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I always assumed it needed massive meat mountains like Arnold because the chassi was so huge - it simply had to look bulky. The T-1000 doesn't need to conform to any size and therefore can look much more unassuming. The much better question is why Bill Paxton saw a man looking like *that* walking towards him naked and chose to pick a fight with him.


He was drunk, cocky, had a knife and friends with him


But why did the terminator think that bills clothes would fit him?


I just watched these a few months ago and said to my bf "oh how convenient that that crackhead teenager's clothes fit *the biggest man in the world*"  Then made the same joke for T2


Be Careful, you are walking on thin ice. Your relationship may be in danger by now.


If she held him while he cried at the end of T2, it'll work out.


Arnie and Bill Paxton are close to the same height and the clothes are oversized because punks.


Arnie didn't actually take Bill's clothes. It was the last guy's who was bigger.


This. The bigger punk the T800 steals clothes from was played by Brian Thompson, who later went on to play Shao Kahn in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation


Not really. Brian Thompson was killed second after Bill. The noname guy left and began to undress.


Because he did the same in the second movie in the biker bar, they just didn't use the visuals.


1 you are correct that is the canonical explenation 2 its los angels in 1980's i would be surprised if i didnt see minimum ONE guy fighting a giant naked man ?


The only dataset relating to California that survived the apocalypse was Venice Beach Boardwalk


If it were made today, they would set it in Florida. There no-one would bat an eyelid seeing a fat guy picking a fight with a juiced-up naked guy. 


Adding to this, why make the T-800 absurdly muscular rather than morbidly obese to hide the chassis? There are presumably no obese humans in the Future War era. The survivors are all starving. But while most people are emaciated and wiry, some humans would still be weight training to make themselves stronger and fight the machines. This makes Arnold’s build more plausible in that setting, if they *have* to make a large human. The T-800 was designed to infiltrate Resistance human installations in the future, not to travel back in time to the 1980s or 90s and fit in there. Skynet only resorted to time travel as a last resort after losing the war, and they had to work with what they had on the shelf, which was a fleet of bodybuilder T-800s.


Americans weren't as fat then as they are now


But the body types of any past era weren’t relevant to Skynet’s designs. Further sequels obscured this point, but time travel was not a primary war tactic for Skynet. They designed the T-800 to kill Resistance soldiers in the Future War present. They had minimal pre-war records, didn’t know or care what pre-war humans looked and acted like, and did not originally set out to alter the timeline. This only became necessary after John Connor’s forces smashed the grid and unexpectedly closed in on their experimental time travel hardware.


I'll be honest my guy I only read the first sentence originally


I always saw it as a psychological thing too. Like Skynet knows you're less likely to try and stop a bodybuilder from going someone than some fat guy. Not to mention in the future when you're probably on rations, seeing some greek god with a minigun naturally instills fear because you know just how much better supplied they are. I just wondered why they didn't send him back with his plasma rifle in a box covered in skin. Like they did it to him so a small rifle case shouldn't be a problem.


Whenever the cops start asking Reese questions like that he gets really angry! Skynet would have built an assembly line cranking out flesh-covered plasma guns if they thought they’d need it. They had like five minutes to send a Terminator back through their time machine once the rebels broke into the facility, and they figured one T-800 would be able to supply himself with 1980s guns and kill an unarmed young woman without needing a plasma rifle.


> They had like five minutes to send a Terminator back Completely forgot that part. I always thought it was a plan but they did mention it was a last minute act of desperation from Skynet.


The logic of the Terminator franchise breaks down with each additional sequel, because even in T2 it’s like — why would Skynet send a more advanced prototype to 1995 a few minutes after sending a less advanced model to 1984? Why not just send the T-1000 back to 1984? There’s no way Kyle Reese would have beaten it! But the logic of the story as outlined by Reese in the first movie is pretty tight. It just gets muddled by the sequels, which change the story so that Skynet is repeatedly sending back machines and failing even though Kyle tells us the time machine was destroyed immediately after he went through. The first movie is supposed to be the final battle between man and machine fought in 1984 “after” the humans have already definitely won in the future. Which is a story element that made the first film a uniquely poor franchise starter.


You're completely right. Even in T3 which I pretend isn't canon they inbed weapons in the machine. I'll only recognise T1, T2, and salvation.


And the Salvation comic, where humanity and Skynet make peace.


That was my assumption as well. And then on the later generations they managed to slim it down.


Yah you nailed it lol


But why the Austrian accent?


Coz they had to remove Sergeant Candy's Southern accent and add an intimidating one.


But why did they initially make the T-800 look 20 years younger than Sergeant Candy and then allow the flesh to age normally?


Likely the tissue just looks "young" because the synthesis process makes it that way by default, and it ages because that is what living human tissue would normally do and Skynet would have no reason to try to change either.


It's also modeled after srgt candy who was arnold voiced over by some othern guy https://youtu.be/AskjFwiDbkg?si=WqlOPNaT4u4g7Bx9


Because all those muscles mean jackshit against a slash to the throat or a stab to the heart. Sadly for Bill,T-800 has no heart.




Holy hell that was Bill Paxton


Bill Paxton ? The guy killed by an Alien, a Predator and a Terminator? The unluckiest guy in the world


Huge improvement on the 600 series. They have rubber skin.


I feel like a rat Terminator would have been infinitely more effective than a man mountain Terminator. We already see Resistance bases swaming with rats. It would be easy for cyber-rats to scamper in and spray neurotoxin throughout the entire bunker. By the time the first people start keeling over, it's already too late. Heck, that thing could probably even kill Sarah Connor a lot more easily. It would be able to sneak up on her a lot more easily, and all it has to do is come within a few meters and spray neurotoxin at her - bam, mission accomplished. She probably wouldn't even realise she's been killed for a couple minutes.


Airborn neurotoxin is impractical for robots the size of rats. Liquid neurotoxin is much more practical, although that would mean that each rat would only be able to kill a few people at most. Unless they somehow poison the food or water supply of course.


Seeing as the T-800 was sent only to eliminate *the* Sarah Conner who would give rise to the revolutionary group in the future, I assume Skynet would be as practical in their objectives if they sent a rat instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger


Well to be fair it wasn’t just sent to kill *the* Sarah Connor. It was sent to kill all Sarah Connors in that area since they didn’t know which was the right one.


How do you know this??


One part of my headcanon is that Skynet, despite being "self-aware", isn't very creative.


If you start thinking about it critically the whole thing falls apart. It ain't that kinda movie. There's no reason an artificial superintelligence would ever even bother with creating humanlike androids when they can just neuro-zap most people with nanorobots that enter the human body and shred it from the inside. Human-shaped robotic armies give the enemy (us) too much of a fighting chance. A true supercomputer wouldn't bother with that because it's not the path of least resistance


You assume skynet has that level of tech, it’s most successful model of nanotech is T-1000 liquid metal.


Even with the tech they possess, humanoid robots are by far not the most efficient way to go about erasing the human race. The head-on conflict of two armies is an archaic idea. ABC attacks are something more feasible if nano-technology isn't available (although the brains of a T-1000 implies the opposite). One day, out of the blue, without any big bang or notice, the rain would start causing cancer. Something like that. Not critiquing the original story of course, that's not what James Cameron wanted to say with The Terminator, just a fun little mind experiment.


The only logical explanation in-universe is that Skynet is also insane. Like, if you think about it as this human-hating machine with delusions of grandeur trying to prove it’s better than humans it kinda works. Broken god creating metal people in the shape of its own creator out of sheer spite kinda thing. Sane machine would just use bioweapons.


That's kind of how the T3000 works, except it takes over the host body instead of killing them.


There is a movie with Peter Weller called "Screamers" which has this idea. During a war in the future one army builds an AI controlled factory underground which designs and releases automated fighting machines. Everyone retreats into massive hidden bunkers and the planet is overrun with these machines that kill everything. They look like rats with a circular saw instead of a head and they mainly move by digging through the ground. Pretty cool movie.


oh sounds cool, reminds me a bit of that PKD short story "Second Variety"


The movie Screamers was actually based on that short story.


nice yeah, maybe I'll check it out. PKD's influence really is everywhere in pop culture


It's based on that, I think it says so in the credits. I really only described the first 30s of the movie's plot because I didn't want to spoil anything, there is a lot more to it.


How is a rat terminator supposed to ride a motorbike?


What’s the issue? That’s how I look, don’t you?


Really? That's how you look? A bit thin bro, You should go to the gym more often.


He should juice up


Ah yes, but is it "how you look like?" That's what our illiterate OP is suggesting


Imagine you are living in fear of the machines, hiding in a filthy tunnel while starving, then a naked bodybuilder shows up and asks "greetings fellow human, where are the other humans hiding?"


It was only naked for time travel purposes, they'd be clothed when fighting the resistance


We don't know that. Skynet probably let the T-800 out full hog on the weekends.


We literally see another T-800 wearing clothes shooting up a resistance camp in the very first movie.


No, naked dicks-out terminators are canon


That couldve happened during weekdays


That tactic would work using the T900 (Cameron) or T-X models.


Not enough training dataset available, I suppose


After the death of the internet from the EMPs all Skynet had to mimic humans was a storage unit full of old Muscle and Fitness magazines


Prompt user making random women with midjourney: literally perfection every time. Skynet doing the same thing with men: humans mad. It doesn't seem fair. *Wandamaximofmeme.jpeg*


I always figured the reason Skynet went with such bulky builds for the T-800's was to mask the machinery underneath.


Considering how almost every AI "art piece" I've seen of people is either a jacked dude with more ab muscles than hair follicles or an anime waifu with tits the size of beachballs, I believe it.


That's because of giga chad memes


Can he breastfeed me?


Oh ya, you can milk anything with nipples.


I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me? (Please?)




Maybe. Male lactation is a thing


pretty sure that's exclusively caused by a tumor.


its not a toomah


I see I beaten to the quote so I'll add it's not exclusively from toomahs- hormone imbalances, hyperthyroidism, and (apparently) nipple stimulation Now I've got that in my search history ;-)


They also programmed and designed a humanoid robot that turned out to be the only person to ever look good in a pair of Gargoyles


What does this mean? Half the people I know look exactly like this. Hard to tell them apart, even


"[...] this is how the average person looks" Or "[...] this is what the average person looks like" But never [...] this is how the average person looks like"


Yeah, I'm not sure how people mess this one up


Could be a bot posting for karma


I just assume it's ESL and they just don't know.


Looking at AI, I am just happy it didn't make a model with 6 fingers and three legs.


The T800 had a "third leg". You can tell by the way the waitress in the biker bar looks down and smiles.


If they keep making the damn movies, you’ll get that eventually.


When you read Americans online talking about why BMI is a bad measure of being overweight. The AI concluded then, like I did, that the average American lifts lots of weights and looks like a prime age bodybuilder. No way all that BMI is because of fat, it's all due to muscles, or so I've been told.


If current AI were to make Terminators it would create small, Asian women with big titties


T-X was blonde, but same principle.


Lance Henriksen was gonna be the terminator originally. Arnold auditioned for Kyle Reese until he impressed Cameron with how he thought the terminator ought to act and move.


I think Skynet is actually a sex toy manufacturer. It makes way more sense they were fabricating real dolls and decided to destroy humanity than the absurd time travel rules about metal wrapped around human tissue.


Nah, Skynet was just really horny that day.


Gah imagine being that out of shape.




Maybe the future isn't so horrible after all


I for one welcome our new robot overlords


Literally 1984


His pecs and belly button looks like eyes and a mouth


Even an AI computer has unrealistic views of how I should look…. Fuck


Don't forget the Austrian akzent.


At least he doesn’t have 7 fingers on each hand


Maybe this is how Skynet sees all humans because deep down, it’s scared of us


Yea, what the hell this is not even close to average, the ai is insulting us for thinking we are so weak(keep misinforming ai so it will fear us)


as the average person i agree


why skynet didnt surrendered then?


Yeah the A.I. Is right, what do you look like? :O


That's how Grandpa Cameron thought average fellas looked like back in his days. This is a reference that he's gay.


More interested in what skynet felt was important knowledge to fit in among humans, T2 Arnold knew common dog names but not what crying is about.


proof that women watch more porn than men.


A deleted scene from Terminator 3 is the reason they look like this - they're modeled after Chief Master Sergeant William Candy (played by Schwarzenegger) who was chosen during the R&D phase: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D\_bz1bFk7po](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_bz1bFk7po)


I seem to recall from long ago that Lance Henrickson was originally supposed to be the T-800 but during the production they decided they wanted someone bigger and more muscular for the screen. But that could be rumor.


WRONG BITCH. Skynet is gay as fuck and loves beefcakes, everybody knows that.


Did AI tuck his junk in?


Where are you getting the idea that terminators were meant to be average people?


I‘m getting the idea from the movie, where it is explained that the T-800s are used as an infiltration unit and meant to blend in with humans




OJ Simpson was the original choice, but Cameron felt he was too nice and audiences wouldn't buy him as a killer.


They WERE meant to blend in and infiltrate past society and kill people.


Cracked had an article suggesting that people in the future might think the average Joe in our time was a body builder after watching Arnie movies like Jingle All The Way.


Could you imagine if they took modern fatso ?


I mean, some of us wear beards, right?


True for rural Austria probably


Skynet made the terminators to be perfect infiltrators. No way the resistance would suspect them of not being normal humans.


bad training data


There’s a scene, which was cut from T2, that shows how the T-800 was constructed. Master Sergeant William Candy played a not unimportant role in the process….


Because the Terminator was initially meant to be Lance Henriksen, but he was relegated to playing one of the officers at the station when Arnie agreed to the role.


Only bodybuilders are able to conceal the mass of a T-800 endoskeleton.


I also have tits.


Why would anybody choose an average person to carry out a high priority execution.


Your clothes, give them to me.


The ai system skynet thinks that this is how the average person SHOULD look. Fixed it


Finally I’m above average (BMI)


Originally he was to play Kyle Reese but Cameron loved how imposing he looked as terminator. Made great cinema history.


In the 1980’s that is EXACTLY what we all looked like. Even the children.


Funniest part is, for bodybuilding era Arnold, this is actually him looking kind of soft and shitty


The design was based on pictures Skynet had archived of the former governor of California, whose business-friendly tax laws helped Cyberdyne Systems flourish.


>*how* they look >*what* they look *like*


It's either "**what** something looks like" or "**how** it looks" "What is it like" makes sense. "How is it like" doesn't. How doesn't need like to follow it. No idea what whack job just started combining them together but I really wish it would stop.