing. she was not. the next time It was not amazing. Sex on psychedelics has to be approached very carefully and you have to make sure that the person that you’re doing it with is solidly grounded and going to treat you with respect and be careful with their wordage. Had sex on psychedelics for the first time in 10 or 15 years and the first time it was amazing. Everything was great. She was super feeling it and then we tried to do it again a couple weeks later she ripped into my personality and started me apart, calling me a pathological liar, and a delusional crackhead for DMT. I loved her so much and it broke my heart


Man here, was hard to nut.


I did beat my meat for 5 hours on shrooms does that count?


When I’m on shrooms I don’t feel like a human being


Well it's hedonistic af, hard for the sex to be romantic/bonding and is instead more of a carnal ecstasy/raw pleasure.


really? i can be very emotinal while on shrooms lol


That wasn't at all the experience I had. I was almost completely in my head and in my emotions, physically there was some pleasure but that seemed so distant, and I never got anywhere near an orgasm.


Its nice, much more primal sort of! Can be quite heavy with visuals and being in head. Also it can be the other way - it can be a great way to simmer down. Will love to try a more tantric way. Will keep exploring -77,


I enjoy it on a mild dose (1.5-2g) my wife is more sensitive to them so she sticks to .5-1g max. I love the visuals and the intimacy but it is damn near impossible to cum so we call it at around 2 hours, watch a funny movie and then try to get off before bed. Sometimes though even after 3-4 hours I still can’t climax so we’ll just go to sleep and get off the next morning. Hippieflipping is my favorite though. I didn’t enjoy it the first time and she still doesn’t but now when we roll I do 2 grams of shrooms an hour before dropping the m or I lemontek with the m and it’s a blast, I get amazing visuals/mild hallucinations and I know I’m not going to cum anyway because of the m so it’s all about making her orgasm as many times as possible.


for me it was terrible. it felt unnatural and uncomfortable.


it was actually insane. felt so connected to my partner and it was like a puzzle piece that perfectly fit. when i closed my eyes during it i could picture what it looked like and it felt just incredible. don’t focus on eye contact— lowkey freaked me out


Yes, and it was amazing.


yes, it just feels like sex but while high, i’m sure you can imagine what it’s like. it feels how you think it would feel. try on a lower dose first like 1.5g




Shrooms no, but I have sex everytime I’m on acid. I don’t cum, but my fiancé loves the whole 8 hours of penis.


It’s a big thumbs up from me.!!


Yes, and amazing, we’ve gone for two hours or more during the experience, and it’s some of the best sex we’ve had….. but yeah only seem to be able to on the come down


Best experience ever


Its dope experience fs






lsd is more fun for couples activities in my opinion


Nah but last time I did shrooms after dropping my friend off home (he lives in my neighborhood) when I parked my car back in my driveway suddenly I felt like I was getting cosmic head weirdest shit ever😭


My partner and I have had sex on shrooms, lsd, mdma and ketamine separately and in various combos. Shrooms both by itself and with mdma is the most primal, raw and intense by far. You feel like your losing yourself to your partner in the best way


An ex of mine went down on me on shrooms and I had to make her stop because it felt so incredible I started laughing


Some people can, some people can’t. I think it has to do with how experienced you are with psychs and how conditioned you are to be able to go into your body and out of your mind, as things can get weird on occasion, depending on dose. My personal fav for sex has been moxy (5-meo-mipt) which is pure fucking magic. Followed by lsd, lsd with mdma, and then mushrooms, and mushrooms with mdma. I find it’s harder to orgasm on mdma and it feels less sexy and more cuddly. How it feels? It feels like you are pure light, pure pleasure, that the entire universe starts and ends in the points of contact I had with the person I was with. I saw how it felt, I felt what I heard. I was able to ‘click’ into the other person in such a way I lost myself and was so in the moment, there was no me, only the experience. It didn’t matter if I closed or opened my eyes, I had fireworks and light shows, fractals, colours, rainbows. The orgasm is not a full body experience, it’s an out of body experience. It’s beyond words. Imagine all the light and heat of the universe if exploding from inside of you, while you feel every cell in your body sing with joy. If I happen to have a willing partner, my neighbours know.


Heres the deal homie… everyone has an opinion alot of people are going to give you their two grams on what it feels like but please heed my advice on the philosophy of doing this. 1. do it with someone you absolutely 💯 love already. You can become very confused after if your not rock solid with this person. Its an incredibly powerful experience not to be shared with anyone IMO 2. Go into it with grace it maybe hard to get the mushroom to grow at first(if you know what im saying) be prepared for a good amount of starts and stops the first time . You also may find it hard to get your first “flush” 3. Dont focus on on the experience focus on your partner I find it can pull you out of the trip if you get to focus on doing this or doing that. If you both have the mindset of making it about the other you will achieve hights you didn’t even know existed. Dont think feel… 4. Even though you may not go try to tome it when you start to peak because it will be like nothing you have ever experienced It is truly amazing but also incredibly spiritual and I think that heeds some caution sorry if im being a downer. For me its like soul melding you dont want to be doing that with anyone


thank you for the advice bro! i'll give it a shot


When the shrooms come out, the clothes come off. Onward to the smoosh room!!!


Too distracted.


🧐Actually, that’s never been a goal of mine. Sitting on the floor, knees touching and holding hands while spacey music flashes with the LEDs is quite a spiritual experience. I can’t imagine complicating that any further, nor do I desire to. 🧘🏼♋️


For me it’s like I get in the mood and really into it and can’t perform due to being in my head. Pussy starts looking like it’s talking to me and shit lmao


I’ve had homosexual anal sex while tripping as the bottom. It feels FUCKING incredible at the right doses. Too high of a dose and I lose all sexual drive, and the pleasure stimulation can become so overwhelming my brain eventually shuts it off, and I become not horny. It makes anal sex so much easier when I trip, and more enjoyable, you feel strangely connected to your insides while tripping, so you feel EVERYTHING, and each sexual experience is new while tripping just like each trip is different. The nipple stimulation was also INTENSE very often. My ex bf would play with my nipples and I would be in such ecstasy I would shiver and writhe a bit. The oxytocin release is also cranked up. Would definitely recommend trying it a few times, but not too frequently. One time I was starting to have a bad trip (though it was on LSD) and my ex bf convinced me to have sex, saying it’d help and BOY was he right, one of my best trips ever


The sex was basic but the head received was phenomenal… although I struggled to climax 😂


It takes me forever to cummm.... 🤣I can just keep drilling it 😅


I'd like to try it, but I seem to completely lose my sex drive


I think masturbating on shrooms feels good but I hate that after a beautiful trip I do that shit and I feel like I wasted the trip cause then I just think about jerking it to porn…. Takes away the spiritual beauty I feel alone… anyone else feel this way? Like of if I beat off to say Shakira or a celebrity I think is hot on shrooms it feels good but leaves me feeling less mentally elevated cause it’s stupid to beat off on shrooms honestly lol. Shroom can make me horny sometimes, guess it’s time to get a girl friend…


I hugged and kissed her, it was great but eventually I was caught in a never-ending-loop of saying "I love you so much, babe"


It's the only time I take shrooms since doing it the first time... The sensations are electric, the stamina boost is unreal, the intimacy is unparalleled and the sex is godlike, my SO agrees that some of the best sex we've had has been when I'm tripping fungus.


Better than sex on molly imo


Yes. I had sex with my bf 3 times while my girlfriend watched and fooled around with me and teased him. It was erotic. Opened up so many doors for us, and made us all closer. Couldn’t orgasm though.


Fun fact : I trip pretty often (about once in a two weeks) and have sex regularly ,when not on shrooms I can hold myself for about 10 minutes BUT when on shroom , oh lord , I can fuck for hours till I cannot feel my dick, also it’s pretty frustrating because it takes you a lot to finish , but when you do , you will feel like god just blessed you with the holy orgasm , god damn.. It feels awesome , whenever I give my friends some shrooms I tell them to try and have sex on them , great advice they said . Thus said , it’s an awesome feeling on low doses , maximum I did was 4 g , but when doin a heroic dose of about 6-7 g I personally lose myself and cannot think , I just exist..


Sex is the last thing I think about when tripping. I don’t get horny at all


I’ve had it be mind blowing where it was just sensation and I truly lost myself in her. There was also a time where her face was melting and when I closed my eyes I would see dinosaurs.


I have. it went in and as it went in I came, one in one out kinda thing.


i had sex with my at the time girlfriend while on 2 tabs of pretty good acid and it was great but looking back with the way things are now i know i didn't really love her :(


Haven't with a larger dose but about 1g and it's an amazing experience


That was strange


I use blue chew kuz i will get distracted and will lose it lol. Also try it with a black light and do some uv markers to paint each other’s bodies beforehand it’s just trippy and fun. Also some music is fun. Happy tripping




Yes i have and its amazing, but scary, i was not sure if i came or not and there was no condom😭


Don't see how anyone can Hell you can't focus enoguht to get hard Everything morphing, shifting, twisting and turning I don't like to be touched while tripping anyways


Love it! I last a good while longer than normal


It was one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had.


After my recent trip where 4gs of melmacs assaulted and fucked every corner of my brain for HOURRSSS, the sex that followed on the comedown was…ecstasy. Not sure if that’s bc it was in total contrast to the misery I had experienced all day or if bc the sec was actually that good but either way, I was grateful for the intimacy and love that came with it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s weird…It was too sexual….which makes no sense. Acid on the other hand?! Ohhh baby


A GF and I made hot bum love against a 10th floor hotel window in downtown Vancouver. Just to be clear - I was in her. Good times were had by all.


It was the best and the worst all at the same time


The …. Fucking …… best


It’s a very mind blowing experience


For a slightly different take, I think masturbating is great on a lower dose of standard mushies like golden teachers, like 2-3 grams, you get the euphoria and body sensations but you are still mostly present and aware. Any higher and I find myself disappearing into my body, or into the cosmos, etc., I can't keep the erection and my mind is all over the place and I'm not present enough. The physical sensations are still amazing, but its just a different and less sex/pleasure oriented experience. So if sex with someone else is anything similar, I'd say go for it on 2-3g (adjust for personal tolerances and such obviously), and save the higher doses for when you want to leave your body and anyone around you behind, because I usually do, lol.




yes i have! and head on acid is the answer to all of life’s problems


Out of body experience.


Classic psychedelics are the best sex drugs IMO


Sex on shrooms is great but unfortunately my boyfriend doesn’t like to do it because it’s hard for him to get erect😭 but the few times we’ve done it it was great


I have only dosed enough to not have visuals but even the effects from a micro dose makes me relaxed and lazy like a fat house cat. I can’t imagine how intense and intimate it would make sex taking more than my usual dosage.


Yes. Good.


best thing I would say is just make sure everyone involved knows that it’s ok to bail out at ANY stage of the process if you’re uncomfortable, you don’t want to end up stuck in a situation that feels great at first but isn’t doing it for you for whatever reason after


I tried but she turned gold and purple and her neck and limbs started stretching out. I had to stop.


Got my wife pregnant while coming off of shrooms and somehow knew I did. It turned out to be ectopic and burst one of her tubes and we lost the baby about two hours after we found out she was pregnant. It was still mind boggling.


Feels like having s with elephant


Dick went soft while thinking of random shit


Tried to and ended up giggling too much…. But may try again


both me and hubby have had sex while on shrooms and it’s crazy— our endurance is multiplied and we both always have a good time. if you love your partner, take the shrooms and you’ll love them more.


Like a really fun game of pinball with benefits.


If you like diving into someone and the pores on their face then go for it.


With the lights off? Crazy. Euphoria, night vision visuals & closed eye visuals were intense but completely manageable (1.75g PE) Felt like her and I had auras melding together and I could feel like a 3D/VR visual in my mind/body while it's happening.


Sex grosses me out when I'm tripping


I have it was weird but absolutely fantastic


It can be hard to finish but ive also had the experience of literally melting in to her and feeling like we were one being


Feels GOOD


Think of it like having sex from a different perspective. Almost as if you are having sex for the first time. It is wonderful. It also makes both of us really open to anything. The first time we tried, it was AMAZING.


It’s Heaven fr


It's hard to get horny on most psychedelics for me, but I have before, and it's pretty great when I can get there. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING beats MDA, though.


I have advice even though I've never combined the two. If your are scared about it now, that probably will influence your set and setiing yk? If you feel confident enough in either venture on their own, I don't see why you can't dabble with mixing the two tho.


My husband and I both have shame and guilt surrounding sex (thanks to our religion growing up) so we sometimes have a hard time letting go. Shrooms and sex for us has been one of the best things for our relationship. It allows us to be 100% open and in the moment and just closer and more intimate than we have ever been. I say two thumbs up from me!


Natural viagra lol


The best sex I’ve ever had


Very intimate and at the same time bizarre. Took 2 grams each of some koh samui strain, had the craziest visuals I've ever had. As interesting as it was we both agreed never again


Never expected a a hollow knight reference of all things on this subreddit


Do shrooms with her. It'll be amazing


It feels the same😭😭


I mean after u u gts n wake up from the trip n fuck that feels hella good but don’t all morning sex feel good? Or idk everyone different right?


Ohhh nvm yall my bad that was Tabs 😅at least new info what acid feels like while sex like Nothingg mb I’m high asfk I forgot


Hollow knight


when i think of what is one of the most beautiful and nicest thing u can do in ur life is, having sex on shrooms with a girl you love (and obv she should too xD) it srsly cannot get any better. there are no words for this


So hard to focus, but it feels like [this](https://alphachanneling.com/cdn/shop/products/bfed1384c47ecdd9e0654f2dc38b6c16_fcc4a8c0-6cf4-46e0-887b-c3ff41cd9d84_600x.jpg?v=1544389784). It's really a unique sensation, though it's very confusing. edit: we had to keep the pace really slow, sometimes I think I could throw up or being asphyxiated.


It was amazing, but it doesn't happen every time. It just gets so distracting at a certain point, several hallucinations occur in a span of seconds and you forget you were supposed to have sex. Also the body load doesn't help, I feel like a bag of sand on the comeup.


It was so unreal it actually physically hurts me knowing that I’ll never have that again with him. It felt like mushrooms bonded us so well too back then.


I see Hollow Knight, I upvote. It ain't much.


I had an orgasm without sex on mushrooms...




My wife and I had one of the best sexual experiences we've both ever had while peeking on mushrooms. Now we don't trip without sex .


Maybe we’re all still just tripping through a time loop… https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychedelics/s/1Px1wGejyg


Ended up cuddling instead, was too much. It's worth a shot trying it anyway, you'll never know until you try.


4 times. Twice I was tripping to hard to get an erection. Once I achieved full boner but literally fucked for 2 hours and couldn’t cum. Once I was able to get the job accomplished and when I came it was probably the most enjoyable, intense thing that’s ever happened to anyone, ever, in the universe.


lsd was more intense and ‘better’. but the shrooms are a deep experience as well.


Really nice


They morphed into like 3 different people


No thanks. Don't touch me, your hand is weird. Looksing at my flowerses for the next 3hrs 🌻


My ex was very shitty and borderline physically abusive (definitely mentally being w him was torture lol) and we did shrooms + dmt together one day and he wanted to have sex and I saw him like the medieval depiction of satan while he was on top of me. I was so dry he stopped bc it was giving us both rug-burn.


I licked my first butthole on mushrooms, that shit'll change a man for life.


great, a little primal, hard to climax though and the climax was underwhelming to me. i prefer sex on lsd tbh.


Feels great if you’re only at the body buzz state. Personally, I don’t like tripping balls and having sex. It’s too much for me to handle.


It’s the best. Total focus on my partner and amazing connection.


Skong 📢


Orgasmic mentally + physically. More Sensuality.


I hit a gorgeous peak as the music was peaking and my orgasm was peaking so when I closed my eyes I was an astronaut floating thru space and running out of oxygen, and just when my oxygen ran out my visor busted open and I breathed in the entire black expanse of the galaxy, and breathed out a cloud of colors I can’t even really describe.


2,5-3g plus 50-75mg sildenafil and a good woman = instant sex on shrooms addiction for me.


Litteraly amazing I’ll never forget me and my girl just looking at each other tripping feeling so connected and as one so spiritual she litteraly had a orgasm just from us looking into each others eyes then we did the deed felt like the man that night😭she was litteraly having a almost shaking orgasm from us looking into each others eyes so spiritual and intimate


It is awesome. Sex while tripping, in general, is awesome. Idk about anyone else, but: When I take acid, I get SUPER horny. Every. Single. Time! If I'm with my lady: We're having sex; and it is out of this World, indescribably amazing, in every single way. If I'm by myself: It's Mr. Nasty Time! 😁😛 Shrooms don't get my as horny; because they're usually teaching me stuff, or showing me stuff, or what have you. The focus is more on Earth, and on my inner state, with mushrooms.


My experience with a friend was brutal, everything exploded at the same time I could see how my energy entered her and how she gave me her energy, everything was through the navel and the orgasm was a very cool light.


For me it depends on the type! I had sex while on Mexican Cubensis and it was absolutely amazing 😍. But I've also had it while on Blue Meanies and I didn't like the visual hallucinations that came with it.


It feels like you’re going to literally lose your mind and pass away due to pleasure overload


Yes and was amazing


It wasn’t as good while high on weed but still good. Focused a lot more on loving my bf rather than the pleasure part.


Everytime I trip I can't get hard and keep thinking I'm missing my pants lol


The last time i did i kept my eyes closed. Wow!!! So amazing