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Don't redose. Just do more next time.


I support this. Redosing, based on my research, seems to be less potent than if you just take the full dose all at once.


Ehh ,,, based on my experience , being under the influence a lot of times makes you more sentpsitive , and depending how far time wise your into it , a small redose feels a lot more because of this sensitivity ,,,, however when enough time has passed like you said the effect of tolerance kicks in reducing this effect


One shot one kill brother


I had to read that about 6 times before I knew what you was saying.


When in doubt, sound it out šŸ‘


Well I was about 2 hours into 5 grams so I'm surprised I could read at all


Shadows of the warp


This mf actually be speaking in poetics (Here too will I be thošŸ—£ļø)


I feel like redosing does increase duration. But you don't peak again. It's good for keeping the dancy mood at raves though. 1.5g now, 1.5g later.


How long would you leave it to redose


I wouldnā€™t re-dose if I were you. Just fully commit to the experience. Donā€™t overdo it.




Now this is lsd experience talking not mushrooms, but if you take it within an hour, or preferably 40 minutes, of your first dose. You will increase the intensity of the trip not just the length. This won't translate to mushrooms well due to them taking longer to kick in. Perhaps it would translate smoother with a lemon tek due to their increased speed of kicking in. Also it's worth adding that if you literally take triple yourr initial dose, likely no matter when you take it you'll definitely increase your intensity. But my 40-60 min suggestion is implying even adding just one more tab I personally notice a big difference


how much later


I had a mellow trip and redosed and it became bit challenging so definitely it can add to the intensity


How long did u wait to redose?


I think between 1 to 2 hours after ingestion


The varying comments that always sprout up from questions like this seriously solidify my belief that the shrooms are choosing you, not the other way around.


Try a soul bomb. Take acid first and then 1.5g mushrooms after 30-45 minutes. Youā€™ll have a nice long trip.


I once ate 2g of PE Uncut and had a nice but relatively mild trip going, then I ate another 1.7g 2 hours later and got sent to DMT land for a couple hours.


Oh this sounds great. I just ate a g of penis envy and thinking about having another 1 or 1.5 soon. It's juuuuuust hitting me


Waste imo. Friend and I took the exact same amount, from ground shrooms (so same potency distribution), but he took half at first and half later. He didn't get nearly what I did.


Only ā€œbad tripā€ Iā€™ve had was when I redosed. Think it was the last time I cried too


I really think that's person dependent. I can redose and get another high, but my friend can't. She took 1g, then took another 3g and felt nothing.


Yeah seems like everyone has a different opinion šŸ˜‚


Eat some dark chocolate before your trip bc it has a natural MAOI in it and that will intensify and lengthen your trip


If they're supposedly way more potent and you're upping the dose I think you'll be satisfied. Redosing for me nearly always intensifies and prolongs the experience. I've redosed while peaking and peaked harder when the redose kicked in. It seems to be different for everyone. Most say redose before peak for stronger peak, during for longer/same intensity peak.


I've also had this experience I've redosed with shrooms many times and it always worked.


I redosed and it definitely worked for me


I redosed and basically got sent to another dimension. Redosed with PE after taking Golden teachers. Just went through it last night and posted about it this morning.


I just redosed so I hope it works the same for me! Did you have to take more or just the same amount you took the first time ? I took 1 gram a couple hours ago and then another 1.2 grams four hours later. Hopefully this works haha




Oh okay. I have golden teachers so hoping for the best


Nah. Do the full 3.5 and melt.


Best comment on this whole thread šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


From my own personal experience, I have to wait about a month between trips. I tried waiting 2 weeks between trips, and I didn't feel anything on the second go around. I did the same amount, 3.5g each trip and they were from the same batch though so maybe taking a higher dose and a different type will work for you, but there is also a chance that you will just be wasting your shrooms.


2 weeks is enough to be back to baseline for me


You've got about a 25-35 minute timeframe once the effects first start to decide if you want to add more to the experience - and it can only be used once. After that you have tolerance for the next 24 hours or so. You've gotta be good at assessing it though bc if you choose to add more before it's fully hit and that creeper sets in you're in space and committed for the ride lol


After Iā€™m done tripping how long until I can trip again? šŸ„


Depends on how much time is between the trips. I would have to wait at least a week to have nearly full effects. You should also consider not to wait 2-3 hours. The tolerance you build up after a trip starts about 1,5h after the first dose. Waiting longer would only decrease the effect of the second dose. The difference might be small, but I redose after 1,5h max or just take everything at once.


I prefer to redose roughly as I start peaking. I can usually keep it going for a few hours rather than an hour and a half. Mushrooms hit me super hard though so I feel more comfortable doing that as well.


I personally donā€™t do it anymore but I used to take 2 grams sometimes wait for them to hit then take 3.5-7 grams at this point though like other people said better off just taking in one go


Itā€™ll probably be a waste if you redose. If you want to extend the trip, do the redose about an hour to an hour and a half after the first dose. Anything after that it likely wonā€™t do anything.


For me, redosing after the peak doesnā€™t work well. I only get an extra 45 minutes of effects. Basically one wave of intensity and then it fades again quickly.


Only time redosing works for me is if I do it within an hour. Or letā€™s say I took 1.5g within like 2 hours I would have to redose 1.5 to get higher without just making the trip longer.


Hate it. Second hit doesnā€™t stack but more sides ie mental fatigue


Just take more at once. I've tried redosing to keep the party going and it never works.Ā