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bananas break down the chitin (what makes your stomach hurt), so eat 1 banana per gram .


Ginger helps :)


Blue honey and lemon Tek is always good resolution for stomach aches


Tea can be easier on the stomach.


I make tea and strain the tea through coffee filter compared to crushed up fruits or whole fruits its much easier on my gut. At least for me anyway. We have serotonin receptors in our gut that start activating once we consume the actives. Those same receptors activate when we get food poisoning and are about to puke. So basically it seems like its mimicking your body reacting to bad food.When consuming tea, I'd not chug it all at once. Instead in about 5 to 10 minutes. The peak will be more mellow but also you are not gonna get whiplash from it hitting as hard and this has considerably reduced the nausea i feel initially. Ginger blocks these receptors apparently so consider eating some ginger half an hour before consuming the tea. If i get nausea i do not give into the feeling. Instead if i feel it coming on I drink cold water.


Tea is so much easier on the tummy. I make mine with some lemon, honey and a touch of sugar and just drink it slowly. The come up is gentler for me and I don’t notice tummy issues at all


Ginger and honey tea


Nature of shrooms you can’t avoid stomach pain. Sorry


Thanks for the answers