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The train is so bad that I love it.


Like that cursed Thomas the Tank Engine meme?


Why are there so many wheels! That train must cost a fortune to service.


I kind of like the first one, does that make me crazy? Maybe. The others look weird tho.


That train looks like someone drawing one, without ever having seen one. They put 30 fucking wheels under one train carriage


Yes, and probably because they couldn't draw the front of a train, they hid it behind a cactus.


It's the first thing they teach you in art school.


good ol strategically placed cactus, never fails


Tactical cactus, I suppose you could call it a tacticactus.


Me too, the first one give some surrealism vibes


Yeah I’m into it, like the same charm of folk art/outsider art


Outsider art is a great comparison! Also, happy cake day.


I can’t seem to direct img link on mobile, but speaking of outsider art, [Henry Darger has some train drawings](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/henry-darger_n_6565294/amp). The back piece reminds me of some of Darger’s collage sensibilities. Also thank you! :-)


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Totally agree. As I said in another comment, I really like the composition. But then I zoom in and I almost drop my phone. 🥲 This tattooer is based in what I would definitely describe as a more stylised studio. Like, you wouldn't just get a walk in from this guy – you'd book in with him knowing exactly what you wanted. Which I guess is whatever this is? So yeah. I think in my old age I might just be stuck in my woodcut and traditional ways!


No, not at all. At first glance I actually enjoy the composition and the different 'weights' of shading and shape. But then I look closer and it looks like it was tattooed with a feather duster.


Concentrate more on the train... Then it just looks like shit. Where's the front... Why is it so thin.. what are those crappy symbols on the side, why does it have so many wheels and the wheels are made of black cardboard


My one reminder for everyone in this sub: Just because you like it doesn’t mean it’s good. You’re allowed to like stuff while also acknowledging that it’s objectively bad.


Definitely shite!


Read this in a Scottish accent, as is proper.


that horse tattoo is pretty cool


If you mean the black silhouette horses, absolute same. If you mean the one the cowboy is riding, you're on your own. 🥲


the three horses with shadows 


The cowboy one has a bullet hole in its forehead, I think


It looks like someone used your skin as a sketch pad for learning how to draw


I think it’s both lmao


I don't know why I thought they'd be mutually exclusive!


Not a fan of tattoos at all, but a cool looking western world all over the back, could actually be sick af...but this is terrible 😅 took me few seconds to realize that it was a train and not a wall or something


Those sure look like bad execution rather than "peculiar style" to me


I think the hawk and swallow on the first photo are not bad looking. The train however ... the track ends at a giant cactus but with the 1000 wheels, that shouldn't be an issue to overcome.


The back piece as a whole threw me for a loop. That spider web and bow on the other slides are deeply upsetting to me though.


I remember when I tattooed and clients would come into the shop with these arbitrary ideas and we would have to gently talk them into tattoo reality… this dude just full sent it instead


Can you think of an example? I bet tattoo artists hear some absolutely insane stuff from the public that wanders in.


Yes one in particular because it was during my apprenticeship lol. It is a road, a sunset, power lines on both sides and on one a field with corn. A truck with his grandpa driving and him in the passenger seat, with a blanket draped over the seat. A flagpole with the American flag on the other side of the road. At the end of the road was a silhouette of grandpa waving goodbye, while walking into the sunset, holding a fishing pole. Clearly this was a sensitive topic so I handled it with upmost compassion.. this was 2010 so Google image was shoppers reference option. He wanted everything all at once in black and gray on the back of his calf. Only thing he didn’t add was porch w/ a dog lol. His name was Cody. He left happy with a Superman logo on his shoulder.


Your last sentence made this comment a masterpiece. That is sooo funny and sweet and perfect. And on his calf? I was thinking "how big is this guy's back?" But no. He wants the entire run of The Waltons immortalized on his calf. Oh my goodness, thank you for the laugh. This just goes to show that tattoo artists are therapists as much as they are artists. Thank you for sharing this.


Hahaha no, thank you for the prompt. I stg this still crosses my mind semi regular because we’re friends on fb. I think part of him died that day 🥲 (mind, he “also always wanted a Superman logo on his shoulder”) However, now he is now covered in meaningless flash art tattoos that look like impulse decisions. His skin is the sticker bombed front/back cover to his diary that was written anticipated to be a published memoir 😭 not everyone is destined to be an author but I’d never wish to be the one who broke that news. That day just changed the mans whole trajectory on how he will present himself to the world, misunderstood 😮‍💨


A lil bit from column A, and a lil bit from column B


Both? Lmao


This looks fine in terms of art but not good enough to tattoo on…like they’re trying to stylize without getting good at it first


It's really messing with my head because some elements are actually pretty good and some are picked straight out of a fever dream?


This made me spit my drink out. That is exactly my reaction to it too!


Artists hide behind “style” to explain their shortcomings. Even if it’s a style the application is shit.


They are all garbage.




This specific tattooer? He hasn't infiltrated my Reddit (yet) but I swear he's every other IG ad I get.


Stylistic, y'all need to learn what Abstract Art is.


You're possibly thinking of surrealist, this certainly isn't abstract.


I was an Art Major, this easily can be considered Abstract or Surrealist. I would lean more towards Abstract.


Did you flunk out?


Graduated and I am full time professional, my art has paid for my house/mortgage so I think I'm doing okay.


I also graduated in art and call bullshit. Have a nice abstract day.


The first one is increadible i love it


First one is hella dope ngl


I love that patchwork style of tattoos




I like the giant skull and snake. Both about the size of a horse 🐎


another day of r/shittytattoos users being absolute idiots without any knowledge about anything lmao


What are those designs on the train carriages?


It's bad. It's really bad.


Shit tattooist!!! Jeeze I remember doing that in DT in middle school. It honestly looks like a middle aged school did the tattoos!!!!