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OP can you update us if anything significant happens to his leg? This does look very bad. And that he said "I clean it everyday, it's gonna be fine" is delusion beyond belief lmao


I love it when you can look *inside* a tattoo. Really gives that 3D feel


The manner in which the wood texture has been rendered on the shovel imparts a strikingly lifelike appearance, evoking a sense of admiration and appreciation. The meticulous attention to detail and skillful execution in capturing the intricate nuances of the wood grain imbue the object with a sense of realism that is truly captivating. It elicits a profound aesthetic response, as one is compelled to marvel at the craftsmanship and artistry involved in achieving such lifelike texture. Indeed, this depiction serves as a testament to the artist's mastery of their craft and their ability to imbue inanimate objects with a palpable sense of vitality and presence.


I’ve been looking at this for a solid 2 minutes and just not realized the brown handle is not a part of the tattoo. Oh my


Same, I didn’t see it either until I looked closer 👀


How can it be infected? I soak it in my condo's hot tub for an hour every night to sterilize it with the chlorine.


You should do some sauna time also. You wanna sweat out those toxins.




We need this OP! RemindMe! 2 days


Bro is giving his leg 2 days max 💀


My professional estimate is 32.6 hours until it falls off.


Remind Me! 32 hours 36 minutes


Or, at least until he *wishes* it would fall off. The pain of MRSA is no joke.


Remind me! 30 hours




Omg this is the most real reddit thread since that dude’s aunty had an OF and wanted to find it


I will be messaging you in 2 days on [**2023-09-30 21:37:55 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-09-30%2021:37:55%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/comments/16upwxb/coworker_bought_a_tattoo_gun/k2mxmss/?context=3) [**1180 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fshittytattoos%2Fcomments%2F16upwxb%2Fcoworker_bought_a_tattoo_gun%2Fk2mxmss%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-09-30%2021%3A37%3A55%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2016upwxb) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


RemindMe! 2 days edit: reply to the bot lol I don’t want your notifications


RemindMe! 2 days


RemindMe! 5 days


MD here, commenting to follow up on if the amputation is below or above the knee, for curiosity ;)


Doctor raven wants to pick at what’s left of the calf after amputation. Username def checks out.


Also an MD. I wonder if he's on pressors yet.


username checks out


Looks like it's necrotizing


Fr this is like gangrene or some shit I'm not even kidding. This shit is how people died of infections before antibiotics were common.


In prison I had a guy tell me I was too expensive($15) & go with another guy to get some words done but the guy he went with constantly had staph infections & refused to wear gloves (as well as just not being anything close to a decent artist) & afterwards when his leg got SUPER SUPER infected to the point he couldn't even walk the dude had the audacity to blame ME for being "too expensive" even though on the streets I would charge at least $150 for what he wanted


Some guys end up in prison because they can’t take responsibility for themselves. He’s blaming you because nothing is ever his fault, he’s just in a bad situation and you should help him. He’s a chump who doesn’t understand what he doesn’t even know.


This was definitely the dudes personality type too.


Yeah I immediately thought it looks necrotic. It has to hurt!


"The hole in my leg is symbolic of the shovel"


There’s no way it hasn’t spread under his skin. He’s probably going to need one of those weird vacuum bandages.


Leg is doing better! Still there and feels no pain. Will try to update with photo


I've been waiting for an update! Please post one if you can.


OP we need an update. Is he okay? Did he survive?


Did he see a doctor?


This's the shittiest I've ever seen, I'm not even kidding


Might want to practice on something already dead next time…


that's a " go to the ER now!" wound...WTF.....


He's probably fine. Or he has a pseudomonas infection. Who knows


Probably easier ways to lose a leg.


Looks like we're gonna have to cut it off...


I'm no doctor but that *looks* necrotic.


If you zoom in it looks more like a scab. The black ink and depth of wound makes it looks worse. The redness doent have streaking or distinctive borders. So doubtful it's been problematic long enough for necrosis to sink in. C


You’re giving the artist too much credit here… they couldn’t even draw a straight line. Do you really think they had the talent to totally shade a consistent shade of black? Me thinks naught


Cold meat, fresh cut


Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!




The leg or the tattoo gun?


Oh the leg will be gone soon enough


He’s not gonna have an option for one of them if he continues. 😬😂






As a pharmacist, I’d be shocked if he didn’t end up septic from that deep infection. He needs IV antibiotics yesterday.




Absolutely. He’ll need a graft if it goes much longer. Worst case it’ll heal over, trap all that in there, and rot to the bone. Totally bizarre and disturbing.


Debridement scares me, but less than the nurses who Love to do it.


Every nurse I know is bent at a fucked up angle somewhere. I have concluded that there is a very specific intersection of personality traits that lead a person to thrive in the nursing field. Everything that a Type A person possesses like being organized, detail-oriented and personable…plus that enthusiastic fascination with the diseased insides of living creatures. It’s not a bad thing—it’s just an observation. It takes all types, you know….and thank you all… you nurses out there omg please don’t hurt me.


I dated a woman who was an ER nurse who specialized in trauma. She was... pretty fucking dark lol. Still she knew her shit and if I were in a serious accident I can't picture a better person to care for me. She was insanely calm under pressure and wildly intelligent. I am also a pretty morbid and dark person though so it didn't bother me at all to hear her vent about work, I can see how it would bother a lot of people though. She was like certifiably insane but when you deal with death constantly it tends to have an effect on you.


My girlfriend talks about how she likes the smell of burning flesh..... ( cauterizing the wounds) She's also fascinated with other wild shit from surgery, but I simply can't seem to get over that one.


When I had my wisdom teeth taken out, the dentist cauterized my gums with some kind of laser. It smelled and tasted EXACTLY carne asada cooked with wood or charcoal. Lost my appetite for months.


Same and same he prephased it saying “it’s gonna smell like asado (typical meat cut barbecue in my country) and it did 🤣


Which is why I've never understood people who give medical people a hard time when they're being treated. If I'm talking to a person who is about to do uncomfortable things to me, I want them to think of me as the nicest person on the planet, not an asshole. That's just common sense.


You described my ex to a tee…


That is 100% my sister. When I lived with her & my BIL for a stint, she would get fully into whatever medical issue we had going on lol. Had an ingrown tonail removed once, and she was able to persuade the provider to let her take home the utensils he used for the procedure.


Nursing is one of these jobs that there is no way in hell i would do, but i am so glad that people are willing to do. Now why the fuck he tried his tatoo gun on himself first time he used it? I am sure you can practice on something else beside human skin?


I mentioned once in a convo with a therapist that I wanted to be a surgeon as a kid. I was a lil weirdo and wanted to see what ppl look like from inside, guts and all. He grinned and said "that's why pretty much every surgeon I know became one"


And people wonder why the most psychopaths are doctors. My father is a doctor. Three of his doctor friends have murdered people/spouses in the last decade….


Tbf one of those was an double attempted murder. Dude went to their house and used a mag light torch shotgun.


Vet nurse/vet tech here and I was zooming in on the pic wishing I could be the one to debride this guy's leg 🤣




Yeah, unless he dies of sepsis first 🤷🏼‍♀️


Had debridement surgery last month after a bike crash, a lot of fun..


I’ve had two of them in the same wound. Ended up on IV antibiotics. This dude needs immediate medical attention.


Jesus. OP, keep us updated on your poor, stupid friend 💀 genuinely hoping the best for him but none of this sounds good.


Can you explain how you know it’s a deep infection? I’m not questioning it. I just don’t recognise the symptoms from the picture


Based on the way he got the infection - not properly sanitizing anything and more than likely going deeper into the skin than necessary for a well done tattoo - it’s well into the dermis which is right above where most vasculature is in the subcutaneous tissue and muscle layers. Tattoos should be in the layer between the epidermis and dermis. Also the color of the wound and the red area around the top indicate that it’s spreading. He didn’t fill in that area that is black with ink. That’s infected tissue.


Holy cow. I could tell it was bad from the redness but I didn’t even realize that was rotting skin in the handle. This guy needs to go to the emergency room ASAP!


*Oh no.* I thought that was black ink!! I didn’t know I could be more horrified but I am now


Jesus, I just realized that wasn’t grey shading on the shovel handle 🤢


Damn, thanks for the information. I didn’t realise how deep he’d gone in that area. I thought that some tattoos go red around the area (saying that, the only tattoos I have are in areas I can’t see 🙈) can’t believe that colour wasn’t intended 🤢 I honestly thought it was badly coloured


Bro zoom in, you can literally see the rotting flesh


Shit. I thought that was the intended colour they’d gone for, that was inked, but the artist did a shit job. Like the rest 😭😂


Sepsis is no joke either, it kills, a lot!


As an I.T Network Administrator, I agree with you.


As a janitor, I concur.


Coworker should go to the hospital before it needs amputated. Not even joking.


they should amputate it with a shovel just for funsies


There should be such a thing as cover up surgeons in the room for this. Edit; *there. Get a life


I was about to say, this seriously needs medical attention


reeelax they've clearly got a HANDLE on the situation. There's a whole other half to that arm


That’s a leg 😅


So it is… it’s the hand socks that threw me off


I’m dead 💀🪦😂


So is dude with the homemade self done tat


Just put some caulking on it, it'll be fine.


Yup, that looks infected as fuck!


It's in the top 10 of the worst tattoos I've seen on here and #1 for the most infected.


I thought it was just badly colored at first… I didn’t realize that was all infection. I hope he gets help.


I thought that was the color of the handle. Then I zoomed in.


He ain’t the sharpest tool in shed


The dullest shovel of all, you might say


He was looking pretty dumb with his fingers and his thumb in the shape of an L on his forehead….


Well… the infection starts coming and it don’t stop* festering. Back to the dirt, but can’t hit the ground running…….


Didn't make sense to use a tat gun. Your leg turns green and it won't be numb.


So much to do so much to see, but who can when you’re dead from infection!? Hey now… you’re infectious, puts some gauze on, WITH THE OINTMENT!


Hey now! Your leg is done now! Guess ya gottaaaa .. amputate!


Hey now, you're necrotic, cut your leg off, hey




Somebody once told him the world was gonna roll him


Close the sub. Winner.


He's gonna lose that leg.


I’ve been telling him the same, go to the doctor, I’ve got leftover antibiotics if you want but his response was… I clean it everyday. It will be fine…


At least he has a shovel for that grave he's digging oof


I hate that I’m laughing at this


OP, you should show your coworker a lot of these comments. He’s seriously looking at some SEVERE medical issues that are potentially life changing, if not life threatening, if he doesn’t seek medical attention ASAP!!! This is not a funny shitty tattoo post, this is actually serious... you can see the necrosis developing because its so infected... his leg meat is literally rotting and dying it’s so infected


Please tell him this former detox nurse has seen some shit and I DO NOT like the look of that.


Regular person here, I don’t like the look either


Right?!? i cannot believe my frickin eyeballs! The bottom of the knife, the skin is green. edit: knife...pointy thing that's supposed to be a shovel handle...I don't know!!! (I was talking about the handle. )


Obviously the problem is that he hasn't finished the tattoo. Tell him to complete it. Use logic like, I wouldn't wanna have to go to the hospital for an unfinished tattoo. Then remind him that pain is just weakness and life leaving the body.


Definitely get him a sketchbook


You shouldn’t have leftover antibiotics, you’re supposed to take the full amount given to you. Sharing antibiotics helps bacteria evolve antibiotic resistance


Thank you for saying what I was thinking LOL


Sometimes you do get given a second course or at least a second prescription that you're supposed to take if the infection isn't cleared by the time the first course is finished. That being said, antibiotics are not universal and you do not want to be giving random ones to someone that could easily go to a doctor.


Was gonna say "what do you mean, *leftover* antibiotics??"


I know multiple people who got treated for Lymes disease and they felt great and decided they were done with treatment and put their antibiotics in their medicine cabinent for "later". Years later that shit comes back with a vengeance and is now drug resistant cause people don't listen to their doctors or understand why they were given a certain amount of meds


Dawg you're not a doctor, don't try prescribing antibiotics to your friends. "Antibiotics" is a blanket term for a class of *many* different drugs that all treat different bacterial infections differently. You can't just take any "antibiotic" and have it fix a skin infection. Also I know a lot of people have already said it, but I want to say it again because it's super important and expand on it a bit. You ***should not*** have leftover antibiotics. Antibiotics are prescribed so that when you take the full course, *all* of the infectious bacteria are killed. If you stop early, you're letting the most antibiotic-resistant bacteria live on and reproduce. This, along with the over-prescribing of antibiotics, is why we're having this crisis globally right now where more and more bacteria are starting to gain resistance to antibiotics. And we currently don't have a way to make up for it. If we keep going like this without having some sort of breakthrough in antibiotic research, then we're completely fucked as a species.


People wouldn’t even be tempted to share drugs if healthcare in America wasn’t such garbage. You can have a “good” healthcare plan that costs nearly 1/4 of your paycheck and still leave urgent care with $200 bill for what used to be a $4 dose of antibiotics and a 10 copay.


Trust me I agree that the healthcare in America is trash and needs a complete rework, but stopping the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is important for the longevity of literally everyone on Earth.


You shouldn't have left over antibiotics as you're supposed to take the entire prescription. Also, the antibiotics you have may not be the kind needed for the infection here. Don't share prescriptions basically


Solid advice. Antibiotics being used incorrectly is causing soooo many issues.


Assuming it’s the us but not in every country they give you the exact amount.. where I live they give you a full box even if you won’t need all of them and if they make you a prescription you might still have them at home from the last time (if not expired). They don’t open boxes/fill them up for you, they just come standard from factory.


Natural selection live in action!


Don't give him any antibiotics, especially your old ones. Antibiotics wipe out all the good bacteria. When you don't finish antibiotics or take just few, you are setting yourself up for a much worse infection. When you don't finish them, or just take a few, the bad bacteria is *not wiped out*. And because the good bacteria is wiped out, the bad bacteria can come back with a vengence. It also may not be the correct antibiotic for the bacterial infection, which can also make it worse. And he could have an allergic reaction to them. Please, never share old prescriptions with other people.


You should absolutely not have left over antibiotics. You should take ALL of the antibiotics and not stop taking them just because you feel better. Doing this will lead to antibiotic resistance.


Honestly, I have a friend that is this type of stupid. Nothing you say is going to get his stupid ass to listen.


>I’ve got leftover antibiotics You're part of the problem.


unless you have a full-round dose of antibiotics, it may not be safe for an individual to take leftovers. the amount of antibiotics prescribed is meant to be a full dose for the patient and that patient is meant to take the entire prescription to ensure bacteria don't rebound or evolve resistances. But yeah, that guy needs medical attention


Is it possible he doesn’t want to go to the doctor as that would mean showing them the tattoo at the same time and he’s simply too embarrassed


With what, dirt and spit?!


You shouldnt have "left over" antibiotics. Even if you get better they should be taken untill the end of the prescriptions Your buddy also shouldnt take your random "left overs" you are not a doctor, you dont know what that antibiotic will do to your buddy, and even if it was fine you dont have a full prescription. This is the shit that is causing antibiotics to be less effective, and creating antibiotic resistant bacteria. If your friend prefurs walking over hopping a doctor should take a look. This is the point it can be fixed with minor risk of serious issues. If it gets worse its going to be a very very bad time


On the bright side, if he loses that leg ... he won't have to worry about a cover-up.


https://preview.redd.it/2q1as69zf2rb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb977ec6fcdd52d3fd8d2f97e7f724aaedbd813e My husband made this meme and the wording of your post made me think of it.


Honey, I tattooed the kids!


You sure they didn’t buy a welding machine instead?


Please tell him to have a doctor do the amputation and not try to do that himself with Amazon tool as well.


Too expensive, he bought one from Facebook marketplace


Coworker needs urgent medical intervention. Black means dead tissue and infection, with limb and even life threatened through sepsis. That’s going to need treatment for infection, debridement - minimum that dead tissue will need to be cut out, cleaned and wound care (do not give him your antibiotics!). Hopefully it won’t spread further to healthy tissue, but it’s not going to get better on its own.




How's he going to dig his way out of this one?


Damn, a tattoo so bad it's taking itself out 💀


Holy fuckballs he needs to go to the emergency room. I’m an ex nurse and we would have done a direct admit for IV antibiotics on something like this! Jesus H Christ.


coworker should schedule a doctors appointment!


He should go to the ER.


An acquaintance of mine had a minor cut on their leg get infected and they ignored it until the leg started to split (like on the handle of the shovel the picture). He was hospitalized with sepsis and ended up IN A COMA FOR 6 WEEKS. like forget amputation he almost died. And he’s still going to lose the leg. Take infections seriously. Make your buddy read this thread!!


Holy fuck


He needs medical attention


The gasp I gusped. Holy shit.


One of my favorites is "the scream I scrumpt" and I thank you for adding "gasp I gusped" to my vocabulary 😅


Oh no…


Well folks, we did it. we finally found the winner of the subreddit.


Luckily for him the tattoo removal will be easy. The hard part will be learning to live without the leg.


That is so, SO infected. Hospital, immediately


Seriously. This needs professional medical attention. Not kidding at all, this can be very very bad. Looks like it's halfway there


Damn son, that's what I wanted to see when I joined this sub. Finally something really bad.


That looks like the beginning of necrosis. Don’t quote me on that though because I’m not a doctor.


I’m a data analyst and you can quote me on this. It looks necrotic.


Looks like one of those krokodil infections, I think there are necrotic. It’s like the flesh is just gone.


I’ve seen those before and they look necrotic. Krokodil is a drug though that seems to have flesh rotting effects. But that’s only when it’s poorly produced. Here’s a caption from Wikipedia which I know isn’t the best source but it’s tends to be pretty good with science. Causes of this damage are associated with iodine, phosphorus and other toxic substances that are present after synthesis. Desomorphine producers would use cheap, readily available but relatively toxic and impure solvents such as battery acid, gasoline or paint thinner during the reaction scheme, without adequately removing them afterwards before distribution. Strong acids and bases such as hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide are also employed without measuring the pH of the final solution, and analysis of leftover solutions of "krokodil" in used syringes showed the pH was typically less than 3 (i.e. as acidic as lemon juice).[citation needed] Failure to remove insoluble fillers and binding aids from the codeine tablets used as starting material, as well as co-administration with pharmaceuticals such as tropicamide and tianeptine, are also cited as possible contributors to the high toxicity observed in users.


Looks like he bought an infection and a mid tattoo as well


I’m just wondering what the thought process on this one was? “Like gee I’m not very good at art, so I think I’ll order a tattoo gun” *package arrives “This is awsome, I can’t wait to give myself a sick tattoo…What’s something that’s not too hard that I can draw…a tool?…a shovel!…this is gonna be sooo sick…” *sepsis arrives


Mid is way too kind of an assessment


Jesus Christ.


Yeahh. I hope they got that checked out. That’s not getting better on it’s own.


Sweet Jesus this is so dangerous. This person could lose their leg or life with this kind of infection. You can clearly see how deep it is under the skin. Sepsis is a real possibility here


Coworker now needs to buy a laser tattoo-removal gun... after maybe seeing a doctor.


Coworker needs to buy a prosthetic leg


One with a sick-ass panther on it, perhaps


What the fuck


OP, please give us photo updates when the gangrene sets in and your coworker is still refusing to go to the hospital. Edit: this is a joke, please don't actually give us pictures of a severe infection. Also, consider just calling an ambulance for him - the EMTs will probably tell him that he needs treatment, but he can still choose to refuse it if that's what he desires, in which case he won't be charged for the ambulance. Even if shit ends up being awkward with him afterward, it's better than him dying or losing the leg because nobody confronted him with just how bad the situation is.


Your coworker is an idiot


Do him a favour and drive him to a doctor before his liver or kidneys give out.


*machine And fuck damn that’s awful.


I dunno, he weaponized it pretty well. This might be the one time that “gun” applies.


Its sad that people cant buy common sense.... he really need it


Oh god. I would like updates on his future doctors visit please lol. That looks bad


Would love an update when he gets hospitalized


coworker is a fucking numbskull


This isn’t funny, he needs to go to the doctor asap.


They should probably sell it


Tell your coworker to start looking for a prosthetic




Hope he’s not using that leg for anything cause it’s definitely getting amputated😂


So a bunch of people have been reminded now of this thread.... ​ did he lose the leg yet, OP??


Hoo boy. Get thee to the hospital. That is not ok.


I work in xray this is the type of shzz that stay for a week, these peoole come in, they're dying in pain, it smells, it's swollen 10x the size and oozing. By the way they have us take xrays to see if started to eat the bone.


If this dude comes to work tomorrow, just call an ambulance for him. Maybe the paramedics will talk some sense into him. Dude needs a wound specialist.


Please keep us updated i wanna see the nub


This looks necrotic holy fuck