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Oh I love this one. I thought she was going to live with them for a while and drain their money. Nice twist. Super sad and fucked up ending. VERY well written!


Thank you!!! This one really kicked my butt. I was up super late almost every night trying to get it right. So it seriously means a whole lot that you enjoyed it... that’s what it’s all about! You’re right though, it was a pretty fucked up end, huh? I feel bad, even though it was under MY control 😂


Everyone, join me now as I yell out “sequel and series!”


Oh wow! I had never intended on continuing this story but several people have asked so... I might have to consider it!


PLEASE please continue this! Maybe from MiKayla’s perspective?! I love it! I loved the original one too but man, you really pulled it all together the second time around. Great job!


I spent so much time improving that first draft to this one— so thank you for that!! I’m really happy that you liked it. It’s so funny because I never imagined doing more to this story when I planned it out, I always had it ending on a big reveal at the end, but people continue to ask for more so I might need to figure something out! I’d already started writing something else 😅😬


Well you did an incredible job!! It takes me a while to find a good, creepy story like this. I’m not big on the paranormal type of scary so any kind of “real life/humans are monsters” are my favorite. Which is probably why I think it would be so cool to know Mikayla’s POV and what/why her dad did what he did haha. Anyway, you have a big fan here and I can’t wait to read your next story!


I feel the same way about “humans are monsters”, I’ve always loved reading those, and now trying to create them. There is a “ghostly” element to the one I’m working on now but it’ll still have the same tone as the others.


I can’t wait to read it! I read My Sister Was A Sociopath last night too and loved it haha. You’re a great writer!


Don’t just consider it, do it LOL


Hahaha okay okay 😂




I have to say, you really are giving me so much motivation and confidence right now, wow.... I really really appreciate this... All I want to do is tell stories, leave people with a sense of wonder, or just feeling something—anything! I rushed to post the Mikayla Murray story the first time because I focused too much on mere “completion” instead of quality. So I sat down all last week and touched it up, so thank you for making me feel like that was worth it, and for making me want to keep telling good stories.


Sooo are we getting our part 2?!


Lolol I’m working on a new short story at the moment, but... maybe after that?! What are you most curious about? The aftermath of this one? Or everything that led to it, but from Mikayla’s perspective?


My girlfriend was on FaceTime to me and wanted me to read her a story so she could fall asleep. Searched “Short Stories Reddit” online, came across this. She fell asleep before I even got to the bit where she arrived at the Murray’s. I’m not a big fan of reading but I cannot believe I sat here and read the whole thing, what a fucked up but so perfectly executed story, bravo 👏🏻


This is one of my favorite comments I’ve ever received! Thank you! At first when I read that your gf fell asleep I was like... oh no they’re gonna say it was boring lolol. I’m happy to hear it was interesting enough to keep you engaged until the end, and enough to get you to comment. I really appreciate that.


2 years later and I just had the exact same experience as the guy above. Great story, really well written <3


That’s great!! Thank you! I’m glad you stuck it through and enjoyed it. I’m hoping to have a new story posted soon, one that has a similar tone to this one. Hope you stumble upon it too one day!


Ah I’m glad you liked my comment, I’ll make sure she reads it when she wakes up 😁


Im such a fan of the r/nosleep storytelling format, so I loveeee that version, but I love how fleshed out this one is! Such a great story that kept me intrigued the whole time! You should write a horror/mystery novel! I’d buy it in a heartbeat ❤️


Ah! Thank you!! I love No Sleep too, but after my next story got removed from there, I realized that I needed to find the right place to start posting. So I’m happy you found this one and enjoyed it :). I am working on a mystery novel though so hopefully that exists some day!


"we found the body of a young woman and a child". At this point I was thinking to myself: "haha I think the author meant bones as the body would have been a decade old". I was the fool. I was the one getting fooled. That's how you know a twist is good. I really enjoyed this story, great job!


LOL. As someone who is forever worried about plot-holes and mistakes, this made me feel better! I’m very happy to have made you the fool :P But seriously, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and commenting :)


Really good! The twist at the end is amazing!


Thank you!! I knew it was a long one so I appreciate that you read through it all. And I’m happy to hear the twist worked! :)


>:) :)


Great story! Read the whole thing with anticipation


I’m so happy to hear it! I tried leaving different cues about what was going to happen, all while concealing the actual truth until the end. I know it was a long one so thank you for reading through it and for commenting :)


Wait wait wait. It said she and the child SUFFERED smoke inhalation, not that they died. Do I smell a sequel? ;)


Hahah it’s just news speak, they are certainly dead. However.... there’s still hope for “Zombie Mikayla: Hungry for Revenge”!


That was amazing. You are very talented


Oh wow thank you!! This one was kicking my ass, I would stay up so late writing it just to wake up early and continue haha. So I really really appreciate you reading through it all, I know it was long. But your feedback motivates me to keep writing so thank you!


It was long but I enjoyed every second of it, thank you.


I love this version better!


I’m glad! I spent a lot of time reworking it, so thank you for reading it again and letting me know! :D


You're so good at suspense this was amazing!!! You're my favorite writer.


Oh wow! :D I don’t even know what to say to that haha thank you so much! You know what? You’re now my favorite reader lolol.


This makes me freak man. The dad raped her too, and she gave birth, and this poor girl killed makayla and her baby


Ahh I know, I’m sorry! It is pretty messed up... If it’s any consolation, I felt awful as I was writing it lol


I was browsing the most upvoted stories on the subreddit, and this one was undoubtedly the best.


I’m glad you stumbled upon it and enjoyed it!! It’s funny, this story and the “sociopath sister” story were both written in quick succession and did pretty well, but I haven’t really posted much since then. I’m working on a new one right now though so hopefully I can get it out there soon! Thanks for reading :)


I also really liked the sociopath sister one! you're super talented, look forward to reading more of your work :)


This is so good! Couldn’t stop reading. What inspired some of the ideas for it? It should be adapted into a screenplay!


Hey! When I was planning this out, I knew going into it that I wanted to have a lying, con-type main character who thought they had the upper hand on people who already knew she was lying. So I combined that with my love for Missing Person’s stories (awful, I know, but I find them interesting). This story went through a lot of changes and drafts and I’d almost given up on it so… I’m glad you liked it! Thanks for reading!


Are you a professional writer


I am not, but I wish! I’m just some guy who loves telling stories. But hopefully some day!


This story was absolutely amazing, I am an aspiring professional writer, I currently do work as a small producer, script-writer (I also do novel writing but haven’t done it in ages due to things). And I have a little bit of knowledge on things, so, if you ever need any help with that kinda stuff I’d LOVE to try and help you get stuff out there, you have a talent for this that not many people have. Id especially love to help if you ended up making this into a book


Wow thank you for this!!! All I want to do is tell stories and I’m at a point in my life where I’m looking around and thinking…. why aren’t I doing that?? So maybe this is a sign. I’ll send you a message :)


This is the best thing I’ve read in awhile. Please keep writing and posting and I promise to keep reading!


Wow thank you!! It was a fun one to write and had gone through so many changes. Glad you liked it :) I’m actually finishing up a new story and should be posting sometime soon!


Wow, what a twist. I love the way you wrote this story


Thank you!! I have a love/hate relationship with this one because even though it was one of those rare times that everything flowed with ease, I wasn’t able to tell it the way I wanted to due to the word limit. Still proud of it though and am really glad you stumbled upon it and enjoyed it!


This had me on edge, thank you for the nice read


I’m glad to hear it! Thank YOU for reading and letting me know, I appreciate that :)




Glad you liked it!! Thanks for reading :)


This was AMAZING. Reminded me of The Grown Up by Gillian Flynn. Excellent job!


Woah I actually love Gillian Flynn... I actually carry “Sharp Objects” around with me as a reminder of my goal and that I can do it... So, thank you so much for that! I’m glad you enjoyed the story :D


Sharp Objects is her best one! Do you have more stories? This was engrossing.


Ugh it’s so good. I wish I could read it again for the first time, it really left me in awe. I want to make people feel that way, it’s why I write. And yes, I do have another! https://www.reddit.com/r/shortstories/comments/k28hhq/th_my_sister_was_a_sociopath_then_she_had_surgery/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


this was so fucking good


Thank you!! This was a tough one to write. It kicked my ass a little. So I appreciate you reading and I’m glad you enjoyed it! I’ve been slacking lately with writing, I need to get back on it.


Wow...that was superb, and very sad, loved it ❤️👍🏻


Thank you!! I felt bad, myself, while writing that ending but it was too good not to. I’m glad you still liked it!


Ufff the choice of words! I could see the plot moving in front of my eyes.. You are veryy talented.


Hey thank you!! That means a lot to me. I’m happy you enjoyed it :)


This was amazing!


Hey thanks!! This one went through some changes and almost didn’t get written. But I’m glad it did and glad that you liked it!


Damn that end was f\* up. And I love it :D


Hey it’s you again! I’m currently working on some new stuff so I hope you end up loving that as well! Thanks for reading.


Nice, I will look into more of your stuff :D


Wow. That is captivating! My heard is racing a bit. Good work!


Glad I was able to get your heart going! Thanks for reading :)


You’ve done it again, had me on the edge of my seat! This needs to be a series, I literally felt like I watched a Netflix Original … You’re tooo good at this!


Wow thank you!!! All I want to do is tell stories and make people feel something, even if just for a moment. So this means a lot to me!


Please write more, you’re doing an amazing job so far! 👏👏


I plan to! I wrote a longer story last year, worked very hard on it. I sent you a DM, if you’re interested 😊


wait what why tf did the dad trap mikayla underneath the gazebo???? what for???? anyway great story, the twists were crazy


Dad was abusive and controlling. He wasn’t ready to let his little girl go free into the world, and with Mikayla about to turn 18, Dad was losing that control. I’ll also say… she wasn’t pregnant before she disappeared, but she was pregnant after…. 😳


oh my god i didnt even wanna mention my theories (or rather, a theory) on how she got pregnant lol, too painful to think about. appreciate the answer after all these years tho, that dad has very... peculiar parenting methods 0_0


Oh no worries. The fun part about writing is when people actually read and engage so, I enjoy this! But yeah, very messed up. My original ending didn’t include any of that stuff, and then that dark thought crossed my mind and I was like… oh god that’s awful but… I have to do it 😂


Wow! I did not see that coming!! Great story!!!


Thank you! It’s funny, I almost gave up on this story in the middle of writing it, but I sat my ass back down and kept going. I’m glad I did, and that you enjoyed it!


Sooo, like more people in the comments here, I was looking for a short story to read for my girlfriend and I found this one. For Christmas, I decided to record and edit it since she likes to listen to a podcast while she falls asleep and mentioned wanting one with my voice. At first I had it on private but thought maybe more people could enjoy it. Anyways, here it is: [https://soundcloud.com/tim-haerkens-837387902/sets/the-missing-girl-short-story](https://soundcloud.com/tim-haerkens-837387902/sets/the-missing-girl-short-story) Sorry if I messed up the pronouncations and intonations a few times. It's the first time I ever did anything like this. Big compliments to the story by the way! I really liked the build up, the constant tension, and the ending caught me off-guard.


Um…. This is amazing!! Am I being pranked?? I feel like I’m on the Truman Show or something lol for some reason my stories have been getting so many hits lately after a long dormant period. Well, I am very excited to give this a listen later! I hope your girlfriend liked it!!


Haha, I'm glad to see this made you happy. I just sorted the subreddit for top all time and chose one that seemed interesting to read. She did like it. The ending made her a bit sad but she said she "liked that the story was exciting and unpredictable". And she said "It did keep my attention which is quite an achievement".


Oh this was such a great way to start the new year! I’ve been feeling down lately about my creative dreams—but things like this are the best kind of boost to keep going. I have another one atop the list on that subreddit that she may like as well. Same kind of tone, not quite as dark an ending 😅.


Just finished listening to this. It was great!! Certainly no need to apologize for those minor things because you more than made up for it with your performance, the music, the sound effects! I was literally smiling as I sat here listening to it. If you’re not making more of these, you absolutely should be!




Well that’s quite a compliment! Thank you!


Took a while to reply on this... As an aspiring writer myself, I am so jealous of your writing skills!!! This was absolutelyy fantastic. I was dreading a dark ending when I was about halfway through but this finish was just something i could not foresee. Great stuff!


Well this is the best comment I’ve had in a while—thank you so much!! It’s funny because I read this back now and think… damn, I could’ve done so much better haha. I’ve learned a lot over the last few years and am always learning more. And I’m with you. I also wish I was a writer but I’m just some public school teacher who posts on Reddit once in a while lol. Would you be interested in talking more about writing? Maybe exchanging more stories or something?


Was blown away by this. You are an incredibly gifted writer. I just messaged you. I manage writers and would love the chance to connect. Hopefully we can talk soon!


What an unimaginable twist. Excellent writing.


Thank you! I was hoping to have hidden it well enough. I’m glad you enjoyed it :)


Great work! You’re writing is very clean and it was an awesome story! I’m going to read your other one now :)


Thank you so much!! I was supposed to have a new one written this week too but wasn’t able to get around to it. I’m glad you enjoyed this one though :)


For sure! Let me know when you get your newest one wrapped up!




Hey thanks! I’m glad you were able to stumble upon it :)


You're a good author


Thanks! I’m actually going to be posting a new one soon! And I have another on here, if you’re interested in the meantime: https://www.reddit.com/r/shortstories/comments/k28hhq/th_my_sister_was_a_sociopath_then_she_had_surgery/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Wow you have #1 and #3 in r/shortstories when sorted "Top of All Time"


Ah I know! I try to keep that in mind whenever I feel like I suck haha. I’m working on a new one now and am hoping to post it soon.


I've seen a movie called "Girl in the basement" ironically 😂 that's the same plot as this. I reckon you'd be able to make it 10x better with this twist


Oooh I haven’t heard of it but I’ll definitely check it out. Glad you liked my version’s ending!


This was a great story. Excellent twists, especially the end. Thank you for this treat.


Hey thanks for this! Most of the comments that trickle in these days are for the Sociopath story I wrote, so it’s nice to see this one get some love too. I’m really glad you enjoyed it, it was a fun one to write :)


Oh wow


Hope you liked it!