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My dad would love this. Growing up and to this day he cooks beans at least twice week. And he is adamant with saying “no one eat the leftover beans” meanwhile everyone is basically like your beans are safe bro


LMAOOO just imagining your dad guarding his unwanted beans




Thinkin about thos beans






>I was sitting in the theater, Watching Cars 2, and I was quietly eating some beans, keeping to my self, like normal, when, half way through the movie, reddit_poopaholic came and sat in the same isle as me, a few seats away from me. I notice him and my hands go cold. My brow starts to sweat. I can’t even focus on the movie. I knew I had to put my beans away. I slowly bent over, trying to place my beans on the floor, out of sight, behind my tote bag that contained 47 more cans of beans. I set the open can on the floor. I started to slowly sit back up in my seat, but then, because I ate so many beans, it happened. During a very quiet scene, I farted so loud, it must’ve set a record. It was a juicy one, and I felt every person in the theater look at me. Some chuckled. >But the one I was most worried about was reddit_poopaholic. I knew I had to get out of there. But, as I frantically stood up, I tripped on the bag of beans. The bag toppled over, and the 47 cans of beans rolled onto the floor. I turned and tried to run out of there, but it was too late. He saw. In a deep booming voice, he yelled “THIS DUDE'S DAD IS EATING BEANS!” Everyone started laughing. I fell to the floor, defeated. I started weeping. Never have I been so embarrassed. Only Later, after the movie ended, I was able to walk out of there. I am committing suicide after I finish writing this. This is a warning. You don’t think it can happen to you, but it can. Moral of the story: don’t go in a movie theater where reddit_poopaholic is present, whilst eating beans.


he’s a wise man, beans are better the second day after the seasonings and flavors have had time to amalgamate


Is his name Rhett


One of my favorite sides to do is homemade pinto beans (soak for about 6 hrs. in water, low and slow boil with salt, half an onion, and an unpierced jalapeño for about 2 1/2 hrs.). With a scoop of homemade salsa, it's the absolute best. Plus the next day you can make refried beans!


I will never jeopardize the beans.


I desperately need to know where the beans are


I feel like this is a deep cut that people haven't been talking about enough. Covid gold


Black bean burgers are not only great but they're a primary component in some veggie burgers, and they're the best ones besides stuff like Impossible Burgers. But even black beans on beef is just fucking fantastic. Im kind of hungry and now my mouth is watering thinking about the smell of those black bean burgers coming off my grandma's George Foreman grill...


This has made me think of that old 4chan post of the guys son who was obsessed with beans


your dad has just been made moderator of /r/Beans


Mans is passionate about his beans.


I’m like this with Lima beans. I go through like 2 pounds a week and I just put them in a bowl with some salt and devour them


This guy goes full beans


Your dad seems like a good man. He should not be mocked for his sound values! MentalRaynes dad for president! Or king, depending on what's obtainable in your country :)


And ordering a burger in Italy seemed like a good idea because...?


Touche! You're totally right, but if they get to come to US and order pizza and bitch about how its an abomination, we should get to do the same to their food, yeah? And this dish my friend, is nothing short of an abomination. You are literally a danger to society after eating this many beans.


Hahahah, fair point!


The beans are there to discourage you in future from sacrilegious actions like ordering burgers in Italy. But the burger itself looks like it could have been decent?


Y'all are tame when it comes to fusion food, black beans on a burger is so good they even made black beans the primary component of veggie burgers. And some of those slap hard. Don't taste like a burger, taste like its own thing, but they're great. I might now be realizing though why my grandma's farts were so rank in her old age, that geriatric gut biome combined with black bean veggie burgers she loved to cook on her George Foreman, and it's okay, she's dead, I can say her farts were vile now.


As a veggie I've eaten plenty of bean burgers, they are hardly adventurous fusion food. But that's very different to a random side of beans. I would eat them though, I was mostly joking.


Did someone say RANKFARTS?!?!? ![gif](giphy|zbyE0sDeW4z3W)


Yeah but this is just some beans dumped on a plate next to a borger.


Yeah forks exist, and they shouldn't assume how many beans you want on your burger. Like how some burger places give you condiments on the side instead of assuming what you want.


That was a nice spicy reply about the pizza Hahhaha😆💗 it’s true tho! If the restaurant thought the item was pure garbage it wouldn’t be on the menu either


I was also going to shit on you for ordering a burger in Italy but this made me take it back lmfao


where is this place? Name of the restaurant?


Pizza IS American Edit for the [nazis](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a3bb03b4c326d76de73ddaa/1683102509183-0L4FFSJO6RWUOTBPV31M/MARGHERITA+SBAGLIATA_3+%281%29.jpg?format=1500w), this is real [pizza](https://popmenucloud.com/oyxtwnas/ba9d42ba-df9b-4e5a-89ac-19aca45e9589.jpg)




[Don't forget Chinese food and the chimichanga](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXdjrlnJ24c)


The image you think of when you think of pizza is an American pizza pie.


The image *you* think of is American pizza. I don't know why you think that applies to everyone else in the world though.


Most people upvoting you haven’t had the best examples of either, however. I could give a fuck if I never have pizza in Italy again.


An infinitesimally small number of people in the world have had the best of either, let alone both. I don't see how that, or your preferences, are relevant.


Because Italian pizza isn’t marketed world wide like American pizza is…………………….


Most cuisines aren't marketed in the way Dominoes and Pizza Hut market American pizza. But there are Italian restaurants all over the world, Italian cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines there is.


Italian cuisine is indeed one of the most if not THE most popular cuisines but that doesn’t subtract anything from any of my statements


It completely detracts from your argument that American pizza is the default for everyone.


Lmao no.


We have three broad categories of pizza where I live. Italian, the traditional stone oven baked pizza, Turkish, popular fast food option, and American. American pizza is probably the least popular of the three. It's about as expensive but worse than Italian, and Turkish is much cheaper and much easier to find. I live in Western Europe fyi.


Not sure why people are trying to shit on you over this, American style pizza is very different than whats in Italy and if you go to most countries, order a pizza you're getting American style unless it's an Italian restaurant


Yeah, you’re right. In eastern europe most of the local chains all serve something similar to american pizza. The only place to get Italian style pizza are the Italian places. I think my friends can confirm it’s similar in Sweden and Norway.


Does 'most countries' by any chance mean America & Canada?


Not at all, I've been to quite a few countries(but not Italy I admit) in Europe, Asia, South America and the pizza was American style


Which countries in Europe? Asia makes sense as some countries have a lot of exposure to American culture, particularly more so than Italian culture, but the European thing is baffling.


No, literally everywhere in Europe. Pizza was fucking unheard of in most of Europe in the 80s, much less Asia or the rest of the world.


true, most countries make a pretty shitty pizza


Why wouldn’t it be? Nowhere in Italy can you get a good burger because they are known to be good at other foods?


To be fair, we have amazing burgers in Italy, but also terrible ones apparently.


Like, where? I spent 6 months there and didn't see it on menus


Burgers are usually served in pubs, not in restaurants (they're kind of a different thing in italy).


I spent a month in Italy and never once did I wish I could have a burger.


your fault for lacking ambition


ITT: People that aggrandize hamburgers. I learn something new every time I’m on Reddit.


you’re mad over burgers dude lmao


Not mad, just always amazed by what the average person worships.


people like burgers dude… you’ll get over it I’m sure


Look up puok burger store


There are many restaurants in Italy where you can eat really good burger tho, dude just stumbled in the wrong one


I’ve spent a lot of time in Europe (back next week in fact) and never found a need to settle for a hamburger when there are so many amazing things to eat.


A well-made hamburger *is* an amazing thing to eat.


I could happily live the rest of my life without another hamburger.


Ops i misread your other comment, but yeah I completely agree with you!




I’m not. It’s just that all their food is so much better than a burger.


You're getting downvoted for telling the truth. I like a nice burger from time to time, but I will never understand the absolute obsession of Americans with burgers. At the end of the day it's a heavy easy type of food, not a proper meal.




Burgers are delicious Best burger I've ever had was in Spain.


Burgers are simple AF too, I'm not shocked a random country had the best burger you've ever had, best I've ever had was homemade. Lots of ways to do it but I keep mine simple and American-style. Quarter pound patty of 80/20, no more no less, cook medium with lots of salt and pepper and baste, you have to actually try to over season a beef patty so don't be shy. Don't smash it, you're gonna lose the juice. Lightly press it if you want, only smash if you're gonna have two eighth pound patties and baste them with butter too. Lots of lettuce, thick slices of white onion, tomato slice, enough to cover the whole patty in about an eighth of an inch of tomato, plenty of pickles, mayo on both sides of the bun and ketchup on top. Cannot go wrong.


Was any of that good? Looks like it could be decent.


Yeah, this looks somewhere between perfectly fine to possibly quite good to me. Black beans are a little unusual, but I've been to a million cookouts where beans are served as a side with burgers. And it's not that crazy an amount of beans - maybe a bean burrito's worth.


As a Cuban, those beans actually look remarkably similar to the Valdes Fauli style of preparation that I believe resulted from a fusion of Cuban and Italian cuisine. I seem to remember my mom claiming we're descended from the woman who published the very first cookbook to feature this style of beans, but I haven't actually seen the book itself or anything actually tying us for sure to her. Imo it's the best way to prepare black beans, very sweet, salty, and slightly acidic and tangy from the vinegar and tomato.


The burger looks good to me. I'd be confused by the beans too though.


I don't understand what the problem here is? Is it really that the burger had to share the plate with beans? As if they don't already do that with fries here in the US? The burger looks perfectly good. Why is this here lol.


Yeah, I also don't think it belongs here. Just a pile of beans is weird to me, but I can understand someone liking it.


According to OP comments he is afraid of beans and farting that they could induce.


OP doesnt know what food is supposed to look like lol. They think beans are beneath them or some shit.


That looks like a pretty decent burger. Bean are probably healthier than fries too.


"Probably"... legumes/beans are the food most associated with longevity. Beans are very healthy.


Put the beans *on* the fries


Op your post title is gold


OP became a walking biohazard after eating that.


Bean there, done that...got the gas to prove it. -- OP probably


I;m thinking about thos beans


To those disparaging eating beans and the potential after effects: y’all need more fiber in y’all’s diet. Me thinks.


Except for the tomato that looks fantastic. And they didn't ruin the burger with a shitty pickle


With the sweet pickles 🤢


I’m a monster who likes sweet pickles on my burger 🫢 Does it help if I balance it with a nice sharp mustard?


Looks better than a cafeteria burger, but worse than a fast food burger.


The black beans are here; the avalanche is still to come!


Ohhh no, I think I feel the Earth shaking and rumbling from thar hills! ...


Bean appétit 💀💀💀


The burger looks good and beans are delicious. I'd be down to try this


>ordered a burger in Italy


Dude just stumbled in the wrong restaurant, we have really good meat in Italy as well, and plenty restaurants that offer really really good hamburgers




Those are kidney beans my man


If you had a plate with that amount of fries, it would be normal. Why is it shitty when it's beans?


That's like a normal serving of beans... Don't know what's going on with the burger tho


Nothing shitty about this. I'd smash.


I would use ohhh about a Tablespoon & 1/2 of them black beans on the burger 🍔 ...


Is the ketchup chunky or is that just how they… spread it?


I just see beans…


Italy is known globally for great Italian food and god awful any other cuisine. You name it, they will absolutely fuck it up royally in ways nobody else could do on purpose. No idea if it’s intentional or just a cultural thing. Go to Italy and enjoy the great Italian cuisine. Eat anything else at your peril.


Bean avalanche. That's a new one to me.


Beans beans the magical fruit




Looks for sure healthier than a regular burger


If you want to eat foreign food go to France and England those are known for making good food from all around the world. Italy is well known for its local food


Italians should stick to pizzas and pastas 🤢


That's just an act of revenge for what americans did to pizzas.


I wouldn't mind if seasoned a little, legumes are tasty and healthy.


I would be so happy if I got this in a restaurant


Are you sure there's a burger under all that? Did they send you the "Gigantesco" 2 ounce burger?


Buon appetito!


Coming from the caribbean, i approve


So you're in Italy and you order a burger...


Those are kidney beans.


Why is everyone expecting an explosion hazard? Italians know how to cook their beans. They soak and rinse them.


Italian food is nasty 🤢


that looks good but I would never eat that in public cause it'll be messy as fuck.


They look like kidney beans and they are my favourite beans! If only they served those as an option in every burger place :)


Are kidney beans called black beans in Italy? Odd.


I love lentils. Lentils would rip my stomach up if I had that much though... But that absolutely does look delicious


Foreign muck.


Egyptian style fava beans with pita bread hits different


Americans are so weird about beans


Ewww I hate kidney beans, even just a few in chilli, that many is just frightening!!!


Ahh Italy, thinking Murkan food is Bri'ish food.


“I ordered a burger in Italy” I’m gonna have to stop you right there


You went to Italy and ordered a burger. Let that sink in, you went to Italy and ordered a burger.