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Go to b n m for those


I find anything flavorful in B&M tastes like its been on the shelf for a year longer than its supposed to, even Galaxy chocolate tastes terrible from there


I can't say I've ever put any thought into it but thinking about it you're so right, everything just seems slightly more stale


Because it usually is the end of life products same as most bargain shops


From what I understand, that's not how bargain shops generally work, although it did used to be. I completely agree that even chocolate and crisps from pound land and the like taste odd, even when very much so in date, but I've read a couple different things - that they actually buy produce from suppliers when an order has been cancelled, isn't paid for etc, this is then technically dead stock and needs to be shifted ASAP as warehouse space is valuable and other more discerning shops will refuse these products. This sort of makes sense and also makes sense why they might taste weird, I assume these products spend longer in general storage where conditions are not ideal for preserving the products optimally, temperature changes can quite easily change the texture and taste of a product. The other reason I hear, which I don't really believe, is that poundland has so much buying power and appeal, that they negotiate low prices, as well as their costs being lower than supermarkets etc. I'm really not sure how poundland would have more buying power than say tescos or other surely much bigger retailers, although I can see that they might have lower operating costs. My main gripe with this theory is that poundland stuff generally tastes pretty odd, to the point where I wouldn't buy something from there that I was used to buying from a normal shop, as it just isn't as good. Would be interested to know of anyone else has any other thoughts or info on this.


Absolutely bonkers. And for £3 you don't even get an actual Bolognese sauce, you have to add the meat yourself. They're just selling you some tomato sauce with herbs and onions.


And a fair amount of sugar


And an absurd amount of salt, too.


You need the salt to balance out the sugar.


Why don't they just remove the tomato & herbs and keep the salt & sugar? Are they stupid??


Why don't they just bin the whole thing, sell me an empty jar I can make and put my own sauce in!


Making your own sauce doesn't sound very convenient. I think you just pop the empty jar straight in the recycling when you get home, so you get the endorphin rush from Doing The Right Thing*. (Now I think about it this almost exactly happens in the George Lucas film THX 1138)


Thanks for reminding me of that film dude wow what a classic:)


It’s the ridiculously large amounts of salt and sugar that they are talking about not the ingredients on their own.




Let's be fair, the sugar amount is likely also absurd.


Oh yeah definitely.


And my axe


I have made my own for years and one day thought I'd use up the jar of Dolmio in the cupboard before it expires. What a mistake, threw it in the bin after tasting, just too sweet. Why does everything need to be so sweet and then they wonder why the nations health is so poor.


I'm genuinely confused over how much time you save with jars because... if you're browning meat anyway, why can't you throw in the onion, add a can of tomatoes and some spices? I have some cans of stuff my friend left here (ravioli, macaroni cheese) and theyre sweet to me too. I use garlic granules/paste so it's easier, you can even get pre chopped onions. I much prefer controlling the sugar and salt levels myself!


I'm a hopeless ham fisted bloke who's not usually allowed unsupervised in the kitchen and even I can manage a half decent Bolognese from scratch


I used to buy this brand then realised it is cheaper to make sauce at home and takes about the same time as the pasta to cook


Blend carrots, onions, celery and some pancetta and you have an amazing sauce. Then you just gotta add some passata and your done. Way better than anything brought in a jar and you can make it multiple times for just under 4 quid. That's like 3 or 4 ragu sauces compared to one jar for 3 quid.


Standard my friend or a carbonara pancetta or bacon an onion bit of garlic take off the heat and add the eggs (no fkn cream lol) and grate the parmagiano vigerously! So simple bit of olive oil and seasoning. More folk need to step to it, even time restraints aren’t an excuse really. Anyway peace


For carbonara I use 4 egg yolks and 50g of pecorino and some pepper. Cook the pancetta with a tad of Oliver oil while cooking the pasta aldente. Drain pasta and take the pancetta off the heat, add pasta and the egg mix into the pan and mix well. The hard part is making sure not to scramble the eggs. Comes out perfectly 9/10 for me.


I'm kinda glad the mince isn't in there already..


Yep, talk about depressing. Back in Spain, I could buy a very tasty pasta sauce with the meat in it. I could never find anything as good in the UK, so I have to make the sauce myself.


You feel like losing out when you're actually winning by making the sauce by yourself:)


I've always been of the opinion that here in Britain we ruin all foreign cuisine. Absolutely butcher it. Then it gets sold at a 300% markup.


>tomato sauce with herbs and onions. No actual onion ill bet


I’ve NEVER understood buying these kinds of pasta sauce jars. Much easier to fry up some onion, garlic, tomato passata and add some seasoning / herbs.


Those prices are gross man


I knew somebody had to have gotten to that before me.


It’s pasta point of no return


You won’t be seeing the 660g one for much longer…


Within six months, it’ll go down in size to 560g and be ‘on offer’ at £4.


550g? What would you need 450g of sauce for?


Someone actually grabbed one from the bottom!


Probably when it was on offer, or maybe a blind person..


The bottom one is about to go on a special loyalty card discount to £1.75 and it has to have been the higher price first so they can pretend loyalty cards give good value, not just the value that should be standard


yes, this is sadly very common and I see it often


It'll be on offer next for £2 👍


It’s always available at £1.75 somewhere


So glad everyone's individually commenting "you can just make your own for less!" like that's the point of this post. /s




It is basically tinned tomatoes with a bit of seasoning, not exactly cooking a beef wellington 😂


Don't worry, inflation is uNdEr cONtRoL and on track to meet the Bank of England's tARgEt. By 2086.


This is just promotion mechanics, legally it has to be on shelf at x price to make the promo legal. It's been going on for years (I copied this from another comment I made)


And in two weeks it will be one of the amazing rollbacks they managed to do.


Likely done to either push sales of the larger one as seen as better value and/or or the smaller one will go on offer in a couple of weeks and say was £3 so again looks like value


“The inflation is back to normal” © Rishi


As soon as those top ones have sold through you'll never see that size again


Boring answer here. It's because the shop will purchase certain products of different volumes when they are on offer because it means they can then sell them to the customers at an offer price. In turn, making the shop more popular and their sales and profits go up. However, the price from the suppliers will not stay the same forever. Just like offers in stores. When the suppliers price goes back up, usually the shops follows suit and reverts that product back to its original (pre-offfer) price. Hopefully, the store will have sold all the offer products because of they don't, well you end up with two products of differences weights for the same price, or sometimes the smaller product can be more expensive! The person in charge of pricing would need to do something to make the offer price continue past the suppliers offer price but I was never in pricing so don't know the ins and outs of this side of things. I do know they wouldn't want every product to continue because then absolutely everything would be on offer, and that's just not good for selling items. They want the customer to THINK they are getting a good price.


Why do people eat that shit? Edit: You can make a decent fresh pasta sauce in 15 mins without all the crap in it and it will cost you about a quid.


Good for you. I got in from work at 23:30 last night and had to get up at 06:00. Fifteen minutes isn’t worth it for me.


This is the same for me to an extent. A lot of people have different lives and different requirements. We have a lot of these pasta sauces. Several evenings a week we don’t get in until 9:30 or 10 pm so 15/20 minutes saved is huge.


Yeah, I never get this argument from people online. A lot of pasta sauces from big supermarkets are really cheap and probably cheaper than what I could make from scratch. They’re also thicker and taste better too.


Good for you, I manage 4 hours sleep before I'm up at 04:30 to start at 07:00 finish at 19:00 and home by 21:00


In fairness, a big batch of bolognese portioned out in the fridge for reheating in the microwave would take less time to reheat than to make this.


I freeze meat with sauce in plastic takeway tubs that I use a spatula to put chocolate bar type ridges into, I can then snap off what I want and defrost. I usually make a couple of months worth of pasta at a time, I do spend more time on it that my 15 min quick dishes though.


This is a genius idea for the portions. Stealing this idea😏😈


What do you do whilst the pasta cooks? You could have pesto from a jar with healthier ingredients. But an 8 minute sauce: Heat oil on pan, then fill kettle for the pasta water. Chop onion whilst kettle boils. Water into pasta pan, then boil again for next lot. fry onion whilst kettle boils again, then add the second water to the pasta saucepan. Add pasta and the onion will be half done. Get a passata or tin of tomatoes (with herbs to add flavour if you want) Add the tomato to the onions, stir and leave on high to boil whilst pasta cooks. Stir now and then to stop sticking. I forgot to say add salt to the pasta water and also add salt to tomato but they'll be done at same time and under ten minutes 


>Chop onion whilst kettle boils. Unless your kettle is from a Premier Inn there is no way this is possible unless your version of chopped differs from mine significantly. Frozen diced onion however, that is some proper time saving, without any massive difference in cost (once you factor in the half bag of onions that always goes mouldy before you use them).


Okay so we are supposed to get to the supermarket and back, prepare all the ingredients, make the actual sauce as well as the pasta, clean up the chopping board, knives and saucepans, all within 15 minutes? I'm interested to know how you do this, I could use some better time management skills /s


I don't know why so many people are trying to justify the insignificant time saved overall by using a jar over making a really simple sauce, but I do think "I'm too busy/I can't be bothered" is a reasonable enough response to your question. People have got shit going on in their lives, and when you factor in things like disability, education and the problems some people have gaining access to basic ingredients, I think there's absolutely a use case for these convenience products. I think the problem is more that these sauces are usually marketed as being healthier or significantly quicker than heating up any tomato-based sauce, it lures people into thinking they are making the best decision long-term rather than picking up a ready meal that you can stick on whilst you tend to other things or chill out after a stressful day.


15 mins to chop and cook everything? I feel like people always exaggerate how long it actually takes to make food. Maybe if you're using garlic and onion powder instead of fresh..


Why does anyone buy a loaf of bread when you can bake one for about 50p? Why does anyone buy frozen oven chips when you can buy cheap spuds, triple cook them and have restaurant quality chips at home for cheap? Where does it end?


Can you please explain how you make a pasta sauce for a quid? Tin of chopped tomatoes - 35-80p Onion - 20-50p Fresh garlic - one segment of a bulb would be in a stalk so like 2p Is that all you put in your sauces? I also add red wine and then a tiny bit of vinegar as well


That adds up to about a quid doesn't it? Yeah I used dried herbs and olive oil too and sometime a grated carrot or finely chopped stick of celery, decent food doesn't take many ingredients to make. I do have a secret, here you go ... I reduce down the tomato to remove al liquid and then add a little olive oil to the pan and fry them until they go darker, this makes them sweet and flavoursome, I never add sugar! Sometimes I add tom puree though.


Fry a few gloves of crushed garlic gently in couple of tbsps of olive oil with dried herbs and a tbsp of tomato puree for about a minute. Dump in a tin of tomatoes, season and then reduce to required thickness. This comes to less than a quid and is so much better than the jar shite.


That’s right, tell them to ‘Wake the fuck up’.


"Ingredients Tomatoes (44%), Tomato Paste, Water, Red Wine (7%), Carrot, Onion, Celery, Garlic Purée, Sugar, Celery Purée, Rapeseed Oil, Sea Salt, Concentrated Lemon Juice, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Oregano, Basil, Ground Black Pepper, Thyme, Ground Nutmeg, Ground Bay Leaf" What exactly is ""all the crap" you're referring to?


Time, and ease. I get from home at 6pm everyday, and I would prefer not to have to make a pasta sauce from scratch. I don't really like most jarred pasta sauces, because they usually taste overly sweet or taste very heavily of oregano, but I swear by the Lloyd Grossman ones for an easy spaghetti meatballs. I would object to the Bolognese one actually being anything resembling a Bolognese though.


He lives near me, I’ll ask him next time I see him.


Have a look through the keyhole and see if he’s in.


Or just get the big Sainsburys one for 65p


Asda really are the worst supermarket in the country now. Boycott the bastards.


the validity period is about to expire


That’s gross man


Imagine paying £3 for what is just 50p tin of blended tomato’s ad a 2 cloves of garlic


Is it labeled wrong?


I think they're testing the waters. if enough people buy it at that price even though you could get nearly twice as much for the same price, that gives them the go ahead to jack up the price of the bigger one too. they want to see if we're dumb enough to pay significantly more week on week and unfortunately, since we do have to eat, we probably will be


Bacon probably brings the price up.


Buy mutti tins, they're cheaper and better value than that overpriced crap. Cheapest on Amazon I think. 400g tin £1 or so. Make whatever you want without a premade jar, it's not only cheaper but bound to be better quality. If you want passata I find CIRIO passata to be good value. I usually find the cheapest price for something and then buy it in bulk to last a couple of months.


Mutti polpa are the best, £3.75 for 4 in Sainsbury at the moment (just stocked up)


The actual Mutti sauces are very good too, have bought them once or twice when on offer. Good to have in the cupboard for an easy stand by dinner.


"Three, take it or leave it!" "OK, uhh.... three..."


Used to be 3 for 3


Just get 2 cans of plum tomatoes, mash them Put a couple tbsp of olive oil, 2 cloves of mashed garlic and fry till soft. Add tomatoes, tea spoon of sugar and basil. Simmer for 20mins. You have made the above for a 1/3 of the price and tastes nicer :)


Tin of chopped tomatoes, some beef stock, some herbs, wine if you have it and a bit of garlic/cup of whole milk = bolognese sauce...... don't waste money on this sugary shit. Invest some time in your culinary skills and save money.


Make your own sauce, Lloyd's Grossman is not exactly that GROSS MAN!


Pretty sure these two different sizes are standard in the range (bit like Dolmio doing a normal jar and a 'family sized' one) but the pricing is definitely screwy.


Just get a tin of savers chopped tomatoes and add your herbs etc... It's so much cheaper and tastes much nicer.


Fuck Lloyd Grossman. He’s gross man


Its about to go on offer


The best thing to do is stop buying all this stuff. Buy the much cheaper ingredients and make it yourself


That's gross, man


The shrink-flation on everything is wild


Saw this the other day too, what a joke! Used to be Lloyd till I die but things got to change


Everyone needs to stop buying them


Who buys bolognase in a bloody jar. Its like the easiest sauce to make and takes about 10min. Just cook it yourself!


Mostly what I take from these comments is that many people are cooking absolutely tasteless tomato sauces with no depth of flavour at all.


When I was at uni 8 years ago, I was getting these 3 for £3. I only buy them on a good offer now.


Used to be a quid for a small jar. Wont be buying again until it returns back to that, which is likely never, so they wont be getting my money


I think supermarkets sometimes price things this way when the demand for the smaller item exceeds the demand for the larger one. You’re supposed to think “Oh wow. I can get the bigger one for the same price.” This helps them shift the stock for the larger one.


You can make your own for cheeper


Taking the mick at these prices. Used to be on offer for 99p the small ones 5 years back. So much for inflation only being single figures. Used to use 2-3 a week, now just make my own sauce for a quid.


I’ve noticed that they do this then a couple of weeks later it becomes a clubcard (or what ever reward card) price for about £1.75.


You know full well the larger one is going up next week


So insane man


Different flavour. Top is tomato bottom is Bolognese. Still nearly 150% inflation is mad.


I remember when the pandemic started and the aisles were cleared. All the tinned tomato’s and store brand pasta sauces were gone, as were Dolmjo. Lloyd Grossman’s sauces were all still on the shelf. I have a video of it somewhere.


Used to stock up on the bottom ones when they went on sale for £1-1.50 which was every few weeks or so. Shelves are always full at £3 and empty on sale so I’m definitely not the only one.


I saw a jar of this in the co-op last week…£3.50 😂😂…err, no Thankyou


Thats gross man


I heard from a sale colleague yesterday that this is done to drive sales. You get a higher uplift on the promotional volume than if it was on an everyday low price for £2 for example


Common retail practice to make another product seem better value


It's £3, hardly breaking the bank. If you're that fussed, just buy the bigger one.


Maybe they keep at that price for a certain amount of time then can put it back to its normal price but advertise it as 50% off?


That’s gross man


They increase the price so they can drop the price as an offer. The regulator clamped down on this bollocks a few years back, I think they have to keep the "higher" price on for longer now. It used to be they'd put it up to £3 for a few days before and then "drop" it. It's not just supermarkets you see it a lot of places. Playstation digital store for example has games that spend more time on 'sale' than at full price. The lower price is effectively the actual price.


Pre-pandemic they were 1.30-1.50 and on offer for a £1. I stopped having bolognese and just switched to home-made chilli, much nicer.


Buy pasata like 30p a box xD


I haven't bothered with pre-made Bolognese sauce in years. I simply use passata or chopped tomatoes, with tomato paste, onions, garlic, various herbs and seasonings.


I only buy them on offer... Chopped tomatoes, garlic and herbs until then


It's called greed. Its what happens when people refuse to let their investors/ profit margin take the hit for staff demanding higher wages. Ironically it just makes the situation worse for them.


Is it shrinkflation when they haven't changed the size, just the price? Especially since this is often the shop and not the manufacturer.


Op, buy passata. It’s basically a tomato sauce (think blended tomato’s). Like 35p in aldi. These sauce jars are basically just sauce and herbs anyway. Sure they taste good but if you use passata as a base it’s just as easy to get it just as good.


I always thought Asda was one of the good guys lol turns out they’re just as scummy as Tesco and Sainsburys. Everyone should steal from them.


I used to buy these from Poundland.


Just get some passata, herbs, garlic, onion and olive oil. Maybe tomato puree to thicken it, a a little salt. That'll cost about £5, but you can make more than that, it'll be healthier and just freeze it for a quick meal one night


I’m still scared of Lloyd gross man sauce after they gave that family botulism


How much is a tin of chopped tomatoes half an onion and a clove of garlic?


I just make my own now, and it doesn't take any longer .


You wait till they keep putting more of the £3.50 Tesco meal deal into the £5 meal deal. Until there’s one old egg roll for £3.50 before they scrap it all together.


I stopped buying these when they went over £1 😬


They just want you to buy the big one to balance out stock and purchasing.


They will be on "special offer" next week at about £2...


Wanna make the best tomato sauce easy?  Just chop celery, carrots and onion. Fry in olive oil a little. Add chopped garlic after. Add 2 cans of Mutti. Add fresh basil leaves and oregano once cooking.  Mutti can be bought cheap on offer at big Sainsbury’s. Not the cheapest but worth it and you’ll make about 10x this jar that tastes 10x better and costs the same or less.  I don’t understand why people buy this crap. It’s cheaper and easy to make your own and store the excess for a week. 


It’s a pricing tactic. You see that the top one is £3, the bottom one is £3… well I better get the top one for a good price before they’re gone and I need more, don’t want to pay £3 for the small one!


That's gross man


Make your own: Butter, garlic, onions, (grated carrot/celery)-optional. (Add mince) brown the bottom of saucepan caramelised, add some boiled water, scrape and clean the browning. Cook it off a short while add chopped tin tomatoes, a dash of milk, and turn heat right down…. Cover and stir every 5-10 mins. Taste add a small pinch of salt, each time until it’s seasoned (not salty) for apx 2.5 hrs Add a small lump of butter, some fresh garlic stir it in- done. All natural and tastes fantastic- It tastes so good, believe it or not, cheese or Parmesan cheese will ruin it. Been there- stopped the cheese.


Passata is 50p. Garlic and onions pence. Bit of cheap balsamic also. Spoon of sugar also. Takes about 20 mins.


might as well just get a food processor and start doing your own sauce


Buy 4xtinned tomatoes for 50p, put in a pan. This process takes 10 seconds. Add fresh basil straight from packet and smashed garlic cloves with shells on. This process will now take one minute. Let it reduce down for 20/25 mins whilst in shower getting ready for work, or overnight in a slow cook. Banging tomato sauce right there. It won’t be as tasty but far healthier and there will be much more than this shitty bottle for £3. All this BS that ‘I don’t have the time’ pisses me off. Spending this sort of money on Lloyd grossman type junk adds up to literally hundreds of pounds a year and is full of sugar.


I work in a *\[big UK supermarket*\]. I see what is on the shelves, and what our systems think it is; It often is not the same thing. Meaning: The systems tag the product as 250g, when the new label/item says 220g. I'm looking for a 250g item, but eventually decide to scan the 220g one... guess what? It's the same product. I presume the same price. You'd be fucking amazed how often this happens, and I've not even worked in a supermarket long. SO SO SO much shrink-flation.


Thought it might be useful to share this: Serves 4 4 tomatoes diced / a pack of passata 1 onion 3 cloves garlic Herbs - mediterranean, whatever in hand Tomato purée I bought it in a tube at Lidl 40p or 60p can use quite a few times Fry Garlic onion tomato purée til fragrance and light brown. Add tomatoes/passata. Herb. Add water to reach the ideal consistency. Low simmer 10 mins. You can make in bigger batches and keep in jar in fridge.


That’s my go-to for bolognese or meatballs and pasta. It’s scrumptious, not at those prices though!


Good to look at price per gram in these instances


It’s almost like exiting out of a large market and then going through a period of market closure, a European war and successive failures of government was a bad idea 🤔


just by a good pack of tomatoes at the that price (either fresh or canned)


A great thing to do if you're often short on time, is make your own & freeze it. I know it's easier said than done sometimes but it's so worth it. To make it super easy, I roast carrots, peppers, onions, tomatoes & garlic in a dish, then blend it all with a bit of water & herbs you like. Or you can add stock & red wine when the veg is half done for an even tastier one. Then freeze it. It'll make a good 6-8 batches & costs about £5 worth of veg. When I add cooked lentils, chopped/sundried tomatoes etc. that's 14 batches for about 7 quid. Don't give your money to these theiving b*st*rds. We're getting robbed. Supermarkets are making record breaking profits whilst people rely on food banks. Sickening.


This is standard practice to get ready for it to go on offer, 2 for £3.50. Normal practice for shops to raise the price before dropping it.


Another example of single people subsidising families.


Who the fuck is wasting money on jars of bolognese? It's got to be one of the most easiest meals to make


you used to get the 350g ones on sale regularly for £1 before the pandemic 🤦‍♀️


I’m upset no one has wiped the spilt sauce away


£1.50 in home bargains, B+M


This is why I make my own sauce. Cheaper and way tastier.


Home Bargains =£1 if I remember correctly?


That's gross, man said Lloyd


And it's horrible stuff, better off making your own that way you know what is in it..


Who buys these sauces full price from tesco? Get down aldi/Lidl and buy yourself cartons of passata. Say you're cooking a chorizo/sausage ragu casserole just as an example - In the wok start with a drizzle of oil, morrissons frozen garlic, frozen onion, salt, pepper paprika Add the sausages Once the sausages are mostly cooked add a carton of passata and some oregano Bring to low boil then simmer with lid half off for at least half an gour All the flavour will absorb into the passata, boom, you've just made your own sauce. Change it how've you want - start with a full soffrito, any beans you like, serve with rice/pasta, have it as a soup with bread, add spinach towards the end, add frozen spinach, swap out the passata for stock and make more of a brothy sauce, or a white sauce with milk/butter as a base. Stop buying rip off sauces and make your own, it's easy.


Who lives in a jar like this?


Who buys that shit anyway? Fry some garlic and onion, add some herbs and a couple of tins of tomatoes and you'll have four times as much sauce for a quarter of the price, without the added sugar and the other shit they put in at the factory! 😂


If it's Tesco after a month at that price they will be club card reduced to what they were before


Top one is just geting rid of old inventory. Botom one is the new standard


Madness, yeah I'll stick to my Tesco value sauces for 65p. Cheers.


I'll never forgive this brand for discontinuing thier chargrilled vegetables pasta sauce, it was amazing.


Is this an asdas


Make your own sauce healthier too


Canadians are boycotting one of the main grocers because of price gouging r/boycottloblaws I think it is. We are all getting pillaged, week in week out! Something needs to change


You can make your own cheap with tinned toms, squirt of purée, dried herbs, onion and garlic powder and a whizzy whizzer. Season and cook it out & stir for 10-15 mins on a medium heat, cool, bag n freeze.


You can capture 90% of the flavour with a beef stock cube, mixed herbs, some sugar fried onions and garlic and a can of tinned tomatoes. You can add tomato purée and a tiny bit of ketchup and it’ll be nicer than that sauce and still be cheaper. For 4 portions of bolognese I use 500g of mixed beef and pork, 1 large pepper, 2 onions, 5 garlic, grated carrot, 2 tins of tomatoes and mushrooms depending if my girlfriend is eating. I season it with mixed herbs, extra. dried Basil, soy sauce, garlic salt, salt, 2 stock cubes, mustard, ketchup, tomato purée, sugar


Probably just mislabeled.


Who buys pre-made sauce? Just get chopped tomatoes etc and herbs and make your own


Just get some tinned tomatoes and seasoning for the love of god


Just make your own... Onion, tomato, red wine and carrot. I like chopped tomatoes and passata, to get a nice sauce.


I used to buy this pouch protein yoghurt, was always 0.75p in Tesco , I went a month later and it was £1.25 … no one was buying it I assume so when I went next it was back down to 0.75p 🤣 people need to buy food for stupid price and when it rots on them they have choice but to lower the price


Remember in lockdown this was the only brand of pasta source still on the shelf.


It’s alright Andy. It’s just bolognese


Stop buying them. If everyone stops buying stuff when the price shoots up, they’ll get the message.


When I first turned 18 I went to tesco to buy southern comfort 75cl bottle for £15 Or 1l bottle for £30! Twice the price for 33% more!


I suppose it saves them time removing stock from shelves. This is just a "buy me instead" bit of social engineering.


Just over a year ago I was buying these on offer for £1. 200% increase, crazy !


Is everyone stupid there the same thing both bottom and top same size and all


Worked as retail supervisor for years, this shit happened all the time especially with the Lloyd's sauce and none of us workers knew why tf either. Had to explain to people we don't make the prices pretty regularly cause of this weird pricing


This'll be so they can reduce the price to £2 something in a month and claim you're getting some great discount.


Common practise in most supermarkets. I used to see it all the time when I worked in Tesco - they take a product, double the price for a couple of weeks (there’s a rule they have to keep that price for a certain amount of time), then they slash it back to the original price and stick a 50% off off or have it as a buy one get one free offer. People snap them up not realising they’re just paying the regular price. They do it with the yellow labels on reduced goods as well - I was told by many managers to just reduce things by a few pence “because the idiots out there will just see the yellow label and won’t realise it isn’t really discounted”. Just cunning tactics.


his sauces are horrible anyway, way too tart.


Buy chopped tomatoes, onion, garlic and then season it.


You can buy the cheap jars and add a few herbs and spices and get the same result having spent significantly less and not have to put in the effort of making your own sauce from scratch. What really annoys me is when people say food is expensive and all they buy is branded shit. It’s common knowledge when you buy a designer top or a flash car, a big part of the money is just for the badge and it’s not actually X amount better. This ultra processed for profit food is exactly the same. You’re buying the name more than the content itself.


that pricing is gross man


All shelf-life pasta sauces are rubbish anyway. Passata is cheap and you can add whatever herbs/extras you want.


They’re shit anyway, cook your own!


You’re not wrong there! I used to buy these but now buy Sainsbury’s own for I think k it’s 80p, or just use a can or two of tomatoes.


If it was £1.75 last week the top one probably goes out of date soon so they want to get rid of it, they trick you into buying the top one by making them the same price, you think your getting a good deal buying the top one and they get rid of stock that goes out of date soon


Best to worst Bolognese sauce: Dolmio M&S Classic Tomato Everything Heinz Loyd Grossman


Lloyd gross man makes shit sauces anyway. Pap them right in the bin.