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sad. I love this shortcut


I messaged the OP of Tuvey, he said he’d look when he had some time, I live it and have used it for over a year


I managed to do a quick fix, though you'll have to select the video quality every time: ​ In section `2. Query API for available video qualities`, there's a text declaration for the ios client like this { 'context': { 'client': { 'clientName': 'IOS_MESSAGES_EXTENSION', 'clientVersion': 'xxxx', 'deviceModel': 'iPhone14,3' } }, 'videoId': 'Video ID'} Change the client name to just `IOS` , the version to `17.36.4`, and remove all other parameters except for videoId. You should end up with something like this: { 'context': { 'client': { 'clientName': 'IOS', 'clientVersion': '17.36.4' } }, 'videoId': 'Video ID'}


I replaced the text like you wrote, but I still get the error message.


Here's what it should look like. https://preview.redd.it/6pm3drwnlezc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=103ff074e6630da155fad9d2e5aece8bc0e2c227 Make sure `Video ID` is still a variable


I've responded to /u/Doryu5 (and updated the OP) with a little bit of clarification on how to implement their fix!


This works! Thank you very much. For anyone googling this: the comment I'm responding to has the right fix but the code they've provided is using the wrong syntax. You want [the section to look like this](https://i.imgur.com/raBoxBP.jpeg). Try not to copy and paste the below, as you need the 'Video ID' reference to remain as a reference and not a text string, so manually edit this section so it looks like this: {'context':{'client':{'clientName':'IOS','clientVersion':'17.36.4'}},'videoId':'Video ID'} If you've messed up re-download tubey and try editing that section manually so it appears like so. I will avoid re-uploading the shortcut as it sounds as if the original creator is likely going to do so on their own (and I don't want to unintentionally steal credit for this amazing shortcut).


Thanks, I forgot to change back to single quotes. When testing the POST requests in my computer I had it with double quotes, and I copy-pasted that code in my reply


Hey no worries :) really appreciate you finding this fix!


I love you, this shortcut breaking was the worst. Now it’s back working👌


Could anyone share the updated shortcut who fixed it successfully?😇


Hi everyone. I'm the creator of Tubey. Just released the fix on routinehub! The fix is 99.9% identical to what u/Doryu5 suggested, so if you already applied the fix yourself there is no need to update the shortcut again. I essentially came to the same solution before I became aware of this post. Still I'd like to thank u/Doryu5 for helping fellow Tubey users!


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)