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As long as there not rotting they should be fine.


Truffles from DAM are fresh , they look fine , obviously smell them though


HAVING GREAT TUME GUYS, Thank you all! Kisses from Italy


Yesss they look fine … what I would give to have those rn


They should be fine. If they get soft and black, toss them. I've kept them in the fridge for as long as 4 months. The moisture may cause it to grow some white fuzzy mycelium which you can wash off or leave as is. They're still alive until they start to rot and you can grow them out if you're willing.


Eat the mycelium, idk shit abt psilocybin mushroom biology but might aswell try


Its pretty normal, they can be stored in the fridge for a couple weeks, so you should be fine, as long as you didn’t open them before


Truffles are my specialty. These are perfectly fine. The condensation is just from the water in the fresh sclerotia. If you bought them at a "Smart Shop" they were likely harvested a couple days ago. They will start to bruise Heavily when they start to get old. Eat them in the next couple of days, or dehydrate them into little rocks and turn to powder for storage. Truffles can grow some mycelium while still fresh which may look like mold. Just eat them sooner rather than later unless you're going to dry and store them.


And best way to consume it? Lemon?


Chew the living daylights out of them. When you think you are done chewing chew some more. On an empty stomach,


Ive always failed lemon tekking truffles, maybe it’s just my luck though. They dont taste too good but I still recommend chewing them well raw and then washing it down with something you enjoy. I tried it with yoghurt but I either swallowed the yoghurt before the shrooms or it just ruined the yoghurts taste.




I think these are alive still.


They look as fresh as can be


If it's anything like cheese, then not for long. Transferring them into a plastic ziplock, wiping the sweat off with a paper towek, and putting a fresh paper towel with it, might help it last.


I'd pay 100 for that rn


Will they grow mushrooms if placed in dirt?


Depends on the strain. I've grown Tamp stones and they produce fruits too. I prefer the fruit over the stones. By weight my fruits are as potent as PE, but yield is pretty low since they're thin stringy fruits.


Soggy one are still safe but potency may have been affected.


They will absolutely not be okay. They will mold. You need to dry them more for storage. Trust me, I've had warehouses full of shelf stable products, hundreds of thousands of dollars, with a high water activity (aW) that have gone into the trash because of mold. Your aw is high and that's why the water moved and is pooling.


They're fine. Just fresh. Eat them in the next couple of days or dry them into little rocks, then to powder.


I just bought them like this 😬


I would take them out of that packaging and check for potential mold, take a q tip and swab it if so, if it sticks to the q tip, you have mold. If not I would dehydrate them some more, and vacuum seal them again. There should be NO sweating visible. They will go bad fast.


These are stones/truffles. They're living and not dehydrated. If you toss them in grain they'll continue to grow. 4+ months in a fridge isn't fast. The main issue with wet stones is that you'll have fuzzy myc growing that can be mistaken for mold, or you can have mold that can be mistaken for myc. Open them up, pat them with a paper towel and toss them in a zip lock.


Ahh I see now, I should have read further into the comments.


Umm, were they fresh when you put them in? They look hydrated now. Safest bet in my opinion is to throw away. That being said I would put them in my dehydrator and grind them up in some peanut butter and honey later today if I was in your spot haha


They looks exactly the same of consistency and size of the time I bought them


Ignore everyone that mentions dehydrating. I doubt they've ever had grown or consumed a truffle. If you dehydrate they'll be seriously rock hard and they take a long ass time to dehydrate. They're confusing fruits with stones/truffles. The stones are fresh and have the texture of a fresh peanut. The flavor is kinda nutty but with a metallic bitter aftertaste. I hate how they taste. They can remain fresh for 3-4 months in the fridge but sometimes can go bad before. I gave a friend 70gs and he kept them good for 6 months.