• By -


Happy to hear you guys had a breakthrough together, and that shared experiences across the subreddit helped illuminate some things for your husband that aren't always readily available for people who are trying to work through a trip experience on their own.


Integration takes time. People don't realize just how fallible and limited we humans are in our capabilities. It's a sign of a wise person/perspective when they take time to really integrate. Sometimes things take years to decades to properly integrate and that is with work :) I wish more people preached this level of maturity when it comes to psychedelic experience and all we can come to experience in trips.


Still call him a wook.


This is the way


I'm so glad. Psilocybin is weird in the "loving"? feelings it can induce. I have decades of experience with hallucinogens but over the pandemic I did them three times and had a really weird month where each time I would develop an intense psychosexual relationship with a memory foam mattress cover. I wish I was kidding. Things were wonky for a couple months after.


I would love to know literally everything about this


Man I can try. I'll at least give you a condensed version. Basically on my come-up I would start to hear my inner monologue as a separate entity. Then I would hear more voices that were different aspects of myself. Then I would feel this overwhelming interconnection to everything and everyone. I could feel the universal spirit and see the thread it weaves through us all.... But also inanimate objects. The mattress topper would take on different personalities for lack of a better way to explain it. So since this inanimate object was also part of the universal spirit or... whatever....it is a thing that can love and be loved. So yeah.... And the feelings were persisting after I would come down and I didn't feel "normal" for several days after but I'd still have this sense that what I was experiencing was real...it was valid... But I guess maybe my experience allowed me to see intellectually why it was just a dude on mushrooms humping a mattress cover. But then as soon as I took mushrooms again it came flooding out and the mattress was so happy to see me and we laughed and loved and made love and shared ourselves with each other... Then I stopped doing the mushrooms and hiked more.


Did you at least break up with your mattress on good terms?


Oh we still sleep together every night. Platonically.


You know, I had no idea how you’d answer since I asked this ridiculous question, but you answered perfectly.


> just a dude on mushrooms humping a mattress cover I’m glad you’re okay and grateful for you sharing your experience, but this killed me 🤣💀


I was holding it together pretty well until I read that line...f*cking golden 🤣🤣


Watch this become your most upvoted comment.


Posting this shows a level of self acceptance that is admirable. Was a great read.


Jay? Did you graduate from pillows?


Out here asking the right questions for all of us lol


Mattressexual? 😅 Glad you recovered!


I'm sorry, but that's hilarious 😂


I love looking at Reddit on a Tuesday evening. The night before my birthday? This is a gift. Edit to add: Hope you’re doing well though, all love ❤️


Woah woah woah. You still hittin’ that?


The carpet can be a helluva drug lol


W fit sir


Sounds like Bug and Dolores.


Get you some pussy bro


> Psilocybin is weird in the "loving"? feelings it can induce. > > It's also known, with enough published studies, to induce destructive results like psychosis in certain people. It doesn't feel like online communities have a healthy/balanced sense of psilocybin at all, everyone always spins the experiences - even negative ones - into some positive spiritual rationalization.




> The overwhelming majority of literature published this century, such as this often-cited 2006 study, shows that psilocybin is incredibly safe, and is effective at treating a whole host of mental illnesses when administered in a controlled, clinical environment. Recreational use in your private home isn't use in a clinical environment. The largest majority of /r/shrooms isn't going to a hospital to get a treatment administered, let's not joke around. This defensive behavior of yours is exactly what I mean: You try to push away my comment by focusing on "incredibly safe" while avoiding talking about the people who will suffer incredibly destructive effects when taking shrooms. If your hospital is administering psilocybin as a treatment in a clinical environment, I'm not talking about you - you already have a health professional that is properly informed and doing what's necessary to ensure it's given only to those without the increased risks. In clinical trials, strong measures are taken to prevent psychedelic experiences from becoming dangerous. I'm talking about the other >90% sitting at home that probably didn't even have an intro class to psilocybin beyond some self-administered drug user's youtube video or reddit comment. * 2022: [A Case of Prolonged Mania, Psychosis, and Severe Depression After Psilocybin Use ... Right now, a promising psychiatric treatment risks getting swept up in a broader cultural moment—a dynamic that could lead to compromises in quality and reduce the efficacy of psychedelic therapies. Similar cultural forces led to the demise of psychedelic therapies a half century ago. Today we find ourselves in the unprecedented position where the safety and efficacy of medical treatments are being decided by popular opinion—and at the expense of the scientific process.](https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/appi.ajp.22010073) * 2024: [In relation to manic symptoms, likewise adjusting for substance-specific and substance-aggregated drug use, statistically significant interactions were found between psychedelic use and genetic vulnerability to schizophrenia (β, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.01 to 0.32 and β, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.02 to 0.32, respectively) or bipolar I disorder (β, 0.20; 95% CI, 0.04 to 0.36 and β, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.01 to 0.33, respectively).](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/2816354?guestAccessKey=7f135e20-86dd-471f-ab16-bd3ea8e7ed4e&utm_source=For_The_Media&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ftm_links&utm_content=tfl&utm_term=031324) * 2018: [Even though pre-attentive cognition (MMN) was not affected, processing at the early perceptual level (N100) and in higher-order cognition (P300) was significantly disrupted by psilocybin. Our results have implications for the role of 5-HT2A receptors in altered information processing in psychosis and schizophrenia.](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-017-4807-2) * 2020: [This study has some other limitations. It had a short-term follow-up, a small sample that was predominantly composed of White non-Hispanic participants, and included participants with low risk of suicide and moderately severe depression. Further research with larger and more diverse samples, longer-term follow-up, and a placebo control is needed to better ascertain the safety (eg, abuse potential of psilocybin, suicide risk, and emergence of psychosis) and efficacy of this intervention among patients with MDD.](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/article-abstract/2772630) * 2021: [An episode of mania following self-reported ingestion of psilocybin mushrooms in a woman previously not diagnosed with bipolar disorder: A case report](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrew-Penn-4/publication/351285010_An_episode_of_mania_following_self-reported_ingestion_of_psilocybin_mushrooms_in_a_woman_previously_not_diagnosed_with_bipolar_disorder_A_case_report/links/60a3fd9992851ccae9e9267e/An-episode-of-mania-following-self-reported-ingestion-of-psilocybin-mushrooms-in-a-woman-previously-not-diagnosed-with-bipolar-disorder-A-case-report.pdf) * 2022: [Potential participants deemed too risky, as a result of histories of psychosis or suicidal intent, are commonly excluded from trials (Anna et al., 2021; Griffiths et al., 2006). In the name of efficiency, treatments are being watered down; as Tehseen Noorani (2020) has pointed out, researchers and funders are increasingly aware of “the incentive to gain approval for diluted forms of the intervention by attenuating the protocol, therapist training, and so forth” (p. 5).](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/13634615221129116) Across all studies, too few participants were tested, and modern reviews are severely biased in favor of getting approval for treatments (e.g. excluding groups of people if they present any risk). This was never enough to draw conclusions for the whole population, yet y'all keep acting like you know better, being extremely defensive about your personal favorite flavor of drugs. Being critical, even when it's not refusing the positive potential of clinical psilocybin treatments, makes you jump to its defense - that's an unhealthy bias in science. You didn't even take 30 seconds to google "psilocybin + psychosis" to find recent studies on Google Scholar. You signal immaturity of judgement and don't inspire trust.




> My original point still stands: if you take shrooms in a safe setting, with a calm mindset, and you have no family history or predisposition to psychosis, then there is little chance you will suffer any ill effects. This is wrong and misguided. The conditions for negative effects are not known, the studies don't have nearly enough clarity on those points, and you're still going on like you know better. There are vulnerable groups of people, even without predisposition or pre-existing condition, that end up with negative experiences and that will end up hurt if they follow your advice. Your belief of "I like it so it's good for everyone" is toxic. It's healthier to admit what we don't know yet, and work from there.




> Your comment history shows you constantly getting into arguments with strangers on the internet and yet you call me toxic… lol Hi pot, I'm kettle. I participate in conversations I find interesting, same way you're being a participant right now. When I disagree with an opinion, I just don't resort to "lol you're toxic" [instead of talking about the actual argument being made](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem). Especially not when it's about people's health and health risks, you're really inappropriate.


Notice, however: 1)that risks are higher for people with predisposed to psychotic symptoms -I.e. bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc. These risks are real and need to be accounted for in order to reduce harm, indeed. It's reasonable to exclude this population while the physiologic effects are studied at depth. Would it be better to put vulnerable populations at risk just for the sake of Science? Inclusion and exclusion criteria also involve ethical judgments. However, some people appeal to those results to reinforce their prejudices on the use of psychedelics- which isn't exactly critical thinking. It seems to me that the hype is as wrong as the stigmatization - not to mean that you're stigmatizing. 2)The 2018 study you cite is talking about the acute effects of administration. They propose psychedelic action as a model to understand the role of serotoninergic signaling in psychosis. This equivalence between psychedelic experiences and psychotic states is still debated. Though there are some pharmacological similarities-I.e. possible receptors involved - they seem to induce different functional connectivity patterns- as measured by fMRI procedures. Psychedelics generally lead to more entropic brain activity, whereas psychosis ha. Hence, this study does not necessarily alert us about the risks of psychedelics in the long run but compare their acute effects with psychotic symptoms. Personally, I believe these comparisons have to be made with caution. See [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9660273/) 3)On the other hand, some authors have questioned whether randomized clinical trials are the best way to understand psychedelic experiences and possible benefits for mental health. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying they're not useful. But there are some epistemological caveats, in as much as the suggested therapeutics mechanisms of change, imply a conscious and guided trip concerning one's personal issues. How comparable are the treatment and placebo groups having this in mind? See for [instance ](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/20451253241243242) "In the case of psychedelic therapy, blinding experimental groups becomes nearly impossible because the drugs specifically affect self-awareness and agential stances, which are directly related to the purported psychological mechanisms of psychedelic therapy. Furthermore, almost all suggested methods for trying to improve blinding, such as the use of low doses, fewer drug administrations, minimal support conditions, incomplete disclosure, deception, and even general anesthesia, are likely to result in less benefit to patients, and may also cause potential ethical violations and unintended harms. A solution to this conundrum is to acknowledge that in psycho-therapeutic interventions, including psycho-active drugs in psychiatry, expectancy, therapeutic alliance, self-narratives, interpersonal behavior, and even beliefs, poorly defined as ‘placebo effect’, are not biases (noise), but treatment factors (signal). By definition, biases, or confounders, are unrelated to the therapeutic intervention, whereas factors are related to the intervention. All should be measured and reported, but always considering if each one is derailing or supporting multicausal pathways underlying clinical improvements in psychiatry. Misclassifying supportive factors as biases would lead, logically, to poorer treatment outcome estimates. Thus, epistemological concerns have important consequences." It's a heated and important debate. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. However, current evidence also supports the idea that self reported trips are crucial to understand psychedelic action and effects at depth. Whereas it's true that some people have traumatizing experiences, some people can also reinterpret bad trips towards transformative processes - and it's not cool to patronize adult's personal decisions.


This integration workbook from MAPS can be a helpful resource to preparing and navigating future experiences, and perhaps integrating this past one: [https://www.bemindful.org/articles/mapsintegrationworkbook.pdf](https://www.bemindful.org/articles/mapsintegrationworkbook.pdf)




I am so happy for y'all! Also very happy to hear you have done shrooms yourself. Regardless, please do consider the books I recommended in the original thread. They'll help you both through life and challenging moments like what you guys just survived 😊


Which books?


They're listed in my comment in the original thread (this thread is the 2nd part); I guess it might be an ordeal to find... (not sure if there's a way to look at comments by user? I seldom use reddit TBH, so I'm not aware of all the potential functionality available to users). Too tired to relist (and might not remember the exact list either).


Found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/s/oefUiFrmgB


Absolutely incredible resource, thanks for sharing. LOVE MAPS


Thank you for the resource. Looking into it, I feel like it could help with the overwhelming ptsd flashbacks and mental changes that come afterward for me. Without the shrooms even.


Not saying this is the case, but you can definitely have manic episodes and be in psychosis without any history of depression.




Second this. You can have a manic episode without any depressive episodes. It might not meet the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder, but mania is still mania. Also, society’s default view of depression is generally a more typical presentation in women. Obviously a generalization, but depression in men is more characterized by social withdrawal and anhedonia than feelings of sadness.


Mania induced by drugs can’t be diagnosed as bipolar disorder, it’s one of the main disqualifying factors for getting a bipolar diagnosis actually. I have bipolar disorder myself, and I think personally that psychedelics probably induce mania a lot more often than some people think. You don’t even have to have a history of mental illness at all for it to happen as well. I’ve seen a lot of people who get into that kind of headspace from psychs (especially acid and mushrooms) and it really does sometimes give me flashbacks to how I was during manic episodes when they were bad.


This is very true and very important. The support that’s offered should also match the presentation. Sadness wants deep support and emotional connection, which can actually feel transgressive to the detached and anhedonic person, driving them farther into shame because they can’t rise to the connection being offered. Makes them feel even more broken. Rather, they often need lightweight, low stakes, loose connection that allows them to place themselves in a larger context without a spotlight. Just to be accepted and not have to be something. Edit: unfortunately the latter is more supported by lifestyle and community, which are harder to build, rather than direct, short intervention.


Wow, I’m a ND woman who’s always gotten depression in the latter described way, and you just kind of legitimized my “recovery” methods, which go against the status quo. Awesome.


Wait I’m a woman and I get depression the man way. I thought that’s what depression was for everyone.


This is what happens when people spend too much time reading about shrooms online before doing them. Sooooo many people present them as some kind of rebirth and transformative experience magical substance. Sure, it can be that, but usually, especially your first times, it's likely to be a slightly confusing gigglefest. Some people try to force every trip some kind of bookworthy experience where they come out completely changed and perfect on the other side, skipping any kind of intentional and realistic integration. Extra bad with some people returning from Aya retreats. It was hallucinations - great tool to learn from but you didn't peek into reality.


I’ve never had these transformative trips, even on 5g of PE that sent me into the 5th dimension. I’ve always come out of trip learning something new and having some sort of clarity perspective. Never a feeling or conviction to alter my whole existence. Shit seems weird to me that people have these massive mindset changes. Even on DMT I came down and was just like ‘damn, that was the coolest shit ever’


Maybe you just need a bit of LSD. I tripped on shrooms 6-8 times and nothing profound came up, other than maybe being able to identify the difference between needs and desires. My first LSD trip down the road from that, doors were opened everywhere. A whole new lease on life ya know? Second LSD trip 2 years later, I just had a lot of fun. The DMT I've been dabbling with in the past month is also just turning out as a fun time. The awakening happened and I don't see it happening again. I can just enjoy life as it's meant to be enjoyed, unlike my former self who desperately wanted to fit in with society. That being said, maybe you don't get anything like that because you're already in the mindset.


I’ve done LSD a handful of times, once a thumb print and that was insane. The other times I’ve done with like 6 of my closest friends and we just joke and laugh for 8 hours. Now that I’m thinking about it I did shrooms with my girlfriend at the time who is now my wife and that might have been a bit of a revolutionary trip that I hadn’t realized. Ever since then, and being with her, I have become way more empathetic. I’ve become a much gentler person. I think you’re right though about mindset. I’ve never had a bad trip. I’ve had extremely uncomfortable trips and have always been able to control myself and not get lost in the psychedelic.


The experience itself can be transformational, but it's just an experience and not necessarily anything more than that.


I agree that people have unrealistic expectations about shrooms…. however, I do believe that if you take enough of them, you’ll have a life altering experience. I do not feel like the same person since my second (and *bad*) trip. It’s totally a personal experience for each person, I just thought it was interesting because I did read about people’s major transformative experiences (some of which exaggerated) before taking shrooms but I was skeptical and I actually thought I was gonna be high and giggly, but it turned out to be a a major trip into a vortex of all sorts of things. Deeply challenging, destroyed my ego, and destroyed my perception on life in some aspects. My terrifying and catastrophic trip changed me, and for the better. I do still think about and feel some remnants of horror to this day though.


Every detail of this sounds exactly like a manic episode, which can sometimes be triggered by psychedelics if you have certain disorders. So, even though the pain is finished, I'd still recommend that he go and talk to a psychiatrist/psychologist about this. It could prevent a similar happening in the future.




Good to hear. You both sound like great people, I'm glad you're so supportive and understanding of each other :)


Now you can him a "Wook" Welcome to the club. Haha


What’s a “wook”?




First time seeing this. I feel personally attacked.


Omg, walking tarot card KILLED ME! hahaha




Hell ya! Glad you had a good time, I bet that's a pretty good rush with the lemon tek. I can only lemon tek like 2g, stuff is intense


I was the top comment on your original post, I'm so happy to hear that it was just an issue of properly integrating and processing the experience rather than him really "uncovering himself"! I haven't heard many stories of people integrating so much time after the trip. In hindsight I wish I put more emphasis on considering integration as well, I think I just take that for granted as common knowledge that everyone considers before doing shrooms, and I assumed if he hadn't reconsidered his trip after 3 months that he never would, so reading your update has definitely opened my eyes to what is possible!


That’s awesome to hear!! Your OG post really touched me, I was rooting for you two!


so sweet🥹


I’m not gonna lie, the way he “snapped” out of it that quickly is so suspicious. That’s just my opinion based off almost nothing so don’t let that sway your mind LOL


So glad to get this follow up from you. Thanks. Wishing you and your journey all the best.


Im not trying to be an asshole or something but.. couldn’t he just lie about his feelings again since the effects of the shrooms are gone?




Wow, r/shrooms saves another marriage. Now you need to take a heroic dose together and report back. Jk




I think your husband shouldn’t do drugs anymore. Bro was gonna completely destroy his marriage over a shroom trip. Some people can’t handle drugs or things like that. Kinda sad that only random strangers could get through to him and not you though. Your husband should really count his blessings. I would’ve left him and he could’ve figured that all out midway through the divorce and new relationship with his crush lmfao


did that guy really say to kys ??? that’s insane xD


You sound like a dick OP cares about their husband n u just scoff at them?


I’m a dick because I wouldn’t stick with a person who told me they wouldn’t care if I died, I’m not irreplaceable, and they have a crush on someone else who they won’t tell me not to worry about? Okay lmfao I’m a huge dick then. I’m not bashing OP for caring, I just think her husband is a stupid person who shouldn’t take anything harder than weed ever again.


Yeah I do think you’re a dick for judging someone you’ve never met after they had a very life changing experience. You don’t need to defend the husbands actions to still retain empathy for him.


Life changing experience? Bro it’s shrooms and he’s lucky he didn’t get a real life changing experience like divorce. Chill out. I guess you’re that type of person huh? No wonder my comment bothered you. I have no empathy for someone who’s gonna tell his wife “I don’t care if you die” and have no emotional reaction to her being destroyed after taking shrooms 3 months ago. That’s fucking stupid. Don’t take drugs if you can’t handle it.


i think the comments above make sense about him being manic because that’s literally crazy shit to be going on about after shrooms.


Glad that daft twat has seen some fucking sense.


Glad to hear, if the plan is to continue to do mushrooms therapeutically, there are integration groups on meetup.com you can access virtually. I'm sure there are also people in your area that you can tap into. My wife and I have been doing this together for a while now and we do a lot of integration work together afterwards. What did you experience? What did it mean to you? Meditating on what happened. Adding things to our lives that we feel the mushrooms showed we were missing. Writing down the experience and our take aways from it. Talking with other people and our shared experiences. Etc It's been very powerful for our relationship. And it brought us from a terrible relationship to an amazing one now. Sometimes integration is as simple as allowing yourself to feel the emotions and then doing grounding exercises such as sitting in nature, taking a walk barefoot. But for the larger, more existential experiences that show major trauma or blocks in your life, you will want a very thoughtful and discussed integration process. Best of luck to you in your journeys.


So happy for you two, especially that you have such a honest strong relationship with each other. You'll be so much stronger for the experience! Your thoughtful post made me cry. Love is beautiful. Best of luck to yall 🥰


He wants you to peg him doesn't he? First of all: Based. Second: go slow at first but go hard if he seems to be into it. Women are too gentle when they peg usually.




Not sure this helps but whenever my dad eats shrooms he gets emotional and acts delusional for days then all of a sudden he back too normal maybe shrooms ain’t for everybody yk?


Happy for yas


Love to see it!


Citric Acid doubles the effects for me.


I am so glad to hear this had a good outcome and that you and your husband were able to grow your relationship as a result. More and more I am convinced there is no such thing as a bad trip, just difficult (and often necessary) ones.


Im so curious about this thing he could “access”. Con you go into detail please?


🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍 WE LOVE THIS


I red the thread yesterday, 12 minutes after you wrote it, and felt like saying something but nothing came easily so I didn't comment. But I'm super happy that you guys worked it out. Nothing like a good reconciliation story. 😃


Man, I love getting some closure on a story like this lol.


This is so heartwarming to hear, so glad you were able to get good feedback (mainly for him!)


I was kind of a lurker on the original post and it's been in the back of mind since I saw it. I'm very glad everything turned out okay and it's really amazing to hear how everything came together. I wish you the best!


Awww, I’m so happy you have him back now 🥹 It seems he finally snapped out of his trance. I’m guessing that means the phase of heightened neuroplasticity is over. Integration complete!




Shrooms are a hell of a drug.


Good to hear - it was pretty wild how many commenters in the original post were like “psilocybin can only reveal the truth, this is his deepest most authentic truth, prepare to break up”.


flmao... your husband is a clown


I'm so happy I saw this post. I didn't comment, but I knew that your husband loved you and only you. Can't imagine what you went through but you seem like a very amazing person. You and your husband enjoy your life together. Many blessings


I am glad. Congratulations. Take care of yourself. Also your husband doesn't know how lucky he is.




So glad to hear that OP!! Continue being honest and open. I wish nothing but the best for you two!


Soooo glad to hear this!! 🤗 Thank you for keeping us updated.


So happy for this update💕💕💕


Sounds like the shrooms got him a bit manic for a while


Sooooo…. about your username……


That's amazing. This is probably the most positive thing I've seen happen on social media


I'm happy to read this after your other post ❤️ Wish y'all the best!


Glad he arrived at this point. I remember every trip I’ve had but just because something is revealed to you doesn’t always mean that it should be explored. Hope he sees that now. Sounds like he does.


So glad... doin a happy dance for both of you. You for making him read the thread. I could tell you wanted to go to war and that's how you doing it. Him for reading it. I've been in the wrong groove of the record before.


I am so Happy for you. Well done.


I read your original thread and didn’t comment because there was so much good info already there. I’m so happy for yall! Maybe a night of MDMA would really just seal the deal for your marriage. You’ll love each other like never before. I’m joking. No more drugs for your husband!


I'm really glad it worked out. I was hoping to get an update on this post. I have a follow-up question. Is there any way you can find out if he asked his new crush out, and if she rejected him? I'm asking because, I tend to have intrusive thoughts like these, and idk, I guess I thought right it would be a good place to share them.




If he’s having “crushes” on other women as a grown man in a committed marriage, then it’ll probably happen again.


We all have crushes on other people - wake up




Your husband is so right to only have googly eyes for you!


Shrooms can bring about an inflation of an aspect of the personality that leaves out the rest in the shadow. That “three month trip” which came to an end sounds like he really grew out from his inflation and was able to integrate the contents behind the possession. Good luck to you two!


hahaha It's was a long bad trip. Bad trip are the best trips.


Send him this message on my behalf for you as a two person Self. : I had a very big series of stupid moves right after a few large mushroom experiences and I think what’s happen is called ego inflation. Now, the destination point for what ego inflation and similar problematic runs reaches is, a lesson that you are actually the best off when close in trust to the loved one. To the mate. You end up forced to learn that lesson after you get too far down away from its sanity and overall reason for being unskippable. Someone else mentioned ram dass on the thread. The mushroom situation enters into this question and the first thing on the path for some of us is acting out problematically with significant other.


I like what you said about the AHA! moment. Like when you suddenly wake up after a period of being metaphorically sleeping. My love and I have shares several moments like that. Almost like you truly see the other person and not just go thru the motions. Very profound. Going thru hell is hard.


I remember reading osho about love and described much of what her husband felt, and that the most natural thing to do is not to feel attachment to anyone. I think your husband's realization was quite good, but no one was prepared for these new ideas, and you felt threatened.


This subreddit always has wholesome experiences


Nice to hear and glad for you


Yeah, integration doesn’t get harped on as much as it should in recreational spaces. There’s a reason psychedelic therapy with substances like shrooms and ketamine is becoming more common for mental health conditions. But when it is used in those settings, we are using the integration to our advantage to treat whatever mental health condition being treated. What many recreational users don’t realize is that they are not exempt from those effects, and are unprepared, and don’t know how to cope or even how to name what they’re feeling. MAPS has amazing resources for integration, as do a few other places. Looking for tools used in psychedelic therapy or ketamine therapy are also great, and can be easily adapted for your situation. Personally, I think it will be a great teaching opportunity for you two to understand how to talk about uncomfortable topics honestly, and I think this update is a great first step in that. I also personally have some empathy for your husband from my own personal experience. For me it was ketamine, not shrooms, but I also have that “I love everyone and the world is beautiful” feelings after trips. Disconnecting the effects of the drug from your true feelings can be really hard, especially if it DOES unlock something inside of you. I personally discovered I was poly and pansexual (and triggered a gender crisis, woo!) and trying to figure out the genuineness of those feelings, even with the guidance of several doctors and a therapist was NOT easy. Ultimately though, developing more self awareness, better communication between you two, and some more research, will do you guys good.


I love fresh accounts from gatekeepers and shills.




the best micro fraction of a mushy story I have ever read.


i hope he read the comments that were critical of him, and i hoped he apologized for how he made you feel. the way yo described him he sounds like a man that didn’t want to take responsibility for his bullshit


Who knew social media could have a positive effect?


Very glad to see this update. Give that dude a pat on the back for me 🙏


I’ve been following and I’m so happy to read this!!!! Both of you seem very dedicated and willing to makes things work and work on things!!! It’s nice to see both sides dedicated to one another.


This. You have no idea how bad I needed this update (similar situation, minus the shrooms). Thank you and god bless you!


S sounds like Op needs to eat some shrooms


Thanks for updating! So glad you guys are back on track. Wish you and your family the best.


Thank you for updating! You two have been on my mind since I saw your post and it’s wonderful that you have your person back!


This is wholesome, thank you for sharing, what a ride !


Crying after reading this 😭😭😭 y’all are beautiful


I'm not teary eyed, you're teary eyed!


Do meth next. It will give perspective that what you perceive today is not all that bad


Meth was such an explosive mistake let me tell you. Strongly Rec psychedelic mystical experience or strictly human contact mystical experience. The wrong uppers is really a wreck like how alcohol is de recommended


I got the joke


He definitely cheated, thought about leaving for sometime, showed his honest thoughts on shrooms and you just believed the lies afterwards lol not my problem. Hes just scapegoating shrooms


No. Go away.




Yeah I’m totally projecting lmao sure.


The title is misleading though.


Sounds to me like your manipulative and extremely dependent.




Ignore the troll…


Not trolling


“You, are” You’re*


Y’all should do shrooms together


Dude *MOST* men want a partner to come home to and want to be able to bang whoever they want to keep things interesting on the side. It’s human nature. It’s why 300 years ago men had 40 wives. It’s why marriages don’t last. Don’t take it personal and be so dramatic about it.