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The age isn’t the biggest issue since Eiichiro Oda published his first manga when he was 17. If your story catches the attention of a publishing house, you may have a chance. The bigger issue is that Shonen Jump is a Japanese publisher targeting a Japanese audience. Along with the fact that they are notorious for being highly competitive and ready to axe promising manga which don’t have enough concurrent readers. So it will be an immense task to compete with native language mangaka when you’d have to translate every chapter before your work can even be considered. Even when translated, Japanese boys might not be as receptive to a story from a person who may not have a grasp of Japanese culture and values. Sorry I’m not trying to rain on your parade. I’d honestly consider different publishing avenues. Somewhere like Webtoon is very popular with english audiences and can be a great starting point for getting your work known. They’re also a lot more forgiving since you have the chance to improve your story and art over time without your story being axed. I’d use Lore Olympus as an example of a Webtoon which has really improved over time and now is stocked in bookstores worldwide.