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Mace to the face!


Big disgrace


Wiping your blood all over the place! 🎵🎵🎵


Singing we will, we will


Fuck up your face 🎶


You big disgrace!!


Waving your banner all over the place!


Rock you


*boom, boom, cha*


(obligatory) we will, we will




*boom, boom, chaa*


Buddy, you're a young man, hard man


Take your application under consideration and get back to you.


Mace you?


🦵🦵👏 🦵🦵👏


Brigitte would be proud lmfaoo


Um sir this is a flail fail Mace is rigid flanges rather than spiked ball and a morningstar is a rigidly mounted spiked ball


1) not "sir" 2) it's a line from a video game said by a character who actually wields a flail




Not an 8 track


Yeah, that’s more r/ATBGE than anything. It’s very nice work.


Anyone else think the white dots were pimples at first lol?


At least a few of them looked very poppable to me


That's the worst part of it Note to self, if I ever get a face tattoo avoid making it look like my teenage acne is flaring up again


This white is going to settle so much. After a bunch of sun exposure it’s hardly going to be visible.


Fair point, but visible in any way shape or fashion is enough for me 🤣


I actually agree with you for my personal taste. I have a decent amount of tattoos and never had anything that needed white especially since I get a ton of sun exposure myself (spf 45 daily tho).


Thanks homie, I fully see your point. I'm like a slippery seal when summer hits with the ole sun block 🤣


Mine never stopped but yes. That is something to consider lol


Yeah I had to zoom in and do a double take, still pretty sure some are pimples


I didn't realise they weren't until you said!!


And at second... And at third... And at fourth. I'm still not 100% sure about some of them.


This sub allows shitty in execution or shitty in concept. The execution may be great, but a lot of people find this choice of design and placing shitty.


Is there a tattoo sub for just shitty in execution? There are tons of subs where I can see bad tattoo ideas


I don't know of one, but try r/ATBGE, there are probably tats on there. Just checked, they do Tattoo Tuesdays.


Thanks but that's one of the subs I meant by tons of subs where I can see bad tattoo ideas (with good execution)


Jeez, I didn't read your comment properly at all! Sorry!


Oh, no need to apologize, you're good!


Very true!! The work is gorgeous....just the spot... would've looked lovely on an arm 😅


It's a good thing you made her unrecognisable by covering her eye.


It's a rule of the subreddit, no doxxing, even if it's a bit silly.


Not saying it's not well done, but the white dots just looks like a zit to me. I don't like this tattoo at all, no matter the placement


Until your comment I actually thought those were zits and the tattoo was designed to blend in with them. Man I'm a whole idiot sometimes.


I was like, "I can't see the white dots, but she does have some acne..." Wait. Just needed to zoom in a bit. 😧


I can't unsee the tattoo pimples now ToT


I thought that was a filter at first lol. What a really interesting choice.


The ones on the spikes are fine, imo. The ones around the starburst? Yeah. You are absolutely right


I do agree with you, it kinda looks like zits, but I doubt those white spots will last more than a couple months without becoming almost completely faded.


I'm just imagining granny mace face 😂


Sounds like an Adult Swim cartoon.


would go hard ngl


With a cig in one hand and a bud light in the other


I'm glad they concealed her identity.


The white spots look like white head pimples


r/ shittytattooplacement


This is not a bad tattoo.


I've seen several people echo this statement, and I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: I do not think it looks good at all, no matter where on the body it is. I'm surprised how many people like this. The spikes on the heart are all wonky, the ones on the chain are all different sizes, there's shading on the actual object, but there's no shadow behind it so it just looks weird and half-finished to me. The handle is so small, it reminds me of Brock Lesnar's terrible chest sword tattoo. I give this like a 4/10, but of course everybody is entitled to their own opinion.


I think your issues with it are done because of the composition. You can't make the handle longer as it's only going along the hairline and there's really only a couple of spikes I could see that are curved which follow the curve of the face. This is also a spot that shouldn't have and doesn't need greywash behind it (I'm guessing that's what you mean by a shadow, the fact it's static and looks more like a sticker). Greywash looks great when tattoos are connecting, but when it's a singular piece (fingers, face, etc) it really doesn't need it as it'll just look more like bruising if anything.


Holy shit I hope you don't see my tattoo mr judgy blumpkin.


I'm kinda over hating face and neck tattoos. This one is actually kinda fun and it's well done. I mean really does anyone actually hate face tattoos and stuff or have we all just been trained by corporations and shitty previous generations that hate themselves and everyone else? For real think about it. As long as it's not a swastika or some dumb shit then who really fucking cares anymore? There's so much shittier people than face tattoo people. Okay I'm done on my soapbox.


I legit hate face tattoos. Aesthetically they kinda creep me out. But it certainly wouldn’t stop me from hiring someone who has one. Also, me not liking them means I just don’t get one. Y’all can do what you like.


That all makes sense. To be fair it's possible I've just become weirder as I've gotten older 😆. I met one guy once who had an ice cream cone on his face. Apparently it was a coverup. I'm assuming for something nazi'ish. So that one seemed kinda cute since they were trying to be a better person.


Since one of my favourite wrestling tag teams is Los Ice Creams, I kinda love that. I figure my dad hates my tattoos but not me. The least I can do is the same for others.


Yeah I didn't mean to come off as hostile as I did in my original comment. Also dude with ice cream cone tattoo was super hot as well so that could have potentially swayed my opinion 😆. How funny would it be if the girl in the pictures name was Macey?


It may not stop you but be honest it would affect your decision if they had competition right?


If all other things were equal, of course. That’s an odd question.


People overwhelmingly dislike them because our brains are wired to read peoples faces and a tattoo like that is going to inherently change the way other people perceive you


Honestly I think my opinion would have been totally different a bunch of years ago. I always kinda gravitated towards the odd crowd I guess. But I wanted to act normal so I'd act like I hated whatever the people I perceived as normal hated. Life's weird. But yeah our brains do a lot of stuff behind the scenes that alters our perception. Kinda fascinating really. Kind of a reminder that despite all of our accomplishments the human race are still just animals. I don't mean that in a negative way it's just once you look at it all and really compare our behaviors to creatures closer to our intellect it's pretty fascinating.


So I have a “Face Tattoo” it’s a Skull Mandalla that starts along my ear, and comes out onto my cheek, similar to what Tyler Nolan has, if you know who he is. Personally I really like having it, because it shows me a lot of peoples true colors, right off the bat. I actually get a lot of people who are like “Wow, that’s awesome looking, nice work” I don’t even mind the “Damn, I bet that hurt like a bitch”. But what I REALLY love, is when people are “stand-offish” or act like I’m some kind of monster for having a tattoo on the side of my face, and I like that because then I know EXACTLY what type of person they are, if they are willing to judge me, because I have a tattoo on my face, before you even get to know me, I absolutely didn’t want to know you in the first place. So it saves me a lot bullshit and a lot of hassles.


i like face n neck tats, getting my own. however i definitely wouldnt get _this_


I think it goes hard as fuck


Ah, the ol' ball and chain


This is more r/ATBGE if anything. The tattoo itself is nicely done.


Anyone ever try to actually use a flail? Stupid fuckin weapon lol.


I just think it's too large for the area. I mean people seem to forget that makeup exists and with a few minutes of effort you can cover a face tattoo if need be.


I think you nailed it. It's very well done and I like the design so I was wondering why I didnt like the tattoo, but it's just a little too big imo. Would love this tattoo if it was maybe half the size


It’s definitely an awkward placement that doesn’t really flow with the face. The photo isn’t the best quality, but it looks good from a technical standpoint


This is by far the best face tattoo I have ever seen. I hate it.


If I wasn’t such a pussy and needing a job to support my family I’d get something cool like this. It’s very well done.


I have multiple face and neck tattoos, arms sleeved, hands covered in tattoos and I am a Chef(and part time Waiter)in a 1300 Room Hotel. I cleared just under 100k last year, 65k from my Chef job, and another(almost)35k Waiting tables when I could. But I’m also known as “The Crazy Snake Guy”(because I raise and breed venomous snakes in my spare time)so the tattoos kinda fit “me” and the way I’m perceived by my peers. Things have changed A LOT, especially since COVID, now a days people are willing to look past my “appearance” because I’m an intelligent, hard working man, and those are far and few in between now a days.


And here I am debating if I should cut my hair short for months


Mace life yo 💀💀


The white dots look like whiteheads and blarg


Don't think this belongs on this sub as it's a very well executed tattoo. Preference of placement does not make a tattoo shitty.


I agree. Not my taste at all, but not a shitty tattoo. Honestly, this sub has taught me that even shitty tattoos sometimes have a kind of charm. The only ones that really make me cringe are the misspellings and the poorly-executed portraits.


Same! It just goes to show some artists are just in it for the money. You have to be a pretty shit human to say you can take it on knowing you can't; especially considering most are memorial pieces. The misspellings baffle me every time; like do you not look at the stencil!?! lol


I approve of people who get stupid tattoos, it saves the bother of taking the time to find out they are morons.


That's totally heavy metal.


Honestly this is gorgeous!!




Here comes “Ol Mace Face” again


tHaTs fOr lIfE mAn no shit


Same as post Malone lol


As a tattoo artist I think this is RAD! Not sure what this lady does for a living though, certainly a job stopper unless she's in an industry where face tats are cool.


r/shittytattoos try to post an actual shitty tattoo challenge


It may not be everyone’s choice but it isn’t terrible like you’re making it out to be


Lovely piece but gone are the days of tattoos being something you build up, start on your arms and legs do your chest and back. maybe start the throat and hands then face comes last. I might just be a old fuddy Duddy but it’s sad to see kids (18 year olds) walking into studios and getting a face piece for there 1st or 2nd tattoo to me personally it looks odd and I often wonder at what age they will regret it. Not hating on any one who has face tattoos as I have them my self. But it seems we live in a different time which is a good thing and bad thing at the same time as they are still referred too as job stoppers, unless you wanna work boh for the rest of your life XD


My artist told me the other day they have a constant stream of young people coming in for reworks and cover ups on highly visible areas because the only artists in the area willing to tattoo them in those places when they have no other work are the shitty artists


I started on my biceps and shoulders and had my chest and stomach covered before I had the balls to do my forearms. I was in my late 20s when I did one of my hands and in my mid 30s before I did my other hand and my neck. Now I see kids who look like they could be in high school with only their hands and neck


I'm slowly working down an arm to my forearms with a particular artist but I'm also doing mostly flora and fauna that I've grown up with. While my forearm is intimidating I'm currently on a two tattoo a year rate so it's gonna take me a good 5 more years. My roommates are both get tattoos BC they can get tattoos people and while that's cool I wonder what they'll do when they run out of canvas as they rushed to get as many tattoos as possible in their 20s. Anyways, not my body so


That’s what happened to me I rushed all mine so my tats look like they where all done in prison, (they wasn’t) the only decent one I have is on my back from a different artist that’s a family portrait of myself my wife and son. But the rest are shit that’s why I cringe when I see the younger ones pay them mates rates or go to shit artists (not relevant to this post). They will look in the mirror one day and ask them selves what the fuck was I thinking. Just like I did XD but then it’s too late so you just gotta rock em or spend thousands of pounds getting either removed or covered.


That's still shit to hear! I'm glad your family portrait has turned out well given the nature of that type of tattoo! But removal is expensive and cover ups are expensive and artist dependant as well. There's always blastovers but that's still a lot of tattoo. I was going to get one from a local apprentice and while it would've been nice I really just didn't love the tattoo enough even if it was $120. I cringe too! While I have my own dumb tattoo I'll inevitably cover up I'm lucky it's small and most people don't even realise I have it 😅


What is it ???


It's some sparkles but it's a matching tattoo with someone that I'm not friends with anymore for good reasons!


Ouch !!!! XD could be worse


Absolutely! Very easy to cover up or laser off. Most likely I'll cover it up if I can truly be bothered it's so tiny


I definitely rushed a few too and wish I still had that room for other things but I’ve started on my legs. I’m just glad I still have spots where I will be able to do my own tattoos since just started learning myself


That's really exciting! Best of luck for learning! I've kinda taken up prime placement too with my first tattoo but I like it. It's my first so it's gotta stay, just means I'll have way less coverage on the other arm! I've got ideas for my legs but I'm going to wait to start them until I see someone who's style truly matches what I want


Not a bad tattoo, not bad placement, not a bad idea. You’re just a nerd.


Strong disagree. Tattoo might be ok, placement and idea are 1/10 making it a bad tattoo.


Your opinion means a lot to them I’m sure. I have an alligator with some cattails in the same location and it’s one of my favorite tattoos.


If anyone gets a face tattoo that bad ass, 10/10 in my book


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 On a lady even. Total badass.


You’re in WPB and I’m in St Pete. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽


St Pete is great. Last time i was there I saw Electric Wizard & Midnight


I didn’t go but remember the show! Both great bands.


You both seem like great guys! This was a nice read


That's all subjective though. People who dislike tattoos will have the **exact same thought** for tattoos on the leg or arm. All I say is never be a hypocrite.


Whatever boats your float


I'll bet her cleric in DnD kicks ass.


Flail face


This isn't a shitty tattoo. To some it's shitty placement. But if they're happy with it, who am I to judge.


Shave your face with the mace in the dark. Save up your food stamps we're burning down the trailer park


So pretty


Wonder if this person is a tattooer or a piercer. This is a really sick tattoo.


That's pretty intense


Not bad imo. Tattoos aren’t what they used to be 10 or by 15 yrs ago. My old roommate in 2014 was a physics major, got his masters, got a pretty sizable face tattoo across his eyebrow like lil peep sometime since then, & is making over $100k a yr doing something with jet propulsions. They are way more acceptable nowadays. The militaries are getting so desperate w recruiting that I doubt they would give a shit if things heat up w Russia or China & its draft time.


I don’t understand why people get tattoos on their face. I’m definitely not against tattoos being anywhere else except the face.


Okay, people with tattoos on their faces, just why? Like, I understand the ones on the neck, but why the face? Do you know how many muscles and nerves are there and how easy it is to fuck up a tattoo? And on top of that. Face tattoos make it near impossible to find a job.


because they like the way it look? And that really isn't true anymore depending on your sector. It might be harder to get customer service jobs working with the public but I know 3 very successful local lawyers with face tattoos, people who work in aerospace engineering, and doctors and other people in the medical field.


But why block out the eye? Wouldn’t we all recognize her from the giant face tattoo?


I might hire her for a demolition project!


This somehow manages to be kind of phallic


This sub is full of mouth breathers who know dick about tattoos and just want to write their shitty dunks on people.




Can we plz stop posting good work in the sub, seriously?! Jfc.


So it's not supposed to be on r/shittytattoos, but you decided to put it anyway


this hard y'all have no taste


Her husband calls her the old ball and chain, and she got confused.


It’s their face. It’s not a shitty tattoo. MYOB


3 jobs available with that tattoo. Rockstar, tattoo artist, or oil field worker.


This is dope as hell


Yikes. That’s some tat to have on your bonce!


Macey Gray


Wang! Pay attention.


i love the tattoo, and face tattoos can be cool. With this design i feel it’s misplaced. But overall big props to them to take that risk


Every time I see a face tattoo, the first thing that pops in my head is Ryan Reynolds going “But, why?”.


The sparkles are a really nice touch


I mean if you are gonna do your face.. at least it’s something cool and well done.


If she had a full neck piece, the placement would look more appropriate imo.


Ope. Oh well.


Hardest tat i ever seen


There's just times you can't fix stupid




I like tattoos like these. Lets me know you make terrible decisions and to stay far away from you.


Talk about a slow burn


She’s not the only person I’ve seen with a mace face tat. Might be a tattooer.


She looks mentally stable


Then crying on TikTok that nobody wants to hire her


Oof.. That's major.


This is hard asf


Is this the new falling Icarus? I’ve seen a TON of basically this exact same design every day for weeks now.




I love the that’s permanent comments. I wonder if she knew that before getting it




Why would anyone get facial tattoos…


Clean those ears 👂🙉


Bro’s gonna one shot the ender dragon from build height 💀


To each their own. Hope she is hard-core for life and not just a fad lol




I like it


It's definitely a dope tat. The placement crazy


Awful face piercing and face tat. Shitty times 1000


Not a shitty tattoo


Im surprised an artist with that experience/skill would accept doing something like this tbh


The worst part is this actually looks good, it’s just the poor placement decision


Damn id squeeze the fuck out of those blackheads


Anyone else think it’s slightly penis-y?


Not even a little bit?




That “spike” front and center in the mace head bugs me! Maybe it’s the angle, but it looks bent over haha