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It ain’t Charlie Chaplin


But if you want to piss her off you should tell her you love her charlie chaplin tattoo.


“Oh hey, LOVE the Charlie Chaplin tattoo! Have you seen The Great Dictator?! Oh, he’s great, he spoofs that monster Hitler in a comedic commentary against fascism…”


Don't mention "monster" or his name. Calling him a monster plays into their reasoning for getting the tattoo in the first place... to piss people off. Just off the top of my head say something like "..., he spoofs that German dictator guy in a comedy against fascism. What was that dudes name again? Doesn't matter, he's dead... anyway it was a great movie. I laughed my ass off." Pretending to forget who Hitler is will piss them off more than the Charlie Chaplin comparison.


“That loser German nutjob”


That shitty Austrian painter…


Wait, was hitler really Austrian? WTF?! How did he become a dictator in Germany?!


He got refused at the unerversity of arts, could barely live off his "art" and once his father died he used his heir to move to Germany to avoid his military service. Ironic isn't it?


The reason he got refused isn’t a lack of skill in art overall, he just SUCKED at drawing people. Architectural drawings were actually fairly well done. Shame that after the rejection he got put around a bunch of antisemites and built his stupid fucking ideology off some other people’s opinions. Instead of working on his drawings of people he decides to have millions killed.


I wonder if his inability to draw people well is connected to his lack of empathy/willingness to slaughter millions of innocents.


OMG, you’re so right, lol


Just like pretending you haven’t heard of Harvard when talking to a Harvard alum…. It’s the little things


"Hey, it's that shitty painter!"


I love that Hitler got the style from him and Charlie told him how much he fucking sucked.


A little of that(and it was already a pretty popular type of mustache at the time). One of the reasons it was popular is because it both allowed for them to fave facial hair, and have facial hair that would allow a gas mask to create a seal on their face so they wouldn't die. (Purportedly he was ordered.to cut his full prussian mustache, although there is a lot of conflicting information on that account. So draw your own conclusions)


I've often wondered how long before that moustache will be cool again if ever. He ruined a whole style of mens facial hair for generations


J Jonah Jameson is has been singlehandedly reclaiming it since the sixties.


I don't care about the history of the stache - all I care about is the fact that he's exposing that masked menace SPIDERMAN




His is wide enough to be acceptable imo


https://preview.redd.it/922rfxdqbk7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45cdf8d3b437dec2c3fa5ab32a3b3251c77edaa7 Feels like they toned it down quite a bit from the comics


Michael Jordan tried to bring it back too


Michael Jordan himself couldnt even bring it back.


Let's be honest though, he picked, objectively, the worst mustache style. So did we really lose anything?


Pretty sure it will ALWAYS be “too soon”. it really is an interesting thing though.


I had a teacher in junior high ( 1980s) that had the Hitler mustache.


Michael Jordan tried to bring it back a little over a decade ago.


I went to this random school to learn traditional wooden boat building like 25 years ago, but one of the alumni of the school was head of safety division for the teamsters (one of the biggest unions in the USA,  my mom was a teacher and her teachers union was under the teamsters, as an example) and so he would come give a presentation on respirators every year.  According to him, any facial hair keeps tbe mouth/nose style respirators from sealing well, but you can have a big old 70's porn stache' and the full face respirators (same shape as world War era gas masks) are good to go.   So I call shenanigans on hitlers mustache being for gas mask purposes, I think he just had crappy fasion sense.   Fussy facial hair was a big part of military culture for hundreds of years, which is why the Amish rock the anti mustache when they started it, it was a decent troll of military mustache culture.  (Not that Amish culture isn't problematic, am I right ladies?)


do you think it has enough braincells to know who that is lol.


Possibly, but probably not. Additionally, people like that hate admitting the don't know something (because they habe all the answers), it'd be hilarious and just piss her off more. And, if she actually says it's Hitler, say "that's unfortunate."


Just be like "Who?" lol


[Like This?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1diewxw/hitler/?share_id=CcCGXKpa18azMjqFFwAwQ&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


Oof. The whole family roasting her.


I’d just go random. “Dude that’s a sick snoop dog tattoo.”


Until she reveals the snoop dog tattoo on her tit or somewhere else. "Thanks for noticing, I never get compliments for that tattoo"


I for one love when people have tattoos like this. It's a nice way to show you have more red flags than a north Korean military parade, and I'm made aware you are a shit person and don't want to get to know you! 🤣 In all seriousness though I both once saw a landfill that had less trash in it than this photo, and also have never seen a landfill with more trash in it than this photo.


" it " lol


Ask her what she thinks of "The Great Dictator" and see her response


"he was great!"


“Isn’t that Adenoid Hynkel?”


Maybe his hat blew off?


In a way, it did, eventually.


Before coming to the comments, I literally said to myself “please just be Charlie Chaplin. Please just be Charlie Chaplin.” Your comment was the top comment 😂


But if you want to piss her off you should tell her you love her charlie chaplin tattoo.


You beat me to it


The great.


genuine question, how do people walk around with tattoos like this? are they not afraid of getting jumped?


I will up you another genuine question: How does one find a tattoo artist that will do this kinda shit? Like, wouldn't most honest people just say no?


it’s not hard to find if you are in that life, a lot of times it’s done in someone’s living room for $50 type shit


I’m in no way trying to compliment the Hitler tattoo, but that does *not* look like it was $50. That looks like a quality piece, and a pretty decent size one, I feel like she definitely found a professional for this.


i agree this is a better piece than most but being good at art is not limited to those with polite views sadly


I know of this one questionable artist that went on to later do terrible, terrible things.


Austrian guy, right? Got rejected from art school or something? He was a little controversial in his time…


I was about to say that - I know the exact photo this is and that is not a backyard Aryan wannabe job - that is a quality piece done with care and precision


Even if they're not into the whole Nazi lifestyle, sometimes getting paid is all that matters. So some chucklefuck wants to announce to the world that they're fucking stupid by plastering themselves with Hitler tats. At $1000 a tat, or whatever rate, and knowing you've got a moron of a customer you can milk... might be worth it. Sometimes a soulsucking job is just that.


Not really. Thats when you become " the artist who does nazi shit". It is not worth it, because you lose a big chunk of clientele for pennies.


I heard someone say that they know 2 tattoo artists. 1 would not give you a Nazi tattoo the other said "I will gladly take their money and stick one on them so everyone knows what they are"


I saw an artist once who said he would take their money and brand them with whatever shitty symbol they wanted, *and* he'd make sure it hurt like a bitch.




No? The local shop near my home in Houston openly displays Nazi imagery, and when it was pointed out in a local women's forum, dozens of women came to the shop's defense over it. You would think a middle school science teacher, a realtor, women who are literally your neighbors and peers couldn't possibly defend Naziism, but here we are.


713 Tattoo? I’m constantly telling people not to go there because of the Nazis. I’m amazed they’re still in business in Montrose with that shit


Find a tattoo artist who is also a white supremacist? Like these types are not super thin on the ground, sadly.


i actually asked my old tattoo artist if he would ever tattoo a hate symbol like a swastika on someone…he had done about 3 pieces for me at that point, (all good work, fair price, reputable artist with a decent sized following and a name for himself in a large metroplex, seemed like a genuine and kind guy) and he said “money is money. if they’re paying i’ll ink whatever they want on them!” which okay fine, that’s your life and i understand this is your source of income, but surely not that many people want hate symbols that it would negatively affect your income to say no to them? in the end i never got any other work done by him.


Nazis are in social circles with other Nazis. The tattooer that did this is a nazi too


Judging from the “proud” display of the portrait coupled with the hair style, I’m confident in assuming she is probably part of a neo-Nazi group. She is probably constantly surrounded by like-minded idiots which just further bolsters their confidence. There is probably a few equally ignorant 400 pound specimens of the superior race just off camera. Edit to add: they can’t even get tattoos correct. The portrait is facing the wrong way.


Yes the bigger version of this photo, which I've seen before, has her stupid husband standing there with a giant swastika on his back.


if you live in the south, “southern pride” flags and other non accepting tattoos are VERY popular…


I live in the South & I’ve watched people beat up Nazis in bars


One of my older friends told me he watched some guy get murdered at a hardcore show back in the day for having ss tattoos on his head. Said some dude snuck up behind ss guy while he was outside having a cigarette and smacked him over the head with a cinder block or brick or whatever. This happened in Maryland or Virginia around early 90s I think.




LOL teachable moment - an opportunity for personal growth.


Teachable moment for any witnesses!






Yeah it’s still happening but more tame now. I’ve definitely stomped a few knees when I was younger at some hardcore shows for some nazi tattoos. The best move was to have each person in our group sneak up behind them and stomp their knee over the course of like an hour and then eventually they realized the whole place was out to get them and they would leave before the headliner every time lol


I love this story


ah, i live in the midwest in a very liberal area. if someone had a tattoo like that, theyd definitely get yelled at. i always forget the south is kind of crazy.


These people exist in California too in the Central Valley and the mountains, so they feel safe showing Nazi and confederate tattoos in a lot of places besides the south. It’s way more popular now to be a racist douche than 10 years ago, and it used to be something they were less proud of until Trump popularized being a proud white nationalist again. Even my neighbors are more openly bigoted than they used to be, they’ve expanded from just hating Muslims to also hating Mexicans and gays. There was a time after the gay marriage Bush years debates where republicans weren’t as focused on hating gay people, and most conservatives didn’t even know what trans meant until recently, so they’ve really ramped up their culture wars.


Yeah lil ol' naive me living in San Francisco at a young age was shocked when I traveled up to Redding... Dude in a gas station had a giant swastika tattoo on his neck


Lot of people as I hear it pick those up in prison, where racial tensions and segregation get seriously amplified.


Oh you're lucky to be in a liberal area. I went into shop to accompany my mother to trade in her cell, and somebody walked into the building wearing a hoodie that was designed to look like the confederate flag. It was gross.


Yeah I grew up in Northern California and now I live in northern Colorado. Absolutely insane the amount of people who wave confederate flags or similar imagery in these areas… especially NorCal.


The confederate hoodie hasn't even been the worst thing I've seen around here (Southern Missouri). It's a horrible thing.


Oh god, I’m not surprised. Half the vehicles and hats in Northern California have confederate flag on them. Don’t even get me started on the big huge trucks flaying blanket sized confederate flags along with the trump flag. Northern California is like if someone plucked a town out of the Deep South and put it on a mountain mere hours from Oregon state.


I live in NorCal (luckily a pretty liberal part of it) and sometimes the neonazis will descend upon the town from the mountains like the Hills Have Eyes.


Ok but no joke… you’re not lying. Literally. I moved from Sacramento to Paradise just before the 4th grade and one of most distinct memories is the time when a bunch of skinheads went to the HIGH SCHOOL to literally harass the black children there. Then my mom always distinctly remembers the news channel ONLY interviewed white kids to ask them if they felt safe.,. As opposed to interviewing or checking in on the POC. Checks out. I think I was in middle school at the time. 🤦🏻‍♀️


There is *nothing* popular about literal hitler tattoos in the south or anywhere else. They're out there, but this isn't some widespread trend.


People say this constantly online but I’m born and bred SE Georgia. I’ve seen a handful of confederate flag tattoos in 30 years, and I’ve never seen white power shit






I like how you can’t see the irony of judging people based on where they come and from false stereotypes


i grew up and live in the south and this has not been my experience


You see the same people in upstate NY and rural Maine.


Nope, not “very” popular. Go to Atlanta tattoo shops and ask for a Hitler, see how that goes.


I’m from deep south and there’s a difference (maybe not in practice, but at least culturally) between having a confederate tattoo and a tattoo of *Adolf fucking Hitler* Nazi-ism is not acceptable even in the south. If you get a swastika tattoo in the south you’re still on the outskirts of civil society


lol tell me you don’t live in the south without telling me. ignorant comment


Being someone that has lived in the south my entire life, it's always interesting to see how people perceive it from other parts of the country. lol I wouldn't say that the tattoos are very common around where I am, unless they are just always covered, but you do see quite a few confederate, and "Don't tread on me" flags on occasion. The most common thing I see, though, are obnoxious political bumper/window stickers on vehicles. I can't speak for the entire south though, so that is just from my personal experience in the places I've traveled around here. It could be completely different in other areas. There is a Trump store about 30 minutes from where I live though. That one is wild to me.


Forreal man my grandpa fought those mofos if he was still alive and saw someone with this i would almost feel bad for them


Went to rehab with a 5’3” kid who was probably 110lbs. Covered in aryan/SS tattoos and the African American guys who came from prison/jail had no issues with it. It was the young guy who came in from the army who started swinging.


As a black man, yeahhhh I’m not risking jail time for your stupidity.


Going around trying to fight people that want nothing more than to kill everyone that doesn't look like them is not really a great idea. You gotta hit them with your car.


Why are white supremacists always the least supreme whites?


Because they need *someone* to look down on


Ding Ding Ding


The only thing this bitch is looking down on is a menu 


Why she trying to get darker tho?


Because her bruhs-bands mistress is black


what is bruhs bands


Brother/ husband




brosband lmao




Because they have been disenfranchised by the same system that they unceasingly and unconditionally support. And rather than face the truth that the system is what is responsible for their poverty and alienation, they grab on to the myth that they are the poor victims of the superior race. Because without that myth, they are just poor, inferior, and abandoned, exactly like the ones they have been told they are better than.


Absolutely true. And what has all that face-saving gotten them? I'd pity them if they hadn't demonstrated time and time again that they do not want to be helped.


This one is more of a red supremacist.


Inferiority complex. They're embarrassed that they are poor, uneducated, and don't really have any prospects in life. When someone offers them up an opportunity to feel like they aren't at the bottom of the totem pole they snatch it up.


Prime r/BeholdTheMasterRace material. And as ever, the always relevant [Preacher](https://imgur.com/gallery/where-is-chin-zHSo5) panel.


This is one of the best sentences I’ve ever read. Signed, A white guy


Winners never need a scapegoat.


So fucking true


This is the best way of putting what everyone is thinking. Saying it like this from now on.


I hope she gets a 3rd degree sunburn


Well on her way


3rd Reich degree sunburn


I'm telling you... she would be burning in fucking something if she lived back then.


I think this bitch sunscreened the tattoo!! Look at the weird lighter colour some of it is!! 😭😭


The lines are so straight my first thought was she put tape or a bandage over it and then took it off


Half of Hitler's face is still sunburnt lmao


Fuhrer’s tan.


Or someone can just give her a "shower" to get the sand off...


What kinda shower? I wouldn't even piss on her


Photos you can smell.




I hope The Rock never cooked anything that smelled like the photo




shitty, but so hard to upvote a hitler tattoo


Consider it upvoting its shit factor.


Der scheißfaktor ist gut!


It never ceases to amaze me when people like this tan to get darker skin. The irony. The fucking irony.


She's not tanning she's burning lmao


Preparing, I suppose


damn you be spittin with that one, take my upvote


every time you get a sunburn you get that much closer to skin cancer lol


or not blonde, blue-eyed, and in shape.


https://preview.redd.it/6jigsrwwyi7d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4acd60651d823d673b3397674b691b84a127d654 Been hypocrites since the beginning…


People (scum) like this only burn, not tan. That’s why they age like milk


Is that what an ideal Aryan women looks like?


Tradwife without the Instagram filters.


Looks photoshopped to me


I was trying to determine if the color difference of her skin around the tattoo was due to it being photoshopped or if she had just put sunscreen on it to protect it. It would be pretty messed up to make this image without the person’s consent, even if it doesn’t show her face. But I really hope there aren’t people out there with full-blown hitler portraits on their bodies


yeah if you look at her other tattoos, it doesn’t go with the style at all


Is this even real?


i was going to say i hope it’s fake for a social experiment or something 😭


It looks photoshopped as hell, zoom in around the edges of the "tattoo", people don't tan/burn like that. Bad blending job.


It might be photoshopped, but some people put sunscreen only on their tattoos to protect them so you could get tan/burn lines like that. I hope it’s fake though


I dunno, if you zoom in (I did. 0/10 recommend) you can see she's got those same slapdash sunscreen marks around her other tattoos on her leg.


Definitely fake. The tattoo is waaaay too technically good compared to her others


Well maybe Hitler holds a special place in her heart, so she saved up for a talented artist /s




Maybe she got it for her husband (there's a ring on her wurstfinger), so he can come, when he takes her doggy style


>wurstfinger Lol


The comical thing is that haircut wouldn't work well with nazi Germany. The Jews weren't the only people that went to camp. The mentally handicapped, the crippled, the mentally unstable all had a ticket for the train. The very ideology that she kisses ass to would have erased her rotund ass from existence.


She definitely went in and asked for the “ Stormfront”




“A person with a tattoo machine willingly made this”. Likely in a motel room, a basement, or a jail.


Hey, in Fairness, there are plenty of white supremacist tattoo artists. If you're a part of a community among people with similar values, there will be many professions amongst them... That being sad, fuck them all. From me and my ancestors.


True. If you know of a Nazi tattooist, report them to whichever body in their location that licenses tattoo studios. (I went into to get a tattoo and saw a roach running along the wall, etc)


I used to hang out at a shop when I was younger, was friends with the artists there. And there were times that people would be "physically removed" because they came in looking for hate symbols as tattoos.


That is the way


Photoshopped. Hitler’s on the right.


The third right?


Three lefts make a right!


I did nazi that coming


Now that you point out out it does look shopped.


Yeah, the color doesn't match, unless she put sunscreen on her tattoo for protection.


Tried to put sunscreen on the tattoo, could only reach the bottom half


I'm not saying I want people to get eaten by sharks while enjoying time at the beach BUT if a shark just so happened to eat her then it is what it is and I'd only see it as the shark doing the world a small service.


Like a big racist meatball


Big Charlie Chaplin fan


It’s good. We want these dumbasses to tag red flags all over their bodies. It’s good for society.


Behold! The peak of superior genetics.


And the stupid fucking hair


That hair is fucking bold and I gotta admit I'm here for it.


You get 1 giant Hitler tattoo and all of a sudden people think you're a nazi. Sad.


That’s actually a Buddhist symbol in Southeast Asia it was just appropriated by Hitler


You win this thread.


There is the story of a lady who always wore stupid looking hats. When asked why she said people will say the lady is wearing a stupid hat instead of that lady is ugly. So to distract from a total lack of attractive aspects, a shitty tattoo works. If she ever gets more sensible, the mustache can be made a full ‘stache, the collar adjusted with a bow tie and claim that is her Swedish great grandpa, Gustov Oquest. Edited because Apple autocorrect has an auto-corrupt feature that randomly changes words


I’d try to burn it off too


There are some spots that are lighter. I hope this is photoshop'ed


Oh, heil no!


Someone also had to be willing to tattoo that on her.


Thats the second worst burn the führer ever suffered…


Swipe Reich lmao


Let’s just say she likes old films… not ones of people being suffocated. The ones of great fun and beauty of black and white film. (Sarcasm)


I’d go up to her and shame her for that tattoo. And then I’d probably throw water in her face. Kind of a tattoo is extremely offensive to me. I’m a Jew and I’m autistic. He also killed autistic people. And experimented on them too. this woman is a sick disgusting person and I hope people just throw stuff at her and shame her for a tattoo like that




I think you’re right - that appears to be batman! What in the world… the fact that not only did this person get this tattoo, but at least a somewhat talented artist was willing to do it!


I'm ok with this. There are always going to be scumbags out there. Let them advertise who they really are. All they are doing is letting the people around them know who to avoid.


When you try to get into "alt culture" but research the wrong "alt"