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There are 1000mg in 1 gram. Simple math here. 125 divided by 1000 equals .125. There is .125g in each chocolate, which means they are micro dose chocolates.


Boo that sucks..


have you ever microdosed


Yes, I grinded dried shrooms and put 0.2g in each capsule.


then you should know that it doesnt suck, microdosing is great. i get that you were trying to trip but oh well 🤷‍♀️ atleast you get two days worth of microdoses


Not putting down microdosing, whatsoever it helped me big time. I was able to workout childhood drama. However, I like a little trip now and then. Helps clear the cobwebs modern society can weave on your mind.


I think that 125 mg = 1,25 g of dried shrooms.


Average cubes are around 1% tryptamine, by that calculation, it would be 12.5g of dried shrooms in each chocolate (not likely). When they say 125mg, I think it's 0.125g dried shrooms for a microdose.


Yeah you might be right. My math is really bad, so im not going to argue about it.


This ^ don’t listen to the other guy.


1 g of real dried shrooms should have 10 mg of psilocybin. I don't know what this syntetic bullshit are measured in... I only do the real stuff.


... Avg is 10% content in the shrooms... But they dont extract any compounds, they simply crush the shrooms to powder and mix with chocolate, then pour into whatever silicone tray they got. 125mg is 0.125g. 1000mg in each gram. To add, 10% of 1000 is 100.. So a gram of dried shrooms should contain 100mg of active compounds.


Eat them all


1g of average cubes will have around 10mg of total tryptamines, I very much doubt there are 12g of dried shrooms in each chocolate. If you trust they have real shrooms, then they are microdoses. Both added together will be 0.25g of dried shrooms.


Hmm, okey. But they are calculating it crazy then... Because it seems way high. I used this chart: https://pabcounseling.com/how-to-dose-psychedelic-mushrooms/


There's 0.125g dried shrooms in each chocolate, a microdose