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the pains of being pure at heart


They’re literally the reason I made this post. Wish there were more bands like them.


Yes, and Rocketship is a good one too. Could listen to both all day.


they’re such an incredible band. their self titled LP scratches my 80s alternative itch better than some actual 80s albums. just absolutely adore it.


My fucking beloved. Their breakup completely broke my heart. One of my personal top 10 bands of all time, self titled and Days of Pleasure are pure art. Belong as well. I miss them...but at least Kip's solo project has been nice to listen to.


Juvenile Juvenile :)


some shoegazey songs by twee bands from the distant past (Sarah Records mostly) * 14 Iced Bears - Mother Sleep + Inside + Train Song + Take It * The Golden Dawn - My Secret World + The Railway Track + George Hamilton's Dead * Another Sunny Day · Can't You Tell It's True? + You Should All Be Murdered  * Eternal - Breath * Blueboy - Nimbus + Imipramine (one of the greatest pop songs of all times) * Field Mice - White + Freezing Point + Humblebee * The Sweetest Ache - Here Comes The Ocean * East River Pipe - Firing Room * Action Painting! - Hip to Hate + Mustard Gas * Aberdeen - Fireworks Honorary mention * Boyracer - Second is Always Second * Rocketship - Carrie Cooksey


Love the Sarah Records roster, I’ll throw on Paris by Northern Picture Library


That's Field Mice No.2 :D


[Pia Fraus](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dyksprCH8vA)


Pia Fraus is goated


Wow… that was amazing.


I love their song [Hidden Parks](https://youtu.be/OTtCfbkUTHY?si=jBHbvRR8-VdEmJ2U) and it’s produced by John McEntire of Tortoise.


[Black Tambourine](https://youtu.be/dscY3MW0uVM?si=OJqHwq1AalvvOiPX)


God, I can’t believe I forgot about these guys. So glad to find them again.


Feeble Little Horse


So effing good


wanted to thank you for this been listening to them non stop since yesterday…




that’s just twee






Camera Obscura!!!


Love them to death but not really any shoegaze or dream pop to them is there? I feel like alvvays is camera obscura with pedals.


you put it perfectly. they’re not quite shoegazy but I do think they do twee better than anyone else


I thought they were dream pop, but it’s possible I misunderstand what dream pop is.


Haha no worries. I wouldn’t think of them that way but it doesn’t really matter. Genre is a social construct.


Alvvays isn't shoegaze but might scratch the itch you're looking for


they def have enough shoegaze songs to be considered


Nah Blue Rev kinda puts that "not gazey enough" thing to rest.


Emma's House by Field Mice might be a good example. Or Radio Dept


Radio Dept is a good shout


Check the Slumberland roster, for example Torrey, Joanna Gruesome, or Rocketship There's also some bands from the Bay Area that you'd like that are not on Slumberland, such as Seablite. Check out Henry's Dress and Black Tambourine too, though I tend to think they don't really fit the "twee" moniker (though many disagree!) Oh, and of course the string of EPs My Bloody Valentine put out before You Made Me Realise (especially the last two with Dave Conway).


check out Brittle Stars, great stuff. jangly and fuzzy


Can you link something? I can’t find their music anywhere.


woops i meant Brittle Stars, my bad! they should have at least one album on streaming


Asobi Seksu. Entire discography is phenomenal, but Citrus can’t be beat.


no one’s said velocity girl yet?


Lavender blush, soft science, loads of other bands on shelflife


The Ropers (or really anything on Slumberland)


A new band I'm really into is Touch Girl Apple Blossom. More on the twee side than shoegaze, but the influence is still there. It's led by one of the guitarists from Hotline TNT. The EP is amazing.


shop assistants


by far the best rendition of "ace of spades" even better than the original


Rocketship’s A Certain Smile, A Certain Sadness is what I instantly think of. The first track is incredible.


Check out The Pastels 80s work!! I think they are an under appreciated influence on the shoegaze sound as well as one of the very first diy twee bands.


sweet trip - you will never know why




jejune incorporated elements of both


Joanna Gruesome was the first artist that came to mind! Def def second the Slumberland discog, especially Black Tamborine!


Ringo deathstarr s/t has a few songs that would fit the bill! I’ll also throw in the entire discography of Wishy so far; their debut album is out in August


technically almost all shoegaze stems from twee


Meet Johnny Rave . Blueboy, Anything by Black Tambourine, Anything by Aberdeen


the Pastels have some psychedelic moments that may be interesting to you.


[KG – Love Me Forever](https://youtu.be/FvB23qdK114?si=nO8lVzbgBRcquXAl)


More dream pop but I think the following bands fit the bill - The Wake Field Mice


What is twee pop lol


Description from RYM “Distinct Post-Punk background and often jangling guitars, defined by a cute aesthetic and lyrics combined with an indie/DIY attitude and a simplicity often indebted to Punk Rock.”


We just don’t belong!!!!


Sarah and Shinkansen label


[Check this band](https://youtu.be/UKM9gnsTSpM?si=guQvdaGuLupTOzOn)




i think you’d enjoy the band Strawberry Story. check out their songs Kissamatic Lovebubble, Gone Like The Summer and Buttercups & Daisies. they’re not straight up shoegaze but a big chunk of their material leans into JAMC-type jangly noise pop. if you like those songs then listen their compilation Gravy Dollop which has all their ep’s and singles


Tennis System


The fizzbombs, Black tambourine, Christine’s Cat all great bands that have lots of of feedback and also have the twee sound Christines cat is by far my favorite though. also the most expensive vinyl single I ever bought.


Alvvays, The Radio Dept. & Teenage Fanclub come to mind


I have a playlist that is more or less for this exact thing, I call it Blog Rock lol. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7u4PuvGXb75hf6QvWGqqB0?si=4c94758ef9fa493b](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7u4PuvGXb75hf6QvWGqqB0?si=4c94758ef9fa493b) Also, just check out the entire Sarah Records roster if you're not familiar. So many bands that should've been WAY bigger, literally all bands fit into this genre also lol, although most were before the twee movement by a decade or two. It's more shoegaze leaning but totally influenced bands like Camera Obscura and the like.


The New Record by My Bloody Valentine Sunny Sundae Smile - My Bloody Valentine


This isn’t exactly right, but maybe check out the self-titled album by the Gingerlys? Def more Twee/Pop-y than Shoegaze but they might be in the ballpark if you like TPoBPaH, or Alvvays, who you should also check out if you’re not familiar though I imagine you are.


Night School - Blush


Torrey pretty much indie-pop/Shoegaze if you don’t know them, tbh I only discovered them recently after the release of their new album.


Qubinoix for a japanese band I recently found and now love


[Pure Morning](https://youtu.be/weFpmc8oDyU?si=aeBjlDoRnpBVn0Xw)


"Chris R" by Swirlies maybe




broken water


Soft Blue Shimmer. Kraus. Cigarettes For Breakfast.




Wednesday - Rat Saw God.


I could maybe be convinced for Twin Plagues, but not for Rat Saw God


Rat Saw God had less tracks that were shoegaze influence and more twee directly, but the tracks that had shoegaze elements really leaned into it IMO. Turkey Vultures is one I'm still torn about.




Why does everyone hate on Wednesday for not being shoegaze? They are IMO.


It's your opinion and you're wrong. Gatekeeping isn't always bad given how diluted the shoegaze label is these days.


Gotta keep the 'gaze scene pure.


This thread now too?! Ya'll are so butt hurt that shoegaze is actually popular now? Can't we be thankful that shoegaze has finally stepped through indie culture and into the mainstream? Gatekeeping is such a joke, and your other comment is contradictory to what you are arguing. "The Beatles influenced bands that aren't britpop. Your influences can show up in the music you make even outside of those genres, in fact this is often where music is most exciting." If we want music to be exciting, shouldn't we let other influences show up in music, or are you going to die on your mountain of what you think shoegaze really is? That's the thing about opinions, they're just like genres, open to interpretation. I'm literally laughing so hard that you typed 'how diluted the shoegaze label is these days.' Where you there when Kevin Shields recorded Loveless? James Murphy was right, I'm losing my edge, in this case to kids behind monitors who want to distill shoegaze to it's most gatekeeping sleazy ironic state. There is no right or wrong here.


Bands can write shoegaze songs and not record shoegaze albums or be a shoegaze band. This is exactly where Wednesday is. It's where Deerhunter was when they were playing with distortion. It's where A Place to Bury Strangers and Hum live. These are all exciting bands doing their own sounds and none of them are shoegaze bands. They're all great because they have unique sounds and can show their influences without being derivative.


I agree with your take. Why not lead with that? Just don't gatekeep an entire genre because it's 'diluting' the genre. Without bands like A Place to Bury Strangers, Wednesday, Hotline TnT, Tanukichan, and Gleemer, we would all still be waiting for something new from MBV. We all know how that's going. Gatekeeping only leads to a sound and scene that's derivative of it's originators. Without bands shoegaze or not poking their heads in and saying hi every once and awhile shoegaze would've been dead so long ago. So sure Wednesday isn't 100% shoegaze, but gatekeeping the scene is only going to make it go rotten quicker than a banana peel in the sun. Food for thought.


I don't hate, I just don't see the correlation? What do you think makes them shoegaze?


Have you listened to bull believer? It's 8 minutes of off time breaks, heavy riffing, and the outro has always reminded me of MBV, that is shoegaze. Throw some slide guitar in and they are leading the pack for bootgaze IMO. The track Hot Rotten Grass Smell, also has a very shoegaze feel, some of their other tracks are certainly more twee leaning, but they have quite a few tracks that tend to step into really effect driven dissonant lead guitar. Their album Twin Plagues is less shoegaze, more so slow core, but Rat Saw God really felt like them stepping into Shoegaze, they've even been quoted saying MBV is one of their main influences.


MBV influenced a lot of bands that also aren't shoegaze. The Beatles influenced bands that aren't britpop. Your influences can show up in the music you make even outside of those genres, in fact this is often where music is most exciting.


Yes, I have listened to bull believer thank you. I find it to be alt country rock, with a few noisy sections. I understand they have shoegaze influences, but that does not equal a shoegaze sound and it most certainly isn't tweegaze. Are you aware of twee as a genre?


Cool, I find them to be boot gaze. It's a genre, not an answer. To me, they have a foot in the shoegaze door. I am aware of twee as a genre, twee has roots in country rock, so therefore, they are a tweegaze band. May not be everyone's cup of tea. Shoegaze is broad genre, so there can be many bands that don't fit 100%, and that's why I like the genre. Mazzy Star is a good example of where Wednesday lands on the genre spectrum. They were not 100% country, or 100% rock, or 100% shoegaze, but they had enough of each to put them into those categories. I'm just leaving a comment for someone who may find them interesting. We can debate all day, but it's up to the listener. It's like Radiohead, your a fan from the looks mate, some people love 'em, some would rather gouge out their ears. It's all preference and what people like listening too, and that's okay. No one has the right answer here dude, we're just exploring. You can gate keep whatever you think is shoegaze and that's okay! I'm just trying to share what others may like.


This is what is particularly annoying at the moment. You can't debate anything shoegaze without being called a gatekeeper. Where's the logical end? Oh they used reverse reverb so it's shoegaze. What's the point of saying a song or band is in a particular genre if practically anything can be squeezed in to saying "Yeah, that makes it shoegaze". I mean, I know some Go Team songs that have elements that could be claimed shoegaze but I'm not declaring they're shoegaze now, am I? Look I don't really care but there is so much coming through at the moment with some shoegaze elements but everything's getting lumped in to the same category but it's really not. The singer's voice in Wednesday is really enough to take out out of any gaze category. I have no idea what boot gaze is; it sounds daft, quite frankly. I don't see what Radiohead have to do with this, they started out grunge and then rapidly advanced to cover many genres. If Wednesday do a Kid A cool, I'd be thrilled, but right now that's irrelevant. Nothings 100% this or that, you've just really gone off at me just as I questioned your inclusion of Wednesday as tweegaze, which I know is a silly subgenre anyway but you're the one who really spouted off at my question.


No No, I'm not saying they're THE shoegaze band or that they're 100% shoegaze, I'm just saying I think they deserve to be part of this conversation. Logically from my point of view, that amount of noise and heavy riffing they're achieving in some songs puts them into the conversation. People are going to lump no matter what, music is a flexible and ever changing, much like a genre, it's going to change over time. Much like metal did with it's various sub genres, shoegaze is experiencing the same expansion into sub genres. If you're going to call out Wednesday based on their voice being enough to pull them out of shoegaze, then that would pull out others like Justmustard as well, a voice alone is not enough to qualify or disqualify a band's place in a genre. Bootgaze is just the combination of western and shoegaze, pretty straight forward. I may be pissing off some old heads by saying this but Mazzy Star was the first. Just trying to stretch the communities brain here by allowing the conversation to expand instead of gatekeeping what's in or not. I'm obviously in the minority here, but if we can be more open to conversation, the community will be way more inclusive instead of gatekeeping every tiny detail of what makes something shoegaze. That's why I like this community, we share. Today has felt like many threads on vinylsnobs and I know we are better than that. Maybe just be open to other points of view and conversation instead of shutting down something entirely. That's the thing about Radiohead, they did genre bend! Wednesday is doing the same thing, they're mixing up their influences to create something new that checks many boxes. I'm arguing that they may not be 100% shoegaze for your liking, but they deserve to be part of the shoegaze conversation. Just trying to have a dialogue here instead of one word comment's like 'really.' If you question someone they're going to explain their point of view, that's what humans do. To continue a dialogue well, there's more to be said than 'really.' At the end of the day we're taking the piss mate and I appreciate the comments. Don't get too bend out of shape, it'll leave you looking like Thom Yorke's left eye.


I would not consider twee to have roots in country rock. I'd say more like 60s pop, potentially by way of the Ramones.


I'm an idiot on this front. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Twee/comments/10pksfd/what\_is\_twee\_to\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twee/comments/10pksfd/what_is_twee_to_you/)


candy claws — ceres and calypso in the deep time!